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Water Throwing Has Already Started


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Grumpy old men keep posting your winges here...take the stress off before you blow an aorta :) I drove all around town this morning or errands and didn't see any watersports activity. Except for the fereng infested sois 7 and 8, there really isn't much action until next weekend.

It will really get started around 1600 today. Early morning is the best time for shopping or errands.

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I usually enjoy a couple of beers at the Aussie bar on Soi 7 in the afternoon / evening, but I gave it a miss yesterday. People seemed to be enjoying themselves though.

What did surprise me was that the water games had started the day after 20 people were killed in BKK. I thought this a bit odd.


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I usually enjoy a couple of beers at the Aussie bar on Soi 7 in the afternoon / evening, but I gave it a miss yesterday. People seemed to be enjoying themselves though.

What did surprise me was that the water games had started the day after 20 people were killed in BKK. I thought this a bit odd.


I must admit to feeling slightly subdued by events in Bangkok.

However, the Thais don't seem to give a flying fart about the protest and, here in the sticks, the locals seem solely intent on getting wet and p!ssed.

Maybe I need to lighten up - or at least stop judging/analysing events through Western eyes.

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I usually enjoy a couple of beers at the Aussie bar on Soi 7 in the afternoon / evening, but I gave it a miss yesterday. People seemed to be enjoying themselves though.

What did surprise me was that the water games had started the day after 20 people were killed in BKK. I thought this a bit odd.


I must admit to feeling slightly subdued by events in Bangkok.

However, the Thais don't seem to give a flying fart about the protest and, here in the sticks, the locals seem solely intent on getting wet and p!ssed.

Maybe I need to lighten up - or at least stop judging/analysing events through Western eyes.

it was the same after the tsunami. i remember thinking that thais simply didnt care about events elsewhere.

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What's not to like about a week long wet t-shirt contest...if you don't like it...stay inside for a week...it's 35 degrees outside anyway and order in: food...massages...girls...whatever...it's Pattaya :D

What I hate is the fact that these inconsiderate women wear brassieres!

That's the spirit :)

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Groups of kids were throwing water in Khon Kaen city last night so not only farang getting a head start & today in our town 75kms outside of KK the throwing has started in earnest & the local parade has already taken place..

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Soi Honey Inn was full of water throwers this afternoon. Beach road had tons of people, farang and Thai alike, carrying pvc water cannons, but I didn't get wet even once going all the way up and down beach road on the beach side. There are other random pockets of water throwers--the bottom of Soi 5 for example, others on second road near Big C and also near Mike's shopping mall. It was basically hit and miss today. Of the 4 people I asked not to throw water on me (I didn't want my running shoes to get wet), only one complied reluctantly. The rest decided they had the right to soak me.

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Grumpy old men keep posting your winges here...take the stress off before you blow an aorta :) I drove all around town this morning or errands and didn't see any watersports activity. Except for the fereng infested sois 7 and 8, there really isn't much action until next weekend.

It will really get started around 1600 today. Early morning is the best time for shopping or errands.

That's what I'm going to do, off to carrefour at 9am get a load in and sit it out until back to work 6am on the 19th!

Work in Rayong so I'm not coming back to Pattaya that day (my birthday) as last year it took me 3 hours to get back. So, stopping over night with friends.

Living the dream!


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There are other random pockets of water throwers--the bottom of Soi 5 for example,

They were still throwing water at the bottom of Soi 5 Beach Road at 19:30.

Normally stops on a night is that right??????????? :)

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This evening about 6pm..........

On soi 8, farang baht bus patron leaps out of the back of a baht bus and runs into the heaving beach road bar packed with drunken son kran revelers, where he throws a wild haymaker at one of the water throwers, then beats a hasty retreat to try to get back on his baht bus, which has left him behind.

The guy who was punched charges out of the bar in pursuit. A melee mid traffic between the two commences and continues down beach road to the beach side opposite the police station where the baht bus patron is finally brought down to lie on his back in the flowerbed while being pummeled by the bar patron............


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There are other random pockets of water throwers--the bottom of Soi 5 for example,

They were still throwing water at the bottom of Soi 5 Beach Road at 19:30.

Normally stops on a night is that right??????????? :)

No, unfortunately it doesn't stop at night. The closer we get to the big days (18th, 19th), the more night time water throwing you'll see. The people who throw water after hours are the sadistic ones who get a kick out of upsetting people (plenty of them in Pattaya). They don't get any fun out of throwing water on already soaked people during the day, so they pick on people at night who really want to stay dry and they prefer to use ice water if it is available. This is their big chance to pick on people without repercussions.

I've had ice water thrown on me at 11pm mid-week long before the big day. The guy who did that got more of a reaction than he anticipated.

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No, unfortunately it doesn't stop at night. The closer we get to the big days (18th, 19th), the more night time water throwing you'll see. The people who throw water after hours are the sadistic ones who get a kick out of upsetting people (plenty of them in Pattaya). They don't get any fun out of throwing water on already soaked people during the day, so they pick on people at night who really want to stay dry and they prefer to use ice water if it is available. This is their big chance to pick on people without repercussions.

