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Farang Hatred Of The Reds ?


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Most always talk about their thai/chinese,educated wonderful woman then talk about darkskinned,thick issan thieves.

The thing is that 99.9% of them are lying about having wealthy, light skinned, well educated wives. Are they so deluded that looking down on the poor folks is part of the fantasy? :)

Usually the snobbering is reverse, in my observation. Farangs married to Isan wives think they understand "the people," and therefore have a right to dismiss everyone else's opinion. There are approximately 50,000 redshirts in Bangkok. What about the other 66 million Thais? Don't they have a say? Or what about the 9 million hardworking Thais living in Bangkok? If the Reds had as much support as they claim they do, surely they could muster more unruly protestors.

Not being married into any part of Thai society, I'd say it would be more logical to conclude that the 'Isan farangs' are more or being brainwashed by hillbillies.

Edited by wayfarer108
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Most always talk about their thai/chinese,educated wonderful woman then talk about darkskinned,thick issan thieves.

The thing is that 99.9% of them are lying about having wealthy, light skinned, well educated wives. Are they so deluded that looking down on the poor folks is part of the fantasy? :)

Usually the snobbering is reverse, in my observation. Farangs married to Isan wives think they understand "the people," and therefore have a right to dismiss everyone else's opinion. There are approximately 50,000 redshirts in Bangkok. What about the other 66 million Thais? Don't they have a say? Or what about the 9 million hardworking Thais living in Bangkok? If the Reds had as much support as they claim they do, surely they could muster more unruly protestors.

Not being married into any part of Thai society, I'd say it would be more logical to conclude that the 'Isan farangs' are more or being brainwashed by hillbillies.

whats hillbillies,i thought they were americans

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Simply put I hate the reds because they are nothing more than the hired thugs of a ousted criminal priminister. AND they are to stupid to even recognize that they are being played. Their gripes are weak and ill founded and they are treating a multi-billion are like he came from the "Struggle" as if these people even had one to begin with. When did they ever rise up on their OWN to have these gripes addressed?

A bunch of savages storming the capitol for free Sum Tam and red Tshirts.

They disgust me.


AAH yes finaly... im getting sick of all the touchy feely pc posts , seriously, i dont care ..... these people arent my friends or family. Thailand has plenty of options. Dont want to be poor anymore, do something about it, we all control our own destiny.. got a job that only pays 200 baht a year...find a new one that pays more. Dont have a education? Should have stayed in school, or at least crack a book or two make an attempt to better yourself. Living in a capitalist society is great,, but painful if you make poor choices. If you have some money save some, no lottery tickets, girls, liquor, new trucks or other such nonsense. Got nothing to do? get a second job. When was the last time you or anyone you know was opressed by a yellow shirt. They complain about bangkok elite, most of these people made their money with years and or generations of hard work and well thought out decisions. If your in such a bad way, you should have been at work for the last two weeks. Instead of messing with my money... wouldnt be so funny if we siphoned off their irrigation water, or set up camp in the rice fields, ate their buffalos.....flame away


truly annoyed

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Thanks tb86 & SpoliaOpima, I all just call it like I see it and I don't feel the need to mix words. UlyssesG just likes to try and insult me because he can do so from a safe distance. And no my Avatar is not of Huey P. Newton (Who was not a criminal) it is of Huey Freeman a cartoon car from the Boondocks cartoon

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Most always talk about their thai/chinese,educated wonderful woman then talk about darkskinned,thick issan thieves.

The thing is that 99.9% of them are lying about having wealthy, light skinned, well educated wives. Are they so deluded that looking down on the poor folks is part of the fantasy? :D

Usually the snobbering is reverse, in my observation. Farangs married to Isan wives think they understand "the people," and therefore have a right to dismiss everyone else's opinion. There are approximately 50,000 redshirts in Bangkok. What about the other 66 million Thais? Don't they have a say? Or what about the 9 million hardworking Thais living in Bangkok? If the Reds had as much support as they claim they do, surely they could muster more unruly protestors.

