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Veera Threatens To Burn Nacc Head Office

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Veera threatens to burn NACC head office

Veera Musigapong, a red-shirt leader, told the protesters at the Phan Fah Bridge Saturday morning that he may lead them to rally at the head office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

He said the protesters might have to use violent mean like setting fire to the office because the NACC has been using double standard law enforcement.

Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

The Nation


-- The Nation 2010/04/10


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Didn't see this one posted in the forum and I reacted to the following section:

Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.
Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it’s time to full force and put these idiot in their place


When the next election is held, I think the Reds have just assured that the Democrats take their first majority vote result. Calm and measured versus hysterical and violent. Decisions, Decisions.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

I agree! Stop talking about negotiating with these idiots and put the leaders in prison for treason where they belong!!

Use whatever force is needed to shut them down.


Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Democracy was never, ever the objective of the Thaksin forces.

Didn't see this one posted in the forum and I reacted to the following section:
Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Either declaring civil war for sure or secession from Thailand....

Good luck with Issan seceding from Thailand...

Land locked, no infrastructure, no industry and a water crisis.

Lao, and China, and maybe Myanmar for neighbors.

Prospects in a practical sense minimal....

He said the protesters might have to use violent mean like setting fire to the office

Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

He said he wanna revolution??©

Oh Allah, bring them all some brains today.....open their eyes and show them their way home....

But, if they reject.....it will be their own decision. Time to stop this parade.

My condolences to the soldiers went down. My cheers to the soldiers still standing. My ignorance to the reds laying behind the soldiers - they are getting now what they chose to deserve.

And yes - there are STILL some route buses to the North to be departed from Mochit, even at this time. They can easily take them and be in peace with their families right today......if they chose this way. If no - than no.


Can you imagine a Thailand ruled by these oh-so-democratic and peace-loving crazies? A new Thai state? Is there any prize for guessing which megalomaniac would be ruling that one?

I hope the government sticks to its [rubber] guns and puts down the riot, because the alternative is worse.


The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

I agree! Stop talking about negotiating with these idiots and put the leaders in prison for treason where they belong!!

Use whatever force is needed to shut them down.

And you are what? A bar owner suffering loss of trade from the red-shirt disruption? Retired Ku Klux Klan?

Nobody has a heart-felt cause if it is not the same as yours, hah?

Or do you claim a sole franchise on correctness and divine righteousness?

Presumably you have taken a poll to determine just who the "silent majority" are, and who/what they stand for?

My guess is that you are just as ignorant about the Thai people, culture and politics as most of us other farang!

So what prejudices do you have that cause you to make such inflammatory statements. HUH? :)

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

I agree! Stop talking about negotiating with these idiots and put the leaders in prison for treason where they belong!!

Use whatever force is needed to shut them down.

And you are what? A bar owner suffering loss of trade from the red-shirt disruption? Retired Ku Klux Klan?

Nobody has a heart-felt cause if it is not the same as yours, hah?

Or do you claim a sole franchise on correctness and divine righteousness?

Presumably you have taken a poll to determine just who the "silent majority" are, and who/what they stand for?

My guess is that you are just as ignorant about the Thai people, culture and politics as most of us other farang!

So what prejudices do you have that cause you to make such inflammatory statements. HUH? :)

Klu Klux Klan is NOT inflammatory ?

I hope the government sticks to its [rubber] guns and puts down the riot, because the alternative is worse.

Sometimes, somewhere rubber is still too soft for some such of iron-heads...and must be swithced to a harder material. For the sake of future.

Yes, sometimes you must painfully CUT your live flesh to remove a CANCER. Because - yes! - the "not-to-cut!" alternative is much worse. :)

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

My Facebook is going nuts too. :) Except I have friends who support democracy and freedom.

The government has truly shown its ugly face; gloves seem to be off, which is sad.

I hope the government sticks to its [rubber] guns and puts down the riot, because the alternative is worse.

Sometimes, somewhere rubber is still too soft for some such of iron-heads...and must be swithced to a harder material. For the sake of future.

Yes, sometimes you must painfully CUT your live flesh to remove a CANCER. Because - yes! - the "not-to-cut!" alternative is much worse. :D

Lovely. Guess this sort of silly rhetoric is allowed now. :)

When the next election is held, I think the Reds have just assured that the Democrats take their first majority vote result. Calm and measured versus hysterical and violent. Decisions, Decisions.

