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Veera Threatens To Burn Nacc Head Office

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if i could and i was the thai army i would spray gass into the food centers and water cannon all there supplies. block people coming into the protests. block people leaving. bascially shut down any roads where the reds are and detain them in the section that they are already in

That's too direct and rouge, my dear.

Why just not to cut their SUPPLY line? I meant the funds flow from the abroad (Mr.T perhaps is a sender). TH police has not enough sniffers to know where and how they are feeding from? Of course it is not a someone with the suitcases, running in/out country with the full bags full of cash - that must be international (or even domestic!) bank transfers. And all transfers are logged.

Just take this line under control. That's all...Noone will offer their lives for not even being paid for that.

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Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

These 'idiot' as you call them, have died for their country. What are you doing for her? These 'idiots' are martyrs and will be remembered as such by their children, wives, relatives who are in mourning now because of satanists like your good self. You wanted blood, now there you have it. Happy? A leader who turns on troops against his own people to stay in power is nothing else than a dictator and a murderer. He will be punished and his days are numbered. Time to see the facts are they are. Killing foreign journalists is also a no-no although it might be amusing to you of course.

Can you imagine a Thailand ruled by these oh-so-democratic and peace-loving crazies? A new Thai state? Is there any prize for guessing which megalomaniac would be ruling that one?

I hope the government sticks to its [rubber] guns and puts down the riot, because the alternative is worse.

How can the army stick to rubber bullets when they

are being shot at with live ammo?

having fire bombs tossed at em?

Only one solution

fight fire with fire

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

I think that it is the only language that these fcuked in the head red shirted maniacs will succumb to.

Time to get the tanks out.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

These 'idiot' as you call them, have died for their country. What are you doing for her? These 'idiots' are martyrs and will be remembered as such by their children, wives, relatives who are in mourning now because of satanists like your good self. You wanted blood, now there you have it. Happy? A leader who turns on troops against his own people to stay in power is nothing else than a dictator and a murderer. He will be punished and his days are numbered. Time to see the facts are they are. Killing foreign journalists is also a no-no although it might be amusing to you of course.

There is nothing amusing about any of it but but I think that you are some one who doesn't know shyt from shinola.

A leader who turns on troops against his own people to stay in power is nothing else than a dictator and a murderer. He will be punished and his days are numbered. Time to see the facts are they are. Killing foreign journalists is also a no-no although it might be amusing to you of course.

You're talking about Taksin of course?

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

If this happens, then the game will change from a Thai Love Thai to a Thai Hate Thai. Reds will not be seen as the hero's or saviors of Thailand, but much worse and not even Thaksin will be able to heal those wounds. Not with the money and influence he still but has left.

Sad nightfor the country, mothers will wake to find their sons dead, wifes' missing husbands, sons with no fathers and all because Jatuporn and the reds couldn't wait nine months. Thefamilys of this night y will be waiting the rest of their lives.

IT is a sad day for all, but. it was provoked beyond reasonable means.RIP ALL involved.

justice Must be seen to be done.

yes it may be abhorrent, Yes it may seem unfair, but Thaksin is still slurping cocktails and ordering the minions to "revolt" W**ker.

would love to see a bit of peace this time but reds must cease and desist.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

I agree! Stop talking about negotiating with these idiots and put the leaders in prison for treason where they belong!!

Use whatever force is needed to shut them down.

Did they arrest red shirts?

The government has truly shown its ugly face

The government just show WHO is the current government - and I am glad for that. Perhaps you're too young for understand that, and to talk about "democracy" (a fake, a chimera which is not exist anywhere in the world).

EACH government has the right to protect the voted regime. EACH government has the right to prevent UNCONSTITUTIONAL tries to change the voted regime. Attacking the state object (Thaicom)/bombing the police in duty/grenade the bank branches/etc are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and MUST be prosecuted (with the power, if necessary).

I have born in the country where government has the balls. It was not nice government sometimes, it is totally undemocratic.......but NOONE EVER grenades the banks for a month-long/storming the regime/blocked the airports. Noone. Ever. Some has tried - and they all are rotten now.

Me myself just wonder - if the government has no ability to protect even themselves from idiocity - how can they protect their citizens from the same?? Son, those in power MUST have balls, sometimes.

IF the military has balls to stop bombings/can keep airports clear/can kick some asses whose blocks major roads - than LET IT BE MILITARY in power. I am really dont care who's face is on TV daily. Really. Much more I need safety and ensure in tomorrow - for my home, wife and kids. Democracy?? What the he_ll is that? Can I feed my kids by your true democracy?? Never see that, sorry - and feel not to.