Not being married into any part of Thai society, I'd say it would be more logical to conclude that the 'Isan farangs' are more or being brainwashed by hillbillies.

LOL.. perfect.. sure, keep on the racist/classist drivel. (Note: yes, this is not lost on people with every reference to farming, som tam and pla ra. This sort of mindset is really uncalled for.)

And FYI, I don't live in Issan and am not brainwashed by hillbillies (nice! :)) or otherwise. :D

Muster some respect, 'educated' Farang gentlemen! :D

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You must not be living in Bangkok, OP. They've taken my neighbourhood hostage the last few days, inhibiting me and a lot people from going to and from our homes and places of work. When you engender a climate of terror in which ordinary people fear being attacked like the BMA workers who were only trying to service the portable toilets supplied by the city, or the car full of residents who were beaten for trying to drive, not to mention the fear of M79 rounds and homemade bombs, you are no longer holding a "peaceful" demonstration in my opinion.

It ain't just farangs hating the Reds. My rough estimate is that at least two out of three Bangkokians hate them as well. That includes all of my Thai family and friends.

Just read you post after sending mine.

I rest my case

Your post made no sense. Most certainly it did not address the points he made. :D

most posts from mr somtam-inept make no sence what so ever.

hes just got a big chip on his shoulder about people who live in bangkok. i wounder why, is it a some point that hes been rumbled over in the big smoke. or do the bright lights big city atmosphere make him feel in some way a smaller man than he thinks he really is. funny he never has an argument to back the fact up of why he dislikes people that live in this part of the country. just blurts out any old crap to try and justify his small and narrow mind set way of thinking :)

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Simply put I hate the reds because they are nothing more than the hired thugs of a ousted criminal priminister. AND they are to stupid to even recognize that they are being played. Their gripes are weak and ill founded and they are treating a multi-billion are like he came from the "Struggle" as if these people even had one to begin with. When did they ever rise up on their OWN to have these gripes addressed?

A bunch of savages storming the capitol for free Sum Tam and red Tshirts.

They disgust me.


AAH yes finaly... im getting sick of all the touchy feely pc posts , seriously, i dont care ..... these people arent my friends or family. Thailand has plenty of options. Dont want to be poor anymore, do something about it, we all control our own destiny.. got a job that only pays 200 baht a year...find a new one that pays more. Dont have a education? Should have stayed in school, or at least crack a book or two make an attempt to better yourself. Living in a capitalist society is great,, but painful if you make poor choices. If you have some money save some, no lottery tickets, girls, liquor, new trucks or other such nonsense. Got nothing to do? get a second job. When was the last time you or anyone you know was opressed by a yellow shirt. They complain about bangkok elite, most of these people made their money with years and or generations of hard work and well thought out decisions. If your in such a bad way, you should have been at work for the last two weeks. Instead of messing with my money... wouldnt be so funny if we siphoned off their irrigation water, or set up camp in the rice fields, ate their buffalos.....flame away


truly annoyed

couldnt agree more! :)

nothing on this earth and your life spent on it comes free!

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UlyssesG just likes to try and insult me because he can do so from a safe distance. And no my Avatar is not of Huey P. Newton (Who was not a criminal)

Actually, I just like to point out that despite all of your revolutionary rhetoric when it comes to supporting rogue nations and terrorist organizations; here you are condemning the struggle of some of the poorest people on the planet as if you were Archie Bunker himself.…


Newton was charged with embezzling state and federal funds from the Black Panthers' community education and nutrition programs. He was convicted in 1989


Huey was also tried for murder several times which resulted in a hung jury. :) Edited by Ulysses G.
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lol another troll by the op,i wonder why so many are armchair anarchists, rather than breaking the sunscreen out and marching with there so called brethren,as for the reds there finished,a laughing stock now ,bit like the op :)

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here you are condemning the struggle of some of the poorest people on the planet as if you were Archie Bunker himself.…

If only this was a struggle of the poorest people on the planet. It's not. It's the struggle of one rather rich man.

