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What Does One Have To Do To Get Arrested ?


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You find the quote. It's up to you to provide evidence to support your statement unless you inhabit some strange alternative universe where things are done differently. If you can then I'll be the first to admit my error and apologize. Something I suspect you wouldn't have the humility to do......

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Now my next question, If its clear to you, why would you say either OR both of you want to contest the statement. I have actually quoted a source on freezing of his funds (but only one source with questionable sources) I have not heard the threat of revenge on England. God save the Queen.

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You find the quote. It's up to you to provide evidence to support your statement unless you inhabit some strange alternative universe where things are done differently. If you can then I'll be the first to admit my error and apologize. Something I suspect you wouldn't have the humility to do......

TV is not a court environment as you must imagine it is in your little world MCA

here, i do not have to prove anything to you or to anyone else

i can say what i want and if you or people like you who do not like what i have said and you think its incorrect then you do the legwork and prove me wrong

please get on with it and add some substance to your posts

if Thaksin thinks its wrong then let him sue me, (something he is very good at, i think he invented the word litigent) i will be happy to meet him anywhere in Thailand to discuss my claims

as to humility, its not something i have seen demonstrated in any of your previous posts so why would you start now?

as to me, i admit i do not exhibit much humility in my day to day interactions

i do not have to, i am usually right

this is not a friends forum and we won't ever be friends.

if you want a date or need a friend google for that kind of website, i do not know any

TV is a discussion forum, its meant to promote discussion between people who often have directly opposing opinions

you chose to throw yourself into the fray and want to correct me, so go justify your existence and try to prove me wrong

for me i just cannot be bothered, as i know already that whatever you think will not influence me or change my opinion in the slightest.


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You find the quote. It's up to you to provide evidence to support your statement unless you inhabit some strange alternative universe where things are done differently. If you can then I'll be the first to admit my error and apologize. Something I suspect you wouldn't have the humility to do......

TV is not a court environment as you must imagine it is in your little world MCA

here, i do not have to prove anything to you or to anyone else

i can say what i want and if you or people like you who do not like what i have said and you think its incorrect then you do the legwork and prove me wrong

please get on with it and add some substance to your posts

if Thaksin thinks its wrong then let him sue me, (something he is very good at, i think he invented the word litigent) i will be happy to meet him anywhere in Thailand to discuss my claims

as to humility, its not something i have seen demonstrated in any of your previous posts so why would you start now?

as to me, i admit i do not exhibit much humility in my day to day interactions

i do not have to, i am usually right

this is not a friends forum and we won't ever be friends.

if you want a date or need a friend google for that kind of website, i do not know any

TV is a discussion forum, its meant to promote discussion between people who often have directly opposing opinions

you chose to throw yourself into the fray and want to correct me, so go justify your existence and try to prove me wrong

for me i just cannot be bothered, as i know already that whatever you think will not influence me or change my opinion in the slightest.


So basically the Thaksin piece doesn't exist and you're too much of a tool to admit it. Fair dos. :)

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Now my next question, If its clear to you, why would you say either OR both of you want to contest the statement. I have actually quoted a source on freezing of his funds (but only one source with questionable sources) I have not heard the threat of revenge on England. God save the Queen.

please do not misquote me and read what i actually said again

i did not say there was a threat against England, i said Brits meaning British people in Thailand

this is what Thaksin has actually said not what you have twisted my words to try to say i said

God save the Queen!

Rule Britannia!

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You find the quote. It's up to you to provide evidence to support your statement unless you inhabit some strange alternative universe where things are done differently. If you can then I'll be the first to admit my error and apologize. Something I suspect you wouldn't have the humility to do......

TV is not a court environment as you must imagine it is in your little world MCA

here, i do not have to prove anything to you or to anyone else

i can say what i want and if you or people like you who do not like what i have said and you think its incorrect then you do the legwork and prove me wrong

please get on with it and add some substance to your posts

if Thaksin thinks its wrong then let him sue me, (something he is very good at, i think he invented the word litigent) i will be happy to meet him anywhere in Thailand to discuss my claims

as to humility, its not something i have seen demonstrated in any of your previous posts so why would you start now?

as to me, i admit i do not exhibit much humility in my day to day interactions

i do not have to, i am usually right

this is not a friends forum and we won't ever be friends.

if you want a date or need a friend google for that kind of website, i do not know any

TV is a discussion forum, its meant to promote discussion between people who often have directly opposing opinions

you chose to throw yourself into the fray and want to correct me, so go justify your existence and try to prove me wrong

for me i just cannot be bothered, as i know already that whatever you think will not influence me or change my opinion in the slightest.


So basically the Thaksin piece doesn't exist and you're too much of a tool to admit it. Fair dos. :)

well thank you for showing us exactly what kind of person you are, tut tut, name calling, flaming or whatever its called

so now its off to your bed little man

i can hear your Mummy shouting you, your Alphabetti Spaghetti is getting cold and Barneys on TV ..........

