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Thai Government Hangs By A Thread


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Jatuporn now parading a red shirt corpse on stage and winding up the crowd. This is a true atrocity. Absolutely barbaric.

As far as I can see, they are not showing any images of the many soldiers wounded on the ground from their attack.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour if true.

They have a corpse on stage? Sick sad <deleted>!


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Channel 9 on live video now showing reds throwing molotov cocktails into buildings near Phan Fa and setting then on fire.

They are ordinary shophouses. The living and working places of ordinary working people. What sort of a "people's revolution" is this?

The type where Thaksin's paid thugs need as much violence as possible to get an immediate change of government

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I understand the excitation of some of you with the conflict on-going. However, things are taking a bad orientation for all sides and may become uncontrollable.

This entire story one way or the other will finish in negotiation and compromises. The military gesticulations have no more object than positioning each other in favourable position for the discussions.

I think as an experienced man, we have to call everybody to the restraint and to cool down: losses of lives must be avoided. Lives are invaluable

Good point . You say "let soften them a bit" then negociate . Makes sense .

Definitely we must remain measured , and all will if we dont hear all the time

the violent anti-red rethoric of the last 3 weeks

What a load of old croc.

The reds are going all out with guns and petrol bombs and you are being Mr Reasonable.

Thaksin apologist trying on yet another set of clothes.

Why don't you just give this Thaksin apologist bullshit a rest..people are being killed in the streets...from both sides.......and this is all you have to say..

You have used this meaningless expression so many times it's just annoying.....


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Everyone out there who says Thailand's poor and rural farmers are:

- too dumb to participate in Thai governemen

- too gullible and easily influenced by cash handouts

- too uneducated to handle free speech, free press, their own website forums

Suggestion: Move to China If that's what it takes to make a stable, economically viable success story, I want no part of it.

Go Reds!

Well said

Or move to Burma

Good luck Reds

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Jatuporn now parading a red shirt corpse on stage and winding up the crowd. This is a true atrocity. Absolutely barbaric.

As far as I can see, they are not showing any images of the many soldiers wounded on the ground from their attack.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour if true.

See for yourself: http://www.uddthailand.com

The atrocity exhibit continues. Thai flag is being draped over the corpse while they invite photographers onstage to take photos. Two corpses now, with the faces uncovered for the photographers.

Have mercy on us if these people ever come to power.

Indeed I am watching it right now on TV up country.

If nothing else, the army needs to close all the main roads from Isaan into Bangkok. I drove back from Korat going north today and there is no presence at all. When the reds north of Korat see this (they camp out in Khon Kaen infront of City Hall every day but in a generally peaceful manner) I predict they will start heading south.

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Everyone out there who says Thailand's poor and rural farmers are:

- too dumb to participate in Thai governemen

- too gullible and easily influenced by cash handouts

- too uneducated to handle free speech, free press, their own website forums

Suggestion: Move to China If that's what it takes to make a stable, economically viable success story, I want no part of it.

Go Reds!

Well said

Or move to Burma

Good luck Reds

The Reds use explosives, real bullets, and grenades, and you cheer them on. Sick.

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Ummm again in Parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new election. Small parties can realign and poof --- a new government. To suggest otherwise is simply a lie.

You used a plural, suggesting that changes of government without electoral approval are regular occurrences in democracies. Do you have any more examples of this than the one in Thailand in 2008?

Try Gordon Brown for one, Bibi Netanyahu for another.

No new elections called when they took office.

Blair retired, Brown voted in by Mps.

Bibi's party came insecond, but the winner failed to get a coalition with enough seats,

Netanyahu is PM of Israel with 2nd place minority party.

No new election called... this could last till next election cycles, or fall and a new one come in.

This has happened in many countries...

A parliament is elected and and IF a party shows

enough leadership to quickly put together a new coalition

they form a government, if they fall and another can quickly do the same they can.

This can go on until either a vote of no confidence is passed calling for a new

parliament to be elected, of the ruling PM dissolves the parliament.

If neither of these options happen then an election is called.

Essentially if a coalition can claim enough MP's they can rule.

I've sent them links to this information before, but when presented with facts they choose to ignore.

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According to "The Nation", the current political issues are less about democracy and more about money. The confiscated money of Tanksin: regardless of who the prime minister is. Money that is available subsequently from asset seizure, should be designated for rural poor services.

If the Nation's thesis is correct, the duplicity of money vs. democracy is unseparable in this situation--as it seems to be everywhere anyway; :)

these demonstrations, while they seem to be motivated by democratic sentiment, are actually directly motivated by political machinations to control the distribution of this wealth. :D:D:D:D [/size

Edited by Odysseus221
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Everyone out there who says Thailand's poor and rural farmers are:

- too dumb to participate in Thai governemen

- too gullible and easily influenced by cash handouts

- too uneducated to handle free speech, free press, their own website forums

Suggestion: Move to China If that's what it takes to make a stable, economically viable success story, I want no part of it.

Go Reds!

Dumb and gullible enough to do a billionaires bidding by shooting at kids who are no different than themselves, and for what? Now they're murderers. Is that your free speech? Boy, Thailand sure attracts a lot of scum foreigners.