If we fail to understand history it is sure to repeat.

Now it is the poor what are dis-enfranchised so that doesn't bother you.

I ask what happens and what will your opinon be when you and your family become the next target for disenfranchisment?

Democracy and giving everyone an equal voice to speak their will with their vote is one way to help prevent the disenfranchisement of any segment of the population.

History has shown us that the oppressed masses always win in the end. The people's will cannot be held at bay with gun indefinitely.

The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

You really believe that the UN could even agree on sending peacekeepers to Thailand in anything less than 9 months? Then another 3 months deciding who should pay fo rthem and which countries would send them etc etc etc. Thailand could have 3 election cycles before the UN got its act together.

I was heavily involved in UNPKO around the globe and know what I am suggesting; it need not take as long as you appear to believe.

My Facebook is going nuts too. Except I have friends who support democracy and freedom.

The government has truly shown its ugly face; gloves seem to be off, which is sad.

This is not the ugly face of the government, it is doing what it is supposed to do to restore order to some out of control mob lead by an egotistical megalomaniac with dreams of being the first president of Thailand.

Lets pray he never succeeds.

The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

You really believe that the UN could even agree on sending peacekeepers to Thailand in anything less than 9 months? Then another 3 months deciding who should pay fo rthem and which countries would send them etc etc etc. Thailand could have 3 election cycles before the UN got its act together.

I was heavily involved in UNPKO around the globe and know what I am suggesting; it need not take as long as you appear to believe.

I agree with Bangon04. Getting the UN involved in peacekeeping is a non-starter. Just finding countries to contribute to the force and getting agreement from both sides in Thailand would take months, probably over a year. Then they have to figure out who is going to pay for what. Not many countries are willing to put people in blue helmets. The UN is a bureaucratic organization that measures time in months and years.

Far better for the government to stop this heavy handed oppresion and make a reasonable proposal for a timeframe to a guaranteed independently monitored election. The reds also need to signal that they are willing to accept a reasonable timeframe (Abhisit has to drop this 9 month nonsense). This is not a problem that guns should be used to solve.

Abhisit has made himself and undependable negotiating partner in this process after using soldiers to trample their neighbors and friends, not to protect the country, but to attack a segment of its population.

We were very close to a solution before yesterday and we get get back to that point again if some good intentioned people will work on a solution instead of agravating the problem with force and guns.


forget democracy, what this country need is a dictator. People have WAY too much freedom these days, Gov't too scared of hurting people that the laws are forgotten, People following idiots. Thais have more freedom of speech than in 90% of the world I'm pretty sure, nowhere else would the redshirts have lasted this long. This mess should have been dealt with the moment it started years ago, not leaving it to fester like a disease.

People are talking about double standard, from my point of view the Red Governments were too weak and not willing to take steps that are necessary. When the Yellow blockade the airport, where were the military or police? Don't cry foul because you were too weak to do something about it.

As for negotiations, the parliament can't be dissolve now, and which rules/regulations are going to be used. People, we can't forget that there is still the Yellow shirts, what is going to prevent them from rising up once the house is dissolve? Or after the election that they claim to be fraudulent?

So how is the world viewing this? Let's see, the army is using rubber bullets and tear gas Vs. Reds using live rounds and grenades, makes you wonder doesn't it about where they get arms from.


Sad nightfor the country, mothers will wake to find their sons dead, wifes' missing husbands, sons with no fathers and all because Jatuporn and the reds couldn't wait nine months. Thefamilys of this night y will be waiting the rest of their lives.

Or Abhisit would not accept a shorter period. Remember, there are two sides to this dispute. You have your views, others have theirs. But mark well, all Abhisit is doing is putting the lid on the pressure cooker and leaving the heat turned up.

This problem is a political problem that has to be resolved by political means. I am not saying it will be easy, but having missed some recent opportunities to seize the political initiative, Abhisit may not have many more chances or the time to do so.

May Thaksin never have a moments peace in his mind till his days are done.

i think abhisit will never have a moments peace in his mind for the rest of his days...he sent the troops in,,after all

he'll be most remembered for these dark days...

I don't think history will be kind to neither Abhisit nor Thaksin. I also believe the historians will be critical of other "elites" as well as the leaders of red shirts and the yellow shirts.

Thailand needs a leader of the staure of Nelson Mendella. A leader that is able and willing to deal with the real causes of the problems and bring peace and reconcilliatiotn to the whole country. Is there such a person? If there is, please come forward now. Your country needs you.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

Once for all it's time to full force and put these idiot in their place

I think that it is the only language that these fcuked in the head red shirted maniacs will succumb to.

