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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

You speak for yourself only - with respect - most people I know support the reds

You live in Chiang Mai! The many polls I have done are not limited to insurgents home base.

maybe - but you do NOT represent anyone but yourself - and stop calling them insurgents - it ain't over yet

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

You sound like Iraq's Foreign Minister ...what was his name? He was referred to in the media as "Baghdad Bob". Claiming there weren't any Americans in Iraq during the US Invasion, while tanks were rolling into Baghdad.


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Is it now legal to take up arms against these insurgents? Even for us civilians that may or may not have access to weapons?

ooh buddy dont we wish,,, unfortunatly i think there gonna have to run out of soilders, police, security guards, toll booth collectors and then girlscouts... in that order before they let us have some fun :)

Ahh so now you want foreigners to get attacked? (very smart) :D

The reds don't want the foreigners to get attacked, the speaker on the stage was just quoting look we have a tourist population joining us in our defeat. And showed many foreigners waring red T-shirts on TV.

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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

As long as the red shirts are Thais, I think they have a right to move around in their own country to wherever they want.

I don't agree. Being Thai is not their passport to destroy the country that is why we have laws, if they violate any laws they have to be restrained.

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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

As long as the red shirts are Thais, I think they have a right to move around in their own country to wherever they want.

Not in a state of emergency when the government is trying to prevent a violent civil war, mate. You are living in a dream world. These aren't normal times. Thank your buddy Thaksin for stirring it up to this point.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

+1! Enough is enough- get these mobs off the streets and lock up their leaders for treason! Good riddance!

same as they did with the yellow airport takeover? hmmm? you get the point? it's two faced and the people will not put up with it - as you will see I just hope it stays peaceful

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

You sound like Iraq's Foreign Minister ...what was his name? He was referred to in the media as "Baghdad Bob". Claiming there weren't any Americans in Iraq during the US Invasion, while tanks were rolling into Baghdad.


Indeed Bangkok Jing - the regime's head of the propoganda ministry. :D

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You live in Chiang Mai! The many polls I have done are not limited to insurgents home base.

Where did you do your polls? In the Democrat Party HQ? :) And what insurgents are you talking about? The only insurgents in Thailand I'm aware of are in the deep South. You're out of touch with reality, wake up.

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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

As long as the red shirts are Thais, I think they have a right to move around in their own country to wherever they want.

They have every right to move around wherever they like... but they have no right to stop others doing the same, and this is what has been happening. Remember, it was the Red-shirts who started this 'protest', and the Government has every right, indeed every obligation, to enable everybody (including Red-shirts) to go about their business freely. (I repeat what I have said before that the Yellow-shirts should have received as harsh treatment as I would advocate for the reds... but it was a Government sympathetic with the Red-shirts which took no action!)

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

actually abhisit is most like finished.... :)

What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

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In purely practical terms, what does this mean?

Givemn Abhisits record so far in dealing with this situation, Nothing, he has stated it does not mean a crackdown on Red Shirts, Those are reserved for Tourist destinations.

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Not in a state of emergency when the government is trying to prevent a violent civil war, mate. You are living in a dream world. These aren't normal times. Thank your buddy Thaksin for stirring it up to this point.

We'll see if they make it to Bangkok then. If the government is in control during the state of emergency, they should have no problems preventing them from coming to Bangkok :)

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I saw this live on Television...and that is not what they said. They said: The Government has declared war on us...Decalared war on us Redshirts....declared war on us..the Thai people. This is typical of the kind of "journalism" we have been seen lately.... Then they asked all Thai people to come support them and all international people too...

"They will come to disperse us but we We will fight them with all peaceful means." That is what I heard and saw myself....not second hand and it was just about 15 -20 minutes ago. Where does this crap come from?

Isn't "news" amazing!

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

Indeed Jing, I would prefer if you served only to speak for yourself.

Words to live by....

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so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

I kept a watchful eye on the baht the last time a state of emergency was declared and it didn't move at all. At the time it was very strong against the aussie dollar and I was hoping it would return it to normal levels.

To those asking what this state of emergency will mean, well it seems it's all to help in the legal situation of locking away the leaders. It doesn't look like they'll be busting anyone's heads open just yet (although I wish they would hurry up and do this).

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

actually abhisit is most like finished.... :D

What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

If Abhisit had to choose his successor, it would probably be Newin. :)

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

You speak for yourself only - with respect - most people I know support the reds

You live in Chiang Mai! The many polls I have done are not limited to insurgents home base.

maybe - but you do NOT represent anyone but yourself - and stop calling them insurgents - it ain't over yet

OK, I will give you that. I do not represent anyone. However, I sincerely do believe what I said, the vast majority of foreigners DO indeed oppose the red shirt insurgents. Look up insurgent, OK, it is very proper to describe the red shirts this way. That is what words are for, to describe the world accurately.

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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

Like they did with the yellows? your biased view is not endearing - it is not even-handed - where were the Police/Army at the airports? you see the people are not stupid (although many of your supporters on this board have said they are) and they know the difference and unfairness of it - and they will not tolerate it

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

+1! Enough is enough- get these mobs off the streets and lock up their leaders for treason! Good riddance!

same as they did with the yellow airport takeover? hmmm? you get the point? it's two faced and the people will not put up with it - as you will see I just hope it stays peaceful

I think this is the thousandth times I read about the Airport takeover. That incident doesn't not justify the acts of the Reds now. I despised both!

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You live in Chiang Mai! The many polls I have done are not limited to insurgents home base.

Where did you do your polls? In the Democrat Party HQ? :) And what insurgents are you talking about? The only insurgents in Thailand I'm aware of are in the deep South. You're out of touch with reality, wake up.

Alilalo :D (A greeting from the South)

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You speak for yourself only - with respect - most people I know support the reds

You live in Chiang Mai! The many polls I have done are not limited to insurgents home base.

maybe - but you do NOT represent anyone but yourself - and stop calling them insurgents - it ain't over yet

OK, I will give you that. I do not represent anyone. However, I sincerely do believe what I said, the vast majority of foreigners DO indeed oppose the red shirt insurgents. Look up insurgent, OK, it is very proper to describe the red shirts this way. That is what words are for, to describe the world accurately.

yes that what words are for Oh Great One - an insurgency means armed uprising:

An insurgency is an armed rebellion against a constituted authority - quote

This is not an armed uprising dude - so your choice is inappropriate and wrong

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Why do people keep harping on about history. This is now and the situation involves the Red shirts, not the Yellow shirts. Abhisit was not in power when the Yellow's took the airport.

Cheers, Rick

No, but he was brought into power with the help of the yellow shirts, and as a "thank you" made the yellow shirt Kasit his Foreign Minister. Makes sense?

He was brought into power, by way of a coalition Government when Mr Thaksin's party was over, due to election rigging. Now it makes sense.

Cheers, Rick

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

actually abhisit is most like finished.... :)

What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

I sure there are several candidates right now, looking to see if they have the numbers.

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

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If you try to look this objectively, one thing is the inaction of the Thai Military. Even when there has been attacks against soldiers! That means a) generals are not taking sides or :) not agreeing what to do (infighting going on behind the scenes) or c) majority of them supports the reds and will soon take over.

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