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Foreigners Joining Red-Shirts Rally


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all the power to them as long as its a righteous cause.

Shanediesel I note your claim to be Canadian I presume your memory extends to and you can remember the violent actions of the Quebec separatist movement .

Perhaps your own backyard should be ''spring cleaned'' first before you go dispensing your somewhat crude and vulgar advice to the Thai people and indeed posters on the forum.

One can only presume the poster shanediesel was dragged up rather than brought up.

From his language, I would say Trailer Park trash, as the Americans say!!

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I am a foreigner living in Thailand now for more than 20 years. I have my opinions about this and many other situations here in Thailand , and I feel free to express them...... WITHIN my circle of friends and accquantainces, but not on a stage in a public rally. That is not my place.

We foreigners are GUESTS in this country. Any foreigner who publically protests at a open rally, such as is going on in BKK now, is trying to upset/overthrow the government and should be escorted to the airport and deported immediately.

People should know better, when to open and when to keep their mouths closed and opinions to themselves. There are places to express your opinions, but on stage or at a public rally is definitely not one of them.

Immigration, pick them up and show them the door.

Apparently the Thai wife [some of whom can become very rabid with their opinions] have them by the short and curlies. The effect is that these foreigners are not thinking , but reacting with the wrong head.

My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.


This is spot on and yes, we as foreigners should stay on the sidelines and not become actively engaged with one or another group, be it red, yellow or any other colour. I've been here a mere 10 years and yes I have my opinions which I can air anonomously on TV and verbally with my Thai and farang friends ....that's as far as it goes and should go IMHO.

As for Shanediesel incident: many 'newbies' have arisen in the last month or two and lay an assault to a particular political thread. It could be seen as agitation to promote their given agenda, and where these people actually say where they are from ...take that with a pinch of salt also

As to the moderators, everybody is entitled to their view but when newbies like the above lay a verbal attack on their 1st day of joining (as posted earlier on this page), they should be banned, don't you think? It was a bit OTT eh :)

(I now see that the verbal attack has been removed from this thread ....for those of you who did see it, well say no more LOL)

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''Bla bla bla...We should have a democracy without interference like in the US," added the dual American and Canadian citizen, who has been living in Bangkok for 15 years and asked to remain anonymous. :)

Just another deluded yank who loved the country so much he became a canook and moved to Thailand.... :D

But it shows you what a great banana republic Thailand is....they let anyone join in their revolution! :D

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Some of the farang protesters that are USA citizens, if in the end they get scooped up and arrested while armed, could find problems about retaining their citizenship.

The USA is a bit flaky when it comes to enforcing laws, (just look at our borders), but sometimes right out of the blue the do act.

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This is Thais' politic, STAY OUT OF IT.

We DO NOT need any interference (pro or against).

Typical Thai response, it's OK for foreigners to spend/invest here but cannot have or express a view?

Perhaps like most 3rd world countries you do need some guidance/interference?

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This is Thais' politic, STAY OUT OF IT.

We DO NOT need any interference (pro or against).

Typical Thai response, it's OK for foreigners to spend/invest here but cannot have or express a view?

Perhaps like most 3rd world countries you do need some guidance/interference?

There is more going on with this than you get from the media and there are things in play most Thais are highly reluctant to allow foreigners to get even a glimpse of. You have no idea how much you don't know.

Myself, I think TS is a most foul creature that I've detested for years, but he's gone even lower by what he is putting these people through now. He deserves the same fate that was delivered to Mussolini.

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[quote name='tod-daniels' date='2010-05-16 11:45:00' post='3604990

Actually the foreign press has been almost totally PRO-government in their spin of what's going on. Few if any first world countries news reports show the slightest sympathy to the red-rabble side in this matter.

That's not true.

I read articles on the protests in the London Times. New York Times, London Telegraph, The Economist etc. Almost all articles reference the post 2006 political shenanigans resulting in Abhisit assuming the role of PM.

And if it's not our business, why do you have so much to say on the issue? (and you know that is true)

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Some of the farang protesters that are USA citizens, if in the end they get scooped up and arrested while armed, could find problems about retaining their citizenship.

The USA is a bit flaky when it comes to enforcing laws, (just look at our borders), but sometimes right out of the blue the do act.

Might be sent to Guantanamo for being a foreign combat.

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Breaking news from Thaksins twitter:

I offert Chelsea all of my frozen assets to let Manchester United to become champions, so there would be a run on their red shirts.

Then the protesters would be in favour, and we could proof the tribunal in The Hague that the army was shooting innocent people.

They wimpt me off and told me to sell my story about my frozen assets to the polar bears!!

