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On Sunday I felt a little off colour and had an upset stomach before that- nothing too bad just off. But I went along to just watch some vets play football anyway. One thing led to another and I ended up playing for 2 hours, even though I am 48 and haven't played for a while. It was truly a gut wrenching experience even though I am quite fit, tht heat! I drank water and ate just a little and unwisely had a couple of pints of Chang after the game. I started feeling ill in the evening and had sunburn and I think heatsroke. I took a Ponstan. I started feeling very queasy and had stomach cramps.

It gets nasty so don't read on if you have just eaten. I chucked up a few times very violently. During the second episode I brought up what I thought was some blood, about a cupful quite diluted, it may or may not have been I think it was. And certainly there was some blood streaking. I had a final session about an hour later and just bought up bile and started to feel better after that. I've since made a full recovery, and have not drunk and my stomach feels fine. Thinking about it, it's alcohol and spicy food that seems to give me trouble. I did take a small knock in the lower back near a kidney during the game.

I'm hoping it's just a burst vein or something, and really don't want to go to hospital in Thailand. If I have another episode then I plan to declare myself ill and return home for a while.

Is this a sensible strategy ?.

Other factors: very healthy in general, history of small bursts in nose, mouth and other orifices. Generally weakish stomach and sensitive linings. Had been taking doxycycline for a month to control acne. Been boozing it up quite heavily for a few weeks.


I guess you had chang on empty stomach then took ponstan(NSAID). Both Beer and NSAID irritate the stomach,especially taking with no food.

You problably just have acute gastritis and yes the small vessel on the stomach surface bled and caused hematemesis( Vomit up blood). Normally at hospital they would do gastric lavarge to see if there is any active bleeding and give Proton pump inhibitor(PPI) to reduce acid production in the stomach.

As you said you made a full recovery, I think the problem then had resolved itself. My personal opinion, I would recommend you to take PPI for a couple weeks to make sure that all the inflammation in your stomach will be clear up 100%. Talk to you doctor about it, it do no harm just to consult the doctor.

In another subject, doxycyclin has a nasty side effect on GI upset and sometimes diarrhea,should you be taking that in long term? There is an option of using cream and lotion for acne, in this case,there would be no systemic side effect from doxy.

Good Luck


You were probably severely dehydrated as well. Drinking beer doesn't help as alcohol inhibits the cells from absorbing water.

Severe dehydration can adversely affect every system in the body.


Thanks for the answers. I forgot to mention I have been diagnosed with acid reflux before now and for the past few weeks have drunk more beer than at any time in my life. I have also had numerous gastric upsets in my life too, and the odd turn even in my twenties when I played football which were diagnosed as over exertion.

anita87 yes I guess it could be an ulcer but I think I'd be in pain and have blood in my stools. Certainly I have something that is making me produce a lot of acid I think alcohol abuse is behind this and since I stopped I have felt pretty good.

PMNL and dddave. Yes I'm thinking much the same.

I guess I won't know unless/until I see a specialist. BUT WOULD RATHER AVOID AND TAKE MY CHANCES. Guess that's not such a good idea though.


There is a simple treatment for acid reflux that you mention, you need to see GI doctor and get the gastroendoscopy done first to establish the correct diagnosis. As you mentioned you have had suffered with acid reflux for quite long time, which can cause barrett/s esophagus, your problem could be anything ulcer,tumor,or just gastritis. If you do not wish to get it done here, then get it done back in your home country. If gastroscope find just ulcer or gastritis, the treatment is really easy with PPI, even if they find certain infection such as H. pylori, treatment is easy as well.


Vigorous retching can result in some blood streaking just from irritation to the esophagus and pharynx.

Ponstan, an NSAID, can itself cause some gastric irritation. All the more so on an empty stomach. This too could cause a bit of blood streaking.

A sensible alternative to seeing a specialist, given that you say you now feel well, would be to just get a stool test for occult blood. If there is some ongoing bleeding anywhere in the GI tract, there will be trace amounts of blood in your stool. This test, also called a "guaiac" can be done in any lab. In the US you can buy do it yourself test kits over the counter but haven't seen that in Thailand. It is very inexpensive, any hospital can do it and results can be had within minutes. The health screening/check-up dept of any hospital. They may try to sell you a whole check-up package, but they can and do perfrom isolated tests on request.

