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Look at global indexes on happiness. You'll see that countries that follow some precepts of socialism tend to have a happier population. It's countries like the states that have an unatuaral fear of it that have a greater divide of rich and poor, and less life satisfaction and happiness.

Canadian cities took the top 5 "Best Cities to Live" in the Americas and Vancouver tied for 4th world wide. source: Mercer 2009 Quality of Living Survey

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can you who adore socialism give examples of good things it does for its people. from my studies it just makes everyone miserable. unless you are an elite.

Uff Da! I am so tired of the endless stream of illegal immigrants entering the United States from those socialist Scandahoovian countries. The misery on their faces is truly heart wrenching.

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Canadians do seem to have a soft spot for the Fidel Castro's and Cesar Chavez's of the world. Pity these reds also happen to be totalitarian dictators. Inconvenient truth. Extremes of both the left and the right are a lethal brew. Also like right wingers, they have their scapegoats, in Castro's case gays (which Thaksin's reds show signs of copying) in Chavez's case Jews.

ISTR that Cuban gays achieved decriminalisation throughout their land in 1979. Can you remind me when their brethren in the USA made it to that same milestone?

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Canadians do seem to have a soft spot for the Fidel Castro's and Cesar Chavez's of the world. Pity these reds also happen to be totalitarian dictators. Inconvenient truth. Extremes of both the left and the right are a lethal brew. Also like right wingers, they have their scapegoats, in Castro's case gays (which Thaksin's reds show signs of copying) in Chavez's case Jews.

I don't think that Canadians have a soft spot for Castro. They just are able to act independently of the USA when it comes to blockading a country in an effort to keep them in the 1950's. At least Castro gave his people health care.

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can you who adore socialism give examples of good things it does for its people. from my studies it just makes everyone miserable. unless you are an elite.

taxes up the azz. lagging economies, no jobs, all things people want :):D:D ,long waits to fix a broken bone,

Can you give examples of all the wonderful things that capitalism has given over the past few years? I guess losing your home, your job, and your life savings so that the ultra rich can have a bit more is a shining example to the rest of the world.

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Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (CNN) -- A wave of protests left 75 people dead and hundreds injured in Kyrgyzstan, authorities said Thursday, as the opposition seized government headquarters and pledged to address citizens' concerns.

An additional 458 people were hospitalized, said Elena Bayalinova, a spokeswoman for the Kyrgyz health ministry.

The capital, Bishkek, was calm Thursday except for small groups of people chanting near the marble government office, known as the white house.

Debris was strewn across the building, including broken glasses, torn portraits of former presidents and damaged office equipment. ...


It took just 2 days of revolution.

In meanwhile Russia has accepted the opposition as the legitimate ruler to form an interims government

Not that I'm advising a revolution. This is just to show how things can work when brains are used and when the aim is pure, spotless and without any hidden agendas.

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Canadians do seem to have a soft spot for the Fidel Castro's and Cesar Chavez's of the world. Pity these reds also happen to be totalitarian dictators. Inconvenient truth. Extremes of both the left and the right are a lethal brew. Also like right wingers, they have their scapegoats, in Castro's case gays (which Thaksin's reds show signs of copying) in Chavez's case Jews.

ISTR that Cuban gays achieved decriminalisation throughout their land in 1979. Can you remind me when their brethren in the USA made it to that same milestone?

I don't know. I don't remember homosexuality EVER being criminalized in the US in the same general way it was in the UK. Some states had weird laws, some still do. You are off kilter here. Castro put gays in concentration camps!

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Canadians do seem to have a soft spot for the Fidel Castro's and Cesar Chavez's of the world. Pity these reds also happen to be totalitarian dictators. Inconvenient truth. Extremes of both the left and the right are a lethal brew. Also like right wingers, they have their scapegoats, in Castro's case gays (which Thaksin's reds show signs of copying) in Chavez's case Jews.

ISTR that Cuban gays achieved decriminalisation throughout their land in 1979. Can you remind me when their brethren in the USA made it to that same milestone?

