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Foreigners Joining Red-Shirts Rally


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I'm not against foreigners being involved in this protest. What I do not like is IGNORANT people participating in events they are clueless about. It looks ridiculous. The picture of this foreigner and his "girlfriend" look like some vacation photo. He even admits he is is ill informed, yet he gets up on stage to speak in generalities about the importance of democracy without even knowing the context.

its embarrassing to all visitors to this country ...........WE ARE GUESTS ......behave like one or go home !!

Speak for yourself. I'm not embarrassed by what other foreigners do.

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I personally have no problems about this, but the thing is that they really don't know what it is all about. Do they hope to gain something personally?

Excuse me, would the same foreigners do that where it would be really justified, like in Burma, North Korea and China sometimes? Isn't it a kind of abusing Thai hospitality? Something mentally wrong with these blokes.

But at the end of the day you have to remember, he is an American.

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Isn't this what Americans always do? Get involved where not needed.

I remember some places like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan (2x), Iraq, covert in South America.

It's in their genes, they can't seem to help it.

you forgot WWI and WWII. the bastards. the world would be so much better with france as a suburb of nazi germany, no? :)

Didn't Americans enter the war in Europe in June 1944, way too late and only after they realized the war would be won and world divided without them... You forget who won the war while you secured your backgarden from Japs.

WW1, I ever remember Americanls were busy in any action except post-victory. Britts and ANZAC did it, hats off!

Sorry for OT

Edited by SGhawker
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Hmmm... what to say?

It seems to have become a xenophobic forum topic.

Many say foreigners should not put their nose into anything related to Thailand.

Well, I ask only 1 question to those Thais that hate us and those foreigners that have forgotten about international human rights law that Thailand also has signed up to:

Is the foreigner living in Thailand (for many years, possibly married to a Thai, has Thai children and also working for the benefit of Thais in a Thai government job) to never have even the most basic human right i.e. freedom of thought and speech? Such people already live under the constant fear of 24 hours deportation, can never own property and have less stability than a refugee in the West. Are Thais happy to treat foreigners like this and are foreigners happy to support this?

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Are Thais happy to treat foreigners like this and are foreigners happy to support this?

It would appear that they are quite happy with this. Personally I don't care as I would never settle here permanently anyway. Having said that I do believe that Thai's should be treated the same when they move to other countries in a retaliatory fashion. The EU does this all the time in 'trade wars', retaliatory measures regarding import duties with countries which break the rules and apply unfair practice, mostly the US. I live in hope that one day they will apply the same counter measures against countries which treat Europeans differently to their own citizens, they have the power to do it.

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Isn't this what Americans always do? Get involved where not needed.

I remember some places like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan (2x), Iraq, covert in South America.

It's in their genes, they can't seem to help it.

you forgot WWI and WWII. the bastards. the world would be so much better with france as a suburb of nazi germany, no? :)

Didn't Americans enter the war in Europe in June 1944, way too late and only after they realized the war would be won and world divided without them... You forget who won the war while you secured your backgarden from Japs.

WW1, I ever remember Americanls were busy in any action except post-victory. Britts and ANZAC did it, hats off!

Sorry for OT

Easy to nitpick ANY country...just seems America...or as you spell it...Americanls...are the current target of the year...

History is replete with examples of more powerful countries getting involved in various other countries around the world. Nothing really good ever came from it.

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Please stay out of Thailand domestic problems
This is Thais' politic, STAY OUT OF IT.

We DO NOT need any interference (pro or against).

All foreigners should be neutral or being deported immediately. It's not our country, we're not even allowed to vote, so please don't listen to your wife to join in.


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Are Thais happy to treat foreigners like this and are foreigners happy to support this?

