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Must Have Ipad Apps


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For me Evernote (which now has a full screen hi res ipad version) is the single best app ever for iphone and ipad, and its free.

Connect is a great free document viewer, I can look at my high res pdf's and other types of docs with it.

Duo Browser lets you open two webpages at once side by side.

Cloud readers is a free comic viewer, Im able to read comic format files with this app and it also lets you transfer them over through wifi from your pc.

Marvel is a really nice comic viewer but of course they let you download issue 1 for free but then you gotta pay for other issues. Still, it looks fantastic.

All the apps I listed were made for iPad.

Edited by TheLaughingMan
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ABC Player and Netflix - Almost the killer apps on the ipad. Although VPN required such as strongVPN. Although I see if you have a diamond giganews account you get a free VPN service with that now. Good deal actually if you use .NZB files and want the best usenet provider and a really fast decent VPN for one monthly fee.

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using Pandora a lot really amazing software (But VPN required again recommend StrongVPN)

Newsrack for RSS feeds is really good and better and cheaper than Netnewswire Pro.

Gaming playing a lot of Words with Friends HD. Really good game with notification of players move etc. so game can last for days in the background if necessary.

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If you have a load of videos on your main computer, then Air Video is a great app for watching them without converting and loading to your iPad.

You download some software to your computer which sets up a server pointed to your movie collection. Then fire up Air Video on the iPad, select the file of your choice and it is converted and streamed to the iPad. Just a couple of seconds delay while it buffers. Now I can watch my videos anywhere in my condo, without having to convert them first and load them to the iPad; fantastic!

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Err, yeah, great camera software with a machine with no cam. Now guys, I am drooling over the Ipad and want one really bad, but no cam? arai wa?

Its not a phone either... OMG run for the hills! hehe. Camera software for editing pics which you would do with any pc, doesnt mean you would pick up your pc and try to take pics with it.... makes sense to me to have the editing software without a camera.

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No mr. somtam, being a photographer, and since there is a camera connector I would love to be able to control my camera from the Ipad, and use the screen to see results directly, in the studio my mac does that, on the road I would love to have an ipad for it so that I don't have to carry a macbook around

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Offtopic but in response to your need of a 3G model, if you have a jail broken iPhone you can use the phone as a modem for the wifi iPad, this is what I do right now and it's very easy and convenient. Also only one phone bill per month instead of a second one for the 3G iPad.

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Offtopic but in response to your need of a 3G model, if you have a jail broken iPhone you can use the phone as a modem for the wifi iPad, this is what I do right now and it's very easy and convenient. Also only one phone bill per month instead of a second one for the 3G iPad.

I am with you on this one LaughingMan. The other thing to consider is when exactly you are going to be able to get a mini sim to actually fit in the 3G model in Thailand. May not be to the end of the year.

If you have a Blackberry or Android phone you can use PDAnet to give you bluetooth tethering from your phone (which wont work with the iphone.) In a rather remarkable example of some sort of distorted logic you can buy a Blackberry or Android phone and tether to an Ipad but if you are an Iphone user you need to crack the phone - i.e. jailbreak it - in order to tether to the Ipad.

Now this strategy makes sense if Apple assumes its customers are incredibly stupid.

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Trying to convince my son to send me the 3g on May 7th. (New release date as of today).

No point you will not be ba able to use it here in Thailand on 3G service anyway as no network provider has micro-sims available. Also if you manage to get a micro sim in Thailand - their is a fair chance the 3G version will be carrier locked to AT&T.

Best option currently is the iPad WIFI and a True 3G unlimited service and use mywi on jail broken iPhone or an android phone such as the nexus to achieve the same result. Also saves you on two data plan subscriptions one for your ipad and one for your phone.

Edited by negreanu
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Picked up pocketmoney to keep track of my business finances, they recently updated it to work well on the ipad and its really nice and easy to use. Cost roughly 150 baht.

Also paid 30 baht for Expenses which is a nice ipad ui of a expense tracker, was using moneybook on the iphone before but they are retarded and slow to update to ipad format so moving from them.

1password pro looks awesome on the ipad, keeps track of all my login information and passwords, credit cards etc..

I really don't understand all the iphone app people that are NOT rushing to convert their iphone app to ipad format and make it look nice. They are going to miss out on who knows how much money by their reluctance to put in a bit of work. Almost feels like all the app programmers are Thai....

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  • 1 month later...
Just finished Angry Birds HD. Silly, amusing and challenging at times. Just wish there were more than 63 puzzles. Virtual Pool HD is very good, even if you are not a great fan of pool.

I think you have only done half the game - there are two sets of 63 games I believe

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The UK iPad apps are up and running now but no iBooks

I love press reader with the download of all your favorite newspapers, plus the Spectator App, the FT app which is essentially free for the next couple of months.

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Offtopic but in response to your need of a 3G model, if you have a jail broken iPhone you can use the phone as a modem for the wifi iPad, this is what I do right now and it's very easy and convenient. Also only one phone bill per month instead of a second one for the 3G iPad.


I have seen MyWi and PDANet, both are paid for, and both have issues. PDANet runs the phone so hot it almost melted. And MyWi broke "real" tethering, which I quite enjoy over the laptop.

