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Are Red-Shirts Battling For Thaksin's Bt76 Bn Or Democracy?

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My Opinion ...

I believe they are battling for Taksin and his billions

I believe they probably believe if he gets his money back they

will benefit in some way shape or another

I believe they think he actually cares about them

Throw a dog a bone every now and then and the dog will be obedient

Former colleague telling my last night the office maid believes she'll get 100,000 baht from Thaksin if he returns to Thailand as PM.

These are the rumours doing the rounds right now.


Some foreigner don't recognize the amazing skills of last night office maids in leg-pulling.


An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

Lets rewind to the coup. Prior to the coup the Democrats refused to take part in the election as they knew they would lose and so refused to play.

The CNS were in power after the coup and members of the CNS are on record as saying they will deal with Thaksin by "years of mass psychology" ahead "similar to how we battled the Commies" . In other words there will be a concerted effort to disgrace him, to drag him through the dirt. to find him guilty and to turn him into a villain.

This is very normal, its very common for Junta's and Coup leaders around the world to "make up" all sorts of evidence and find the previous regime in power guilty in Kangaroo courts.

So what we have here is the first time the Thai people (majority) have not been suckered into the media manipulated psychological warfare of the state.

The Thai people have said "Ok, you say he is a villain and bad, but even if he is he is better than you Yellow PAD Elite, you are far worse than him".

That really slaps them in the face. They held a coup, they put into place control of the checks and balances system, they controlled the media, some say they control the courts and yet, to this day, the people say they prefer the Thaksin over the Elite, as even if he was bad, he is not as bad as all the Yellow and Elites and PAD and NPP and Democrats.

Part of the psychological warfare ongoing is to make this all about Thaksin and not let the real reason that the rural people want Democracy come to the forefront.

New Politics - by taking away any voting power from the people and giving control to the Elite by majority, and allowing the people to vote a non control minority is their only way forward now, they know they have lost the battle of control over the people, the people will no longer sucker up to the Elite, the people prefer politicians now, people who might take 10 and give back 5, as opposed to the Elite who take 100 and give back 1.

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "New Politics".

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "its all Thaksin"

They have to keep pushing their psychological warfare, they have to keep saying its all about Thaksin.

They do not want the world to see that the Thai people have finally said "Elite / Yellow you are so evil and so corrupt and so bad that even the villain you made, the made up villain you threw out of power, we prefer him over you".

Democracy gives the people the power to choose who rules them.

This is not about Thaksin as such, this is about the Elite attempting to struggle to remain in power. They now know that they have lost fake Democracy as a way to control. They will now, in my opinion, attempt to push "New Politics" as its the only way they can remain "in control".

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".


Seems to me that the yellows were about exorcising the remnants of the Taksin regime, and since the airport victory they are just about gone. Then Taksin kicked in with his redshirt movement. I think any yellow movement at this point is mainly a statement of disagreement with the reds.

Let's keep our eyes on the ball: this is not about democracy, regardless of how many screaming people in red declare it to be, it's about the man on the TV screen, running the show by remote control.


Let's keep things cool here on the forum, the situation is already over heated as it is.

Also keep in ind the forum rules:

Please be informed that ThaiVisa is an apolitical discussion forum, meaning that we take an unbiased position in regard to political matters in Thailand. As such, ThaiVisa will not permit itself to become a sounding platform for members to lobby other members to effect changes to or suggestions on political issues or Thai government decrees. This does not mean that members cannot voice a political opinion as ThaiVisa is first and foremost a discussion forum, but lobbying for any kind of action is forbidden.


Taksin's billions don't matter? When one individual holds that much and wants to run the country thru these billions, it matters a great deal. Put it another way, if taksin never existed, neither would these protests...

We are witnessing a power struggle in something that is not a democratic society...


An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

Lets rewind to the coup. Prior to the coup the Democrats refused to take part in the election as they knew they would lose and so refused to play.

The CNS were in power after the coup and members of the CNS are on record as saying they will deal with Thaksin by "years of mass psychology" ahead "similar to how we battled the Commies" . In other words there will be a concerted effort to disgrace him, to drag him through the dirt. to find him guilty and to turn him into a villain.