Well said, it's like a license to be a jerk.

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No, unfortunately it doesn't stop at night. The closer we get to the big days (18th, 19th), the more night time water throwing you'll see. The people who throw water after hours are the sadistic ones who get a kick out of upsetting people (plenty of them in Pattaya). They don't get any fun out of throwing water on already soaked people during the day, so they pick on people at night who really want to stay dry and they prefer to use ice water if it is available. This is their big chance to pick on people without repercussions.

Well said, it's like a license to be a jerk.

Absolutely. They target the people who least want to get wet. They prefer people who beg and plead with them before they soak them. These people prefer high pressure water guns and target sensitive areas where the most discomfort will be caused. If available they will always use ice cold water.

Make no mistake about it: Water at ambient temperature thrown in the daytime at low pressure can be considered fun if everyone is doing it. Ice cold water, or any water thrown at night when normal festivities have ceased is an attack with the express purpose of causing as much discomfort as possible.

For example, can anyone think of one good reason to throw a bucket of water at a motorcyclist moving along at say 40 - 60km? Could anyone not consider this example an attack? What about a high pressure water gun sprayed directing into the face of a moving motorcyclist? We could go on and on with further examples of sheer stupidity or sadism.

Going somewhere and expecting to get wet is one thing. Going out expecting to stay dry and then getting drenched is another matter entirely.

This is the reason why most normal people try to escape Songkran if at all possible.

Edited by tropo
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For example, can anyone think of one good reason to throw a bucket of water at a motorcyclist moving along at say 40 - 60km? Could anyone not consider this example an attack? What about a high pressure water gun sprayed directing into the face of a moving motorcyclist? We could go on and on with further examples of sheer stupidity or sadism.

It's definitely a sadistic attack. The purpose is to cause the motorcyclist to have an accident if at all possible, which could even lead to death. And do so with no fear of any legal prosecution!

At night this is the only purpose, but also during the day as well by the water hooligans: in general, to enjoy a legal license here in this Third World country to do as much damage and degradation as possible with water, powder, ice, urine, whatever. It gives them a great sense of pride and accomplishment, which I suppose they lack in real life.

It's been this way forever in Pattaya and the only thing you can do about it is to leave for the duration, my usual answer.

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For example, can anyone think of one good reason to throw a bucket of water at a motorcyclist moving along at say 40 - 60km? Could anyone not consider this example an attack? What about a high pressure water gun sprayed directing into the face of a moving motorcyclist? We could go on and on with further examples of sheer stupidity or sadism.

It's definitely a sadistic attack. The purpose is to cause the motorcyclist to have an accident if at all possible, which could even lead to death. And do so with no fear of any legal prosecution!

At night this is the only purpose, but also during the day as well by the water hooligans: in general, to enjoy a legal license here in this Third World country to do as much damage and degradation as possible with water, powder, ice, urine, whatever. It gives them a great sense of pride and accomplishment, which I suppose they lack in real life.

It's been this way forever in Pattaya and the only thing you can do about it is to leave for the duration, my usual answer.

What you say may well be true... but, hopefully, only applies to a small minority of Thais at Songkran. I believe that the vast majority of Thais are out there to "play Songkran," not to hurt (foreigners or) anybody.

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What you say may well be true... but, hopefully, only applies to a small minority of Thais at Songkran. I believe that the vast majority of Thais are out there to "play Songkran," not to hurt (foreigners or) anybody.

You probably haven't ridden motorcycles around Pattaya during Songkran because if you did you'd realise they are the main target. Irrespective of percentages there are a large number of Thais who "play Songkran" in dangerous ways.

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the bars here have the water containers out and two or three farang outside throwing buckets of water into the faces of all the motorcyclists that go past, weird thing is I dont see anyone going into the bars or any drinks being sold and all the tourists I meet that spend money left to get away from it

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For example, can anyone think of one good reason to throw a bucket of water at a motorcyclist moving along at say 40 - 60km? Could anyone not consider this example an attack? What about a high pressure water gun sprayed directing into the face of a moving motorcyclist? We could go on and on with further examples of sheer stupidity or sadism.

It's definitely a sadistic attack. The purpose is to cause the motorcyclist to have an accident if at all possible, which could even lead to death. And do so with no fear of any legal prosecution!

It happened to me a couple of years ago. Coming home from work on my motorcycle, I got a bucket of water over my head just after overtaking a truck. I was going probably 80 km/h at that moment. Nothing happened because 1) I wear a full face helmet and 2) the road was straight and without potholes, I couldn't see anything for 2 or 3 seconds. I was also extremely lucky that I held strong enough to the handle bar in that moment and did not fall off. Falling off the bike would have brought me straight under the truck I just overtook.

