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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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They were mentioning thankyou to people who have been donating funds to help the red people to buy food etc.

The list of supporters include TOT, Siam Commercial Bank, a more thai companies, foreigners from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, Australia, UK, France, Germany and many more. Read the list out for over 30 mins thanking the world to help them fight for their rights.

Very interesting given which organisation is the major shareholder in SCB.


OK, what is your point now?

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

What do you consider "the vast Majority of foreigners" ? I guess you think people sould not have a say in how their country is run. Why don't you go back to ................ what ever country you are from.

Based on MANY polls over many months here, the hub of foreigner in Thailand communication, there have been CONSISTENT results of about 2/3 being opposed to the red shirt revolutionaries, and 1/3 being in favor of the insurgents. Insurgent is the correct word. They have declared WAR.

Let's see your polls and who they are polling.

Yup, but not hearing any of these "fireworks". What's the story?

Dunno, sounded like fireworks or the typical old navy gun clearing down at The Port, but I'm too far from The Port anymore to hear that. I'm guessing it was nothing or people would be posting about seeing something on the television. Just a bunch of firework-sounding blasts coming from the middle of town direction. Went on for about 3-4 minutes and then stopped.

Just an update ....

The Red TV channel has been cut to Nakhon Pathom a few minutes ago .... MMM (about 9.53PM)

Any other cable watchers in other places?

Is it now gonna kick off??

Check this out moderators.#

Just now too Suthep with all the top military brass on all channels asking families of red shirts etc. to please go home ...MMM, I think its gonna kick off soon. Can't be coincidence these two events eh?

Mines still broadcasting live from pattaya

But you don't remember the election that came 13 months AFTER the coup? Odd, because there was one. Look it up, it was was in all the papers. :)

"Elections were held on 23 December 2007, after a military-appointed tribunal outlawed the Thai Rak Thai party of Thaksin Shinawatra and banned TRT executives from contesting in elections for 5 years."

Kinda nice to hold elections when you ban the opposing party....

Even though the TRT has been banned , its off-spring the PPP (proThaksin) won that election with an absolute majority......

No PPP did NOT win a absolute majority.

A larger minority than the Dems by a little bit.

They held a majority of seats WITH coalition partners.... till they lost those.

Go check your facts.

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

I hear farangs constantly bitching about the lack of democracy in Thailand. But they always seem to rally around Abhisit, the darling pretty boy figure head for the anti-democratic aristocracy that has ruled the country for hundreds of years. Come on, shit or get off the pot, try to be consistent. It's time to give a chance to the folks that have grown all the food for so long, but had nothing for it.

Thanks for that post from now on I will try to use 'shit or get off the pot' as much as possible :) What a great expression!!! :D:D


where there is a will there is a way.....

but is it back on cable TV

Yup, but not hearing any of these "fireworks". What's the story?

There were some LOUD explosions I thought might be FIRE CRACKERS coming from the Rajprasong area... now it appears quiet... not sure what that noise is... I see VEERA on TV talking and sweating in the dark... not sure if it is live or recorded... there must be over 50K people sitting there fanning themselves and cheering... like sheep about to be slaughtered....

Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

Brilliant...... :) (and i'm not even from the USA)


The USA also have such "political parties" but they're under the names of the REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS. Both parties couldn't care less about doing what is best for their citizens - total selfish tunnel vision. Instead of bribing the "uneducated/ unworldly Americans" each political party spends BILLIONS in bribing the common American's mind. At least the Thais are not so busy paying off their credit cards and have the spirit to go out and voice their opinions --both Reds and Yellows.


Relax everyone!

Samak declared the very same State of Emergency when Yellows occupied parliament. The Army refused to shoot, will they do so again, they've indicated as much that they want to avoid doing the dirty.

It just gives the govt more legal ammo to go after leaders, lock them up, bring in the riot squad and so on. Will this become a protracted occupation (it's really hot out there and everyone wants to go home for Songkran). This time around I don't think the country at large will tolerate another 'occupation'. Funny how quiet Thaksin has become, he doesn't want to take the discredit!

It's all a battle of wits, the reds are getting more desperate and militant by the day, despite insisting everything would be peaceful.

Hang in there Abhisit, don't bow to a mob, especially such a rotten bunch of A-holes.

