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Well, Thailand is now officially a banana republic, sitting at the sides of Somalia and such...

What a stupid remark, comparing Thailand to Somalia.

Couldn't think of any other banana republic at that moment.

Somalia was never a banana republic. Perhaps you should learn the derivation and definition of the term "banana republic".

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These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

Well, it is the form of democracy they want to impose upon Thailand. Red democracy= What red leaders think is most profitable for themselves.

OK now kidnapping??? Shut the f%#$%&@ down!

Many of the reds are Maoists. They are staging a revolution now, don't be fooled. As Mao said, A revolution is not a tea party. Anything goes with this amoral crowd. But the winners won't be the Thai poor people who think they are going to win. It will be the elites again as usual, the red elites, but even more brutal and undemocratic.

And would you care to show your evidence for this claim?

This is again well timed comment- what i have been guessing !

I just posted asking biodata of Weng ! So we know what this revolution is about !

I also have a doubt that if Red China is involved with this so called "revolution" as they are involved in Indian Maoists movement , Nepal Maoist movement -- history tells us all - China works under blanket - noone can see !They are utilising the grass root party as Thaksin used Chamlong to get in !!

Otherwise why China never arrests Thaksin after arrest warrant has been issued -either in HKK or in Red china -

Evidence ? And Thai Intelligence ? Better we dont talk on this !

But this is hight time to look on China's possible involvement to make this land "An elite communist land " ruled by the elite corrupt

politburo members!


What are they going to do with him???

no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

and now you are condoning kidnapping (at least you certainly appear to be condoning it!) There goes one of the few moderate voices for the Reds that I have seen on here. It is now impossible not to lump you in with the rest that condone this type of violence. (Yes kidnapping is violence.)

Arisman and the reds have added kidnapping clearly to the list of crimes the red leadership is guilty of now. (since some people have chosen to look at holding the Thai soldiers as kidnapping!)

I don't think that this really qualifies as a real kidnapping, as it does not appear from the text that the CEO was forcibly removed from the building. Also, if he didn't want to go, he could just get off the motorcycle.

Per the Thai soldiers, I believe that was not a form of hostage taking or kidnapping, but rather an attempt by the red-shirt guards to keep them in a safe place until the hostilities ended. According to what i read, the soldiers got lost in a cloud of tear gas without masks on, and wound up heading towards the red shirts. It takes time for the effects of that gas to wear off, you know.

I think that you should be careful not to fall into the trap of 'labeling' events in a way which reflects a subjective opinion (or blindly believing the labels that others apply to situations).

Most of the farangs on this board are more easily duped by inflammatory propaganda than the Issan peasants they love to look down upon.

I'm not sure where all the hatred comes from. Are they just pathetic, unhappy failures at life who need some group to hate or is it based on the fact that most have been taken for large sums of money by a little "tii rak from Issan" who turned out not to be as dumb or demure as thought?

Just curious, where are these highly vaunted " Thai Special Forces" that we keep reading about (In the Sunday Post) their so specialized training to "take care of business" in "any" situation that "may" arise?????? Just curious.

They cannot be deployed, would be too much OT. Besides their weaponry is locked up safely and the officer with the key is somewhere in Ubon.

Somewhere I read.. when you deal with ignorance it is only until you can educate the ones being ignorant..

But when you deal with downright stupidity.. you will never win because stupidity is what it is...

you're talking about gigiman right?

this is a note for Lumpini police chief Pol Lt Col Sarawut Jindakham

Dear Khun Sarawut ,

Believe ,Rajprasong is under your jurisdiction!Which is Lumpini police station! Correct ?

And Arisaman Pongruangrong( the so called red leader ) is stationed in Rajprasong rally site even

after the arrest warrant is issued against him !

Whose responisbility is to arrest this man ??

Now he kidnapps CAT Ceo !!

Wonderful ,Khun Sarawut !

And when a young man drove Porche hit red motorcycles parked infront of Holiday INN you are the one to run to Jatuporn

to inform not to worry that you had arrested that driver in the Porche !!

WoW -- what a responisble policeman !!!!!!!! Trying to stop red to run havoc !!

I really do not understand why there is a police station and why there are so many police are stationed in this

particular station-wasting our tax money !

We are Thai citizens -

I cant go to Police General hospital for few days now due to the rally --right infront of the hospital !I had to visit to

keep the appointment with the doctors and get the lifesaving medicines !!!

Whose responisbility is it to evacuate these Reds ?