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here you are condemning the struggle of some of the poorest people on the planet as if you were Archie Bunker himself.…

If only this was a struggle of the poorest people on the planet. It's not. It's the struggle of one rather rich man.

Unfortunately for you its more than that - you just need to open your closed eyes. :)

Edited by britmaveric
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here you are condemning the struggle of some of the poorest people on the planet as if you were Archie Bunker himself.…

If only this was a struggle of the poorest people on the planet. It's not. It's the struggle of one rather rich man.

Unfortunately its more than that - you just need to open your closed eyes. :)

If it was more than that, it wouldn't be unfortunate, because it would mean that all this nonsense might actually be worth something.

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The rhetoric is getting heated here. State your opinions, but any more references to "savages," "lowlifes," "somtam-eating," and other perjoratives based on demogrpahics will result in suspensions.

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The conviction was overturned, which makes you no longer a criminal. And secondly my opinions are not so easily categorized by a single social/political archetype. For example, with US politics, I'm Very much pro 2nd Amendment and business, but I am equally supportive of pro choice and affirmative action initiatives. Thus I hold views that are on both sides of the "fence" so to speak. I am my own person with my own personal agenda and opinions on things. Not what I'm fed or simply told or paid to believe. Which brings me to why I loath Taxsin, his red shirt mercenaries and their duped followers.

And rixalex said it correctly, "it's just the struggle for the rights of one very rich man", a criminal in the truest sense of the word.

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When did they ever rise up on their OWN to have these gripes addressed?

Aren't you the guy with a picture of a revolutionary violent criminal for an avatar? Thaksin has done a lot more for the poor than Huey ever did. :)


I think that's a pretty questionable claim. The Black Panthers's Free Breakfast for School Children Program fed over 10,000 children every day.

Huey Newton was convicted of robbing the lunch program as well as an education program.

His conviction for murder was overturned after two hung juries. whistling.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Here,here,Bravo! You're young but,yet so wise :D

very well said, I wanted to say the same thing but you do it better than me :)

I go to the protest every day and those poor people are just so adorable. They all want to offer me something, at least a smile.

Yes please make difference between Thaksin & Core leaders vs the rural mass that are all the protesters.

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There is a distinct difference between Thaksin & core leaders and the rural masses. The difference is only one of those groups will suffer in the event of a crackdown. If you want sympathy of foreigners making traffic worse is not a good strategy. Shooting and bombing while the government practices non violence is not a good strategy. Using one of the richest people from Thailand as a champion of the downtrodden is not a good strategy.

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here you are condemning the struggle of some of the poorest people on the planet as if you were Archie Bunker himself.…

If only this was a struggle of the poorest people on the planet. It's not. It's the struggle of one rather rich man.

What nonsense. What group doesn't have leaders? Thaksin would be nothing unless people supported him. The fact is he improved people's lives, and they admire him and look up to his as their leader for doing so.

You need to consider the reasons why people follow leaders, rather than condemn them as 'pawns' and pretend that the leader has no support, simply because you don't agree with their viewpoint.

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here you are condemning the struggle of some of the poorest people on the planet as if you were Archie Bunker himself.…

If only this was a struggle of the poorest people on the planet. It's not. It's the struggle of one rather rich man.

What nonsense. What group doesn't have leaders? Thaksin would be nothing unless people supported him. The fact is he improved people's lives, and they admire him and look up to his as their leader for doing so.

You need to consider the reasons why people follow leaders, rather than condemn them as 'pawns' and pretend that the leader has no support, simply because you don't agree with their viewpoint.

You are confusing the wants of the red supporters as being the aims of the red movement. The red movement was established by Khun.T as a means of getting money and power back. That's as far as it goes.