People should remember that Nattawut et al and particulalrly Arismon are going away for a long time if they lose and dont escape the country. They like the PM have lots of pressure on them

Very true. I can't see any of the red shirt being let loose for a while if they lose. Their court cases will surely come up before any of those who closed the airport down, or the government will never see an end to the cycle of protests.

But if they win, what then? More chaos from the yellows, pinks and rainbows!

Of course the court cases against the red shirts will come up before the court cases against the yellow shirts. Otherwise it wouldn't be double standard. Like the red shirt guy on his motorbike who threw a bag of poop at Abhisit's residence. He was convicted and sentenced to prison the same day, while the yellow shirts are still free and no sentence has yet been read after 2 years.

Is there a fact anywhere in that post? The airport protest was Nov 25th- Dec2 2008 right? How long did the Thaksin cases take? The PAD leaders are still involved in the judicial process and unlike your guy Thaksin, they haven't skipped the country!

I am not sure about the loon that confessed to throwing 'poop' at Abhisit's house but ... ummmm ... if he really did it ... and alone ... and confessed ..... ding ding ding --- not on the same level as 9 + people contesting their innocence is it?

sitting here in my condo in chiang mai.<br />building cable has 6 thai channels.<br /><br />ALL now are showing some thai dude in glasses speaking.<br /><br />sorry, i don't know who he is.....

now i do....Deputy Prime Minister Suthep

That's Suthep Thaugsuban (Thai: สุเทพ เืทือกสุบรรณ) is a Thai politician, Secretary General of the Democrat Party, Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Abhisit Vejjajiva, and former Member of Parliament for Surat Thani province. Suthep has been implicated in numerous corruption scandals.

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the Constitutional Court to disqualify Suthep and 12 other Democrat MPs for having allegedly violated the charter. Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted that his resignation was not a proof that he had done something wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.

In other words - he's basically not fit to hold the position of Deputy Prime Minister according to the due process accorded by the Election Commission and Constitutional Court.


Yup, but not hearing any of these "fireworks". What's the story?

Dunno, sounded like fireworks or the typical old navy gun clearing down at The Port, but I'm too far from The Port anymore to hear that. I'm guessing it was nothing or people would be posting about seeing something on the television. Just a bunch of firework-sounding blasts coming from the middle of town direction. Went on for about 3-4 minutes and then stopped.

Yes... quite odd, but then again, what has NOT been odd during the last two weeks... now Abhisit back on TV... jeeeez, he makes the red shirts look like the Missing Link... too bad he didn't have the guts to repel the red shirts earlier. Now, I think he has lost the support of the military... would be odd again to see Suthep charging toward the red shirts to remove them only to find that he is all alone!

Relax everyone!

Samak declared the very same State of Emergency when Yellows occupied parliament. The Army refused to shoot, will they do so again, they've indicated as much that they want to avoid doing the dirty.

It just gives the govt more legal ammo to go after leaders, lock them up, bring in the riot squad and so on. Will this become a protracted occupation (it's really hot out there and everyone wants to go home for Songkran). This time around I don't think the country at large will tolerate another 'occupation'. Funny how quiet Thaksin has become, he doesn't want to take the discredit!

It's all a battle of wits, the reds are getting more desperate and militant by the day, despite insisting everything would be peaceful.

Hang in there Abhisit, don't bow to a mob, especially such a rotten bunch of A-holes.

While I agree with your ending line ---- your start was not factually correct.

They were mentioning thankyou to people who have been donating funds to help the red people to buy food etc.

The list of supporters include TOT, Siam Commercial Bank, a more thai companies, foreigners from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, Australia, UK, France, Germany and many more. Read the list out for over 30 mins thanking the world to help them fight for their rights.

Very interesting given which organisation is the major shareholder in SCB.


Almost all financial and political involvements cross party lines and are incestuous. That's what brings harmony here and also what makes change so difficult. Its as if its too small to be a country. evrybody knows everybody, everybosy knows everything about evrybody, and keeping each others secrets is what holds it all together.

Exactly . Agree 100%.

A court dissolves an entire party , the one in power mind you .

(Well it could have been the army arresting all the MPs same philosophy)

Then the opposition can take over , no general election .