Can anyone off you twitter me the number of these polar's???

I tried to call Potjaman and Oak but they are away shopping and Chavalit is eating noodles in Cumming!!

please twitter me as soon as possible, or mail me on [email protected]

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"The current government was not voted in, and I want to have a vote," he said.

Better start hitting the books for the Thai citizenship test then mate.

Another one night wonder

When will you learn

Governments and PM's are not voted in in Thailand

MP's are

It is the MP's who then put in a Government and they choose their Prime Minister

MP's can cross the floor at any time and change the government

Same in England and Australia

Gee I hope this is the last time we have to say this

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

And you are proud of this?

even if they are- they can get back in so easily-

why waste your time

they are exercising free speech

Sorry read through the red shirt political rule book twice

and could not find anything about Free Speech

the only pages on speech are

IF Thaskin say something

All others must be disregarded

This information is Free

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If the scenario was reversed and foreigners were doing this in my home country I would think they were lunatics and should mind their own business.

We Americans, if Obama were ousted in a military coup, would welcome foreign assistance with our armed militia movement to bring him back to power or force an election. We don't take kindly to the military forcing their way into our government. We execute them!

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he's been here for 15 years nice,,, I guess he wont get to the 16th year,, lol good morning Thailand!!

agreed, the land of smiles changes pretty fast when you stick your farang neck out where it doesn't belong. Hope he has little trouble getting a foreign entrance visa for his wife to follow him back home.

Guess that some on this forum already have started packing, because Viking 75, redparot and many other reds weren't here for some time, or have they joint the protesters???

I doubt it!!

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If the scenario was reversed and foreigners were doing this in my home country I would think they were lunatics and should mind their own business.

We Americans, if Obama were ousted in a military coup, would welcome foreign assistance with our armed militia movement to bring him back to power or force an election. We don't take kindly to the military forcing their way into our government. We execute them!

Irony...if only you had any idea what the revolutionary book of the red shirts aim for...they have actual groups that aim for a revolution, i.e. something even worse than a mere coup.

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If the scenario was reversed and foreigners were doing this in my home country I would think they were lunatics and should mind their own business.

We Americans, if Obama were ousted in a military coup, would welcome foreign assistance with our armed militia movement to bring him back to power or force an election. We don't take kindly to the military forcing their way into our government. We execute them!

Irony...if only you had any idea what the revolutionary book of the red shirts aim for...they have actual groups that aim for a revolution, i.e. something even worse than a mere coup.

Please enlighten us by providing us a few photos you have of this revolutionary book of the red shirts. And why is revolution necessarily worse than a mere coup. We Americans are rather fond of our revolution, you know.

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If the scenario was reversed and foreigners were doing this in my home country I would think they were lunatics and should mind their own business.

We Americans, if Obama were ousted in a military coup, would welcome foreign assistance with our armed militia movement to bring him back to power or force an election. We don't take kindly to the military forcing their way into our government. We execute them!

Irony...if only you had any idea what the revolutionary book of the red shirts aim for...they have actual groups that aim for a revolution, i.e. something even worse than a mere coup.

Please enlighten us by providing us a few photos you have of this revolutionary book of the red shirts. And why is revolution necessarily worse than a mere coup. We Americans are rather fond of our revolution, you know.

Ghiles published his 'roadmap' for the movement some time back, take that as a first hint.

And if you don't understand why revolutionary is worse than a coup in this country than I can only assume that you are new to the nation...and rules of this forum disallows me to talk to much about this, as you should know.

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Foreigners should stay away from this.....get exposed like this does nothing good. But what can I say....not every foreigner is smart or well educated. Don't take sides and turn yourself into a target....be a smart guy. Or you want to turn yourself into a traget in the future as in the Middle East or Indonesia?

We don't really understand Thai culture and it's complexity. So don't pretend we know it and be an idiot to on stage or joint the fight we don't really understand.

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Check out this for farang red shirts. http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/category/thailand/ . A bunch of obscure but rabid left wing Ozzie anthropologists with chips on their shoulders hijacking a supposedly academic website funded by an Australian government owned university to proclaim their undying love for Thaksin and his cronies.

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If the scenario was reversed and foreigners were doing this in my home country I would think they were lunatics and should mind their own business.

We Americans, if Obama were ousted in a military coup, would welcome foreign assistance with our armed militia movement to bring him back to power or force an election. We don't take kindly to the military forcing their way into our government. We execute them!

You make me laugh.

Talk us through the US involvement in Chile in 1972.

Or any other number of Latin American states.

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If the scenario was reversed and foreigners were doing this in my home country I would think they were lunatics and should mind their own business.