This is very normal, its very common for Junta's and Coup leaders around the world to "make up" all sorts of evidence and find the previous regime in power guilty in Kangaroo courts.

So what we have here is the first time the Thai people (majority) have not been suckered into the media manipulated psychological warfare of the state.

The Thai people have said "Ok, you say he is a villain and bad, but even if he is he is better than you Yellow PAD Elite, you are far worse than him".

That really slaps them in the face. They held a coup, they put into place control of the checks and balances system, they controlled the media, some say they control the courts and yet, to this day, the people say they prefer the Thaksin over the Elite, as even if he was bad, he is not as bad as all the Yellow and Elites and PAD and NPP and Democrats.

Part of the psychological warfare ongoing is to make this all about Thaksin and not let the real reason that the rural people want Democracy come to the forefront.

New Politics - by taking away any voting power from the people and giving control to the Elite by majority, and allowing the people to vote a non control minority is their only way forward now, they know they have lost the battle of control over the people, the people will no longer sucker up to the Elite, the people prefer politicians now, people who might take 10 and give back 5, as opposed to the Elite who take 100 and give back 1.

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "New Politics".

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "its all Thaksin"

They have to keep pushing their psychological warfare, they have to keep saying its all about Thaksin.

They do not want the world to see that the Thai people have finally said "Elite / Yellow you are so evil and so corrupt and so bad that even the villain you made, the made up villain you threw out of power, we prefer him over you".

Democracy gives the people the power to choose who rules them.

This is not about Thaksin as such, this is about the Elite attempting to struggle to remain in power. They now know that they have lost Democracy. They will now, in my opinion, attempt to push "New Politics" as its the only way they can remain "in control".

I dont think they can get away with new politics. That would potentially upset more people than are upset now. The only way to impose that is via gunpoint and I cant see that happening. Maybe another round of new governments who couldnt control anything could create conditions for it but that relies on too many imponderables. I still see behind the scenes deals leaving democracy pretty much as is in place and PTP getting back to govern if they win an election which seems likely. Remember however they protray themselves in battles the poltical class is a closed shop and their friendships spread across party lines. Some big families even have family members nicely positioned on both sides of the divide.

The real challenge whatever happens will be for actual representatives of the people to start coming up through the ranks of movements and force themselves into the poltical closed shop. That though is a way off right now.


I'm actually surprised that the Red supporters here consider this editorial to be more of the usual blah blah blah. Unless, of course, they just read the headline and started spouting their usual knee-jerk propaganda. :)

While Thaksin's goals are obviously money and power, he may have unintentionally unleashed forces beyond his control. While I still think that the Reds will splinter into two or more groups in the future, they will have benefited from the initial funding and organization that is going on now.

I may be wrong (I frequently am :D ), but I wouldn't be surprised if, a year or two from now, we will have the pro-Thaksin Reds - basically a feudal organization with the peons looking to their absolute leader for handouts and patronage in exchange for absolute loyalty- and the non-Thaksin Reds - a group oriented towards political and economic reform. The question is, which group will be stronger and more influential? The pro-Thaksin group will be better funded and will have the loyalty of most of the Issan Pu-yais, while the leftist group will probably have the support of the better-educated Red minority.

Right now, the Reds are united by a common goal: bringing down the government. If, or more likely, when they succeed, the different ambitions and goals of the different groups of Reds may become apparent. I would be surprised to see Jatuporn and Dr. Weng on the same stage next year!


I posted this comment in another thread however I am of the opinion that after reading the post Hammered made I should post it here.

Possibly it would be a big step forward if the bloody ridiculous self protective rule regarding the necessity of Bachelors degree (in any subject) was removed as a pre-requisite for being able to stand for election and to be able to enter parliament in the event of being elected,

A wonderful example of a piece of legislation designed to protect the more well to do in exercising their power over the less well to do.

( seems as it took Arisman11 years to complete his Bachelors degree, indeed a wonderful comment on his intellectual abilities and possibly the standards of the university he presumably attended, or did it take that long to save up the pass your degree payment I wonder)

I haven't noticed that particular subject being raised by the leaders of the red Shirt Brigade.

