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Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

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If the charges are true, then Abhisit benefited from the illegal acts and as such he has to resign.

Where or where have all the hypocrites gone? it wasn't too long ago that the anti red shirt groups were insisting that the various PMs on the opposing side hd to go for far worse crimes, like Samak's cooking show (fiend that he was - cooking on national TV, the horror).

How will TV's bully brigade spin tis to excuse the Dems and of course find a way to blame it on Thaksin. The Dems played hardball and got the hit right back at the pitcher's nuts. This is going to be painful to watch.

As I understand it this donation to the Democrat party took place before Abhisit was at the helm. The ship is sinking and it is taking an outstanding captain with it....

Abhisit deserves a better end to his career.

outstanding captain who was deputy leader at the time? and knew nothing? and has proved indecisive and error prone during the current crisis?


Thai at Heart: If Samak could be taken down for a cooking show (and a $15 fee for it) being classed as corruption, the Dems have absolutely no chance unless the Courts have abandoned any semblance of normalcy and justice. And you are actually supporting another coup? And still consider yourself to be democratic?

If the charges are true, then Abhisit benefited from the illegal acts and as such he has to resign.

Where or where have all the hypocrites gone? it wasn't too long ago that the anti red shirt groups were insisting that the various PMs on the opposing side hd to go for far worse crimes, like Samak's cooking show (fiend that he was - cooking on national TV, the horror).

How will TV's bully brigade spin tis to excuse the Dems and of course find a way to blame it on Thaksin. The Dems played hardball and got the hit right back at the pitcher's nuts. This is going to be painful to watch.

I can hear the collective groans from the bleachers.

Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so.

I prefer and have always preferred to believe they are all corrupt to some degree, so I never get too disappointed. I honestly believe the odds on a clean individual rising through the Thai political system without his party or himself committing some electoral, criminal or civil crime is somewhere slightly above the chances that it will snow on the UDD stage tomorrow.


So I guess, this is where the yellows start to prepare for some protests huh? What a mess! I hate to say this, but there is only one solution for Thailand for the next decade or so - a return to Monarchy (most acceptable to the people) or military dictatorship (but given their most recent performance I don't see them being very effective. Once one of the above is done, the work needs to be done to lesson the class differences and educate the people on democracy. Then, and only then might there be hope. off to have some camomile tea and a fag.


As was said in another post in General Topics, all parties offer money to the electorate. But so many High and Mighty Yellow shirt lovers on here could never understand that the Yellows do this. The Yellow lovers here have stated time and time and time again how clean the Yellows are and how dirty the Reds are.

Now we have the situation where the Government are being investigated for taking money and calls are being made for Dissolution.

Squeaky clean Yellows ?? That is a laugh by the looks of this and only goes to show what many of us in rural areas have known for a long time regards bribes being 'one sided'.

Is this simply a ploy to bring down the government? Maybe.

But there is no smoke without fire.

That's what happens when you illegally accept a donation of B29 Million from a single entity, in this case TPI Poline.

Them's the rules folks.

For the first time ever, I agree. The rules are the rules. If the dems broke them, they have to take the consequences- do the crime... and all that.

But I'm intrigued about the idea that this might actually have been engineered by the powers that be. Clever, sneaky chaps.

If the charges are true, then Abhisit benefited from the illegal acts and as such he has to resign.

Where or where have all the hypocrites gone? it wasn't too long ago that the anti red shirt groups were insisting that the various PMs on the opposing side hd to go for far worse crimes, like Samak's cooking show (fiend that he was - cooking on national TV, the horror).

How will TV's bully brigade spin tis to excuse the Dems and of course find a way to blame it on Thaksin. The Dems played hardball and got the hit right back at the pitcher's nuts. This is going to be painful to watch.

I am no legal guru but on the face of this the reds just got a stiff uppercut to their hopes of an immediate election.



Bad Thaksin.

Bad yellows.

Bad Samak.

Bad yellows.

Bad Somchai.

Bad yellows.

Bad reds.

Bad Thaksin.

Bad fake reds.

Bad army.

Bad reds.

Bad Abhisit.

Bad terrorists.

Bad reds.

Bad Democrats.

Bad yellows.

Bad ..... (next) ....

It's more entertaining than the Thai TV soaps. Are there any 'goodies' or are they all 'baddies'???


The EC seems to be slapping wrists without favoritism (too much anyway). Its too bad that the punishments handed out stop at the higher levels. A lessor penalty for all party members of say 2 years would certainly give politicians food for thought in their campaigns. But as the man said " If it works don't try to repair it"

Bad Thaksin.

Bad yellows.

Bad Samak.

Bad yellows.

Bad Somchai.

Bad yellows.

Bad reds.

Bad Thaksin.

Bad fake reds.

Bad army.

Bad reds.

Bad Abhisit.

Bad terrorists.

Bad reds.

Bad Democrats.

Bad yellows.

Bad ..... (next) ....

It's more entertaining than the Thai TV soaps. Are there any 'goodies' or are they all 'baddies'???

Indeed everything is bad... :)

As I understand it this donation to the Democrat party took place before Abhisit was at the helm. The ship is sinking and it is taking an outstanding captain with it....

Abhisit deserves a better end to his career.

outstanding captain who was deputy leader at the time? and knew nothing? and has proved indecisive and error prone during the current crisis?

Banyat was party leader at that time, not Abhisit. Whether Abhisit knew about the donations and whether or not these were against the law is for the Court to decide.