4 red shirt died as well , if confirmed

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Everyone out there who says Thailand's poor and rural farmers are:

- too dumb to participate in Thai governemen

- too gullible and easily influenced by cash handouts

- too uneducated to handle free speech, free press, their own website forums

Suggestion: Move to China If that's what it takes to make a stable, economically viable success story, I want no part of it.

Go Reds!

Well said

Or move to Burma

Good luck Reds

The Reds use explosives, real bullets, and grenades, and you cheer them on. Sick.


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Everyone out there who says Thailand's poor and rural farmers are:

- too dumb to participate in Thai governemen

- too gullible and easily influenced by cash handouts

- too uneducated to handle free speech, free press, their own website forums

Suggestion: Move to China If that's what it takes to make a stable, economically viable success story, I want no part of it.

Go Reds!

No one has said that, except the Reds themselves. And now they've killed Thai soldiers. Great horse you backed there....

I had to sit and listen to a Thai client ramble on this afternoon expressing the above opinions while biting my tongue the entire time. I assert with certainty that the 3 above opinions are deely felt by a large percentage of pro-govt supporters. It truly is unfortunate that people are losing their lives and it does sadden me. Was violence necessary in the establishment of a stable democracy in whatever country you're from?

is that what you call your experience or knowledge of any matter for 21st century? are you free from your upbringing? liberated from your cultural inclinations & restraints?

actually, are you _FREE_ to use your mind... instead of indulging patterns established by nature. i guess you call yourself "i", right? "my" thoughts, will & desires, right? well, maybe it's just a "view" & you're completely wrong & it's just your exploitative 2nd-"revolution" that might get _others_ injured & killed. yes, i know... it's for the "good cause".

you just make "noise". noise as in information theory.

please sign me up for your latest re-education camp.

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Ummm again in Parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new election. Small parties can realign and poof --- a new government. To suggest otherwise is simply a lie.

You used a plural, suggesting that changes of government without electoral approval are regular occurrences in democracies. Do you have any more examples of this than the one in Thailand in 2008?

Try Gordon Brown for one, Bib Netanyahu for another.

No new elections called when they took office.

Blair retired, Brown voted in by Mps.

Bibi's party came insecond, but the winner failed to get a coaltion with enough seats,

Netanyahu is PM of Israel with 2nd place minority party.

No newe election called... this could last till next election cycles, or fall and a new one come in.

This has happened in many countries...

A parliament is elected and and IF a party shows

enough leadership to quickly put together a new coalition

they form a government, if they fall and another can quickly do the same they can.

This can go on until either a vote of no confidence is passed calling for a new

parliament to be elected, of the ruling PM dissolves the parliament.

If neither of these options happen then an election is called.

Essentially if a coalition can claim enough MP's they can rule.

Didn't Brown just call for early elections?

After 2 years in office. Oh my god you're worse than i though. You used to show signs of intelligence.

Now I'm waiting :)

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Nattawut and Korbsak agree to a cease fire. Jatuporn and Arisman are saying "no deal". Anyone who supports these people, with leadership as horrid as they have, is well and truly lost the plot.

Then let it be on their heads.

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Includes a dead Reuters Japanese journalist, Huroyuki Muramoto, shot in the chest. Rubber bullets do not do this.

i know you're deluded na. sure, rubber bullets _do_ that... if they hit you right in chest.

btw, jc, you're one of those indulging delusions - any link? too much to ask?

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Nattawut and Korbsak agree to a cease fire. Jatuporn and Arisman are saying "no deal". Anyone who supports these people, with leadership as horrid as they have, is well and truly lost the plot.

Then let it be on their heads.

Kamikaze :)

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Nattawut and Korbsak agree to a cease fire. Jatuporn and Arisman are saying "no deal". Anyone who supports these people, with leadership as horrid as they have, is well and truly lost the plot.

Peace, democracy. Clearly they are not interested in that. They just want all out war whatever.

Edited by Sarpedon
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is that what you call your experience or knowledge of any matter for 21st century? are you free from your upbringing? liberated from your cultural inclinations & restraints?

actually, are you _FREE_ to use your mind... instead of indulging patterns established by nature. i guess you call yourself "i", right? "my" thoughts, will & desires, right? well, maybe it's just a "view" & you're completely wrong & it's just your exploitative 2nd-"revolution" that might get _others_ injured & killed. yes, i know... it's for the "good cause".

you just make "noise". noise as in information theory.

please sign me up for your latest re-education camp.

Never a good idea to post when under the influence. :)

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I agree --- this needs to stop ----

The Reds need to get off the street. Their leaders need to be arrested for sedition and inciting insurrection. Their speech from the red stage was certainly recorded and it is clear. There is no valid defense for their actions.

The police and army may have to move in and that will be awful but it needs to end NOW.

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Enough is enough. Dissolve parliament and call in international observers to prevent either side from rigging the election, which needs to be held quickly.

No longer an option at this point. It is either the army supporting the government and clearing out the red leadership, or a coup. Thailand loses either way. The question is which way does it loose the least?

I don't know the answer to that question.

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