Time to get the tanks out.

The tanks will only come out when the army kicks Abhisit out. If they do that, they will have to sort out the political problems and that is something they clearly do not want to do. Instead of engaging in jingoistic rhetoric try promoting the search for a political resolution, without which this crisis will not be resolved.


And, please tell me - was someone in the Customs PROSECUTED to let the person-on-bail (SUCH a well-known person!!) left from the country under the arrest warrant?


You may have forgotten, Thaksin sought & obtained the permission of the court, to go to see the Opening-Ceremony at the Olympics. So no need to prosecute anybody in Immigration, let-alone Customs (? !), for allowing him to depart. :)

When the next election is held, I think the Reds have just assured that the Democrats take their first majority vote result. Calm and measured versus hysterical and violent. Decisions, Decisions.

Veera , enough said, the treats say it all, they have played their hand , this is what the whole lot were about in the first place , nothing peacefull about this kind of garbage talk.

Didn't see this one posted in the forum and I reacted to the following section:
Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Either declaring civil war for sure or secession from Thailand....

Good luck with Issan seceding from Thailand...

Land locked, no infrastructure, no industry and a water crisis.

Lao, and China, and maybe Myanmar for neighbors.

Prospects in a practical sense minimal....

And good luck to Bangkok going alone. No taxi drivers, maids, bargirls, cleaners, bus drivers. No rice, no farms no water.

Just a few Idiot falangs bringing their money in to prop up a regime they know nothing about.

You may have forgotten, Thaksin sought & obtained the permission of the court, to go to see the Opening-Ceremony at the Olympics.

...and now show me one more country where person-on-bail (SUCH a big person!!) will be ABLE to escape the country for such a "go to see the Opening-Ceremony at the Olympics"!! :)

I did not follow the story in deep - I just see in general: he was wanted-he has arrived-he was arrested-he was freed-on-bail-he was left the country, not come back and more than that - damaging his country for his own profits.

Catch him (whereever he is - surely, the officials know his location very well!) and hang him high within the same day at the nearest tree tall enough. Finish the Takkie's story. Nothing to do about diplomacy, democracy, judgement etc...

Or you prefer to feed him (by your tax money) in the jail for the rest of his days? WHY shoyld we do that? WHY all the Thais must do that?? They have death sentences for much MUCH smaller crimes than he's already done.

Didn't see this one posted in the forum and I reacted to the following section:
Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Either declaring civil war for sure or secession from Thailand....

Good luck with Issan seceding from Thailand...

Land locked, no infrastructure, no industry and a water crisis.

Lao, and China, and maybe Myanmar for neighbors.

Prospects in a practical sense minimal....

And good luck to Bangkok going alone. No taxi drivers, maids, bargirls, cleaners, bus drivers. No rice, no farms no water.

Just a few Idiot falangs bringing their money in to prop up a regime they know nothing about.

Not hardly.

Just as it is now, the workers will cross the 'border' to go where the work is.

The biggest rice trading partner will be Lower Thailand,

and the middle men will then make MORE money dealing with 'customs'.

At worst Bangkok would lose 10% of their national income, while New Issan or what ever name they pick,

would lose 90% of it's support structure and access to most every sort of upgrade capabilities.

Isolated for years to come. Too sad to contemplate fully.

Veera is a zealot who doesn't think things through past the emotional component.

Just as the Burmese cross over from Myanmar. Your idea is just so much hot air.

When the next election is held, I think the Reds have just assured that the Democrats take their first majority vote result. Calm and measured versus hysterical and violent. Decisions, Decisions.

Veera , enough said, the treats say it all, they have played their hand , this is what the whole lot were about in the first place , nothing peacefull about this kind of garbage talk.

I totally agree with SomTumTiger.

The loss of life and the injuries are very sad indeed however in the circumstances I believe abhisit has handled the situation as best possible.

I also suggest that PM abhisit has been gaining strength and credibility and please be fair, he came into this role surrounded by a minefield which he is slowly working thru to be his own man. Yesterday and several times in the last few weeks he has openly criticized the military generals - a first ever for a civilian Thai PM, that takes morals, strength and credibility.

Abhisit will down in Thai history with a lot of positives.

Didn't see this one posted in the forum and I reacted to the following section:
Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Either declaring civil war for sure or secession from Thailand....

Good luck with Issan seceding from Thailand...

Land locked, no infrastructure, no industry and a water crisis.

Lao, and China, and maybe Myanmar for neighbors.

Prospects in a practical sense minimal....

And good luck to Bangkok going alone. No taxi drivers, maids, bargirls, cleaners, bus drivers. No rice, no farms no water.

