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Cory In Bali Gets 20 Years


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Well folks, this babe sure got set up a nice dandy. Got screwed and twisted and now stuck for 20 ball, unless someone decides to break her out and get her home.

As of the sentence, kinda harsh for reefer, yet as we all know of how she got set up with the stuff in her bags in the first place.

A scary thought that it could have been anyone of us too.

The Bali system and their authorities suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o


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Well folks, this babe sure got set up a nice dandy.  Got screwed and twisted and now stuck for 20 ball, unless someone decides to break her out and get her home.

As of the sentence, kinda harsh for reefer, yet as we all know of how she got set up with the stuff in her bags in the first place.

A scary thought that it could have been anyone of us too.

The Bali system and their authorities suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o


I did mention this before, but after the Bali Disco screw up, the authorities are showing they can catch master criminals at the Airport. :D

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Well folks, this babe sure got set up a nice dandy. Got screwed and twisted and now stuck for 20 ball, unless someone decides to break her out and get her home.

Severe yes, but that is the law there.

How do you know she was set up?

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Well folks, this babe sure got set up a nice dandy.  Got screwed and twisted and now stuck for 20 ball, unless someone decides to break her out and get her home.

As of the sentence, kinda harsh for reefer, yet as we all know of how she got set up with the stuff in her bags in the first place.

A scary thought that it could have been anyone of us too.

The Bali system and their authorities suck!!!


I believe it is fairly universal knowledge that the anti-drugs (anti-dadah) laws in Malaysia and Indonesia are rather severe. And this woman's defense was based on a hypothesized drug smuggling ring working inside the Autralian airports who hid the pot in her bag. If you really believe she got set up then perhaps you should direct your anger at the either inept and/or corrupt Australian Airport security department.

Although I agree the sentence is harsh I also think she got busted fair and square.

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Taken from 'The Age' online.....

Why Australian marijuana is a big hit in Bali

Date: May 26 2005

By Matthew Moore

Indonesia Correspondent


Perhaps the most compelling reason so many Australians believe Schapelle Corby is innocent is the "coals to Newcastle" argument: why would anyone smuggle marijuana to Bali when everyone knows it's so easy to get there?

While drugs might seem freely available on the streets, the foreigners who live in Bali, including those serving time in Kerobokan jail, say that buying them is a very risky business because you never know if the seller is an undercover police officer or a police informer.

For that reason, westerners in Bali are prepared to pay premium prices for marijuana if they can get it from other Westerners, as that's the best way to ensure they are not going to be trapped and arrested.

According to four sources in Bali contacted by The Age, including one former and one current drug dealer, high-quality Australian marijuana, similar in appearance to that found in Schapelle Corby's luggage, has been sold on a limited basis in Bali for years, but only to Westerners.

One European man, now serving a jail term for possessing hashish, said he knows of several Australians who have been bringing strong hydroponic marijuana into Bali.

He said it brings "really good money", getting a price around 50 per cent higher than the Nepalese hashish that is more widely available for around $A16 a gram on the streets.

He said the marijuana was stronger than hashish, which is produced from the same plant and has the same active constituents. "You just can't move, it's like (being) brain dead," he said of its effect.

An Australian who says he's lived in Bali for 15 years contacted The Age several times to say his children were frequently offered marijuana called "Aussie gold". The man, who refused to give his name, said the "hydroponic bud" smuggled from Australia sells for $A600 an ounce (about $A21 a gram) or as much as $A20,000 a kilogram.

Top quality marijuana in Australia sells for around $8000 a kilogram, although more when broken into "deals".

A Balinese drug dealer who has spent time in jail said he had smoked the Australian "skunk" many times with friends from Italy, Germany and Australia but had never bought or sold any.

He recognised the marijuana as Australian as it was made up of large flowers or buds, while the marijuana he sells from Aceh in north Sumatra or from Malang in East Java has much smaller buds and a lot of leaf mixed in.

Despite requests from Corby's lawyers, Indonesian police did not test the marijuana in her bag to find out where it was grown or its strength, and it is not certain it was grown hydroponically, a cultivation method that increases its potency. But when the bag of marijuana was displayed in the court, it was clear it was made up of buds the size of bananas, which emitted a powerful smell whenever the plastic bag was opened.

While marijuana in the 1970s had THC (active ingredient) levels of around 1 to 2 per cent, today's hydroponic marijuana often has THC levels of 15 per cent, higher than a lot of hashish.

The Balinese drug dealer, who would not be named, said that while there was a lot of marijuana for sale, "it's hard for foreigners to get access to it" because they were fearful of getting caught. "It's safer for foreigners to bring their own. It's been happening for quite some time and it's not only marijuana."

While he was aware of the importation of marijuana from Australia, he said it was more common for foreigners to bring in hashish or other drugs.

While a number of foreigners have been arrested for trafficking or possessing hashish, Bali police say the marijuana found in Corby's luggage was the first incidence in which they have found the drug being brought into Bali from another country.

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did you notice she actually got more time than those convicted over the Bali bombings,strange

That's an inaccurate statement.

Those directly connected with the bombings, eg Amrozi, Mukhlas, got the death sentence.

Those receiving lesser sentences had a very limited awareness of what was going on - eg letting culprits stay in their houses.

Its like letting the Gentleman Scamp stay in your house and then finding out later that he is an international criminal mastermind and traffics drugs up his 'arris.

By the way, there are Australians who are on death row for drugs smuggling, but they are ethnic Vietnamese, so nobody makes much fuss about them

Edited by The_Moog
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Just to add to my last post, the absolute hypocracy of it all....

She was pretty, white and had big blue eyes, so therefore MUST have been innocent. Give me a <deleted> break. There has not been any objectivity in this whole process at all.

I mean, next time an Australian gets caught in Thailand, what is the Australian government going to do in terms of consular assistance? They'll get a visit from the embassy and a list of second rate local lawyers to call.

This girl got the Government offering the free services of two Queens Councils with excellent connections to top Indonesian criminal lawyers. (thats the really expensive lawyers for those non-Commonwealthers out there).

Even if she is innocent, her whole defense was amatuer hour from start to finish, and when it all went to cr@p they took it upon themselves to blame everyone else but themselves, typicall of the "poor-bugger-me-ism" that is so prevalent in Australia these days.

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