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Thai Forces Use Tear Gas, Water Cannon Against Protesters


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"If anything, the firing of that tear gas is what provoked them to push through and break through the lines into the building." Reported by BBC (neutral enough?).


Jinglethingy and JDasia and others will say this is red propaganda! :)

I'd actually say it was just an opinion.

The red shirts had been threatening to push through and break into the compound. They just didn't do it until after the tear gas had been fired.

They were breaking the law just being there. They were confronting the army just being there. Reasonably legitimate reasons for firing tear gas to make them disperse.

Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

peter you speak loudly. I just wonder have you ever seen a real war up close? I don't in you cond drinking a beer or down the street or across town. Up close it's not pretty. You may talk big but would you tuck tail and run when confronted with potential life and death situation.

Tone it down a notch. Anybody can place blame. It takes a real man and leader to look for positive solutions.

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"If anything, the firing of that tear gas is what provoked them to push through and break through the lines into the building." Reported by BBC (neutral enough?).


Jinglethingy and JDasia and others will say this is red propaganda! :)

I'd actually say it was just an opinion.

The red shirts had been threatening to push through and break into the compound. They just didn't do it until after the tear gas had been fired.

They were breaking the law just being there. They were confronting the army just being there. Reasonably legitimate reasons for firing tear gas to make them disperse.

Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

100% agree with you that it is an opinion.

All I am saying is that this is a NEUTRAL opinion by a BBC reporter (not Red, not Yellow, not Pink, not Green, not Brown; but BBC).

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state of emergency should not be used against the cornerstone of the democratic process - independent mass media.

Many now would be convinced, in thailand and abroad, that thailand really is an authoritarian regime state, ruled by the army and police, with disregard to laws

spot on - very bad move - should have let them rant and rave - appalling advice to the PM - clashes now unavoidable - and it isn't going away folks!

Should have let them rant and rave!, I don't see it as ranting and raving, according to the article some protesters managed to force their way into the compound of the broadcaster, which was protected by barbed wire so maybe the security forces used the tear gas and water cannon to diperse them before things escalated.

This could be a sign of worse things to come, lets hope the reds realise this and start going home.

rant and rave on their TV channel - thye do have many valid points - taking them off air will only escalate the problem - watch and see!

Ahhh I see, you meant "rant and rave on their TV channel", glad we cleared that up, though it would help if posters wrote what they meant as this thread by the OP is about the storming of a compound by protesters and tear gas and water cannon being used.

Below a piece from the article..

"It's crucial for the military and police to bring the situation under control," army spokesman Sunsern Kaewkumnerd told a news conference. "Police and soldiers will decisively enforce the law."

It seems that now they are going to enforce the law.

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Police fire tear gas at Thai protesters

From Anna Coren, CNN

Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- Thai officials fired tear gas at anti-government protesters outside a television satellite center in Bangkok on Friday.

The protesters, known as "red-shirts," were rallying in front of Thai Com satellite firm.

Read more: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/...tion=cnn_latest

-- CNN 2010-04-09

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Tone it down a notch. Anybody can place blame. It takes a real man and leader to look for positive solutions.

As Abhisit has been trying to do for weeks, despite the redshirt leaders walking away from the negotiating table, and despite the redshirt leaders and their followers committing one illegal act after the next with increasing violence.

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"If anything, the firing of that tear gas is what provoked them to push through and break through the lines into the building." Reported by BBC (neutral enough?).


Jinglethingy and JDasia and others will say this is red propaganda! :)

I'd actually say it was just an opinion.

The red shirts had been threatening to push through and break into the compound. They just didn't do it until after the tear gas had been fired.

They were breaking the law just being there. They were confronting the army just being there. Reasonably legitimate reasons for firing tear gas to make them disperse.

Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

The BBC reporter Rachel Harvey was at the scene and reprted the following:

AT THE SCENE _47613246_rachel_harvey_mar10.jpgBy Rachel Harvey

BBC News, Pathum Thani

There's razor wire floating in a big pond in front of the building. Also floating in that pond are riot helmets and shin pads that belonged to the police but have now been abandoned.

The police and some soldiers have been retreating and, as they did so, they were shaken by the hand by the protesters. Some of them were saluting as they retreated.

A short time ago there was some tear gas that was fired, but the red-shirted protesters retreated, regrouped, and then pushed back. If anything, the firing of that tear gas is what provoked them to push through and break through the lines into the building.

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www.ustream.tv/channel/farthong2 has just gone off, are other stations still broadcasting? or is it a complete news blackout?


Announce a dissolution of parliament and it might, just might, prevent LOS from going down the tubes. For those of you who advocate tougher measures your only prolonging the inevitable, this won't be put to bed this easy, these are seismic events taking place and they will change Thailand forever. Wake up and smell the coffee.