Perhaps the Red Shirt Brigade leaders are a trifle concerned that they may find themselves vulnerable if the lower orderer actually had a say in what happens and how and who those decisions may affect for better or worse ?

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

Lets rewind to the coup. Prior to the coup the Democrats refused to take part in the election as they knew they would lose and so refused to play.

The CNS were in power after the coup and members of the CNS are on record as saying they will deal with Thaksin by "years of mass psychology" ahead "similar to how we battled the Commies" . In other words there will be a concerted effort to disgrace him, to drag him through the dirt. to find him guilty and to turn him into a villain.

This is very normal, its very common for Junta's and Coup leaders around the world to "make up" all sorts of evidence and find the previous regime in power guilty in Kangaroo courts.

So what we have here is the first time the Thai people (majority) have not been suckered into the media manipulated psychological warfare of the state.

The Thai people have said "Ok, you say he is a villain and bad, but even if he is he is better than you Yellow PAD Elite, you are far worse than him".

That really slaps them in the face. They held a coup, they put into place control of the checks and balances system, they controlled the media, some say they control the courts and yet, to this day, the people say they prefer the Thaksin over the Elite, as even if he was bad, he is not as bad as all the Yellow and Elites and PAD and NPP and Democrats.

Part of the psychological warfare ongoing is to make this all about Thaksin and not let the real reason that the rural people want Democracy come to the forefront.

New Politics - by taking away any voting power from the people and giving control to the Elite by majority, and allowing the people to vote a non control minority is their only way forward now, they know they have lost the battle of control over the people, the people will no longer sucker up to the Elite, the people prefer politicians now, people who might take 10 and give back 5, as opposed to the Elite who take 100 and give back 1.

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "New Politics".

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "its all Thaksin"

They have to keep pushing their psychological warfare, they have to keep saying its all about Thaksin.

They do not want the world to see that the Thai people have finally said "Elite / Yellow you are so evil and so corrupt and so bad that even the villain you made, the made up villain you threw out of power, we prefer him over you".

Democracy gives the people the power to choose who rules them.

This is not about Thaksin as such, this is about the Elite attempting to struggle to remain in power. They now know that they have lost Democracy. They will now, in my opinion, attempt to push "New Politics" as its the only way they can remain "in control".

I think you tie the yellow shirts/PAD too closely with the Democrats and the Abhisit government.

The yellow shirts are definitely anti-Thaksin, so they fight against any of the Thaksin puppet parties.

The coup happened because Thaksin had put people HE controlled into most of the positions where there should have been checks and balances. The last step for Thaksin was getting control of the army. If he had done that, he would have got the dictatorship that he desired.

Abhisit is not a yellow shirt, although there are some clear yellow shirt supporters in the government.

Abhisit is not an elite, although he is well off.

The "Thai people" haven't said much at all. A few thousand red supporters are protesting to ignore democracy and force an unscheduled election.

This is only about Thaksin. It's about Thaksin and his money.

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

More dumb logic: If the reds love only bananas, the yellows must love only apples.

Why do you keep posting nonsense propaganda that harms the reds 'cause'? It just makes you look silly.

Thaksin had his chance at PM and blew it. The majority of educated, intelligent people can see he did no put Thailand first, he put himself first, and strung along some of the poor to help his remaining in power.

No amount of your pissing-contest claims about the Yellows in every post you make is going to change the mind of Thais or foreigners who can see clearly the behaviour of Thaksin and his red followers for themselves.


I posted this comment in another thread however I am of the opinion that after reading the post Hammered made I should post it here.

Possibly it would be a big step forward if the bloody ridiculous self protective rule regarding the necessity of Bachelors degree (in any subject) was removed as a pre-requisite for being able to stand for election and to be able to enter parliament in the event of being elected,

A wonderful example of a piece of legislation designed to protect the more well to do in exercising their power over the less well to do.

( seems as it took Arisman11 years to complete his Bachelors degree, indeed a wonderful comment on his intellectual abilities and possibly the standards of the university he presumably attended, or did it take that long to save up the pass your degree payment I wonder)

I haven't noticed that particular subject being raised by the leaders of the red Shirt Brigade.