By the way clock, calling people pawns isn't condemnation of them it is condemnation of the person who is using them.

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When did they ever rise up on their OWN to have these gripes addressed?

Aren't you the guy with a picture of a revolutionary violent criminal for an avatar? Thaksin has done a lot more for the poor than Huey ever did. :)


I think that's a pretty questionable claim. The Black Panthers's Free Breakfast for School Children Program fed over 10,000 children every day.

Huey Newton was convicted of robbing the lunch program as well as an education program.

His conviction for murder was overturned after two hung juries. whistling.gif

Compared to Thaksin he was an angel. Thaksin has the blood of 2000+ extrajudicial killings and in terms of corruption, way behond the Panthers. Sorry that doesn't fit with your Red bias.

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You are confusing the wants of the red supporters as being the aims of the red movement. The red movement was established by Khun.T as a means of getting money and power back. That's as far as it goes.

By the way clock, calling people pawns isn't condemnation of them it is condemnation of the person who is using them.

You are so inconsistent rix. After I enlightened you on the antics of some of Abhisit's cronies, you finally conceded that Thai politicians are generally corrupt, a point on which we are now both in agreement. Hence, by your own reasoning, any political movement, not only the red shirts, in Thailand would surely have as one of its goals the purpose of bringing power and money to its leaders. I think that we agree thus far.

Now comes the part where we do not agree: To call this making of power and money the only goal is missing the point that the reds really do like Thaksin because he was the man they elected, twice, and he did do some good work for them. Why is it that you always single out Thaksin as the bad guy, hating him for it, when he did some good work and there are so many other bad guys who did nothing for the general population?

Let's face it - the reds support the man because he helped them and they haven't forgotten that. It's very unfair to call people pawns, and imply that they are incapable of making up their own minds, simply because they like a man who helped them and resent people who forced him from the office to which he had been elected.

Edited by clockworkorange
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The question of who foreigners support and why is actually quite an interesting one though this thread so far is sadly short on perception and fair mindedness (and dare I say it intelligence).For those who are prepared to transcend cliched stereotypes and consider some home truths, not always comfortable for either side of the divide,Danny Unger's article in Asia Times is compelling.It certainly made me think hard.


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After I enlightened you on the antics of some of Abhisit's cronies, you finally conceded that Thai politicians are corrupt, a point on which we are now both in agreement.

You have yet to enlighten me about anything i didn't already know. I have been saying the same thing about the vast majority of Thai politicians for a very long time.

Hence, by your own reasoning, any political movement, not only the red shirts, in Thailand would surely have as one of its goals the purpose of bringing power and money to its leaders. I think that we agree thus far.


Now comes the part where we do not agree: To call this making of power and money the only goal is missing the point that the reds really do like Thaksin because he was the man they elected, twice, and he did do some good work for them.

I'm fully aware why they elected him, as i am fully aware what the purpose of the red movement is. You on the other hand...

Why is it that you always single out Thaksin as the bad guy, hating him for it, while ignoring all the other bad guys?

For the hundredth time, Thaksin is topic of this thread, hence why you are getting my opinion about him. Start a thread on another politician and i will tell you what low opinion i have of them on that thread. You need to ask yourself why it bothers you so much that Thaksin is attacked - after all you accept that he is corrupt and self-serving - surely there must be other people more worthy of your support and defence? No?

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Ok here comes the Anti-red onslaught - can't have a pro red message. :)

human shields,indeed,Mr,Saddam Hussein used the same ploy.

U wrote:

"thousend of woman and children are in the streets to protest",most dont even know what that is in political terms.

,do you want to see them killed,or maimed,of course not,but they take chances.

I say,they -woman and children should be at home,where they belong to.

Live by the sword,die by the sword.

Klong Toy slum, and others have no place in a democracy,should be raced to the ground,the reds are not protesting about the inhuman condition poeple live-in there.

( on the other hand,nobody forces them to stay there)

I think abulk of the reds originate from there.