Of course I can tether my MacBook Pro, then share the connection over WiFi with the iPad but too many devices involved...

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Oh yeah the most ridiculously awesome app I have used so far is iBooks. I am just totally blown away. The app is perfect - it's so perfect that it makes me reconsider my stance on eBooks. It's all seamless, smooth, beautiful... in some ways better than a real book like the one click dictionary which is great for a non-native english speaker like me. I often guess a word from the context but this actually improves my English.

Then there are the free books. I have always wanted to carry a copy of the U.S. constitution with me. Now I am. Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh for the kids (free). And I have a huge bookstore at my fingertips, and downloading a book takes only seconds even on Thailand's internet connections.

iBooks is awesome. I was impressed with the iPad before I found it but now I am in love.

I am having a bit of a Deja Vu here too - Apple is doing for eBooks what they did for Music. Just like the iPod made people listen to music again, this will get people reading again. Not sure why it's not a standard install, I imagine it has to do with some messy copyright/licensing issues for books, which is too bad.

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Offtopic but in response to your need of a 3G model, if you have a jail broken iPhone you can use the phone as a modem for the wifi iPad, this is what I do right now and it's very easy and convenient. Also only one phone bill per month instead of a second one for the 3G iPad.


I have seen MyWi and PDANet, both are paid for, and both have issues. PDANet runs the phone so hot it almost melted. And MyWi broke "real" tethering, which I quite enjoy over the laptop.

Of course I can tether my MacBook Pro, then share the connection over WiFi with the iPad but too many devices involved...

I use mywi, I have never used real tethering, I think I can't because I'm using a 2g model on Ais but maybe I could. Don't know anything about the real tethering. Mywi works perfectly.

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Apps (I've got tons :)):

Comic Zeal 4 - worth every penny. Reads all my 3rd party comics (cbr files) I have in my computer. Deleted the Marvel app after I got this.

Tweetings - awesome Twitter app that supports Twitlonger (short tweets are not enough for me).

Early Edition - reads all my RSS and integrates them ALL together into one newspaper-like layout. I don't need to jump from one browser tab to the other like we do in our computers.

Instapaper - perfect for saving all the web pages you want for offline reading later. Perfect companion with Early Edition, Safari and Tweetings.

Articles - nicest looking Wiki reader for the iPad.

IM+ (or BeeJiveIM) - your Instant Messenger fix for that big screen. I like IM+ better because it looks simple and elegant, and it's a Universal app which means this very same app will work on your iPhone. No need for separate purchases.

Pages - iPad's microsoft word app.

GoodReader - reads any files you want and transfers via USB or Wi-Fi. My fave PDF reader. Holds tons of my PDF magazines and PDF/TXT eBooks. Also supports passwords for folders in case you wanna hide the pics you took in Pat-Pong.

Evernote - my fave note taker. Syncs my notes seamlessly with my Mac whether I am near or away from the computer. My personal productivity app gold star.

Bento - To Do app and organizer. I like this better than Things and costs less.

Mariner Calc - my excel files reader and editor. I use this often for my students' grades when I am away from the PC. Perfect for class.

PhotoGene - the best photo editor for the iPad as of now. Not as full featured as your Light Room of course but it gets the basics down.

Air Video - mentioned by a previous post.

iBooks - this app also reads third party books (epub files). Love the page turning and dictionary support.

SoundPaper - wanna take notes during a conference, lecture, meeting or class but the speaker is too fast? This note taker records audio as you are also typing and trying to catch up with your speaker.

Drop Box - saves any file in a cloud and access your files to any computer. Beats using your USB sticks when you wanna print in another PC in the office. :D

ArtStudio - for those who wanna make paintings and art using their device. Or just handwritten (finger) notes. Better than PenUltimate in that regard.

Radio.com - if you miss listening to your FM radio back home.

Dragon Dictation - SPEECH to TEXT. Perfect for those too lazy to type.

Atomic Web Browser (and iCab Mobile) - alternatives to Safari browser. Tabs support.

Thai TalkPad - for those still in their basic Thai language learning. Simple app with just the basics. Just touch a phrase and listen. All phrases in a single page.

Those are just some of my apps. Don't even get me started with games. 80% of my iPad is filled with 'em :D.

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I use mywi, I have never used real tethering, I think I can't because I'm using a 2g model on Ais but maybe I could. Don't know anything about the real tethering. Mywi works perfectly.

Yeah tethering is not supported on Ais and in 3.1.2 you cant make it work either. I used to have Ais. On true tethering is officially enabled and works great. Except pdanet breaks it which was very confusing.

Rkeith thanks for all the tips will take me some time to go through all that :)

Btw writing this on the ipad and I am quite amazed how quick i can type on that touchscreen.

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@Rkeith... ArtStudio... OMG... why is this only 99cents? This is the most amazing drawing app I have ever seen. I am not a graphics professional but playing with drawing programs all my life, using a mouse or even a tablet never made much sense to me. ArtStudio instantly makes sense, you just draw with your fingers... and it's soooo well done. And... 99 ct? Something like this used to be $50 on a computer.

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