So I guess, this is where the yellows start to prepare for some protests huh? What a mess! I hate to say this, but there is only one solution for Thailand for the next decade or so - a return to Monarchy (most acceptable to the people) or military dictatorship (but given their most recent performance I don't see them being very effective. Once one of the above is done, the work needs to be done to lesson the class differences and educate the people on democracy. Then, and only then might there be hope. off to have some camomile tea and a fag.

While we can't openly discuss a point you made in your paragraph, I don't think your suggestion would work well with the public at large for as long as a decade.


Britmaveric, this is not a football match, this is the government of a Nation falling down.

Chill out ... it's hot and it's Songkran ... :)

Everyone needs to get out and relax for a few days.


^indeed it might be different if our actual posts had any effect on anything in Thailand, but at the end of the day they do not. Just people arguing about nothing they have control over.


Well if this happens,... the "yellow wave" is gonna be on the rampage again and they're gonna clash with the reds... and everything gets out of control again.


The PAD have got nothing to protest about (at least regarding this case). They should stay at home.

And the reds haven't won anything. It's the courts that make these decisions.

The reds may still not get the elections they are after. The ex-Dems and smaller parties may still form government.

Thai at Heart: If Samak could be taken down for a cooking show (and a $15 fee for it) being classed as corruption, the Dems have absolutely no chance unless the Courts have abandoned any semblance of normalcy and justice. And you are actually supporting another coup? And still consider yourself to be democratic?

I am not supporting a coup, just supposing IMHO the likely outcome. What I want and support is of absolutely no importance to anyone.

However, in a dream world, I support is that Thaksin was behind bars (they let him go to the Olympics!!!!!!), after Samak the dissolution of the party had sparked a general election (the constitution doesn't insist on it), that Abhisit had won conculsively instead of having to team up with a dodgy partner (but the system allows a banned politician to appear to have his own party), and that we were now into our 3nd year of Abhisit pushing out policies to get the country moving. Sondhi, Chamlong are in prison and facing bills for damages in the 100's of billions of baht. The Reds got so scared of the legal repurcussions of protesting in such a manner that they didn't even start.

Of course, I didn't write the rules, but apparently someone did.

Obviously if Thailand ever invents it's own version of poker, the point of the game is that the players end up shooting each other or disqualified and the inventor runs away with the pot.


sorry to burst your bubble, but is this the same Election Commission that Arisman and over 100 reds invaded and terrorised on the 5th April ?

and this ruling has come from the same EC governors who were told to make a decision before the 20th April or else !

seems to me that its possible that you might say anything to kick this political hot potato upstairs for deliberation at a later date

you might even be inclined to follow orders from someone higher up in the food chain to give certain hot headed red folks what they want for now so that they will go home and give everyone a chance to take a breath

its a sophisticated strategy and the reds will swallow it.

Veera is already declaring victory and starting the car

it will never happen though

the higher court will not agree with the EC ruling

the election commissioners will say that they ruled under duress/death threats from the reds and it will all start again with new commissioners

by that time nine months will be up and Songkran 2010 will be a memory

the mercenaries boss, SD will be dead or exiled

the mercenaries will have been rounded up, tried for murder or killed in the process of capture

Thaksin will likely be dead from cancer

Anapong will be retired somewhere quiet.

in the interim period everyone who needs/wants money in the country, from rice pickers to Generals will have been filling their pockets with the countries money topped up with Thaksins millions

there will be a general election

Abhisit will win the election outright


What a strange country we live in, Thailand. For some reason it makes me think of this...

One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it: -- it was the black kitten's fault entirely. For the white kitten had been having its face washed by the old cat for the last quarter of an hour (and bearing it pretty well, considering); so you see that it couldn't have had any hand in the mischief.

The way Dinah washed her children's faces was this: first she held the poor thing down by its ear with one paw, and then with the other paw she rubbed its face all over, the wrong way, beginning at the nose: and just now, as I said, she was hard at work on the white kitten, which was lying quite still and trying to purr -- no doubt feeling that it was all meant for its good.

But the black kitten had been finished with earlier in the afternoon, and so, while Alice was sitting curled up in a corner of the great arm-chair, half talking to herself and half asleep, the kitten had been having a grand game of romps with the ball of worsted Alice had been trying to wind up, and had been rolling it up and down till it had all come undone again; and there it was, spread over the hearth-rug, all knots and tangles, with the kitten running after its own tail in the middle.

(Alice in Wonderland: Looking Glass House)


sorry to burst your bubble, but is this the same Election Commission that Arisman and over 100 reds invaded and terrorised on the 5th April ?

and this ruling has come from the same EC governors who were told to make a decision before the 20th April or else !

seems to me that its possible that you might say anything to kick this political hot potato upstairs for deliberation at a later date

you might even be inclined to follow orders from someone higher up in the food chain to give certain hot headed red folks what they want for now so that they will go home and give everyone a chance to take a breath

its a sophisticated strategy and the reds will swallow it.

Veera is already declaring victory and starting the car

it will never happen though

the higher court will not agree with the EC ruling

the election commissioners will say that they ruled under duress/death threats from the reds and it will all start again with new commissioners

by that time nine months will be up and Songkran 2010 will be a memory

the mercenaries boss, SD will be dead or exiled

the mercenaries will have been rounded up, tried for murder or killed in the process of capture

Thaksin will likely be dead from cancer

Anapong will be retired somewhere quiet.

in the interim period everyone who needs/wants money in the country, from rice pickers to Generals will have been filling their pockets with the countries money topped up with Thaksins millions

there will be a general election

Abhisit will win the election outright

And then you wake up to reality, just face the facts that Abhisit is history. :)

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