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Just a quick question, off topic; If the man who never made a stand about anything, has no enemies but many friends would they be considered fair weather friends?

true mates definitely not fair weather. :)

typical generalisation from you Brit

Specificity at its best mate... give you an example you support the conservatives and I the labor. I disagree with a particular position - we can both argue until we are blue in their face, but our stances will not change. So at the end of the day what is the point discussing it? (minds are pretty much set on political/religious beliefs - this usually angers opposing parties more than it helps)

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What do you have to do? History shows that you can invade the government house and loot it. Who has paid the damages for that? History also shows that you can take over the airport and not suffer any consequences. One of the ring leaders is then appointed as foreign minister. How could the government possibly try to punish the red shirt?

i think you will find the yellow shirt leaders are out on bail awaiting trial......

Yeah right! Is the foreign minister out on bail too?

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well thank you for showing us exactly what kind of person you are, tut tut, name calling, flaming or whatever its called

so now its off to your bed little man

i can hear your Mummy shouting you, your Alphabetti Spaghetti is getting cold and Barneys on TV ..........

Absolutely classic. :)

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Kuhn Thaksin has made it abundantly clear that he will reek revenge on us Brits for the British governments revoking of his passport, his visa and freezing some funds in UK as well as being forced to sell Manchester City.

Link please. :)

I'll post it for ya then seen as TK is busy. :D


Apparently Thaskin did say the UK "would Feel Sorrow"..

That could mean any number of things but "IF" he did get back in power I really do wonder how he would react to Brits living in Thailand.

Edited by MB1
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What do you have to do? History shows that you can invade the government house and loot it. Who has paid the damages for that? History also shows that you can take over the airport and not suffer any consequences. One of the ring leaders is then appointed as foreign minister. How could the government possibly try to punish the red shirt?

i think you will find the yellow shirt leaders are out on bail awaiting trial......

Yeah right! Is the foreign minister out on bail too?

he must be, he is foreign minister isn't he?

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^^ Which is light years apart from making it " abundantly clear he will reek (sic) revenge on us Brits"

What's he going to do? Kick out the Ambassador? Close the embassy? Revoke every visa and deport all British nationals? Shut down every British multinational that has interests in Thailand? Bye bye Tesco? Unilever? British Airways? GlaxoSmithKline? British Gas? Standard Chartered? Shell? The list goes on.

If he gets back by some miracle I think he's going to be slightly too busy to feed some expats paranoia. ( Not aimed at you MB1)


Edited by mca
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Ok timekeeper, I understand you now, 'T' did not threaten revenge England, only on the citizens of that country and you meant to say"in Thailand". Now I think I understand what you meant. Not sure about your country but most countries of the western world look at prosecution of their citizens by another country as an affront to said country. You can look this info up in numerous history books. The diplomatic corp may argue, that a threat of revenge against the citizens of a country, while legally residing in the borders of Thailand , is in fact a threat directed toward England. Just my oberservation for the evening.

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Just to note, anyone who has had dealing with K. Thaksin, is only too aware of his richly deserved reputation, for carrying a grudge to an extreme. Does that mean if he returned 'Brits here' would be one of his foci, difficult to say, but given his track record, I wouldn't be surprised. It might fall into, yet another of his approaches, the 'Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?' category though.


PS MCA your lack of grace is noted

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^^ Which is light years apart from making it " abundantly clear he will reek (sic) revenge on us Brits"

What's he going to do? Kick out the Ambassador? Close the embassy? Revoke every visa and deport all British nationals? Shut down every British multinational that has interests in Thailand? Bye bye Tesco? Unilever? British Airways? GlaxoSmithKline? British Gas? Standard Chartered? Shell? The list goes on.

If he gets back by some miracle I think he's going to be slightly too busy to feed some expats paranoia. ( Not aimed at you MB1)


I don't know what Mr T would do if he regained power but if I look back to when he was in power and look at his record on human rights it don't read pretty, the war on drugs was widely criticized by the international community and he didn't seem to give a flying duck about what the world had to say so I don't think he'd really care about the UK expats and tourists in Thailand.

If I lived in Thailand and had investments in Thailand I for one would be worried if Mr T did regain power, what sorrow might I feel.

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Well I'll certainly apologize for there being something out there regarding a statement by Thaksin (although what was actually said and what timekeeper said aren't even in the same universe let alone ballpark) as opposed to there being absolutely nothing at all

Of course the usual expat paranoia raises it's head regarding what Thaksin might do. Extracting revenge on the Brits isn't exactly the same as deporting a few Cambodians is it?

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How are rally participants running "amok" as you have put it?

1) Throwing blood on Abhisit's private residence and government house

2) Shutting down one of the busiest intersections in BKK for several days

3) Commandeering fire trucks and military vehicles and damaging them

4) Instilling fear in the hearts of large segments of the population in BKK

5) Storming the EC offices

6) Storming Parliament and declaring that they would take hostages by blockading the building to prevent people leaving.