I don't know. I don't remember homosexuality EVER being criminalized in the US in the same general way it was in the UK. Some states had weird laws, some still do. You are off kilter here. Castro put gays in concentration camps!

Memory lapse, ignorance or disingenuousness? Let me help cure whichever species of blindness it may truly be. You should read the decision of the US Supreme Court in Bowers v Hardwick (1986) which expressly declared anti-sodomy laws to be constitutional (not "weird") in USA; it was a decision which stood until 2003 when overruled in Lawrence v Texas (with three of the learned Justices even then dissenting). Seems that old Fidel was ahead of the States by at least a quarter of a century in this particular area of gay emancipation.

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I know the cases. I am from the US. There is NO COMPARISON between what Fidel did to the gays and also the barbaric anti-gay UK laws before they were repealed. People are not arrested in the US for having legal age consensual gay sex privately, period.

It's good to hear things are better in Cuba now. But get real, you can't forgive Castro for the concentration camps, the years of oppression, the Mariel boat lift. If Hitler had lived long enough he might have married Monica Lewinski and built a synagogue. SO WHAT?

Edited by Jingthing
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I know the cases. I am from the US. There is NO COMPARISON between what Fidel did to the gays and also the barbaric anti-gay UK laws before they were repealed. People are not arrested in the US for having legal age consensual gay sex privately, period.

It's good to hear things are better in Cuba now. But get real, you can't forgive Castro for the concentration camps, the years of oppression, the Mariel boat lift. If Hitler had lived long enough he might have married Monica Lewinski and built a synagogue. SO WHAT?

First you said you didn't know; now you say you did. So disingenuousness, then. Mustn't let the truth hinder us in making our partisan political point, must we?

UK: effective decriminalisation in 1967

Cuba: effective decriminalisation in 1979

USA: partially effective decriminalisation in 2003 (having affirmed criminality in 1986)

This is one you can't win; best drop it.

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can you who adore socialism give examples of good things it does for its people. from my studies it just makes everyone miserable. unless you are an elite.

taxes up the azz. lagging economies, no jobs, all things people want :):D:D ,long waits to fix a broken bone,

Can you give examples of all the wonderful things that capitalism has given over the past few years? I guess losing your home, your job, and your life savings so that the ultra rich can have a bit more is a shining example to the rest of the world.

besides from protecting the planet for those who want some semblance of freedom.........NOT MUCH!

DO PEOPLE LIKE bill gates,steve jobs come from socialist countries? free people can really do good for the not so free!

what wiould canadians do if the usa told them get their own darn military.........lol.

Edited by simpathy
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I know the cases. I am from the US. There is NO COMPARISON between what Fidel did to the gays and also the barbaric anti-gay UK laws before they were repealed. People are not arrested in the US for having legal age consensual gay sex privately, period.

It's good to hear things are better in Cuba now. But get real, you can't forgive Castro for the concentration camps, the years of oppression, the Mariel boat lift. If Hitler had lived long enough he might have married Monica Lewinski and built a synagogue. SO WHAT?

First you said you didn't know; now you say you did. So disingenuousness, then. Mustn't let the truth hinder us in making our partisan political point, must we?

UK: effective decriminalisation in 1967

Cuba: effective decriminalisation in 1979

USA: partially effective decriminalisation in 2003 (having affirmed criminality in 1986)

This is one you can't win; best drop it.

jing nevers lets facts get in his way. he very amusing, makes things up as he goes along, soon hel_l come up with a poll supporting his thinking...........lol. he has a poll which states the majority of americans wanted obammas reform of healthcare.

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I knew people who were trained in Cuba.Free education and health care.And I committed gay crimes in Texas from 1961 to 2003 by having consensual adult gay sex in Texas It's still a military crime in the armed forces.Socialist-capitalist countries in Europe have better standards of living than the US.Socialism is not Marxism.

Thaksin is a greedy, convicted captalist elite, deluding the poor of Thailand.