Perhaps the Red Shirt Brigade leaders are a trifle concerned that they may find themselves vulnerable if the lower orderer actually had a say in what happens and how and who those decisions may affect for better or worse ?

I think I'd like to disagree with you, but I'd have to know what you were talking about 1st.

Please try and be clearer, as I (and assume others) am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say.

Based on last nights agreement with the military not to turn off PTV again and their actions late last night truning it off again, they just made it much more difficult to reach any kind of compromise. What good would it do if you can't trust the government to keep its word?

If you are able to reach an agreement will last night's actions be repeated?

There has to be a legitimate trust demonstrated. Machine guns aren't exactly a good way to do that.

I'm unaware of a specific agreement bewtween the reds and the government to NOT try and turn off PTV again. If such an agreement were made, I highly doubt the government was part of it. More than likely any agreement would have been between the local military and local red protesters at the Thaicom site.

Thus, I don't see how this situ calls into question the gubment's word.

Many other situs might, but this one, not so much.

For once I agree with MY, no agreement was ever stated between gov and reds over Thaicom,

just that a cop general on the ground agreed to turn it back on.


This is a hi tech establishment

and they turn it on and off at the power switch


me is thinking even Thai wife not this stupid when it comes to tv set

she turns off at remote and takes it with her


What 76 Billion Baht? They will already have spent it! You think they have put it in the bank? They will have had a good old divi with that one.

Found It, Took It, Spent IT!

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

More dumb logic: If the reds love only bananas, the yellows must love only apples.

Why do you keep posting nonsense propaganda that harms the reds 'cause'? It just makes you look silly.

Thaksin had his chance at PM and blew it. The majority of educated, intelligent people can see he did no put Thailand first, he put himself first, and strung along some of the poor to help his remaining in power.

No amount of your pissing-contest claims about the Yellows in every post you make is going to change the mind of Thais or foreigners who can see clearly the behaviour of Thaksin and his red followers for themselves.


From what I see in Thailand, the majority of Thai's support the Reds.

There are no large gatherings against them, just a few Yellows now and then pose for the camera's to allow the biased Yelllow media to report "anti-Red" things.

I see Thai's giving them food and water. I see more Thai's cheering them.

I see the foreign media is going into details about the crisis and whats behind it.

In this instance here, the Yellows have nothing but "zero democracy" on their agenda. The Reds have "Democracy" on their agenda, so yes, it is comparing apples and pears.

Pleading ignorance over the allegiance between Yellow / PAD / Democrats etc... does not make the questions go away.

My Opinion ...

I believe they are battling for Taksin and his billions

I believe they probably believe if he gets his money back they

will benefit in some way shape or another

I believe they think he actually cares about them

Throw a dog a bone every now and then and the dog will be obedient

Former colleague telling my last night the office maid believes she'll get 100,000 baht from Thaksin if he returns to Thailand as PM.

These are the rumours doing the rounds right now.


Some foreigner don't recognize the amazing skills of last night office maids in leg-pulling.

Is this leg-pulling a new red shirt tactic? Wife tells me our house maid has been promised some other bountiful splendour upon the return of their saviour.

Is the joke still on us?

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

More dumb logic: If the reds love only bananas, the yellows must love only apples.

Why do you keep posting nonsense propaganda that harms the reds 'cause'? It just makes you look silly.

Thaksin had his chance at PM and blew it. The majority of educated, intelligent people can see he did no put Thailand first, he put himself first, and strung along some of the poor to help his remaining in power.

No amount of your pissing-contest claims about the Yellows in every post you make is going to change the mind of Thais or foreigners who can see clearly the behaviour of Thaksin and his red followers for themselves.


It's probably a bit like the American Civil war, one side is trying to defend its right to own millions of slaves, whilst the other demands emancipation!

I cannot quite decide where Abishit sits on this one, is he Abraham Vejajevha or Robert E leekpie!

I posted this comment in another thread however I am of the opinion that after reading the post Hammered made I should post it here.

