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Matichon Online Shows Suthep At Parliament With Gun

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My previous posting about this was from a source who presented the photo disingenuously; the innuendo was reflected in my post, which the mods deleted - fair cop.

However, I now re-present the matter. The original story appeared at Matichon Online (in Thai language):

Matichon Online Article


It's not an empty gun bag - I think there's a big gun in it (assault rifle?).

If the mods are unhappy with the veracity of the Matichon article, go ahead and delete the post. I won't raise the issue again.


That's exactly what I'd want to be carrying if an angry mob were chasing me down the street. Although if he turned around a killed a whole bunch of them I'm sure it would adversely affect his career, either that or he'd be promoted.

the guy in the white shirt behind Suthep looks like he is carrying an M4 with a retractable butt stock.

I wish I had one of those. I am also very scared when I walk outside with all these thugs and I am nobody


I see what maybe a (police) body guard of a high ranking politician, who is targeted by the reds, who is probably armed. Hardly shocking news. If he went around unprotected despite the turmoil it would be a lot more surprising.


it looks like a Super Soaker II with flash supressor, top rail with scope, double pump pressure chamber and I even think I saw rubber tubing going to an extra tank of water on his back.

Getting ready for Songkran!!!

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