Let's see. Rational voting or money? Decisions, Decisions. I think they will choose the money.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

My Facebook is going nuts too. :) Except I have friends who support democracy and freedom.

The government has truly shown its ugly face; gloves seem to be off, which is sad.

What's amazing that people like Jutaporn and co not only use the poor people for their policital gain while their living, they even go into the morgue and continue to use them as ponds once they have died.

Very sad. No doubt this is the kind of democracyland eadership you aspire to Mr. Kwai?

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

My Facebook is going nuts too. :) Except I have friends who support democracy and freedom.

The government has truly shown its ugly face; gloves seem to be off, which is sad.

What's amazing that people like Jutaporn and co not only use the poor people for their policital gain while their living, they even go into the morgue and continue to use them as ponds once they have died.

Very sad. No doubt this is the kind of democracyland eadership you aspire to Mr. Kwai?

Amen to that.

The government has truly shown its ugly face

The government just show WHO is the current government - and I am glad for that. Perhaps you're too young for understand that, and to talk about "democracy" (a fake, a chimera which is not exist anywhere in the world).

EACH government has the right to protect the voted regime. EACH government has the right to prevent UNCONSTITUTIONAL tries to change the voted regime. Attacking the state object (Thaicom)/bombing the police in duty/grenade the bank branches/etc are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and MUST be prosecuted (with the power, if necessary).

I have born in the country where government has the balls. It was not nice government sometimes, it is totally undemocratic.......but NOONE EVER grenades the banks for a month-long/storming the regime/blocked the airports. Noone. Ever. Some has tried - and they all are rotten now.

Me myself just wonder - if the government has no ability to protect even themselves from idiocity - how can they protect their citizens from the same?? Son, those in power MUST have balls, sometimes.

IF the military has balls to stop bombings/can keep airports clear/can kick some asses whose blocks major roads - than LET IT BE MILITARY in power. I am really dont care who's face is on TV daily. Really. Much more I need safety and ensure in tomorrow - for my home, wife and kids. Democracy?? What the he_ll is that? Can I feed my kids by your true democracy?? Never see that, sorry - and feel not to.


let me remind everyone that condoning violence of any sort is still against forum rules

regardless of your political beliefs and values, Im going to ask everyone to refrain from suggesting further violence and killing of anyone from ANY side is justified.

any further such suggestions will be met with stern warnings. theres enough chaos happening on the streers, please at least the discussions peaceful? is that too much to ask?

I know emotions are running high on all sides, and I really appreciate everyone exercising some restraint. thanks everyone.


It is not anything resembling Deomcracy,

they have miss used this word until people have died for it.

A naked power-play in sheeples clothing.

And yet they still think they will accomplish democracy by violence

against an even handed government that has used the legal put in

place democratic system to help more poor Thais that any past government.

May Thaksin never have a moments peace in his mind till his days are done.


Told my Thai staff today something about "Reichskristallnacht". Hitlers followers pretended the jews did it so they were right in getting them...

Seems that mankind didn't move much further over the decades. Regarding the actual devasting state of Thailand: Please enforce the arest warrants!


Sad nightfor the country, mothers will wake to find their sons dead, wifes' missing husbands, sons with no fathers and all because Jatuporn and the reds couldn't wait nine months. Thefamilys of this night y will be waiting the rest of their lives.

The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

This the best post I have read on this issue over the past few weeks. Brilliant and well said.

they have miss used this word until people have died for it.


to help more poor Thais that any past government.

Im wonder - do they REALLY know what they want? Do these rice-farmers really know the MEANING of what they are asking now??

Most of them just unable to write their own names without mistakes. And yeah - they really wanna Democracy, and they very well known the difference between now - and what they're demanding...

It is not even funny. It is just a farce, a masquarade on the rent-a-crowd...

May Thaksin never have a moments peace in his mind till his days are done.

Sometimes I think that the whole case is too big for one man...May someone(s) be near or even after Thaksin? May he be just a wall, where someone hiding behind??

Im not telling that he's innocent boy - Im telling that the case may be bigger than we think.

And, of course, I might be totally wrong in that. Only God knows for sure (at this time).

The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

Get back down your hole....


Supposedly a Japanese national, a reuteurs journalist was killed... Sad news indeed... When will the Thai Army take real action against these Red muppets?? or I mean take action these Red shirted clowns around the city.

May Thaksin never have a moments peace in his mind till his days are done.

i think abhisit will never have a moments peace in his mind for the rest of his days...he sent the troops in,,after all

he'll be most remembered for these dark days...

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