Possibly it would be a big step forward if the bloody ridiculous self protective rule regarding the necessity of Bachelors degree (in any subject) was removed as a pre-requisite for being able to stand for election and to be able to enter parliament in the event of being elected,

A wonderful example of a piece of legislation designed to protect the more well to do in exercising their power over the less well to do.

The requirement for a bachelor degree to be a candidate in a General Election has already been removed.

The only individuals who are required to have a minimum bachelor degree are:

  • Cabinet Members
  • Senators

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

More dumb logic: If the reds love only bananas, the yellows must love only apples.

Why do you keep posting nonsense propaganda that harms the reds 'cause'? It just makes you look silly.

Thaksin had his chance at PM and blew it. The majority of educated, intelligent people can see he did no put Thailand first, he put himself first, and strung along some of the poor to help his remaining in power.

No amount of your pissing-contest claims about the Yellows in every post you make is going to change the mind of Thais or foreigners who can see clearly the behaviour of Thaksin and his red followers for themselves.


It's probably a bit like the American Civil war, one side is trying to defend its right to own millions of slaves, whilst the other demands emancipation!

I cannot quite decide where Abishit sits on this one, is he Abraham Vejajevha or Robert E leekpie!

And........the analogies get bizarrer and bizarrer.

So far we have had:

-UK politics

-Merican Politics

-Aussie Politics

-Numerous Nazi/hitler references



-Al Queda

-African Dictators

-Hugo Chavez


and now

Merican Civil war analogies?

None of this silliness adds to the discusion on EITHER side.

I propose on ban on analogies on TVF until people can prove they can use them responsibly.

:D :D :D :D


You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message
It's all about money for sure ... but this is all about much more than Thaksin's money. And the money we are talking about dwarfs Thaksin's lost billions.

Thai laws and Thaivisa rules forbid us to discuss this any further.

Sunderland ..... what you say is exactly correct.


"They suddenly realise that other than for financial handouts to feed protesters, they may not need Thaksin or other political parties especially if they themselves can lead a new political movement of the poor..." - KI Woo

But the only reason they are in existence is that they are getting free funding from Thaksin. So once this source of revenue is shut down, they will dissolve into the woodwork like before.

Otherwise, if you are right, and the red-shirt movement grows because they political platform is "A party for the Poor," then we might as well forget capitalism and call in the Chinese to show us how to establish a communist society here in Thailand.

I still believe the red-shirt movement materialized because people were paid to participate. If the red-shirts do not give hand-outs, there would be no membership. Hence, without ATM Thaksin, the movement would disappear!!! Maybe a light bulb has gone off in the red-shirts' heads and they suddenly believe they have a cause other than fighting for corruption and bribes, but I doubt it!


If they were to form a red shirt party for the poor then they would face problems of policy. It is easy to be against something buit when it is gone not so easy to find other things to unite around. PAD found this out. The red movement poltically covers a whole gamut of poltics form far right to far left and seeing what the party was and how much popularity it retained would indeed be interesting. Moving away from Thaksin and the PTP types is what a genuine pro-poor movement needs to do. However, that will involve, sacrifices. If this is a route they plan to take, good luck to them.


People are by nature, selfish.

Poor people are especially prone to corruption for personal gain. It is the law of the jungle. It is survival of the fittest. Take away the money from these poor people, and they will do something else. It is like you put a shiny lure in front of a fish. The fish only wants to bite the lure because it thinks it is food. Take away the glitter and the fish loses interest.

Look at the protesters - old women and men, children... do you really think they care about democracy and representation? No. All they want is 1,000 baht a day to save and buy that new iPhone.

Nuttawat and Chatuporn? Take away the millions of baht that they receive from Thaksin and they are OUTTA HERE!!!!!


The requirement for a bachelor degree to be a candidate in a General Election has already been removed.

The only individuals who are required to have a minimum bachelor degree are:

Cabinet Members



I thank you for clarifying the point, indeed I was unaware of the relaxing of that particular requirement as being mandatory to be able to both stand and serve as an M.P.

However the law still discriminates against the a person who has no degree at all, their vioce and the voices of those the represent is muted, a fine example of class discrimination or class warfare that the Red Shirt Brigade scream about but will do nothing to alter as it may affect their stranglehold on power.