It would appear that they are quite happy with this. Personally I don't care as I would never settle here permanently anyway. Having said that I do believe that Thai's should be treated the same when they move to other countries in a retaliatory fashion. The EU does this all the time in 'trade wars', retaliatory measures regarding import duties with countries which break the rules and apply unfair practice, mostly the US. I live in hope that one day they will apply the same counter measures against countries which treat Europeans differently to their own citizens, they have the power to do it.

"Having said that I do believe that Thai's should be treated the same when they move to other countries in a retaliatory fashion." Quoted from above...

Revenge leads to more revenge. I personally do not think this is the best way forward. It is time for thinking and morals to move into the present time. I just wish both the foreigners that seem to support xenophobic policies and also their Thai counter parts could actually see the light of a coexisting future. The individual foreigner is not the representative of a foreign colonial government from 100 years ago! Nor is the average Thai on the street the representative of a policy that does not welcome foreigners except as tourists. :)

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Hmmm... what to say?

It seems to have become a xenophobic forum topic.

Many say foreigners should not put their nose into anything related to Thailand.

I of course support the right to free speech, which is a natural right and not in any government's gift to rescind. However, I think it would be the better part of valor if foreigners in Thailand refrained from taking sides, at least if you support the Reds. It would only give the other side a club to beat them with, saying the reds are in the pockets of foreigners, they're traitors, etc.

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I recon these foreigners are thinking with their little head and not the big head. Do they NOT think that by joining, they are making their names onto hit lists?

All I can say is sum nun naa when they don't see their next year in.

IT is not farang country, stay out of what does not concern you?

Americans and Canadians have a talent for screwing up things in other countries.

Remain neutral and back off farangs, please.

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The guy looks dumb :D

Maybe someone DID pay him to do what he did, knowing full well that he could be arrested and deported, thereby saying that the government is also anti-foreigner :)

Otherwise he's just is stupid wannabe.

We should ALL keep our noses out, whats happening in the political arena is not our affair :D

Maybe the guy is dumb and a total idiot, a guy who failed in life and a wannbe hero, and maybe his wife is a pure genius, has had enough of him, wants rid of him so takes him to the protests and gets him to join in knowing he could be deported. An easy way out for her without him knowing what she'd done. :D

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

Edited by TheItaliann
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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

And you are proud of this?

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

Ooer, get you! :)

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Just got off the phone with my wife's boss and he wanted me to go undercover. So I am going to get these guys names and addresses and information at the rally tomorrow morning so that they can be deported later on. Tonight he is taking me to karaoke. Ah, the good life.

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

And you are proud of this?

Just Theitaliann's sense of humour kicking in again and he feels like winding someone up, seems his ploy is working... :)

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Just got off the phone with my wife's boss and he wanted me to go undercover. So I am going to get these guys names and addresses and information at the rally tomorrow morning so that they can be deported later on. Tonight he is taking me to karaoke. Ah, the good life.

Aw c'mon, you're having a joke with us, aren't you? :)

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Just got off the phone with my wife's boss and he wanted me to go undercover. So I am going to get these guys names and addresses and information at the rally tomorrow morning so that they can be deported later on. Tonight he is taking me to karaoke. Ah, the good life.

F'me, it's Domenico Cappa. :)

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

And you are proud of this?

Just Theitaliann's sense of humour kicking in again and he feels like winding someone up, seems his ploy is working... :)

Dang right it's working. What a crappy thing for him to say.

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Didn't Americans enter the war in Europe in June 1944, way too late and only after they realized the war would be won and world divided without them... You forget who won the war while you secured your backgardn from Japs.

Sorry, this is the biggest load of bullsh*t I've ever read on here... and that's really saying something.

I'm a brit but I know my history, if it hadn't been for the US joining the allies we'd have been totally f*cked in WWII. Simple as.

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Any foreigner who publically protests at a open rally, such as is going on in BKK now, is trying to upset/overthrow the government and should be escorted to the airport and deported immediately.

My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.

:D We're currently at 'tolerated' status and should remain in the shadows at times like this.