A census should be made and bangkok is full house,no standing place left, limit migration,only poeple with a house register should live there or a work pass.

That is one of the flashpoints to be put on the red's agenda.

Dissolving the House,(what stupid terminalogy).

The name is, Lower House or Parliament,yes ,OK thats politically correct,

give the reds a choice,either for m a political party with MP in parlament, and party rules,or dissolve.

Sanuk, some Thais like noise,fun,booze of any kind,?just to forget the misery they live in.

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If the Red leaders had a mandate and in that mandate they promised to allow Farangs much more favourable visa regulations, land ownership, the right to vote etc etc etc, you'd probably all be wearing redshirts yourselves. smile.gif

Easier visa and land ownership laws would be nice...might even happen in year 2030! Any Red leaders hearing this? :) It is not like in the West where you'll get free government money (at least if you are a refugee) just for staying in the country. It would be double plus good for the economy of Thailand.

Edited by tim73
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I am ferang and I agree with the Red Shirts. Most of the people I talk to who do not support the Red shirts are almost totally ignorant of the facts behind the issues errr like the winning of elections and what democracy is.

However I have to disagree with you a little. Sure I am Ferang but I live here AND I pay my tax course I have a right to speak out.

I would also like to point out, having seen the red shirts demo's and enjoyed the good spirited PEACEFUL manner they are conducted they are a different breed to the violent yellow shirts who caused such problems when they lost the last election.

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The question of who foreigners support and why is actually quite an interesting one though this thread so far is sadly short on perception and fair mindedness (and dare I say it intelligence).For those who are prepared to transcend cliched stereotypes and consider some home truths, not always comfortable for either side of the divide,Danny Unger's article in Asia Times is compelling.It certainly made me think hard.


Outstanding article jayboy and it sure rings true for me. I think it is true that most of us DO wish Thailand moves toward a liberal democracy. I think it's also true that most of us are continually running all the different "scenarios" that might unfold through our minds. Some of us even imagine that if these scenarios unfold in a specific order then the things we're arguing over today won't matter at all tomorrow. I think no matter how vociferous any of us may be, none of us can be 100% certain of the political ground we're standing on, as there are just too many unknowns which lay in the future.

Edited by lannarebirth
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The question of who foreigners support and why is actually quite an interesting one though this thread so far is sadly short on perception and fair mindedness (and dare I say it intelligence).For those who are prepared to transcend cliched stereotypes and consider some home truths, not always comfortable for either side of the divide,Danny Unger's article in Asia Times is compelling.It certainly made me think hard.


Outstanding article jayboy and it sure rings true for me. I think it is true that most of us DO wish Thailand moves toward a liberal democracy. I think it's also true that most of us are continually running all the different "scenarios" that might unfold through our minds. Some of us even imagine that if these scenarios unfold in a specific order then the things we're arguing over today won't matter at all tomorrow. I think no matter how vociferous any of us may be, none of us can be 100% certain of the political ground we're standing on.

Yes. Agreed. The article was certainly thought-provoking. An interesting read no matter what your political persuasion or your position on these ongoing events in Thailand.

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The strange thing is that many of the red-haters support Islamic terrorists and every other nutjob on the planet, but have no sympathy at all for the poorest people in Thailand - who just want a chance in life. I just don't get it. :D

I'd say you don't get it. If you could see the demos up close here in Bangkok, I don't think you'd be so quick to presume they "just want a chance in life." They want to party and get away from work and be paid for it. They're expecting a huge cashout if they can bring Thaksin back. In my 'hood most of the reds are driving late-model motorcycles, and the leaders are riding in BMWs and gold-trimmed Camrys. It's a sham.

What a load of.....

My wife's family are very much involved in the red movement and I just showed them your reply.

There was houls of laughter and they asked

"ask him where his hood is so they can go for their free BMW or Camry". Actually a new bike will do :)

So...where is your "Hood"?

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