There are numerous criminal gangs working under the asoke BTS with beggar gang on the same side of MTR -snatched purses many times

to elderly tourists -cycles are being stolen from the cycle stands -african criminals hang around Robinson dept store -stealing money from tourists !

all right under the CCTV !!

I really wonder who is responsible and whom do you work for ??

We are scared of your police station now !

Hope God help us !

Anyone know of hotline for complaints through emails against these officers ?

Good questions, I think he will have a hare time answer them....


What are they going to do with him???

no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

and now you are condoning kidnapping (at least you certainly appear to be condoning it!) There goes one of the few moderate voices for the Reds that I have seen on here. It is now impossible not to lump you in with the rest that condone this type of violence. (Yes kidnapping is violence.)

Arisman and the reds have added kidnapping clearly to the list of crimes the red leadership is guilty of now. (since some people have chosen to look at holding the Thai soldiers as kidnapping!)

JD that was french sarcasm...

Obviously sarcasm and quite funny with it! Not like the death of 15 red shirts this weekend 4 security forces and the dozens of refugees that this government towed out to sea on sinking boats last year who disappeared. Okay kidnapping is wrong but I doubt if the CEO is going to have bits of his body posted to Abhisit. They're using him as insurance so they have an even playing field to publicise their cause through the limited media they control. When the government shuts down BBC, CNN broadcasts, etc... start worrying!


Army's action is, so far, much too soft. How come people tolerates that a "sponsored" minority manage to bother a whole country? A tougher reponse to those unpeaceful protests is needed. Talking is a loss of time.

can anyone post biodata of

1) Arisaman

2) Jatuporn

3) Jaturon &

4) Weng ( is he getting moral support from red china ?) --just a thought

so it will be easier for all of us to understand them !

To prepare the "Who is Who" of the next Government....

bcos one of my thai friends told me Jatuporn took 12 yrs to graduate and always used to borrow money from friends and used to be rapchang motorsai near the parliament after graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dont know how far the truth is !

so want to know on the rest !

But this lawless thuggery...Abhisit needs to take the gloves off.

So what do you suggest he should do now? Mow down the Red Shirts with machine guns and artillary?

There's nothing he can do. He's finished.

Army's action is, so far, much too soft. How come people tolerates that a "sponsored" minority manage to bother a whole country? A tougher reponse to those unpeaceful protests is needed. Talking is a loss of time.

Government is stalling in order to hide the evidence and get their stories straight before they resign. :)

OK now kidnapping??? Shut the f%#$%&@ down!

Many of the reds are Maoists. They are staging a revolution now, don't be fooled. As Mao said, A revolution is not a tea party. Anything goes with this amoral crowd. But the winners won't be the Thai poor people who think they are going to win. It will be the elites again as usual, the red elites, but even more brutal and undemocratic.

And would you care to show your evidence for this claim?

This is again well timed comment- what i have been guessing !

I just posted asking biodata of Weng ! So we know what this revolution is about !

I also have a doubt that if Red China is involved with this so called "revolution" as they are involved in Indian Maoists movement , Nepal Maoist movement -- history tells us all - China works under blanket - noone can see !They are utilising the grass root party as Thaksin used Chamlong to get in !!

Otherwise why China never arrests Thaksin after arrest warrant has been issued -either in HKK or in Red china -

Evidence ? And Thai Intelligence ? Better we dont talk on this !

But this is hight time to look on China's possible involvement to make this land "An elite communist land " ruled by the elite corrupt

politburo members!

My understanding is that it is public knowledge that Weng is openly a Maoist and that the Maoist faction among the reds is the only faction that actually has an intellectual, ideological foundation. Certainly the class warfare, smash the elites, rhetoric coming out of the red propaganda organs as well as Thaksin's actual mouth (not saying Thaksin is a Maoist, but its still weird) is Maoist. There are and have been Maoist movements in different cultures. Being Maoist does not necessarily mean you are working for China, there is no direct relation. Of course it gets a little odd, Thaksin being sino-Thai manipulating a largely Isaan people base, saying smash the elites, when the Chinese Thai population is very much a big part of the status quo elites. Interesting politically, I don't pretend to know what the real puppetmasters have in mind if they win. But I am sure it has almost nothing to do with what the manipulated poor Isaan followers THINK it is; that is the ones that actually support this for anything more than the current and "promised" future money.
Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

Time to issue yet another arrest warrant to add to his collection of unenforced warrants...


