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american democracy what a joke !!! as a non citizen he has no right to stand up on stage and lecture people on what to do .......... another loud mouthed know all yank ..... go home and sort the mess out in your own country freak ..........

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I personally have no problems about this, but the thing is that they really don't know what it is all about. Do they hope to gain something personally?

Excuse me, would the same foreigners do that where it would be really justified, like in Burma, North Korea and China sometimes? Isn't it a kind of abusing Thai hospitality? Something mentally wrong with these blokes.

I suspect some foreigners who "attend" the political protest are just curious. When they see a lot of people gathering in a festive, safe, event overseas, they want to check it out and be part of it. It is all part of the experience of being in a strange, third world adventure. So they buy the touristy items like clappers, hats, and T-shirts. They shoot pictures and take videos mouthing off "Hi Mom" and waving for the camera. They have no ill intent, they just happen to be there and want to be part of something they view as a tourist attraction.

Since when foreigners can get involved in another country's political events?

What does this guy have to gain? What does he have to loose?

There is a huge gap between having opinions, and actually going with a rally....I hope for him that he won't have to regret his actions a way or another

... And I assume the thousands of THAI people who are attending the rally, who are being PAID with BRIBES to do so should, not be there either...

Democracy means people have a choice. If they want to attend a rally for whatever reason, it is their right to do so. If they want to look like idiots doing it, so be it. That is their problem, not yours.

that farang must be low on money too maybe he is looking for a few handouts too :):D:D

american democracy what a joke !!! as a non citizen he has no right to stand up on stage and lecture people on what to do .......... another loud mouthed know all yank ..... go home and sort the mess out in your own country freak ..........

Where are you from? You sound like a xenophobic, bitter foreigner whose life has passed him/her by....


Lighten up people. Don't let these folks get you so upset. The actions of a few visitors should not control your emotions so much. If Thai's disapprove they will take action.


I can't help but notice there are a few BITTER members here who get off at insulting Americans and other people who are not like them. That is fine, this is the Internet and there is freedom of speech. Go ahead and spit your vituperations all you want. If it makes you feel good to insult people as an anonymously then that says more about your sordid, sad little lives than anything else.... go ahead, NO ONE CARES!!!! :)

I'm not against foreigners being involved in this protest. What I do not like is IGNORANT people participating in events they are clueless about. It looks ridiculous. The picture of this foreigner and his "girlfriend" look like some vacation photo. He even admits he is is ill informed, yet he gets up on stage to speak in generalities about the importance of democracy without even knowing the context.

its embarrassing to all visitors to this country ...........WE ARE GUESTS ......behave like one or go home !!

MOST of the things said on the stage are misleading propaganda backed by misinformation.

This has been well-documented in the spoon-fed camouflage-controlled Thai press. Why don't the Thai people believe the Thai press? We aren't allowed to discuss that here. Let's just agree to disagree and enjoy an absolutely beautiful warm day!


I also agree that we foreigners, no matter how long we have been here and how much we know about Thai politics, should not participate in any movements, whether anti or pro. We should not get involved in Thai politics as this is to the Thai people.

These foreigners taking stage do not have much knowledge about Thai politics and anyway might have some slight mental illnesses. OR, what I assume even more, were just asked to join the stage by sort of surprise. Maybe the reds are trying to make their case international now....lol

Anyway my best advice for us foreigners, don't participate. Keep your political view back and you won't get in trouble.

There is nothing you can change here, only Thai people can change something. So save yourself from any possible trouble.

Where does joining the rally start? I have to ask this question every day before I want to go out. Living in the middle of the rally site at Rajprasong intersection I am right in the middle of the red crowd once I leave the house.

Am I participating in the rally if I buy food at one of the hundreds of little food stalls around offering tasty specialities from different parts of Thailand? Am I joining the rally when I stop and talk to people who approach me generally in a very friendly manner - even if they are wearing red? Am I joining the rally if I go out with my wife because she always asks me to accompany her because she feels scared to go out alone - but once she is out there she always finds friends and acquaintances to talk to - no matter what color they are.

In order to go on with my life as normally as possible I have no other choice than to dive into the red masses down there from time to time. I always take a strictly neutral approach and don't condemn or judge anyone as long as there is no bloodshed. If I am approached by friendly people I don't care what color they wear. With this attitude it is actually not an unpleasant experience to go down there and dive into the red crowd, taste the varieties of food they offer, listen to some music sometimes, watch people dancing and cheering and so many just being happy while I try to neglect all the political propaganda around.

Should I rather sit like a grumpy farang in my apartment and keep complaining about the noise and the mob and hope the government will send in troups to "enforce the law" and spill blood in front of my doorsteps? I have chosen not to do that and I try to make the best out of the situation without joining a particular group.