One caution: it can take up to 48 hours for stomach contents to make their way on out, so such a test done soon after an episode like you describe wouldn't mean much. But as this happened Sunday and it is now Thursday, would expect stool to be negative for blood now unless there is some ongoing bleeding somewhere in the GI tract.

If this test is positive then yes, you need to see a specialist.

If negative, to be completely safe repeat x 2 for a total of 3. All negative = can be reasonably sure what you saw was just result of irritation of the stomach/esophagus/pharynx from the retching and also maybe the NSAID.

So much for that matter. But do stop the heavy drinking or you will indeed have need of specialist care and then some. And also do not, ever, take an NSAID with alcohol or on an empty stomach, it's just asking for trouble.

Vigorous retching can result in some blood streaking just from irritation to the esophagus and pharynx.

Ponstan, an NSAID, can itself cause some gastric irritation. All the more so on an empty stomach. This too could cause a bit of blood streaking.

A sensible alternative to seeing a specialist, given that you say you now feel well, would be to just get a stool test for occult blood. If there is some ongoing bleeding anywhere in the GI tract, there will be trace amounts of blood in your stool. This test, also called a "guaiac" can be done in any lab. In the US you can buy do it yourself test kits over the counter but haven't seen that in Thailand. It is very inexpensive, any hospital can do it and results can be had within minutes. The health screening/check-up dept of any hospital. They may try to sell you a whole check-up package, but they can and do perfrom isolated tests on request.

One caution: it can take up to 48 hours for stomach contents to make their way on out, so such a test done soon after an episode like you describe wouldn't mean much. But as this happened Sunday and it is now Thursday, would expect stool to be negative for blood now unless there is some ongoing bleeding somewhere in the GI tract.

If this test is positive then yes, you need to see a specialist.

If negative, to be completely safe repeat x 2 for a total of 3. All negative = can be reasonably sure what you saw was just result of irritation of the stomach/esophagus/pharynx from the retching and also maybe the NSAID.

So much for that matter. But do stop the heavy drinking or you will indeed have need of specialist care and then some. And also do not, ever, take an NSAID with alcohol or on an empty stomach, it's just asking for trouble.

Thank you, now I've quit drinking I am actually in glowing good health, never felt so good. I doubt very much I'll ever drink again after that experience, left me shaking with cold fear, the penny didn't so much drop as clunked.

Yes, I will see a doctor for a check up. I confirm no blood in stool as far I can tell.

I've been putting my mind to it and the habitual problem seems to be higher up at the top of the stomach, at what I think is caled the diaphragm. The discomfort here has completely abated and I feel so much better. So I reckon if there is a problem, then that's where it resides. But what a difference just by giving up bad habits and eating sensibly.

(incidentally, does anyone know?, do stomach contents come up in order or are they mixed together as one?. I say this because I did have some orange juice which may have made the blood look worse- sorry for such a gross question).


This may be what is called the "Mallory Weiss" syndrome; caused by small tears that develop in the lining of the lower end of the esophagus during vomiting; usually heals in about 10 days but may need H2 antagonists as treatment as well.

Lots on the net if you search the name.


  • 2 weeks later...
This may be what is called the "Mallory Weiss" syndrome; caused by small tears that develop in the lining of the lower end of the esophagus during vomiting; usually heals in about 10 days but may need H2 antagonists as treatment as well.

Lots on the net if you search the name.



19 days on and I feel fine. I haven't had so much as a twinge and have worked out vigorously. I really miss the beer, but if I did drink I know my acid stomach would return. What bad luck!

I really don't think I need to see a doctor, but is there any condition that could lead me in to a false sense of security?


It would not really be possible to have a clearer diagnosis without an endoscopy. Stool tests for occult blood may indicate that bleeding is still happening. Blood from a lesion higher up in the intestinal canal will show up in the form of dark or black stools, not red blood.

If you are adverse to any invasive form of diagnostic procedure, the stool test would be the absolute minimum. If positive, an endoscopy would be a high priority to get to a final diagnosis and rule out any underlying problem.

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