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This Red Shirt demonstration is about freedom! Freedom of speech, social justice and freedom of the press/TV. these are things we in the West we take for granted! the Thais are demonstrating for their freedom, Democracy, social justice, these are the elements of democracy. The press Thai and International want you to believe it is about Taksin, it is not about Taksin, it is about democracy. The Thai elite have held 24 coo's undermining democracy in this country Thailand. The elite Bangkokians are 20% of the population they own 60% of the income and wealth in this country. It seems it is OK to come and enjoy the hospitality of Thailand, but when Thailand needs support from the resident Farang's who enjoy these simple freedoms in their home country, Farangs turn coward and run to their safety and security of "jeaprodizing their stay visa" in Thailand, cowards! Where did your fore fathers get their freedom? It was never given to them, they had to take it. Go back home and take your pension income, from your rich country with you, or stand up for human rights, freedom and show what it means to cme from a country with democracy, or have you forgotten?

And how ,pray tell is a red shirt victory from this mess going to suddenly give the impoverished Thai social justice , the thai underclass whom the red shirts profess to represent have never had social justice , hence they are the underclass.

Education and equal opportunity is the path to equality ,do you really think that this is the path that the red shirt hierarchy have in mind. Not on your Nelly.

The red shirt leaders are simply trying to shoulder their way in so they can get their noses in the trough, and are prepared to put peasant women and kids in the firing line to gain their personal objectives.

Having lived in a Thai village in Isaan for the past 10 years I have observed that the only people who are poorer from the transition in power from Mr.Thaksin are the Poo Yai Baan,s and the previous party elite.

The social Justice for rural Thais is decades away and will come about when free higher education and equal opportunities are available to all Thai,s.

Your wealth distribution figures mean zip ,for instance ,in my country of birth, the top 10% own 45% of the nations wealth , the top 20% own 63% of the nations wealth whereas the poorest 20% of Australias population own a mere 0.2 % of the nations wealth , not so different are they.

The current rally has remarkable similarities to the rally,s of the communists during my youth when the communists used trade unions as the tools to create unrest and de-stabilise Governments, the rhetoric is the same ,only the faces have changed.

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Probably the same sort of farang that walks around with big buddhist amulets. They always seem silly to me. I guess if they want to be exploited for a cause that they really don't have a firm grasp of they get what they deserve. If you get involved in these protests remember that tear gas and rubber bullets don't discriminate, so do so at your own peril.


Some people just can't help themselves, I remember seeing them (foreigners) onstage at the airport protests as well, it's just a bit crazy, and he looks sober so the too much alcohol excuse won't work...

This Red Shirt demonstration is about freedom! Freedom of speech, social justice and freedom of the press/TV. these are things we in the West we take for granted! the Thais are demonstrating for their freedom, Democracy, social justice, these are the elements of democracy. The press Thai and International want you to believe it is about Taksin, it is not about Taksin, it is about democracy. The Thai elite have held 24 coo's undermining democracy in this country Thailand. The elite Bangkokians are 20% of the population they own 60% of the income and wealth in this country. It seems it is OK to come and enjoy the hospitality of Thailand, but when Thailand needs support from the resident Farang's who enjoy these simple freedoms in their home country, Farangs turn coward and run to their safety and security of "jeaprodizing their stay visa" in Thailand, cowards! Where did your fore fathers get their freedom? It was never given to them, they had to take it. Go back home and take your pension income, from your rich country with you, or stand up for human rights, freedom and show what it means to cme from a country with democracy, or have you forgotten?

Well said! Don't be discouraged by the multi-thousand post counters who spend to much time talking and not enough reading and thinking. You're not alone. Go RED!

I'm not against foreigners being involved in this protest. What I do not like is IGNORANT people participating in events they are clueless about. It looks ridiculous. The picture of this foreigner and his "girlfriend" look like some vacation photo. He even admits he is is ill informed, yet he gets up on stage to speak in generalities about the importance of democracy without even knowing the context.

the guy on the picture is not the one who was on stage yesterday. It was an english teacher, about 30 years old.

"I am here to support freedom of speech, freedom of protest and corruptionfree elections" Yes that is a good one, wearing a red shirt, supporting Thaksin, I am happy Thaksin is also very "corruptionfree".

This farang knows as much as most red shirts about politics, not much.

If you do not know anything about Thai polititcs, stay home. Anyway foreigners stay out of it.

I recall the article that was pasted here on this forum, last month. In the article, it was stated by high ranking officials that foreigners involved in the protests would be apprehended. Who knows if they would enforce that..but wearing a red shirt and going to a rally as an outsider....is just cruisin' for a bruisin'...

If you're not a resident or citizen...stay out of it.