In one sense I am joining the rally and the people down there to go get some food and maybe some entertainment at times but I am certainly not joining the political propaganda rally - I am not wearing red.

And I still keep praying for a peaceful solution.

I follow you all the way, you have the right approach and no one will blame you!


The guy looks dumb :D

Maybe someone DID pay him to do what he did, knowing full well that he could be arrested and deported, thereby saying that the government is also anti-foreigner :)

Otherwise he's just is stupid wannabe.

We should ALL keep our noses out, whats happening in the political arena is not our affair :D

I'm not against foreigners being involved in this protest. What I do not like is IGNORANT people participating in events they are clueless about. It looks ridiculous. The picture of this foreigner and his "girlfriend" look like some vacation photo. He even admits he is is ill informed, yet he gets up on stage to speak in generalities about the importance of democracy without even knowing the context.

its embarrassing to all visitors to this country ...........WE ARE GUESTS ......behave like one or go home !!

I'm not embarrassed. I do not relate to this type of behavior. Remember, there are a lot of red-shirt Thais who are protesting just because they have been given 1,000 baht a day to do so, and don't have a clue as to why they are there. All they know is that it is better than sitting in the hot sun upcountry with no work and income.

My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.

The key word is guest! Many of the commentators have condemned foreigners for speaking. This is due to the fact that people are scared of being kicked out; even though many have been here for 10+ years.

The end result is men are turned to mice, degraded and have lost all rights.

A lack of reciprocating the basic human rights that are given to foreigners in the West is a system that keeps you (even if married and have children to a native) constantly under a Damocles sword.


Article 10 – Freedom of expression

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

Article 11 - Association

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

I can't help but notice there are a few BITTER members here who get off at insulting Americans and other people who are not like them. That is fine, this is the Internet and there is freedom of speech. Go ahead and spit your vituperations all you want. If it makes you feel good to insult people as an anonymously then that says more about your sordid, sad little lives than anything else.... go ahead, NO ONE CARES!!!! :)

i am an aussie who is very happy here and appreciate the opportunity to live in such a great country , i am just tired of LOUD MOUTH americans , sorry to offend you if you are one !!!

I also agree that we foreigners, no matter how long we have been here and how much we know about Thai politics, should not participate in any movements, whether anti or pro. We should not get involved in Thai politics as this is to the Thai people.

These foreigners taking stage do not have much knowledge about Thai politics and anyway might have some slight mental illnesses. OR, what I assume even more, were just asked to join the stage by sort of surprise. Maybe the reds are trying to make their case international now....lol

Anyway my best advice for us foreigners, don't participate. Keep your political view back and you won't get in trouble.

There is nothing you can change here, only Thai people can change something. So save yourself from any possible trouble.

Make a lot of sense! And nowadays, sense is what we need! However, everyone has a right to do what they like, as long as you do not hurt anyone. If you look like an idiot, so be it... just take a look at all the video clips of behaviors around the world of "ordinary people" and you will realize that posing for photos at a protest rally is mild. Heck, have you ever seen foreigners in a girlie bar on stage pole dancing? Now that is pretty inappropriate, but it happens!!! You can't tell an idiot not to be an idiot....


He just wanted to spend more time with his Tilag, who is more then half his age. She is there protesting and he is home alone.

may be also got worried she could meet a nice Thai man and leave him for someone her own age.

He admits not knowing much about politics, he is too stupid to even make a comment about voting, so i really do not see any other reasons for him being there.


Many of have families here. Our children are Thai citizens. We care. Caring leads to action. If a Brit gave a speech onstage in New York at an anti-war rally against US occupation of Afghanistan, I'd applaud him. Same, same. It is important that we show our kids that we stand up and support the things that we believe in.


That's right we as foreigners should not interfere in another countries politics.

Same would apply in Britain, I wish all the foreigners that protest about "their rights" would p-off back where they came from and keep out of it!!


I can't help but notice there are a few BITTER members here who get off at insulting Americans and other people who are not like them. That is fine, this is the Internet and there is freedom of speech. Go ahead and spit your vituperations all you want. If it makes you feel good to insult people as an anonymously then that says more about your sordid, sad little lives than anything else.... go ahead, NO ONE CARES!!!! :)

i am an aussie who is very happy here and appreciate the opportunity to live in such a great country , i am just tired of LOUD MOUTH americans , sorry to offend you if you are one !!!

lols! I am an American and to a certain extent I have to agree with you... many Americans - not all - have a tendency to "look down" on the rest of the world as some type of amusement park with funny people. This is quite insulting, because it is naive and condescending. Most probably don't even know where Thailand is. They are ignorant and only interested in knowing what time the Denny's restaurant opens in the morning to serve bacon and eggs.