We Americans, if Obama were ousted in a military coup, would welcome foreign assistance with our armed militia movement to bring him back to power or force an election. We don't take kindly to the military forcing their way into our government. We execute them!

You make me laugh.

Talk us through the US involvement in Chile in 1972.

Or any other number of Latin American states.

There was no coup in the US in 1972. I'm saying that if the President of the US was ousted by rogue elements of the military, citizen militia groups would gladly accept the assistance of foreigners to retake political control of the US. As to the US govt. meddling in other countries, that is the subject of another thread in another forum.

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For the past two months I've been reading all sorts of news, desperately trying to understand what's going on. The language barrier makes that dam_n near impossible.

Between the madness of TV threads, the loosely credible English news sources, and heaps of English twitter posts, I don't feel any closer to having a clue what's truly motivating the thousands of red shirts around the country. I'm talking about the average red shirt, not the crazy leaders who have more obvious intentions.

I've seen the videos of protesters being paid for their duties. I've read a lot of generic quotes along the lines of "we want democracy!". But none of the English news sources provide detailed, first-hand information from the red-shirts themselves.

If anyone can provide some links to translations of this kind of dialogue I'd love to read it. Without speaking fluent Thai it's amazing to me that foreigners can pretend to know what's going on, nevermind get in pissing contents over who's right or wrong, nevermind actually taking sides!

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In USA we had John Kerry vs GW. Bush for election

Bush was half as smart and down homey aw shucks just one of you..

Kerry was brilliant and knowledgeable about most things a president needs to know of the top of his head.

A slight exageration......... The Democrats lost two elections to Bush because they put up idiots, bigger idiots than Bush. :)

Al Gore the inventor of the Internet and John Kerry the man who would have surrounded Tora Bora....... :D

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For the past two months I've been reading all sorts of news, desperately trying to understand what's going on. The language barrier makes that dam_n near impossible.

Between the madness of TV threads, the loosely credible English news sources, and heaps of English twitter posts, I don't feel any closer to having a clue what's truly motivating the thousands of red shirts around the country. I'm talking about the average red shirt, not the crazy leaders who have more obvious intentions.

I've seen the videos of protesters being paid for their duties. I've read a lot of generic quotes along the lines of "we want democracy!". But none of the English news sources provide detailed, first-hand information from the red-shirts themselves.

If anyone can provide some links to translations of this kind of dialogue I'd love to read it. Without speaking fluent Thai it's amazing to me that foreigners can pretend to know what's going on, nevermind get in pissing contents over who's right or wrong, nevermind actually taking sides!

In my wife's town of 10,000 people, not in Peau Thai territory, there are about 500 active Red Shirts of whom only 10 have gone to the rally in BKK. I've talked to two of those who went to BKK and I know them both personally. One is mid level management for an international oil company and the other a local businessman who doesn't make much money but has managed to put all three of his kids thru university in BKK. They weren't Thaksin supporters when he was PM, but now sympathize with his followers. They feel democracy was shat upon by the Dems with council interference, they think the coup sucked, they think two TRT PPP PM's were shafted and they detest the rich yellow elite in BKK while they get along great with their local yellow friends. They are not from Issan or the North.

Though they have both voted Democrat at times in the past, they both detest Abhisit and loathe censorship and military rule.

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In my wife's town of 10,000 people, not in Peau Thai territory, there are about 500 active Red Shirts of whom only 10 have gone to the rally in BKK. I've talked to two of those who went to BKK and I know them both personally. One is mid level management for an international oil company and the other a local businessman who doesn't make much money but has managed to put all three of his kids thru university in BKK. They weren't Thaksin supporters when he was PM, but now sympathize with his followers. They feel democracy was shat upon by the Dems with council interference, they think the coup sucked, they think two TRT PPP PM's were shafted and they detest the rich yellow elite in BKK while they get along great with their local yellow friends. They are not from Issan or the North.

Though they have both voted Democrat at times in the past, they both detest Abhisit and loathe censorship and military rule.

So 0.1% went to the protest and 5% are red shirt supporters. Can you tell us something about the views of the other 95% of the population?

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Let foreigners do what they want. Foreign born and foreign educated Abhisit seems to be doing just fine!

But he has a Thai passport and is a Thai citizen and unless you can't see looks Thai, speaks, reads and writes Thai, his family are Thai. That's the big difference. I am not a fan of him but I certainly don't want to see, these idiot westerners who are 'putting their noses' into a political situation, that is not their fight. They give us all a bad name and if they are deported for insighting riots or whatever, then they only have themselves to blame.

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