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Canadians do seem to have a soft spot for the Fidel Castro's and Cesar Chavez's of the world. Pity these reds also happen to be totalitarian dictators. Inconvenient truth. Extremes of both the left and the right are a lethal brew. Also like right wingers, they have their scapegoats, in Castro's case gays (which Thaksin's reds show signs of copying) in Chavez's case Jews.

Absolutely not. The Canadian government has issued very clear statements on human rights and has been pretty good on living up to those statements. The position has been the same under both previous Liberal and now minority Conservative administrations. What Canadians object to is the embargo on Cuba. Like the Europeans, Canada believes that liberalization in Cuba will come from increased contact, not harsh punishments inflicted upon the poor. In respect to Venezuala, please note that while Canada is the largest energy supplier to the USA, including gas and oil, Venezuala is an important oil supplier to Canada. Without the oil, eastern Canada takes a hit. Sort of the same reason the Americans and europeans kiss the posteriors of arab countries.

Look at global indexes on happiness. You'll see that countries that follow some precepts of socialism tend to have a happier population. It's countries like the states that have an unatuaral fear of it that have a greater divide of rich and poor, and less life satisfaction and happiness.

Canadian cities took the top 5 "Best Cities to Live" in the Americas and Vancouver tied for 4th world wide. source: Mercer 2009 Quality of Living Survey

Despite British Columbia being a hotbed of socialist intentions, the social programs nearly bankrupted the province. Vancouver's central core is filled with the highest per capita number of junkies and homeless of any canadian city. Housing is nearly unaffordable. Gang wars rage out of control in Surrey and Richmond. Property crime is a daily experience. The natural resources and multi billionaire trade in marijauna to the USA, help many of the province's citizens to live comfortably.

besides from protecting the planet for those who want some semblance of freedom.........NOT MUCH!

DO PEOPLE LIKE bill gates,steve jobs come from socialist countries? free people can really do good for the not so free!

what wiould canadians do if the usa told them get their own darn military.........lol.

One has to gasp in awe at the ignorance of some people. One of the most robust and most stable economies in the world is that of Canada. Canada is running a terrible deficit now, but it is nothing compared to other countries. The dollar is on par with the USD (look at the AUS$ for another strong economy) and Canada is now considered to have one of the safest banking systems (along with Sweden). There is a reason why there has been a surge in foreign holdings of the CAD and AUS$. It's called fiscal management.

Canada lost more people per capita than any nation in Afghanistan.

Prior to the surge in Afghanistan, it was Canadians that held Khanadahar province, by far the most deadly of provinces. Some of the casualties were inflicted by trigger happy American reservists that bombed Canadian positions. To the ignorant arse making the comment on the Canadian military, have a look at the battle reports and casualty figures before you spout the lies. Afghanistan wasn't the Uk or Canada's war. It was the American's that decided to invade . Unfortunately, it has been the UK and Canada that had to carry the burden for a long time. Had it not been for the UK and Canada, Afghanistan would have been lost. I'd also suggest you have a word with the American commanders on the ground that have been apoplectic over the potential withdrawal of Canadian troops. They lose their most reliable units when it happens, including the most successful snipers and ordinance crews. The Canadians have not retreated or surrendered positions despite the Canadians having been sent to the worst part of Afghanistan. Unlike the Americans, when Canadian units took a position they held it despite the counterattacks.

BTW, 9-11. Remember the day? It was a Canadian that took charge of all airspace in North America while Bush was sitting in the chair looking shocked. While everyone was running about confused, those were Canadian interceptors scrambled to protect US cities on the east coast, because there were not enough US aircraft ready to launch. Canada should turn off the electricity and gas going into the US. The American economy would collapse within days. Might teach some people some manners and respect.

Edited by geriatrickid
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go kanada! i never knew you were such a powerhouse.

so for socialism to work its people need to deal druggs! man thats something america can look forward to.

man, if kanadas military is so great they should take over and not just be support!

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