So what happens then if the reds get their way and dissolve parliament? If they lose will they accept it? Don't think so. And if they win, then what? Arisman's statement already shows they know nothing about government, pledging money for things they don't understand and not even knowing if the money's there. And if we now have proof that you can just get a rent-a-mob and push out any government you dislike (worked for the reds and the yellows), the rich, powerful and privileged will be able to use the poor to oust any government they dislike. So a coup at least twice a year then. Really? Prevent LOS going down the tubes? More like guarantee it going down the tubes. Seismic events they may be, and they may change Thailand, but I think not for the better.

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All these announcements on TV keep coming thick and fast, but seem to be making very little difference to the bigger scheme of things.

Reds move somewhere, police can't/refuse to stop them.

Even if the government finally 'win' (what would they count as victory now?) they will spend the next few months with so much egg on their face that they will be completely ineffective in taking the country forward.

Reds causing chaos? Seems like the government, army and police are already in chaos and need an A-Z guide on how to control the country.

Welcome to the Muppet Show :)

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Thaksin Bribes Weather Men

According to High Ranking Sources Thaksin Shinawatra payed weather men to change the wind direction just at the right moment

Today leading to 7000 Soldiers gassing themselves.

Edited by monkfish
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khunjamespittman: It takes a real man and leader to look for positive solutions.

That is what Abhisit is and has been trying to do but your Red Shirt Brigade leader idols who are lilywhite knights on white chargers refuse to even consider a settlement unless it's 100% their ( read Thaksins) way.

Never seen the rank and file consulted yet.

Oh by the way could you explain how or why a convicted murderer is being shielded from being imprisoned for the murder of a 60 year old man in Chang Mai ?

This is being done by Jutaporn Arisman Veera and Weng, yet again no respect for the year.

Edited by siampolee
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"If anything, the firing of that tear gas is what provoked them to push through and break through the lines into the building." Reported by BBC (neutral enough?).


Jinglethingy and JDasia and others will say this is red propaganda! :)

I'd actually say it was just an opinion.

The red shirts had been threatening to push through and break into the compound. They just didn't do it until after the tear gas had been fired.

They were breaking the law just being there. They were confronting the army just being there. Reasonably legitimate reasons for firing tear gas to make them disperse.

Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

peter you speak loudly. I just wonder have you ever seen a real war up close? I don't in you cond drinking a beer or down the street or across town. Up close it's not pretty. You may talk big but would you tuck tail and run when confronted with potential life and death situation.

Tone it down a notch. Anybody can place blame. It takes a real man and leader to look for positive solutions.

I am now getting sick of your supercilious attitude!!

Who do you think you are??

What are you going on about wars for?? Have you seen a war close up??? I doubt it!!

I have seen and been involved in civil uprisings (UK 1981) had petrol bombs thrown at me, bricks and bottles and all sorts. You do NOT back down if you are in a position of authority.

So do us all a favour and stop spouting sh!t

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My Thai GF was embarrassed by the the fierce withdrawal of the soldiers into the rice fields.


That was the most PITIFUL attempt at crowd control I've ever seen. At this stage the army might as well just clear off because they are absolutely useless.
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Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

Good news seems the rank/file in the army do not have the heart for this. Democracy is at work.

Ermmmmm in any "democratic" country the army and police would disperse these terrorists with any possible means ... so I do not know what your point is ...


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Thaksin Bribes Weather Men

According to High Ranking Sources Thaksin Shinawatra payed weather men to change the wind direction just at the right moment

Today leading to 7000 Soldiers gassing themselves.


That would fit perfect into the Yellow biased media system stories going around. I spilt my coffee after reading that.

Thaksin has been accused and found guilty in the Kangeroo "double standard" system of being to blame for Global warming and Global cooling, climate change, rising sea levels, the war in Iraq, 9/11 and anything else they may wish to make up, accuse him and convict him of doing.

Thats the wonder of controlling the judiciary, you can find anyone you want guilty and give immunity to all others :D


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Just have another beer or cuppa-tea as it's all one bl_oody big joke anyway. With the size of the police force and the number of military, navy and airforce personel they could bring the red-shirts under control in 5 minutes flat with one arm tied behind their backs - then on second thoughts maybe a few dozen reds can run rings round the lot of them.

Just a second thought on the Thai armed forces - is this the same military that were rattling their sabres over the disputed territory along the Cambodian border - don't believe they have a hope in hel_l of even frightening the Cambodian military.

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Since the soldiers are cowards and the police can't enforce the law the only hope left for the PM is if the Yellow shirts mobilize and take care of their own homes.

Ohh, please don't even joke about that......none of this is pretty, thai on thai, nobody wants to see bloodshed. :) A bit of common sense is needed.