Surrealist :D:D:D

Hmm, I thought the party in power did some things that were against the law? Could that be? :)

Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct.It does happen.

Just an update ....

The Red TV channel has been cut to Nakhon Pathom a few minutes ago .... MMM (about 9.53PM)

Any other cable watchers in other places?

Is it now gonna kick off??

Check this out moderators.#

Just now too Suthep with all the top military brass on all channels asking families of red shirts etc. to please go home ...MMM, I think its gonna kick off soon. Can't be coincidence these two events eh?

As to others ..some have it some dont ...off air since 9.53 and hasn't returned here (local cable TV, all other channels (59 of) are ok)

well look at the #1 on the list.... :D

I can see that and knew that before. So what now?

Bit confusing and I am not open to speculation. :) However like anything in Thailand, things are not always as they seem.

People should remember that Nattawut et al and particulalrly Arismon are going away for a long time if they lose and dont escape the country. They like the PM have lots of pressure on them

Very true. I can't see any of the red shirt being let loose for a while if they lose. Their court cases will surely come up before any of those who closed the airport down, or the government will never see an end to the cycle of protests.

But if they win, what then? More chaos from the yellows, pinks and rainbows!

Of course the court cases against the red shirts will come up before the court cases against the yellow shirts. Otherwise it wouldn't be double standard. Like the red shirt guy on his motorbike who threw a bag of poop at Abhisit's residence. He was convicted and sentenced to prison the same day, while the yellow shirts are still free and no sentence has yet been read after 2 years.

rainman, by now i know you prefer your delusions.

look, i'll share sth from my past in democratic germany: there had been a tradition going on in west-berlin (way before the wall came down)... it was street-fighting all day, all night, all week long. way back in the 80ties. most of it happened in an area called "kreuzberg" & majority of people were turkish immigrants of 2nd, 3rd generation, house squatters, drug dealers: i was young & it looked like fun ;-) burning down other people's property: the wealthy class, the oppressors.

we even had a night of real anarchy. people looting a super-market (no, not thai malls like), burning it down, a night people dancing in the streets.

i got arrested. many times. actually, it's just detention: they take you off the streets for some 24 hours to ease tension.

i encountered riot-police high on adrenaline as well as some male anarchist leaders, who raped their girlfriends (sorry, but true).

once i was detained in a subway-cell, blood on the walls, police "freaked out" to push aggression.


1) na, as said before: leave criminal proceedings against PAD to the courts - & _not_ to neither Abhisit nor _you_. let law become law in thailand, ok?

2) my little story from germany: it's not even emergency law, it's just setting the frame for confrontation & state authorities are entitled to take you "out of the game". if you're not _able_ to accept that, if you're _not_ able to accept there's a "concept of law for benefit of all", if you're _not_ able to "be hold responsible for your actions" - rainman, what kind of society you wanna have?


Thanks, but no thanks. 20 seconds of that propanga bullshit was enough for me.

Hahahaha, that is the first time I've gone to that site and it was on for about two minutes before my wife came in my office and asked me what all the shouting was, she watched it for another minute or so and wondered why anybody would believe anything that guy said. Sounded like a great speaker to me :)


Business as usual. Outbound deliveries at the cargo terminal at Suvi, no issues. Dentist appt. still on, no issues. Car dealership still open for service appt. Traffic was a little lighter, which was nice.



UDD marching to city halls after State of Emergency declared

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Core leaders of the anti-government United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have urged their supporters across the country to mobilize to provincial city halls in response to the government’s declaration of the State of Emergency.

The rally sentiment at Ratchaprasong Junction has tensed up after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva imposed the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations in the evening, covering the capital and adjoining provinces. UDD core figures Nattawut Saikua and Arisman Pongruangrong immediately called for the demonstrators to come out and gather at the main rally sites at Ratchaprasong and Phan Fah Bridge. UDD supporters all over the country were also encouraged to converge at the city hall of their province.

The State of Emergency was announced at 18.00 hrs today after the downtown mass rally of the UDD was considered a threat to the national security and the public safety. The activation is effective from 7 April 2010 in Bangkok and Nonthaburi as well as some districts in the central provinces of Pathum Thani, Samut Prakan, Nakhon Pathom, and Ayutthaya.


-- NNT 2010-04-07


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