[The whole red shirt rally is driven by money, PERIOD[/size][/u].

People are by nature, selfish.

Poor people are especially prone to corruption for personal gain. It is the law of the jungle. It is survival of the fittest. Take away the money from these poor people, and they will do something else. It is like you put a shiny lure in front of a fish. The fish only wants to bite the lure because it thinks it is food. Take away the glitter and the fish loses interest.

Look at the protesters - old women and men, children... do you really think they care about democracy and representation? No. All they want is 1,000 baht a day to save and buy that new iPhone.

Nuttawat and Chatuporn? Take away the millions of baht that they receive from Thaksin and they are OUTTA HERE!!!!!

Based on last nights agreement with the military not to turn off PTV again and their actions late last night truning it off again, they just made it much more difficult to reach any kind of compromise. What good would it do if you can't trust the government to keep its word?

If you are able to reach an agreement will last night's actions be repeated?

There has to be a legitimate trust demonstrated. Machine guns aren't exactly a good way to do that.

Machine guns may be the only way.....

My Opinion ...

I believe they are battling for Taksin and his billions

I believe they probably believe if he gets his money back they

will benefit in some way shape or another

I believe they think he actually cares about them

Throw a dog a bone every now and then and the dog will be obedient

Former colleague telling my last night the office maid believes she'll get 100,000 baht from Thaksin if he returns to Thailand as PM.

These are the rumours doing the rounds right now.


Some foreigner don't recognize the amazing skills of last night office maids in leg-pulling.

Is this leg-pulling a new red shirt tactic? Wife tells me our house maid has been promised some other bountiful splendour upon the return of their saviour.

Is the joke still on us?


First the 'former colleagues office maid' and now your wife.

Please consider BOTH your legs pulled.

Best regards,



First the 'former colleagues office maid' and now your wife.

Please consider BOTH your legs pulled.

Best regards,


Are you, sir, calling me a liar?

I'm reporting what I've been told, and I have no reason to believe they are lying? What would be the motivation?

An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

Lets rewind to the coup. Prior to the coup the Democrats refused to take part in the election as they knew they would lose and so refused to play.

The CNS were in power after the coup and members of the CNS are on record as saying they will deal with Thaksin by "years of mass psychology" ahead "similar to how we battled the Commies" . In other words there will be a concerted effort to disgrace him, to drag him through the dirt. to find him guilty and to turn him into a villain.

This is very normal, its very common for Junta's and Coup leaders around the world to "make up" all sorts of evidence and find the previous regime in power guilty in Kangaroo courts.

So what we have here is the first time the Thai people (majority) have not been suckered into the media manipulated psychological warfare of the state.

The Thai people have said "Ok, you say he is a villain and bad, but even if he is he is better than you Yellow PAD Elite, you are far worse than him".

That really slaps them in the face. They held a coup, they put into place control of the checks and balances system, they controlled the media, some say they control the courts and yet, to this day, the people say they prefer the Thaksin over the Elite, as even if he was bad, he is not as bad as all the Yellow and Elites and PAD and NPP and Democrats.

Part of the psychological warfare ongoing is to make this all about Thaksin and not let the real reason that the rural people want Democracy come to the forefront.

New Politics - by taking away any voting power from the people and giving control to the Elite by majority, and allowing the people to vote a non control minority is their only way forward now, they know they have lost the battle of control over the people, the people will no longer sucker up to the Elite, the people prefer politicians now, people who might take 10 and give back 5, as opposed to the Elite who take 100 and give back 1.

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "New Politics".

This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "its all Thaksin"

They have to keep pushing their psychological warfare, they have to keep saying its all about Thaksin.

They do not want the world to see that the Thai people have finally said "Elite / Yellow you are so evil and so corrupt and so bad that even the villain you made, the made up villain you threw out of power, we prefer him over you".

Democracy gives the people the power to choose who rules them.

This is not about Thaksin as such, this is about the Elite attempting to struggle to remain in power. They now know that they have lost fake Democracy as a way to control. They will now, in my opinion, attempt to push "New Politics" as its the only way they can remain "in control".

Seems your house is in your wifes name also.... Pass another Chang...

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