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I have told you a litle before about my freind,but now he is in hospital again-and they have discover that he has,COPD-lumonia and loung cancer.

I have contactet the Danish Ambasy and goverment to try to make them help him whit a ticket home,but they wont.

So,any advice fore what to do???


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Brian, I'm not positive I understand what you are asking about. Let's clarify. I would guess you are asking about a ticket for an ambulance type air ticket for the man. If he is released from the hospital and can fly the usual way, surely his family could help get him home. What kind of cost for the health-care flight?

Is the man a military veteran?


There's a thread in the Ko Samui forum about an Australian dive instructor who was laid low with a rare disease "just" after his insurance ran out.

Enormous problems in the Thai hospital system with no money, I seem to recall his parents had to raise the cash to get him home.

Your friend would be well advised to make his way back to Denmark as well as he can. Watch for the cheap flights on line.


If your friend has COPD it is possible that he needs oxegen to fly...it is important to check with a doctor.. Prices vary for the oxegen considerably. Some such as THai or QANTAS charge $100 a flight sector and some others chare 150% of the full published seat fare extra. Not the fare paid but the full fare in the book. I am almost certain that the Danish embassy will contact his relatives back home for him if he asks to ask them for the fare. If they cannot or will not pay the fare he may be sent back by the embassy but will have to repay the full fare to them.



They say in the hospital that he can fly but need air-but the ambasy say he can not.It is a matter off 9.500 dkkr.

I have allready contactet the family but they can not help whit the mony-but I have write to the Danish goverment about it and I have make a home page on facebook and alot of people in Denmark suppert this group-35 menbers now-so lets see how it works out.

I think about-he have to stamp-the latest is today-what happend if we dont do this fore him??

Will the Thai goverment send him back then???Maby they just give him a fine-so we better go to Mae sai today and do it fore him-it is the 3. day in a road we are up there-they keep asking fore more papers every time-but think it is ok. today.

Thanks fore your reply!



They say in the hospital that he can fly but need air-but the ambasy say he can not.It is a matter off 9.500 dkkr.

I have allready contactet the family but they can not help whit the mony-but I have write to the Danish goverment about it and I have make a home page on facebook and alot of people in Denmark suppert this group-35 menbers now-so lets see how it works out.

I think about-he have to stamp-the latest is today-what happend if we dont do this fore him??

Will the Thai goverment send him back then???Maby they just give him a fine-so we better go to Mae sai today and do it fore him-it is the 3. day in a road we are up there-they keep asking fore more papers every time-but think it is ok. today.

Thanks fore your reply!



I'm not sure how the Danish embassy can keep him from flying or why they would try to. Seems to me that if he buys the ticket and shows up, no person would be there to stop him. But I am not familiar with the Danish way of doing things.

Yeah, sounds like you should get the immigration stamp for him if you can. If he doesn't have the money for the airline ticket, he doesn't have the money for fines.

Might be a good idea to contact the airline and find out exactly what the cost of the ticket, with the oxygen, will be, so you know exactly how much baht you need to get him home.

Let me know when you are ready to buy the ticket. I will contribute some baht for that if you come up short on the Facebook support. I can't help a lot but I can help some. If you need my help, PM me at that time.


If he is unfit to travel he can get an extension of staybased on medical reasons. It would require a letter from the doctor stating he can't fly and immigration might have him examined by their own doctor. Since he can fly, but onlyy with oxygen, an extension is unlikely.

Thai immigration will only deport someone on his own expenses. If they arrest someone to be deported, you stai in jail till the plane ticket is paid for.



Ok,I understand that and we go to Mae sai to fix hes stamp-we have all the papers don from hospital and so-so I ques that we can fix it today.

I have ask a cople of fligth fares how much it will cost and can they give him oxygen-so now we must see.

Then I have write to Danish Ambasy again about this.



Ok,I understand that and we go to Mae sai to fix hes stamp-we have all the papers don from hospital and so-so I ques that we can fix it today.