And how ,pray tell is a red shirt victory from this mess going to suddenly give the impoverished Thai social justice , the thai underclass whom the red shirts profess to represent have never had social justice , hence they are the underclass.

Education and equal opportunity is the path to equality ,do you really think that this is the path that the red shirt hierarchy have in mind. Not on your Nelly.

it would be wise and reason for a more modest expression of opinions on the current affairs when thinking about the role of foreigners in promoting education and equal opportunities in Thailand the last decades.


Should foreigners get involved?

Tricky one.

If any of us are walking down Sukhumvit and we see a little old lady getting robbed, if we could, I'm sure most of us would step in and do something.

If any of us are walking down Ratchadamnoen and we see an army stealing the government from the people.... errrrr..... we'd probably keep quiet I suppose.

This Red Shirt demonstration is about <SNIPPED FOR BREVITY>

OMMFG!! Yet another 3 post wonder who has magically morphed into a thai political pundit. :D

Although I will give him points for being member number 100 as well as being a member since Dec-15-2002. Evidently he’s had little to contribute or say these last 7+ years!

This country needs abso-tively, posi-lutely ZERO support from; as you so thai-ly call then 'farangs'. :) Do you have any idea just how miniscule in number the "FOREIGNERS" living here are or how limited the previously mentioned foreigners contributions are in the grand scheme of all things whacky and wonderful here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". :D

I think you need to do a little reality check about your own self importance. :D

A little research BEFORE you engage your brain is NOT a bad thing. :D

However, spouting altruistic statements whilst painting with an overly broad brush is. ... a bad thing. :D


Thai society is one of the most polite in the world.

It also has one of the highest rates of intentional homicide in the world, about 50% higher than in the USA for example.


They'll smile at you and wai at you right up til they slit your throat.

Similarly, when the army snaps, brother it snaps.

(Bkk 1992)

(Tak Bai)

So for those of you who want to party with the Reds, enjoy!

And be warned.

Probably the type of guys who do everything their wife says cos its all in her name!!!!

Spot on!!!!! Its certainly is not for us to get involved in this way..To me it just shows how ignorant this guy is! What you sow you reap as they say....

american democracy what a joke !!! as a non citizen he has no right to stand up on stage and lecture people on what to do .......... another loud mouthed know all yank ..... go home and sort the mess out in your own country freak ..........

Where are you from? You sound like a xenophobic, bitter foreigner whose life has passed him/her by....

well said redsunset


Let foreigners do what they want. Foreign born and foreign educated Abhisit seems to be doing just fine!

I agree totally.... Abhisit is Farang! Thailand has a farang PM. Hey, can I buy land now??????

Let foreigners do what they want. Foreign born and foreign educated Abhisit seems to be doing just fine!

Thailand has a Farang PM....Can't do that in America.. The Pres and VP must be natural born citz..

Sect'y of State and below OK.. Ala Heney Kissenger!

Hey, Obama claims to be an African Muslim... Now can I buy land????

I'm a Farang American living in Thailand, my shirt color changes every day but it is always Thai (silk, that is).

Can we have the coup now and start the nonsense all over again. Oh, BTW the baht will go to &lt;deleted&gt;, I trust!

How about that guy who had all the massage parlors, did I make many political contributions to what color shirt?

Non Sense but I'm waiting a few more days before I go to the Erawan, I want to see Tanks on Sukhumvit!

Probably the type of guys who do everything their wife says cos its all in her name!!!!

Spot on!!!!! Its certainly is not for us to get involved in this way..To me it just shows how ignorant this guy is! What you sow you reap as they say....

This guy stand with his wife against a military dictature, which directly impact their everyday life.

You cowards not only side with despotism, but probably would hide behind a tree should your lady be assaulted.



is it possible to delete completely and totally from database....

names and identities of all those entities claimed to have appeared on redshirts' stage and made comments....

the thai declaration of the state of emergency does specifically state that foreigners appearing or supporting the unlawful gathering....

will be deported....

in spite of these entities' apparent stupidity.... we surely do hope that they do not participate in any gathering that the govt deems unlawful or illegal....

friends.... use your big head.... please

The U.S. Embassy has advised all Americans to stay away from those areas... I read that to include no going on stage.... That guy is nutso, mahk mahk.

I believe I read, in going thru the thread, that the guy in the picture was American, BUT the guy on stage was a Brit....

Did anyone else read that.....

Nutso's come in many forms...... maybe in some people who get carried away with posting. :)


Remember some foreigners who live here are full Thai citizens with voting rights. They still look like a tourist who got off the plane yesterday and there is no way to tell the difference.

Isn't this what Americans always do? Get involved where not needed.

I remember some places like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan (2x), Iraq, covert in South America.