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Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

Good news seems the rank/file in the army do not have the heart for this. Democracy is at work.

They don't have the heart because it's against their own people - poor people - who are fed up with the rich kids down in BKK despite what idiots like jinglethingy think - they have had enough!

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Announce a dissolution of parliament and it might, just might, prevent LOS from going down the tubes.

And then what? We have to endure months more of red mob 'campaigning', bomb attacks and intimidation in the lead up to the vote. It will just raise the temperature and provoke counter rallies. And if they lose are they going to accept the result?

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www.ustream.tv/channel/farthong2 has just gone off, are other stations still broadcasting? or is it a complete news blackout?


Announce a dissolution of parliament and it might, just might, prevent LOS from going down the tubes. For those of you who advocate tougher measures your only prolonging the inevitable, this won't be put to bed this easy, these are seismic events taking place and they will change Thailand forever. Wake up and smell the coffee.

So what happens then if the reds get their way and dissolve parliament? If they lose will they accept it? Don't think so. And if they win, then what? Arisman's statement already shows they know nothing about government, pledging money for things they don't understand and not even knowing if the money's there. And if we now have proof that you can just get a rent-a-mob and push out any government you dislike (worked for the reds and the yellows), the rich, powerful and privileged will be able to use the poor to oust any government they dislike. So a coup at least twice a year then. Really? Prevent LOS going down the tubes? More like guarantee it going down the tubes. Seismic events they may be, and they may change Thailand, but I think not for the better.

Well if the people were to vote the way they did last time I can't see the reds complaining too much can you ? Unless or until the result is changed yet again. That in no way contradicts my belief that this is a legitimate government under parliamentary rules. Legitimate though not elected.

Nowhere did I say Thailand will change for the better were a dissolution to take place, merely that you have to smell the coffee. One question. What then is to happen if the army are to continue to retreat ? You can't say that they won't anymore than I can say they can. So what happens if the confrontation continues and the army decides its not going to fight ?

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Will repeat this again - something similar happened in front of Paragon last Songkran. A red mob was protesting at the front of it, many civilians cheering on the army coming along to deal with them. When the army jumped out however they were wearing red and backing the protesters!

Then Prem got his lads in from Korat to do the job properly. There doesn't appear to be any sign of them this time around however.

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Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

Good news seems the rank/file in the army do not have the heart for this. Democracy is at work.

Ermmmmm in any "democratic" country the army and police would disperse these terrorists with any possible means ... so I do not know what your point is ...


In a "democratic" Country, we do not use the military forces against part of the citizens. Special police forces are created for this specific role. Army is symbol of Unity and reserved against exterior threats.

today is a typical (attempted) misuse of military Forces.

Edited by Jerrytheyoung
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"If anything, the firing of that tear gas is what provoked them to push through and break through the lines into the building." Reported by BBC (neutral enough?).


Jinglethingy and JDasia and others will say this is red propaganda! :)

I'd actually say it was just an opinion.

The red shirts had been threatening to push through and break into the compound. They just didn't do it until after the tear gas had been fired.

They were breaking the law just being there. They were confronting the army just being there. Reasonably legitimate reasons for firing tear gas to make them disperse.

Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

peter you speak loudly. I just wonder have you ever seen a real war up close? I don't in you cond drinking a beer or down the street or across town. Up close it's not pretty. You may talk big but would you tuck tail and run when confronted with potential life and death situation.

Tone it down a notch. Anybody can place blame. It takes a real man and leader to look for positive solutions.

<deleted>??????? Tone it down? Tone WHAT down? Nearly every second post of your is telling people to shut up. Who the &^% are you? <deleted> are you talking about?

They are army. In riot gear. Facing unarmed (supposedly) civilians. It's their job to protect government property. What the hel_l are they doing running? I'm not suggesting they get the guns out, but they should have stood their ground. If they run from unarmed civilians, what the hel_l are they doing in the army?

It wasn't a life or death situation (unless you know something I don't). It was a group of thugs trying to get into a government building.

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When will they use real bullet. The way the Red Shirts behave will and should be soon now

Great that eh, use real bullets and kill and maim, glad most of the posters seem to be humane but you always get a gung ho blood thirsty idiot around IMO. :)

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Unfortunately, the army didn't back it up and actually stop them from getting through.

Good news seems the rank/file in the army do not have the heart for this. Democracy is at work.

Ermmmmm in any "democratic" country the army and police would disperse these terrorists with any possible means ... so I do not know what your point is ...


An a "democratic" Country, we do not use the military forces against part of the citizen. Special police forces are created for this specific role. Army is symbol of Unity and reserved against exterior threats.

today is a typical (attempted) misuse of military Forces.

And in Thailand they don't yet have these special forces, so the army is used.

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