I have ask a cople of fligth fares how much it will cost and can they give him oxygen-so now we must see.

Then I have write to Danish Ambasy again about this.


Most airlines can provide oxygen....the problem is the cost varies so much for it. You must check how much they charge. Special forms need to be submitted to the airlines about 10 days prior to the flight.

Embassies usully only use their own counries airlines for repatriatiations and this may be much more expensive especially if flying with oxygen.


Every time I read a thread like this I can't help be reminded that there is a reason that Thai Immigration requires 800,000 / 400,000 THB, or 65,000 THB per month income for extending your visa

So you will have the money to go home if it becomes necessary

Every time I read a thread like this I can't help be reminded that there is a reason that Thai Immigration requires 800,000 / 400,000 THB, or 65,000 THB per month income for extending your visa

So you will have the money to go home if it becomes necessary

Good point!


I am sorry to hear this story about your very sick friend.

If the embassy will not help to repatriate him maybe you and his other friends can help to pay for a ticket and get him home.

Every time I read a thread like this I can't help be reminded that there is a reason that Thai Immigration requires 800,000 / 400,000 THB, or 65,000 THB per month income for extending your visa

So you will have the money to go home if it becomes necessary

Good point!

If Brianmarinus wouldn't be Danish, some might think he would be trollish.

But trolls are invented in Sweden, geographically a little bit more to the north.

After your house buying problems that after 31 postings finally weren't problems at all,

you now present us with the next drama.

Can you at least give some more specified information to us, supposed Good Samaritans?

COPD is a condition that nowadays can be controlled rather well by medication (different kinds of

bronchodillators etc.). If you mean pneumonia by lumonia, then your friend would have been

treated to antibiotics long time ago. Pneumonia is an illness that, if discovered in time, can

be cured without too many complications.

Lung cancer is of course another thing. If your friends needs an operation for this and he is the kind

of person that managed to get a visum (what visum?) without heading the financial requirements that

the Royal Thai Immigration Police presents to us, then it is simply better going back to Denmark and

enjoy the benefits of its excellent healthcare. The Danish taxpayer will cover his costs.

Concerning your house buying problems you were suggesting for a long while that Sinthanee, one of

the most well respected and trusted real estate companies in town, would possible take away a more

than 400.000 deposito from you.

Questions why this deposito was this unusual high, you never answered.

Now you are suggesting that the Danish Embassy is the bogeyman.

For your information: Embassies are nowadays very reluctant to lent money to people who for

what reason so ever, manage to get into financial problems abroad. The simple reason is, that

people who get into financial troubles and are assisted, seldom pay back.

One of the well-respected members of this forum, who was in line for a semi-diplomatic position in

Thailand, told me that in his country only 2 percent of the people who borrowed from their Royal

Embassy seemed to be inclined to pay back. 2 Percent, sad but true. The other 98 percent

probably thought 'thank you and I hope you are two dogs because then you can play with yourself".

So the people who need their embassies assistance prove themselves to be bad creditors.

So Brianmarinus, please do not to accuse your embassy of not be willing to help Danish

people in Thailand, even those who caused their problems by themselves.

Don't put the Danish Embassy there where you put Sinthanee Real Estate before!

They even help people who seem to have got themselves willingly into trouble.

I was a good friend of a late Swedish consul in Chiang Mai. When he stopped after 8 years

he told me "My dear Limbo, I would love to write a book about the stupidity of the people coming

here for help, but I have to wait ten years before I am allowed to publish anything about that".

Sorry that he didn't live as long as that ...

Just go to the tourist police Brianmarinus and explain the situation. Then the machine will

start rolling.

Limbo :)

PS: In no way I want to state here that Scandinavians would be more stupid than the average

contributors to this honorable forum. I hold them in high esteem, as I consider myself

to be half-scandinavian as well, 555! But blindly accusing one's own embassy, then please come

with some substantial proof.



Then we finaly get hes passport stamp and this ok now.

