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US Deeply Regrets Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests

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US deeply regrets violence, loss of life in Thai street protests

WASHINGTON (AFP) -- The United States expressed deep regret late Saturday over the violence on the streets of Bangkok and the loss of life in the political protests, the State Department said.

"The United States deeply regrets the violence on the streets of Bangkok April 10, and the loss of life. Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences," said spokesman P.J. Crowley.

"We call on the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) and the Thai security forces to show restraint going forward," Crowley added.

"The United States firmly believes both sides can and should work out disagreements peacefully through earnest negotiation.

We once again stress the importance of all players in Thailand working to resolve differences in a way that strengthens democracy and rule of law.

"We strongly support the Thai nation and its people during this difficult period," Crowley said.

Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said earlier Saturday that he would not step down after deadly clashes in the capital between security forces and anti-government protesters.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-04-11

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Who cares what the Americans think

You are right. Why a thread for that?

Now, I would like to know what is the Paraguay opinion.


I hardly think that America is in a position to criticise considering their current and past actions in the pursuit of in LIBERATING people.


As an American working in Thailand, who cares what the USA thinks anymore??? They invaded Iraq bombing the sh#% out of Bagdhad just to get rid of a slime-ball leader. This whole process to give the people "democracy" has been a failure. The Iraq people are worse off now than before. So (for me) it is sad the USA is no longer a role model for what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. (Though the Republicans and Democrats are not EXACTLY like the REDS or YELLOWS they are somewhat the same--- both parties only thinking about themselves, and not for the whole country... and slowly, the two parties in the USA are becoming more and more hostile towards one another. (And TV stations like FOX NEWS does nothing to inform Americans, only to brainwash them towards a particular political veiw point. )


surely they are selling more guns and ammunition to the thai army right now, same as the UK government and armament companies - the more war around the world the more money they are making.

they do regret what happened in bangkok, because they are responsible for leaking tapped thaksin phone calls to the thai government about alleged planned assassinations and violence a month ago - that's why protesters were marching to the usa and uk embassies


I'm an american who has spent the last 10 vacations (5 years) in Thailand. I can't begin to understand all of the intricacies of the political dealings. I just hope all works out for the better.

Who cares what the Americans think

I wudn't... but our Oxford guy might have to somewhere down the line.

Right. Unless he can win an election, Abhisit is political road kill. The US is telling both sides to stop fighting and work towards democracy.


Right. Unless he can win an election, Abhisit is political road kill. The US is telling both sides to stop fighting and work towards democracy.

And the US knows all about democracy

Who cares what the Americans think

Thais do. Ask any one of them.

Whatever people might think about the US, it is a very powerful country that cannot be ignored.

Abhisit is toast. If he isn't allowed to use violence, what options are left for him now?

Who cares what the Americans think

Thais do. Ask any one of them.

Whatever people might think about the US, it is a very powerful country that cannot be ignored.

Abhisit is toast. If he isn't allowed to use violence, what options are left for him now?


As usual, the US assumes the role of a global authority.

As has been so clearly demonstrated in recent years, the US's handling of foreign affairs is abysmal, self serving and entirely out of touch with the rest of the world.

With said shortcomings in foreign policy, a crumbling economy and one of the most violent, aggressive societies on the planet, I can only hope that the US does not have the power or sway here that the tone of the above press release appears to assume.

RIP for those who have died in the clashes last night.

As a foreigner, I can only hope the Thai people can find a way move forward from this sad day with no more bloodshed.

LOL. Memories of Kent State abound....

I really do remember Kent State. And Jackson State. I remember attending anti-KKK/NAZI rallies in North Carolina after Nazis gunned down anti-racist demonstrators in cold blood (and walked free) and National Guard staning in the side roads with automatic weapons. I'm old I remember a lot... Vietnamese children running naked because their clothes were burned off their body by napalm... I remember too much sometimes.

But this administration is not the one responsible for America's actions under previous ones.


Ameerika bashing thread.. that's all this is gunna turn out to be.

Thank god for the limey's... thinkin that you are holier than thou :)

As an American working in Thailand, who cares what the USA thinks anymore??? They invaded Iraq bombing the sh#% out of Bagdhad just to get rid of a slime-ball leader. This whole process to give the people "democracy" has been a failure. The Iraq people are worse off now than before. So (for me) it is sad the USA is no longer a role model for what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. (Though the Republicans and Democrats are not EXACTLY like the REDS or YELLOWS they are somewhat the same--- both parties only thinking about themselves, and not for the whole country... and slowly, the two parties in the USA are becoming more and more hostile towards one another. (And TV stations like FOX NEWS does nothing to inform Americans, only to brainwash them towards a particular political veiw point. )

Yes under Saddam Iraqis had religious freedom, it was relatively safe to be a lesbian, there were schools, rights for women,.... One of my Indonesian friends said that she didn't know about "that Saddam" because she heard he drank whiskey. Well, honestly I didn't like him because of his treatment of the Kurds (an issue I have with the Turks and Iranians as well). But at least Iraq was a decent place to be, a place that if the reds win here would have appealed to me - ohh well there is still Damascus. And Saddam died bravely, while I think a certain ex-president of the US would have messed himself. Generally for the most part I agree I don't like either side they both represent the rich Dems and GOP... but the Dems are a little better. That said I respect the Yellows here far more than either the GOP or Dems in the US.... I hope I never have to go back there other than to see family...

Who cares what the Americans think

Yeah , keep them out, they've done enough damage over the years , they have no idea about democrocy, only if you play it uncle Sams way, Saddam found that out.

Ameerika bashing thread.. that's all this is gunna turn out to be.

Thank god for the limey's... thinkin that you are holier than thou :)

Who cares what the limey's think! :D

surely they are selling more guns and ammunition to the thai army right now, same as the UK government and armament companies - the more war around the world the more money they are making.

they do regret what happened in bangkok, because they are responsible for leaking tapped thaksin phone calls to the thai government about alleged planned assassinations and violence a month ago - that's why protesters were marching to the usa and uk embassies

Look! I don't know if it happened or not, but What I know with certainty is if it did happen you would not have any way of gaining access to the information. Repeating rumors before is dangerous for everybody.

It does no good to spread rumors. If you have a "source" please tell us so we can evaluate its credibility and report the leak to intelligence personnel if it is verified.

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