Whoever is against the red shirt and that has previously called the red shirts idiots, brainless, uneducated and other sort of names is more idiot than those foreigners in the rally. Now go read your previous comments in other news topics and tell me who's execptional?


I am just amazed at an educated western person could even conceive of supporting a movement being promoted and paid by someone convicted of corruption. I am sure he had something to say when Nixon was found out after Watergate

Many of have families here. Our children are Thai citizens. We care. Caring leads to action. If a Brit gave a speech onstage in New York at an anti-war rally against US occupation of Afghanistan, I'd applaud him. Same, same. It is important that we show our kids that we stand up and support the things that we believe in.

So what do you think would be different if either party won?

Poor will still be poor and rich will still be rich, the only difference would be who is scamming the country. This is something that people do not seem to understand.

Just look at Russian revolution 100 years ago. Poor won, but stayed poor for the next 80 years, while the leaders and their family's got rich and had it all.

This is no different.

Many of have families here. Our children are Thai citizens. We care. Caring leads to action. If a Brit gave a speech onstage in New York at an anti-war rally against US occupation of Afghanistan, I'd applaud him. Same, same. It is important that we show our kids that we stand up and support the things that we believe in.

Nice! And interestingly... if you think about it.... ALL AMERICANS ARE FOREIGNERS IN AMERICA!!!! Fact is, virtually everyone is descended from some immigrant... what I respect are INFORMED PEOPLE who RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE'S VIEWPOINTS, and have something INSIGHTFUL and CONSTUCTIVE to say, regardless of where they come from...

Let foreigners do what they want. Foreign born and foreign educated Abhisit seems to be doing just fine!

And yet he speaks Thai better than 99% of Thais.

Yes, and he sadly can't speak colloquial street Thai.

As Thai at Heart pointed out.

In USA we had John Kerry vs GW. Bush for election

Bush was half as smart and down homey aw shucks just one of you..

Kerry was brilliant and knowledgeable about most things a president needs to know of the top of his head.

Down homey resonated with people more interested in a presdient THEYn could identify with,

rarther than wanting a president who could deal with issues WORLD WIDE...

We got Bush and some STILL love him form all his serial screw-ups.

Abhisit has the Kerry problem, in speech, he is not a man of the people,

even though he wishes to give back to Thailand for his good luck.

I know one TVF member is in a hotel right at the scene in Central...

he is not joining, but observing, just by the accident of hotel location.

I am just amazed at an educated western person could even conceive of supporting a movement being promoted and paid by someone convicted of corruption. I am sure he had something to say when Nixon was found out after Watergate

Yes! I baffles me too, but I think the operative words are INFORMED and with the RIGHT VALUES, not educated... there are a lot of educated people who are uninformed or misinformed who support the craziest things... equally there are a lot of educated people with no values who do very very selfish things - e.g., Bernie Madoff...


As a point of interest is their actually a law down on paper that forbids foreigners from participating in rallies or does it come under the all encompassing "threat to national security" which would most probably include granny Lek enjoying a Cornetto on a hot day should they so choose.

I am a foreigner living in Thailand now for more than 20 years. I have my opinions about this and many other situations here in Thailand , and I feel free to express them...... WITHIN my circle of friends and accquantainces, but not on a stage in a public rally. That is not my place.

We foreigners are GUESTS in this country. Any foreigner who publically protests at a open rally, such as is going on in BKK now, is trying to upset/overthrow the government and should be escorted to the airport and deported immediately.

People should know better, when to open and when to keep their mouths closed and opinions to themselves. There are places to express your opinions, but on stage or at a public rally is definitely not one of them.

Immigration, pick them up and show them the door.

Apparently the Thai wife [some of whom can become very rabid with their opinions] have them by the short and curlies. The effect is that these foreigners are not thinking , but reacting with the wrong head.

My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.


I agree. I felt an urge to join in the pink shirts but didn't feel it was right. And I sympathized with the yellow shirts but I refused to join my friends in their rallies (even when they smiled and said "free food"). I don't have a problem with expressing support or sympathy, but active participation is different.

I am just amazed at an educated western person could even conceive of supporting a movement being promoted and paid by someone convicted of corruption. I am sure he had something to say when Nixon was found out after Watergate

There are plenty of people on TV, appearing to be well educated western people, that support Thaksin.

They have their reasons. I don't understand them, but they have them regardless.

Since when foreigners can get involved in another country's political events?

What does this guy have to gain? What does he have to loose?

There is a huge gap between having opinions, and actually going with a rally....I hope for him that he won't have to regret his actions a way or another

Since they want to get deported and black listed. I guess maybe they need a excuse to get out of Thailand after all

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