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Red Shirts At Darets's (darrett) Guesthouse, Thapae Gate


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I own a little cafe here - which currently the Mother-In-Law runs it. I put in WeeTV for the customers. However for the last few months all the MIL puts on is that blinking Red Shirt TV channel (and it does look like Hitler giving his Hitler Youth sermons). It has caused a few customers to leave (Thais) and triggered a few arguments. Every time I go in I turn it over, but guarantee its back on that cr@p again later.

I'm waiting for some family moves later this summer, then things will change - at the moment I'm biding my time and biting my tongue. Most people really don't want to sit and eat with rhetoric forced down their throats, so I can quite understand the Op. personally I think it harder on the Thais than the farangs (many of which can't follow the speech so tune out anyway).

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Thais' ability to tune out noise is marvelous - depending upon the nature of the noise, I suppose. Makes me jealous, particularly as I'm trying to learn NOT to be blown off my motorbike all the time when the speaker blares from those trucks.

OP and I, maybe others, can have happy lives by not frequenting any places that have intrusive television noise. CM is nothing if it is not a city offering more choices than we can frequent during several lifetimes. Known as happy-happy situation, or something like that, or smile-smile. :)

Edited by CMX
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I posted before on this subject, I mentioned that I'd seen some RSs acting like fascists.

I haven't changed my opinion on that, some do and are.

You need to look at individual's motives ,

I'm sure most aren't fascists but rather people who simply want respect and a piece of the pie.

No, not a bier piece, some haven't even had crumbs yet.

I wish those the best but I'm not overly optimistic about their chances.

The bullies are the ones you need to look out for, they're not out there for "democracy", they just want to be the new rulers, like their paymaster.

Get the old oligarchy out and it will be replaced by these guys PDQ.

They're already well off, have more than they need.

But they're not where they want to be just yet, this is their chance.

BTW, my guess is none of them are amongst the injured or the dead, they stand way at the back where its safe.

After all, somebody (with the right qualifications, ie: lotsa TB) needs to be there to fill the vacuum when the time comes.

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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.

Illegal and violent rallies are hardly 'democracy in motion.'

At any rate, boycotting a business for political reasons is not childish. Good on you, OP. :)

Edited by wayfarer108
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The owner of Darets has been quite active in local politics and I wouldn't class him as some sort of mafioso type. Personally I would much prefer that people took an active role and interest in politics. The red and yellow TV are just as stir crazy . They play the part of the roadshow pressuring what goes on behind the curtains.

However it seems some people would just prefer that large corporations took over the city with clockwork wage employees not performing outside the corporate mold. Quite frankly if I wanted something that boring and predictable I would be living somewhere else.

May I point out to the OP that McDonalds is just around the corner, I think that will fit his requirements perfectly. Wage slaves to service, heaven forbid they think outside the box.

:):D you don't more ore 'inside the box' than the kind of rhetoric spouted by the Reds on television, I'm afraid. Two point constantly reiterated: "Dissolve Parliament, Bring back Thaksin." Hardly creative or 'outside the box.'

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"Outside the box" refers to being able to partake in any activity other than mundanely serving the customer.

As I mentioned before those who are focused on mundanely serving the customer can be found at McD around the corner, where job description and role is neatly packaged and served up along with their awful food. One of the charms of Thailand is that things are often a bit chaotic and not as you expect them, hence never boring.

For a lot of people that seems to be a problem, that was why McD's and its ilk were invented, some bright spark recognised some humans need for repetition and conformity.

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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.


I don't understand why all these foreigners have a problem with a bunch of poor subservient people trying to get at least a little bit of freedom and honey flowing their way.  I guess they just want to keep poverty and oppression, so they can be cooperatively wealthy and free?      

Because this is not about the 'poor people' who are pawns in Thaksin's deadly game of revenge

Edited by ianf
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I own a little cafe here - which currently the Mother-In-Law runs it. I put in WeeTV for the customers. However for the last few months all the MIL puts on is that blinking Red Shirt TV channel (and it does look like Hitler giving his Hitler Youth sermons). It has caused a few customers to leave (Thais) and triggered a few arguments. Every time I go in I turn it over, but guarantee its back on that cr@p again later.

Simply manually detune that channel or 'Skip' it altogether... highly unlikely the old bat will be able to work out how to get it back. :)

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"Outside the box" refers to being able to partake in any activity other than mundanely serving the customer.

As I mentioned before those who are focused on mundanely serving the customer can be found at McD around the corner, where job description and role is neatly packaged and served up along with their awful food. One of the charms of Thailand is that things are often a bit chaotic and not as you expect them, hence never boring.

For a lot of people that seems to be a problem, that was why McD's and its ilk were invented, some bright spark recognised some humans need for repetition and conformity.


Do you want extra insurrection on that?

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"Outside the box" refers to being able to partake in any activity other than mundanely serving the customer.

As I mentioned before those who are focused on mundanely serving the customer can be found at McD around the corner, where job description and role is neatly packaged and served up along with their awful food. One of the charms of Thailand is that things are often a bit chaotic and not as you expect them, hence never boring.

For a lot of people that seems to be a problem, that was why McD's and its ilk were invented, some bright spark recognised some humans need for repetition and conformity.


Do you want extra insurrection on that?

Or red-sauce ? :D

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