Just a few Idiot falangs bringing their money in to prop up a regime they know nothing about.

What no bar girls?? :)

How many houses in Isaan are built on bar girls backs? :D

No bar girls .... I'm going home :D

Thailand needs a leader of the staure of Nelson Mendella. A leader that is able and willing to deal with the real causes of the problems and bring peace and reconcilliatiotn to the whole country. Is there such a person? If there is, please come forward now. Your country needs you.

Off topic..but to correct you

Actually its Mandela, and bear in mind that Uncle Nelson was jailed originally for conspiring to blow up civilians and remained in the nick for so long as he would not agree to give up the armed struggle via the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe A.K.A. MK, who killed many civilians both black and white...

Although I have a lot of respect for Mandela and they way he conducted himself once out a prison, he also has blood on his hands.

When the next election is held, I think the Reds have just assured that the Democrats take their first majority vote result. Calm and measured versus hysterical and violent. Decisions, Decisions.

Veera , enough said, the treats say it all, they have played their hand , this is what the whole lot were about in the first place , nothing peacefull about this kind of garbage talk.

I totally agree with SomTumTiger.

The loss of life and the injuries are very sad indeed however in the circumstances I believe abhisit has handled the situation as best possible.

I also suggest that PM abhisit has been gaining strength and credibility and please be fair, he came into this role surrounded by a minefield which he is slowly working thru to be his own man. Yesterday and several times in the last few weeks he has openly criticized the military generals - a first ever for a civilian Thai PM, that takes morals, strength and credibility.

Abhisit will down in Thai history with a lot of positives.

and blood in his hands, same as the other side. No partial law, and justice for all !

Told my Thai staff today something about "Reichskristallnacht". Hitlers followers pretended the jews did it so they were right in getting them...

Seems that mankind didn't move much further over the decades. Regarding the actual devasting state of Thailand: Please enforce the arest warrants!

You need to go back and tell your staff you told them wrong. The night between November 9 and 10 1938, die Kristallnacht, was when the Holocaust began. Thousands of Jewish homes, shops and businesses all over Germany were ransacked and destroyed. Around 100 Jewish people were killed and over 20.000 arrested and take to concentration camps. This was not done by Jews, it was done to them! By the nazis. They claimed that it was because of the shooting of a member of the German embassy in Paris, Ernst vom Rath, alledgely by a young Jewish man.

The reference to a crystal was for the enormous amount of broken glass on the pavements and in the streets the next morning. From all broken windows on properties belonging to Jewish people.

Told my Thai staff today something about "Reichskristallnacht". Hitlers followers pretended the jews did it so they were right in getting them...

Seems that mankind didn't move much further over the decades. Regarding the actual devasting state of Thailand: Please enforce the arest warrants!

You need to go back and tell your staff you told them wrong. The night between November 9 and 10 1938, die Kristallnacht, was when the Holocaust began. Thousands of Jewish homes, shops and businesses all over Germany were ransacked and destroyed. Around 100 Jewish people were killed and over 20.000 arrested and take to concentration camps. This was not done by Jews, it was done to them! By the nazis. They claimed that it was because of the shooting of a member of the German embassy in Paris, Ernst vom Rath, alledgely by a young Jewish man.

The reference to a crystal was for the enormous amount of broken glass on the pavements and in the streets the next morning. From all broken windows on properties belonging to Jewish people.

Thank you Wikipedia......Actually, nothing wrong with what "keepsamuiclean" said...please read it

You may have forgotten, Thaksin sought & obtained the permission of the court, to go to see the Opening-Ceremony at the Olympics.

...and now show me one more country where person-on-bail (SUCH a big person!!) will be ABLE to escape the country for such a "go to see the Opening-Ceremony at the Olympics"!! :)

I did not follow the story in deep - I just see in general: he was wanted-he has arrived-he was arrested-he was freed-on-bail-he was left the country, not come back and more than that - damaging his country for his own profits.

Catch him (whereever he is - surely, the officials know his location very well!) and hang him high within the same day at the nearest tree tall enough. Finish the Takkie's story. Nothing to do about diplomacy, democracy, judgement etc...

Or you prefer to feed him (by your tax money) in the jail for the rest of his days? WHY shoyld we do that? WHY all the Thais must do that?? They have death sentences for much MUCH smaller crimes than he's already done.

Wow, chillax ! :D

You asked why nobody from Customs (?) had got into trouble, for letting Thaksin leave the country, and I explained that the courts had given him permission to go. That doesn't mean I necessarily agreed with the decision, you know ? :D

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