NB, I came home from work, so that was one day before the official start! :)

This incident basically manifested for me that I will never ever participate in any water splashing anymore. Had it with it.

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The idiots throwing water in and around Soi's 7 and 8 are a bunch of drunken yobs from my observations.

It's about time they isolated the water throwers and give them an area they can play their silly game.

Thank fck Thailand has places that only allow it to go on for three days so I can get the hel_l away from it all.

they must be sober when they start the water fight so how can they be drunken yobs>

Even though i think they are nuts,soi 7/8 can easily be avoided and i believe its the barowners starting early to get customers in..Will anyone admit to being a crazy farang on soi 7/8

???? easily avoided????

Have you forgotten that the only way to get from north to south Pattaya on a baht bus is along Beach Rd, which makes pretty much everyone victim to the Soi 8 water throwers.

I used to enjoy Songkran, till the *&%#^&*& discovered ice water.

Do you work in s/pattaya or do you realise there are other routes

It may not occur to you, as you obviously don't need to go there, but those of us that are tourists ( don't have a car ) usually stay somewhere along Beach and Second Rds, and use the Baht buses to get around. I'm sure you aren't suggesting that if I'm in Naklua and want to get to Soi 10 that I should go via Third Rd or some other way, especially as once I get to Second Rd I'm going to get wet anyway.

Not all of us are just passing through that area, some of us actually live there.

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the bars here have the water containers out and two or three farang outside throwing buckets of water into the faces of all the motorcyclists that go past, weird thing is I dont see anyone going into the bars or any drinks being sold and all the tourists I meet that spend money left to get away from it

The farangs throwing water all have bought drinks in the bar of which they are standing outside. In case you hadn't noticed, most of the bars in Pattaya, other than a fortunate few, have few patrons most of the year anyway, due to a massive overbuilding of bars in fun city for the past 10 years or more.

Also, if you were to hang around long enough, throwing water into motorcyclists faces is by no means an exclusive farang sport.

Considering that the same thing has happened for the past 14 years at least, does the fact that Thais still ride motorcycles along Beach Rd during Songkran tell us something about the Thai psych? If I get hit in the head with a bucket of water, I wouldn't go back, unless I wanted to get hit again. If I stay in Pattaya during Songkran ( I'm avoiding it this year- had enough ), the only person to blame for me getting wet is myself.

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For example, can anyone think of one good reason to throw a bucket of water at a motorcyclist moving along at say 40 - 60km? Could anyone not consider this example an attack? What about a high pressure water gun sprayed directing into the face of a moving motorcyclist? We could go on and on with further examples of sheer stupidity or sadism.

It's definitely a sadistic attack. The purpose is to cause the motorcyclist to have an accident if at all possible, which could even lead to death. And do so with no fear of any legal prosecution!

At night this is the only purpose, but also during the day as well by the water hooligans: in general, to enjoy a legal license here in this Third World country to do as much damage and degradation as possible with water, powder, ice, urine, whatever. It gives them a great sense of pride and accomplishment, which I suppose they lack in real life.

It's been this way forever in Pattaya and the only thing you can do about it is to leave for the duration, my usual answer.

What you say may well be true... but, hopefully, only applies to a small minority of Thais at Songkran. I believe that the vast majority of Thais are out there to "play Songkran," not to hurt (foreigners or) anybody.

You can't have been in LOS very long, or for many Songkrans!!!

However, I disagree it's done with deliberate intent to cause injury. I think they just don't realise what the possible consequences might be.

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For example, can anyone think of one good reason to throw a bucket of water at a motorcyclist moving along at say 40 - 60km? Could anyone not consider this example an attack? What about a high pressure water gun sprayed directing into the face of a moving motorcyclist? We could go on and on with further examples of sheer stupidity or sadism.

It's definitely a sadistic attack. The purpose is to cause the motorcyclist to have an accident if at all possible, which could even lead to death. And do so with no fear of any legal prosecution!

At night this is the only purpose, but also during the day as well by the water hooligans: in general, to enjoy a legal license here in this Third World country to do as much damage and degradation as possible with water, powder, ice, urine, whatever. It gives them a great sense of pride and accomplishment, which I suppose they lack in real life.

It's been this way forever in Pattaya and the only thing you can do about it is to leave for the duration, my usual answer.

What you say may well be true... but, hopefully, only applies to a small minority of Thais at Songkran. I believe that the vast majority of Thais are out there to "play Songkran," not to hurt (foreigners or) anybody.

You can't have been in LOS very long, or for many Songkrans!!!

However, I disagree it's done with deliberate intent to cause injury. I think they just don't realise what the possible consequences might be.

7:30 this morning 6 Arab lads (yes they get up at dawn) with those big blue drain pipe drenchers on the Pratumnak road!

They were not doing it to bless people, they saw it as 'get everyone'!

You can't win!

That's it for me I will probably go out at midnight to do shopping.

Have a great time and don't become a statistic this Songkran.

Keep smiling.


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