7) Calls for violence against police or military who are required to ensure public order

8) Whipping protesters into a frenzy by playing doctored audio tapes

9) Attacking a mother trying to get her child to hospital

10) Physically assaulting soldiers

11) Likely the perpetrators of various bombings around the city

12) Causing traffic mayhem in various parts of the city

13) Threats of violence toward the PM

14) Threats of violence toward Chulalongkorn University

15) Threats of violence toward doctors who tested blood

16) Threats of violence toward anti-protest groups

17) Threats to invade the home of the PM

18) Publishing the private address and phone number of the EC with threats to his life

19) Threats to engage in guerrilla warfare

20) Assault and battery on BMTA sanitation workers

Is this enough or shall I go on?

:) but GeriatricKid is a bit pro-Red to say the least, so he doesn't see it. Depriving people of their livelihoods is on a level part with destroyin Dong property IMO. Don't forget assault and battery on local residents trying to drive on their own streets.

The emergency decree is fully justified by any civilised country's standards. The red leaders should have been locked up after the Battle of Songkran.

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although what was actually said and what timekeeper said aren't even in the same universe let alone ballpark
Well FWIW I took it contemporaneously to mean that British owned or managed [even though Thaksin said England] interests would be subject to, say, greater scrutiny. After all it's easy to please the 'big man' by being punctilious and excessively diligent for example. Or what about a populist approach railing against 'big supermarkets', which just happened to impact the Tesco element more?

Yes, as you may guess in another life I came to know the modalities only too well.


PS Glad to see the graciousness return

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I hear what you're saying but I'm sure you'll agree that behind the "British" companies are some pretty heavy Thai hitters who know fellow heavy hitters who etc.....

Can't see them sitting on their <deleted> while Thaksin plays out a vendetta.

He'll need all the friends he can get should he return.

After all his enemies will still be here won't they.

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I hear what you're saying but I'm sure you'll agree that behind the "British" companies are some pretty heavy Thai hitters who know fellow heavy hitters who etc.....

Can't see them sitting on their <deleted> while Thaksin plays out a vendetta.

He'll need all the friends he can get should he return.

After all his enemies will still be here won't they.

Hypehetical question for ya MCA, just out of interest, lets say your British and you have £1 million UK pounds to invest, would you invest it in Thailand with the political problems Thailand is having at the moment knowing that Mr T could regain power and take away from you all that you had invested.?.

The words " the UK will feel sorrow" would make me myself not invest one UK pence in Thailand.

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I hear what you're saying but I'm sure you'll agree that behind the "British" companies are some pretty heavy Thai hitters who know fellow heavy hitters who etc.....

Can't see them sitting on their <deleted> while Thaksin plays out a vendetta.

He'll need all the friends he can get should he return.

After all his enemies will still be here won't they.

Hypehetical question for ya MCA, just out of interest, lets say your British and you have £1 million UK pounds to invest, would you invest it in Thailand with the political problems Thailand is having at the moment knowing that Mr T could regain power and take away from you all that you had invested.?.

The words " the UK will feel sorrow" would make me myself not invest one UK pence in Thailand.

i agree with you 100% MB1

unfortunately i have already pulled the trigger and have substantial investments here both financially and emotionally

i am very concerned about Thaksins possible return and the havoc he will create

he did not care much for farangs before, it will be even less now he has been treated with such contempt (as he sees it) by many countries.

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Hypehetical question for ya MCA, just out of interest, lets say your British and you have £1 million UK pounds to invest, would you invest it in Thailand with the political problems Thailand is having at the moment knowing that Mr T could regain power and take away from you all that you had invest

To be honest MB1 I wouldn't invest it in Thailand if everything was hunky dory. I'm sure there are places that would give me a better return on my money. It's not a case of Thaksin taking my hard earned. Thailand isn't a stable enough place even when it's stable in my humble opinion.

The reason I'm in LOS kicking back is because my money's in property in the UK. Rentals. I've got quite a number of places near the main hospital in my area that I rent to doctors, specialists etc. who aren't going to buy property there because they're not staying a for long time. It doesn't make me Gordon Gekko by any stretch of the imagination but certainly affords me a comfortable lifestyle even given the chronic exchange rate.

I've no need to invest in Thailand or anywhere else to be honest.

Bought ( cheaply) and paid for bricks and mortar. Pay ion the dot tenants. One moves out and within a fortnight another one moves in.

That'll do me.

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Maybe a navel blockade?

How would one go about that and what would be gained by blocking a navel? navelp.jpg

God save the Queen!

Rule Britannia!


The 'Reds' have simply taken a leaf out of the 'Yellow's' book, minus the utter mayhem of blockading airports and the like . . .

How far can one go? Well, arrest warrants have been issued, so the answer to the OP's question seems to be: Far less than the Yellows

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I am sorry if watching the rally is causing you to experience hysteria. No one is running about amuck unless you are referring to some Thai Visa members peeing themselves for fear that the crowd may turn on some of the depraved foreigners that have profited for a long time from Thailand's impoverished. Please take a chill pill, farang pervs and profiteers are safe........... for now.

Thailand without foreign investment = Myanmar.

Sounds like you might suffer from a touch of hysteria yourself.

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