Can anyone think of any aspect of Thai society that comes out of this disaster with any credibility - Reds, Abhisit, military, monks, media, unmentionables? What a cock-up all round

Can anyone think of any aspect of Thai society that comes out of this disaster with any credibility - Reds, Abhisit, military, monks, media, unmentionables? What a cock-up all round

Good point. Perhaps the majority of Thai people who are just being trying to get on with their lives, and not involved in this political mess, mai bpen rai.


CAT Telecom CEO returns to head office

CAT Telecom CEO Jirayuth Rungsrithong, who was taken away by red-shirt motorcyclists at noon, returned the head office at 3 pm.

He ordered the staffs to return home immediately, saying the protesters might come to the CAT Telecom head office again.


-- The Nation 2010-04-12



You've heard of 'gunboat diplomacy' - well, this is motocy diplomacy.

Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

Not likely. Arisman is slippery, and the gov't is sheepish. Just like they let Sae Dang (the hot-headed grenade launching rogue general) and his friends out of detention just before these rallies, the authorities will treat Arisman with kid gloves.

Plus, the guy who was kidnapped won't file charges because he's probably a cowed wimp also. It's like common scenario of the wife who gets beaten, and then begs the cops to allow her to drop charges & go easy on her heavy-fisted husband.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I hope you mean the yellow thugs as well....

My guess is the "thug" elements of both factions were hired from the same pool of mo-cy taxi drivers. The Yellows didn't have a militia element however.


I don't understand why other countries and states don't say a stronger any more chaos in Thailand and said this must stop. This is a very serious situation.

PTV is back online.

Was already online in the morning.

it was online yesterday too, but only filtered news went through and for the rest of the time it was switched off.

What you say is correct.

There is an arrest warrant out for this Arisaman.

If he would have been arrested once tha warrant was issued this would not have happened.

And what does it take to arrest him? Another battle and another bloodbath I am afraid....

Much officers from the army and for sure within the police are watermelons. Abhisit cannot get rid of them. Can you believe that this terrorist Sae Daeng has still not met the martial court for all the offenses he has already done? He is the one who provides the weapons and the ammunition from the army barracks... What kind of army is this???? Everyday these bandits stand on the stage preaching terror and violence in front of hundreds of policemen and they do not get arrested? What kind of law enforcement is this? If you can't get them, shoot them... Now they killed 21 persons which is still 6 more than those with an arrest warrant...


OMG... The red-shirts have turned from protests into terrorism. Where will it end?

Situations like tend to mutate and create forks where new fractions want their particular need satisfied. Especially when the real agenda is something else than what is claimed. Worried that all this will cause spin-off effects like increased domestic violence and crimes.

Getting tired of this and really looking forward to be out of here. Hope I'll manage to get my shipping container with personal belongings out of this country before everything falls apart. The biggest problem the government in my home country right now faces, is whether the should increase the taxes with one percent or not. Compared to this country, their problems seems ridiculous.



Hard to come up with a good answer here... but...

It seemed like the female police officers at Ratchaprason did a pretty good job at holding off the Red Shirt buddhist monks.... Or was it the other way around??? :)

If only all the civil disputes these days could be handled in similar fashion....

Can anyone think of any aspect of Thai society that comes out of this disaster with any credibility - Reds, Abhisit, military, monks, media, unmentionables? What a cock-up all round
I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

there are not many of rural folks out there anyway. Those you see are families and friends, friends of friends of red shirt leaders and of course Thaksin's private hired army as well as hired organized motorcycle taxis. That's it.

Mabye Mr.T hired Burmese and Cambodians to wear red shirts, would save him some money :)

Maybe Newin or Suthep as well....

I don't understand why other countries and states don't say a stronger any more chaos in Thailand and said this must stop. This is a very serious situation.

Because nobody takes a blind bit of notice and even when the UN gets fully engaged it is still often a monumental cock-up - remember Srebrenica anyone?

I am pleased that the signal for PTV is back - it gives an outlet for the anger -

Actually, it fuels anger. It does not provide "an outlet".

Government censorship pure and simple, don't dress it up. Not saying they didn't have reason to do it in their own minds.........but that is what it is.

Well, Thailand is now officially a banana republic, sitting at the sides of Somalia and such...

What a stupid remark, comparing Thailand to Somalia.

Couldn't think of any other banana republic at that moment.

Somalia was never a banana republic. Perhaps you should learn the derivation and definition of the term "banana republic".

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: “banana republic noun (disapproving, offensive) a poor country with a weak government, that depends on foreign money”.

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