It's in their genes, they can't seem to help it.

you forgot WWI and WWII. the bastards. the world would be so much better with france as a suburb of nazi germany, no? :)


Foreigners joining the rally...

That was not so clever done by this fellow.

First, it is declared illegal for foreigners to join the rally.

Second, the outcome of this rally may be bad and if one foreigner does something stupid (like this guy just did), all the rest of the foreigners in this county will also get the blame. I'm about to move back home within 3-4 months anyway, but I'm concerned about the rest of you guys who will continue to live here.

Since when foreigners can get involved in another country's political events?

What does this guy have to gain? What does he have to loose?

There is a huge gap between having opinions, and actually going with a rally....I hope for him that he won't have to regret his actions a way or another

He has nothing to gain and evrything to loose. Immigration police already knows who he is and where he lives, and I am sure his stay in jail waiting extradition will be in an air conditioned cell. Mabey Hillery will help him? :)

Since when foreigners can get involved in another country's political events?

What does this guy have to gain? What does he have to loose?

There is a huge gap between having opinions, and actually going with a rally....I hope for him that he won't have to regret his actions a way or another

never underestimate the appeal of Thais to enjoy playing dress up and feeling righteous when in a large group of people, and for no particular reason. The same applies to this farang idiot who knows less about as much about thai politics as most of the red shirted folks I have talked to lately. I speak fluent Thai and have asked some pressing questions and distinctions. my opinion is that yes, many are in fact fighting for a cause but the majority of people playing dress up in uniforms and waving flags in parades is more about this thai penchant for playing dress up coupled with (in some cases) their general distaste for their lot in life.

how many will be motivated to complete a degree or have one already and go into politics to serve some principles that should be being articulated if this were really a substantial political movement.

Since when foreigners can get involved in another country's political events?

What does this guy have to gain? What does he have to loose?

There is a huge gap between having opinions, and actually going with a rally....I hope for him that he won't have to regret his actions a way or another

He has nothing to gain and evrything to loose. Immigration police already knows who he is and where he lives, and I am sure his stay in jail waiting extradition will be in an air conditioned cell. Mabey Hillery will help him? :)

lets hope so, imo sitting on the sideline debating here on tv is close enough but to going on the streets and getting directly into the action is over the line and those that do it should face deportation at a min.

Remember some foreigners who live here are full Thai citizens with voting rights. They still look like a tourist who got off the plane yesterday and there is no way to tell the difference.

Thai Citizenship can be granted and can be taken away. It is easier to lose than is to get. Old military saying that fastest way to make E5 is to be E6 and screw up. :)

Remember some foreigners who live here are full Thai citizens with voting rights. They still look like a tourist who got off the plane yesterday and there is no way to tell the difference.

Thai Citizenship can be granted and can be taken away. It is easier to lose than is to get. Old military saying that fastest way to make E5 is to be E6 and screw up. :)

Some countries doesn't allow dual citizenship. It would be interesting to know what would happened if someone was granted Thai citizenship and dropped his original one. Then got his Thai citizenship withdrawn. He would be a citizen to nowhere. No passport, no nothing.

I was there when the farang spoke on stage and his accent was english not american or canadian. His Thai was very good.

He was also fully aware of the consequences and expected to be arrested and deported demonstrating that free speach was a myth here.

Reporters Without Borders worldwide press freedom index 2005 ranked Thailand 107th out of 167 countries dropped from 59th in 2004

It has since got worse not better.

In its 2010 report, Human Rights Watch praised Abhisit's rhetoric but dismissed his record, noting, "The government continually undermined respect for human rights and due process of law in Thailand."

Well said.

Its a common Yellow Shirt / PAD / Elite lie that things were worse under Thaksin and the proof is out there for all to see.

THailand has under the Yellow influence now become a lot worse in terms of corruption, double standard application of the law, human rights. The due process of Law is now under total Yellow control, and so it is biased and no longer balanced.

Checks and Balance no longer exist in Thailand.

The Classic example is the Yellow shirt screams for attention :

They say " This protest is all about white washing Thaksin and getting his money back".

However, we have already seen the coup leaders white washed and made immune.

So how come its ok for some to be immune but not others then ? Thaksin is accused of it, but others have already done it and are Yellow hero's ? This is where the Yellow shirts/PAD fall down the big hole they dug, and why they are marching down the route in great ignorance of the fact the people see clearly now what they are doing.

PTV was shut down as the people could see reality and not rely totally on the biased media moguls Yellow versions of events. Thailand needs PTV working and ASTV, to allow people to see both sides and decide for themselves.

Shutting PTV down was a massive error and it appears very much against the constitution of Thailand.

spot on - the yellows and slipped on their own banana (yellow) skin this time - who on earth was advising Abhisit? dire mistake - cannot control people this way - been tried 100s of times

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