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Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

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So .. just how many months before this is settled in court? It is after all some legal procedings that will have to be followed. First EC have to forward it to the Attorney General, that can reject it, in that case a committee between EC and the Attorney-General will be set up to decide whether to move on with the case. In the PPP case the EC ruled late august/early september (september 3rd?), the Attorney General forwarded case to the Constitution Court on October 10th (from googling it, please correct the date if wrong), then the constitutional court ruled for dissolving PPP on December 3rd.

So at best its a 3 month timetable. The democrats wont touch any house dissolution while the court is still undecided. Risking dissolution during a election campaign, not likely.

So like the yellow-shirts did in 2008, there is no reason to go home for the red shirts. Forecast says rallies ahead with demands to speed up the process.

This is just the next chapter made possible by the Junta-made gem of a constitution from 2007.

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Seems like corruption is an everyday occurence in thai politics. Even Abhisit is not squeaky clean. Is anyone?

He might not be 'squeaky clean as in Persil' but he's a long way way from Ganges Grey as was the square faced man.

And yes corruption is endemic and a way of life in the realm.

So much so that it is on the curriculum of the majority of schools.

Will there be an increase in 'keyboard violence' in the coming days?

I am expecting more of this


in the coming days.

Hehehe...like it. I envisage some monumental keyboard ding dongs between various regular colour coded contributors......getting waaaaay too excited.

So we presume that Anupong has done a deal with the Reds? Happy end to career; it was looking a bit messy under the Dems.

Talk about a quick military switch over. Now to tidy up the bits and pieces and try to not look too obvious.

A deal with the reds or PTP?

Of course assuming he is authorised to do a deal and that the army will follow him, which brings us back to whether he was authorised. However, with mor eabout the black shirts coming out there are going to be more within the military who want a bit of revenge. Unpredictable times.

The establishment are doign their thing to bring it down a peg or two but until at least Songkhran is over tension will remian high

Seems like corruption is an everyday occurence in thai politics. Even Abhisit is not squeaky clean. Is anyone?

He might not be 'squeeky clean as in Persil' but he's a long way way from Ganges Grey as was the square faced man.

Corruption is hardly monopolised by politicians. It is everywhere here.

Thailand is trying to hold it's politicians and parties up to some basic scrutiny of fair conduct and NONE of them pass. I am not surprised, when UK politicians submit 0.03 GBP expenses for paper clips, we can see fair and square how low even developed democracies can fall.

However, until the rules, laws and regs are abided by, there is no hope for anything to move forward at all. I expect the Dems to be disbanded and the saga to roll onto the next episode.

I seem to remember that the PAD leadership also had arrest warrents on their heads and they did exactly the same thing during the protests.

Actually the PAD members DID show up in court, were released on bail and are awaiting the slow wheels of the thai justice system to grind forward enough for their cases to be heard. Or did you miss all that. ...

Oh and BTW the word is warrants, NOT 'warrents' <sic> it's called arrest warrants. .. Know what sa-pell check is?

Sadly the thais I've talked with (which I do every day) seem to exhibit far less savvy in recent political history than most (please note the use of the word MOST) posters here on T/V. I find that in and of itself totally pathetic. :)

They spout party line rhetoric, no matter if they're red, yellow sky blue-pink, zebra striped or the ever popular dark blue aka; "friends of Newin".

Thanks for the spelling lesson, I fail to see why it was needed though, it certainly wasn't needed to get your point across.

It was needed to put you in your place!

Tod-daniels is simply making the point, that he and the other supporters of the Dems/elite are just so superior to you common red-lovers.

Coalition partners want dissolution in six months. but they are watching where the winds blow.

2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

are they really in control of things such as this? They dont seem to be in control of Bangkok



That's it for my recap. I wish all of u who are in Thailand a very good holiday break. All the best to those of u overseas as well.

8 minutes ago via TweetDeck there will be more acrimonious debate on who shot whom first and whether there were really "terrorists" involved in the nxt few days.

11 minutes ago via TweetDeck Autopsy yields not much except most deaths were from high-power rifle bullets.

12 minutes ago via TweetDeck Military is the unpredictable lot. We dn't knw what the genrals have in mind, though publicly they say let politicians handle their own mess

13 minutes ago via TweetDeck Coalition partners want dissolution in six months. but they are watching where the winds blow.

^6mo is too long, should dissolve immediately.

There are problems with all time frames. Anyway they are all numbers. I honestly dont know what the best answer is. Im not even sure we will get to an election without a coup.

Only true believer, blinds and clueless didn't saw it coming. The EC decision was on schedule to be announced this month. Abhisit knew it was coming, that make the action of last weekend even more disgusting

Which one are you or can we select more than one option? If I recall correctly the decision was not due this month, but after our red friends paid them a visit and did the intimidation routine they agreed to bring the decision forward to April 20. Today is April 12.

So did they suddenly started working efficiently, or did someone put the screws on the EC to make a decision even faster than the April 20 deadline the reds bullied out of them?

Someone who only needs to ask.

Not kidnap CEO's to get things done.

Right kidnap the whole democratically elected Government when the PM was in UNGA, ok no crime, heros! Kidnap one CEO is very wrong!! Big time crime, correct?