Remember some foreigners who live here are full Thai citizens with voting rights. They still look like a tourist who got off the plane yesterday and there is no way to tell the difference.

Yep, and the thing is that 99% of Thais probably don't realise this, yet pictures of them poking their nose in the country's affairs is akin to flopping your wedding tackle in a lion's mouth and flicking its love spuds with a towel. :)

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My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.

The key word is guest! Many of the commentators have condemned foreigners for speaking. This is due to the fact that people are scared of being kicked out; even though many have been here for 10+ years.

The end result is men are turned to mice, degraded and have lost all rights.

A lack of reciprocating the basic human rights that are given to foreigners in the West is a system that keeps you (even if married and have children to a native) constantly under a Damocles sword.


Article 10 – Freedom of expression

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

Article 11 - Association

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

You don't get it do you?

The reason we live in Thailand is because we like the way Thailand is the rules are flexible Taksin was trying to make it like Singapore bring

out new rules like adverts, display and selling hours on cigs, booze, petrol stations,supermarkets etc

If you want the European Convention on human rights go and live in Europe

If you want American style democracy go and live in the States

If you want to join the Red shirts at least become a Thai first you can do it after 8 years in the country.

I would not like to see a lot of Muslim non citizens protesting in my old country.

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:D We're currently at 'tolerated' status and should remain in the shadows at times like this.

yet pictures of them poking their nose in the country's affairs is

akin to flopping your wedding tackle in a lion's mouth and flicking its love spuds with a towel. :)

Quite the image!

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Isn't this what Americans always do? Get involved where not needed.

I remember some places like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan (2x), Iraq, covert in South America.

It's in their genes, they can't seem to help it.

you forgot WWI and WWII. the bastards. the world would be so much better with france as a suburb of nazi germany, no? :)

yeah and the US woould be much better as a suburb of england if it was not for the french help DONKEY!!

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" I've stayed as well informed as possible over the past 4 years I've been here. Read the Bangkok Post, Herald Tribune, Economist, Thai journalist blogs."

If this was true, you would know Taksin has been convicted and you would not be supporting his party.

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

And you are proud of this?

Just Theitaliann's sense of humour kicking in again and he feels like winding someone up, seems his ploy is working... :)

beh, magari lui e un vero Italiano!

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I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

where were you during second world war? you talents as a delator were very appreciated by the nazis.

and you are not even ashamed of yourself ...thats incredible

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Just got off the phone with my wife's boss and he wanted me to go undercover. So I am going to get these guys names and addresses and information at the rally tomorrow morning so that they can be deported later on. Tonight he is taking me to karaoke. Ah, the good life.

and the guy is proud to be a cockroach .... i really wish you get run over by a bus ... my grand father went in buchenwald because of people like you ... i dont even have an insult strong enough to describe you

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My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.

The key word is guest! Many of the commentators have condemned foreigners for speaking. This is due to the fact that people are scared of being kicked out; even though many have been here for 10+ years.

The end result is men are turned to mice, degraded and have lost all rights.

A lack of reciprocating the basic human rights that are given to foreigners in the West is a system that keeps you (even if married and have children to a native) constantly under a Damocles sword.


Article 10 – Freedom of expression

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

Article 11 - Association

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

You don't get it do you?

The reason we live in Thailand is because we like the way Thailand is the rules are flexible Taksin was trying to make it like Singapore bring

out new rules like adverts, display and selling hours on cigs, booze, petrol stations,supermarkets etc

If you want the European Convention on human rights go and live in Europe

If you want American style democracy go and live in the States

If you want to join the Red shirts at least become a Thai first you can do it after 8 years in the country.

I would not like to see a lot of Muslim non citizens protesting in my old country.

I find it hard to take anyone serious that has a name such as Harry Potter :) I find it even harder to consider a person who does not know about Thai law and international law (Thailand signed the UN's version of this in 1966!)... 8 years? Where did you get that from... the back of a bottle?

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