I must say that I am a litle surpriced by your reply,Limbo-just to be sure,I just check my topic and as fare as I can see-all I write was,that the Ambasy and Danish goverment not will pay fore him-nothing to complain about.thats just how it is,no more into that-so I dont know why you acuse me fore doing alot of thing very wrong in here.?

About the house buying and Sinthanee-if you follow the story,then you wood have noticed that I gave alot of credit to Sinthanee in the end of story-and even write on the Sinthanee home page a note about how helpfull and so on,the people in the office have been to us-and about the deposit-why it was so big-I realy dont know-thats just how it is and how the Sinthanee company wont it to be-so I must say,that if you wont to know why,you have to ask,at the Sinthanee office why,becourse I cant tell you.

So now I realy hope that you stop putting all thise things in my shooes-I did not complain enything about the Danish Ambasy-please go back and have a good look fore your self,then you will see I am right.

But anyway-you also start your reply whit some thing like this-the good samaritans-what do you mean by that??? I have not ask you or enybody in here fore mony-no way-so please,stop this.!!!

Onother storie about my freind-he has an infection in hes loungs,and he has loung cancer and he has COPD-and I know-it can be controlled-you are right-the thing is that he is in bad condition now and have no power left-can hardly go to the toilet and back to hes bed alone,after what the nurce sayd in hospital,so she dont think that he can fly alone.

Tomorrow they will do a litle operation on him to take some test of this cancer-so how fare it is and so.I dont know-nobody does,yet.

Langsuan man put a reply and I can only agree whit you-there is just this,that he has to pay hes bills and until now he pay 27000 baht in Owerbrooke hospital fore 3 days-and the bill ind this hospital is now allready up to around 40.000 baht-so as you can see-he just cant have eny mony back now-we are not all so rich as som one in here-sorry about that.!

Brett Maverick-you say I can pay a ticket fore him-and I wood fore sure-if I only had the mony-but I dont-so thats why.

Trickcyclist,you think I can start a collection fore him back in denmark-right-and I have started such one to help him.

I just wont to say one more thing in here-remember this-I have never asked you for eny mony-just ask fore an advice since this is so difficult fore me and my woman and allmost fore my freind and we diddent know what to do-we just asked fore an advice-no more then less-but I say thank you fore your understanding atitude and so.I prommissed you,that I will never border you whit eny questions again-sorry I did.


Have a nice day out there.

Every time I read a thread like this I can't help be reminded that there is a reason that Thai Immigration requires 800,000 / 400,000 THB, or 65,000 THB per month income for extending your visa

So you will have the money to go home if it becomes necessary

Good point!

If Brianmarinus wouldn't be Danish, some might think he would be trollish.

But trolls are invented in Sweden, geographically a little bit more to the north.

After your house buying problems that after 31 postings finally weren't problems at all,

you now present us with the next drama.

Can you at least give some more specified information to us, supposed Good Samaritans?

COPD is a condition that nowadays can be controlled rather well by medication (different kinds of

bronchodillators etc.). If you mean pneumonia by lumonia, then your friend would have been

treated to antibiotics long time ago. Pneumonia is an illness that, if discovered in time, can

be cured without too many complications.

Lung cancer is of course another thing. If your friends needs an operation for this and he is the kind

of person that managed to get a visum (what visum?) without heading the financial requirements that

the Royal Thai Immigration Police presents to us, then it is simply better going back to Denmark and

enjoy the benefits of its excellent healthcare. The Danish taxpayer will cover his costs.

Concerning your house buying problems you were suggesting for a long while that Sinthanee, one of

the most well respected and trusted real estate companies in town, would possible take away a more

than 400.000 deposito from you.

Questions why this deposito was this unusual high, you never answered.

Now you are suggesting that the Danish Embassy is the bogeyman.

For your information: Embassies are nowadays very reluctant to lent money to people who for

what reason so ever, manage to get into financial problems abroad. The simple reason is, that

people who get into financial troubles and are assisted, seldom pay back.

One of the well-respected members of this forum, who was in line for a semi-diplomatic position in

Thailand, told me that in his country only 2 percent of the people who borrowed from their Royal

Embassy seemed to be inclined to pay back. 2 Percent, sad but true. The other 98 percent

probably thought 'thank you and I hope you are two dogs because then you can play with yourself".

So the people who need their embassies assistance prove themselves to be bad creditors.

So Brianmarinus, please do not to accuse your embassy of not be willing to help Danish

people in Thailand, even those who caused their problems by themselves.

Don't put the Danish Embassy there where you put Sinthanee Real Estate before!

They even help people who seem to have got themselves willingly into trouble.

I was a good friend of a late Swedish consul in Chiang Mai. When he stopped after 8 years

he told me "My dear Limbo, I would love to write a book about the stupidity of the people coming

here for help, but I have to wait ten years before I am allowed to publish anything about that".

Sorry that he didn't live as long as that ...

Just go to the tourist police Brianmarinus and explain the situation. Then the machine will

start rolling.

Limbo :D

PS: In no way I want to state here that Scandinavians would be more stupid than the average

contributors to this honorable forum. I hold them in high esteem, as I consider myself

to be half-scandinavian as well, 555! But blindly accusing one's own embassy, then please come

with some substantial proof.

Limbo i think your attitude towards the Op is way off the mark,he is trying to help some chap out who is in hospital and all you can do is talk about your embassy friends in high places,who gives a shit what your spin on the matter is,get over it he has asked some genuine questions about what he has to do to help his friend and also innitiated a collection to get him home,i say good on him there should be more people in this world that care and not just spout shit based on there own ideas of what and why.....get a life limbo like this man is trying too! :)



Like George W. said "You can fool me once, shame on you, but.....................................................................Ya aint going to fool me again


Dr Limbo I think you may be overestimating the control that drugs can exert on COPD. Whilst I agree, as someone who has suffered from COPD for some years and have had surgery to alleviate the symptoms, that COPD is better controlled than now the fact remains that hospital admissions are needed and can require very very intensive treatment for periods of several days or weeks. The atmosphere in CR lately has without doubt been unhelpful too. Of course as you have extensive medical knowledge of this condition maybe you can explain more why it is so trivial for him.


I am obviously not as good at reading between the lines as you are Limbo because all I see in this thread is brian the OP asking for some opinions on how he can get his sick friend home when his EMbassy won't help.

I do not see the "embassy bashing" in the same way in his other thread I didn't see his "Sinthanee bashing".

What I saw is an older guy whose native language is not English trying to get advice to resolve situations that he didn't understand or couldn't resolve on his own.

You are indeed fortunate to be so superior to the rest of us although I would have thought by now a Platinum member would understand that on forums people ask questions and others give answers that help them.

I don't see your tirade against him personally helping much do you? Give the guy a break, and use your vast

knowledge to help people not put them down. You will feel better.


Like George W. said "You can fool me once, shame on you, but.....................................................................Ya aint going to fool me again

Thanks mumbo jumbo!

And to those who might have problems similar the ones Brian is describing:

if you are a Scandinavian you are in nine out of ten cases insured to the extent

that also the SOS-service, repatriation, is included. In many cases a Scandinavian

doctor, most often a Swede, will come and pick you up.

Limbo :)



He has no insurrance-and I agree-thats fulish and stupid-but thats how it is whit him-but I can not think about it this way-and just left him alone-I think I will remember this lection and use it to warn other people to go here or enywhere whitout a insurrance-it is to stupid-but even you are stupid,I think no one have to be left to die alone in a foreign country-

I have talk to his son in Denmark fore 2 min. ago and they try to collect the mony,so one of them can came out here to take him home.

End of story from me.

Thanks fore your support and understanding-enyway the most of you in here are good guys,I think...thank you!!!



Like George W. said "You can fool me once, shame on you, but.....................................................................Ya aint going to fool me again

Thanks mumbo jumbo!

And to those who might have problems similar the ones Brian is describing:

if you are a Scandinavian you are in nine out of ten cases insured to the extent

that also the SOS-service, repatriation, is included. In many cases a Scandinavian

doctor, most often a Swede, will come and pick you up.

Limbo :)

oohhh i see its getting cryptic now is it ...<deleted>!!!


He has no insurrance-and I agree-thats fulish and stupid-but thats how it is whit him-but I can not think about it this way-and just left him alone-I think I will remember this lection and use it to warn other people to go here or enywhere whitout a insurrance-it is to stupid-but even you are stupid,I think no one have to be left to die alone in a foreign country-

I have talk to his son in Denmark fore 2 min. ago and they try to collect the mony,so one of them can came out here to take him home.

End of story from me.

Thanks fore your support and understanding-enyway the most of you in here are good guys,I think...thank you!!!


You're right- No one needs to be left to die alone in a foreign country. If he has no person here to care for him, it is good that he goes home for his final days.

I know you were not asking for money on this forum. I hope I didn't cause anyone to think you were. I'm just an old dog that has seen a lot of bad things and I am moved to lessen the hardship for people sometimes.

I'm lucky. I have a supportive family here. I think when my time comes, I'll just pass here if I have a choice about it. No need to ship me anywhere, before or after.

Brian, you are good man to step in and help that man, your friend. I suspect your experience in this matter will be useful to you and someone else in the future. I am glad that the man's family has someone like you on this end to handle the things for them that he and they cannot handle from their respective positions. I hope we all have friends like you if the time comes that we need them.



I don´t know what you have been drinking today dear Limbo but I agree with the others that the OP did not say a bad word about the embassy and in the other thread I could not see a bad word about Sinthanee!

And to those who might have problems similar the ones Brian is describing:

if you are a Scandinavian you are in nine out of ten cases insured to the extent

that also the SOS-service, repatriation, is included. In many cases a Scandinavian

doctor, most often a Swede, will come and pick you up.

Limbo :)

The information above about Scandinavians is totally wrong when it comes to expats living here. If you are a Scandinavian tourist you probably have an insurance that will take care of you. But for us living here if we would like an insurance that cover what you say that will cost us both arms and probably a leg each year.

So time to cut down both on the beer and the ranting!

Take care!



My basic rule:

I make sure that I Always have enough money for a ticket back home!! Whatever happens!!

Besides that... how is it possible, like one of the members already noticed, that he stays as a long term guest in Thailand? Illegal? Or on a three month visa, extended every three months through visa runs?

That is, imho, also illegal. It is a gap in Thai Law. Then you are here on your own risk.

He should have 65.000 p/m, 800.000/400.000 on the bank or be employed (ninety nine out of one hundred cases Including medical assurance). So have the money to go back or be (basically) treated.

What a BS story!



As I have told,he has no insurrance,and thats he,s foult-and he have a non immigration visa whit multy entry-where he must go and stamp every 90 days-so nothing illegal about that-and today I was at the immigration office and make him a new one,which gives him permit to stay until June d.6.-but since he not was able to came by him self,it cost another 1900 baht.

I also told before that he have the required mony to be here,but the cost of hospitals bills have ruin him-he was first 3 days in Overbrooke and that cost 27000 THB and now he have a bill nearly 40.000 THB. which we are going to pay tomorrow-so the 65000 THB. you need to have are going realy fast this way-but as you sayd-it is only him to blame-but enyway is it sad to see a guy like this-on a 30 mans room,where he can lay down and watch 2-3 dead people every day-no family around and the family back in Denmark just ask me to ask him,where he wont to stay,when he die-I think-no matter if it is your foult or not-no one decerved this,and I do what I can to help him in his last time-and all you care about is-did he have what he must have of income-and is he in the country legal-offcourse,dont you think,that the immigration do there job and ask questions and so about all this.? If not,I dont think that we must go there 3 days in a road to fix it as we did-they ask fore more and new papers each time,until today.

But it is nice to see that you are such a straith guy who knows how to do-I realy feel your sympaty fore other people in this wold.



Now I hope you are pleased about the situation so I dont have to come whit more explenaisions in here.!!!

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