When people see a winning strategy, they are usually quick to adopt it themselves. In this case, the winning strategy - in terms of changing the status quo - was to gather a load of protesters and create civil disobedience. So how will the most anti-red factions proceed? By doing the same thing.

Cue yellow shirt demonstrations with the possibility of violence if the reds are still hanging around in the city. Then violent clashes whilst the government is in its weakest position yet, and what do we have?

There are only two ways to go - either try to head that scenario off through political means within the next week, or rely on intervention from the top man. Anything else and it would quite necessarily be coup time again.

If one were to accept the red analysis (at least as articulated by some in the leadership) there is an 'establishment' in this country that 'takes care' of the society- and which is content to permit elected governments to operate -until its own priviledge and/or security is threatened (and both require a reasonably functional society) -

The irony (among several) is that the red leadership actually views this as 'justice'- when in fact, it MAY be merely one more instance of a cunning application of 'law' in the interest, not of 'justice'- but expedience.

Hmm, to much ifs.

The EC isn't political motivated, the court is firm and fair.

If the red leaders would it call something else than 'fair justice' they would risk up to 5 year in jail. Guess where a couple of the pending court cases coming from.

Now the Dems and some of their supporter will realize what firm and fair means. Particularly what firm means. :) A 4:1 decision wow, for the PPP was it 3:2.

In the end same same, justice will be done and the country will move forward, no question. :D

^coup - you won't see any election if that ever happens. Not to mention not certain it would go so well like last time, judging from what happened friday.

Can't see a coup when the Army know the resistance is out there. Sure in those circumstances you can round them up at whatever cost. Then the nightmare begins, they take off the red shirts and melt away. Surface to attack an army post there, bomb a city hall, ambush a convoy. Trying to prevent Thailand slipping into a guerrilla war will almost certainly fail if there is a coup.

Seems like corruption is an everyday occurence in thai politics. Even Abhisit is not squeaky clean. Is anyone?

Corruption is in every country... it is not just in Thailand.

Finally, things will be better and Thai people will have to right to elect a government (for the last two years, there was no elected government).

Truth wins at last...


Abhisit knows he can sit tight as the EC finding will take the rest of the year to process by the AG and if it might go to the court.

It's obvious Anupong has lost it by suggesting the parliament should dissolve.....if the parliament should dissolve, the October military list goes up into the air - which is where Anupong presently appears to be anyway. I suspect if Prem is true to form Anupong will be either physically gone very soon (illness in the family) or his authority neutered in favor of a loyalist general in the back office who doesn't yank his foot from the fire as Anupong is doing. Abhisit is displeased by his present military brass and he's not the only one up in the rarified air to be so.

The same people who want a snap election, the Reds, are the same crazies who bring violence and mayhem to everything they do, predictably and without fail.....should there be a snap election the Reds would violently demolish democratic processes and democracy itself.

The past few weeks we already are looking a "Thai-style" civil war in the face. Abhisit knows he needs to hold firm or the whole of the government will soon self destruct.

Abhisit knows he can sit tight as the EC finding will take the rest of the year to process by the AG and if it might go to the court.

It's obvious Anupong has lost it by suggesting the parliament should dissolve.....if the parliament should dissolve, the military October list is up in the air - which is where Anupong presently appears to be anyway. I suspect if Prem is true to form Anupong will be either physically gone very soon (illness in the family) or his authority neutered in favor or a loyalist general in the back office who doesn't yank his foot from the fires as Anupong is doing.

The same people who want a snap election, the Reds, are the same people who bring violence to everything they do, predictably and without fail.....should there be a snap election the Reds would violently demolish democratic processes and democracy itself.

The past few weeks we already are looking a "Thai-style" civil war in the face.

Correct. Everything of any importance in Thailand is done through proxies and intermediaries.

If one were to accept the red analysis (at least as articulated by some in the leadership) there is an 'establishment' in this country that 'takes care' of the society- and which is content to permit elected governments to operate -until its own priviledge and/or security is threatened (and both require a reasonably functional society) -

The irony (among several) is that the red leadership actually views this as 'justice'- when in fact, it MAY be merely one more instance of a cunning application of 'law' in the interest, not of 'justice'- but expedience.

Hmm, to much ifs.

The EC isn't political motivated, the court is firm and fair.

If the red leaders would it call something else than 'fair justice' they would risk up to 5 year in jail. Guess where a couple of the pending court cases coming from.

Now the Dems and some of their supporter will realize what firm and fair means. Particularly what firm means. :) A 4:1 decision wow, for the PPP was it 3:2.

In the end same same, justice will be done and the country will move forward, no question. :D

EC is not politically motivated? I think more than a few people would disagree.

If one were to accept the red analysis (at least as articulated by some in the leadership) there is an 'establishment' in this country that 'takes care' of the society- and which is content to permit elected governments to operate -until its own priviledge and/or security is threatened (and both require a reasonably functional society) -

The irony (among several) is that the red leadership actually views this as 'justice'- when in fact, it MAY be merely one more instance of a cunning application of 'law' in the interest, not of 'justice'- but expedience.

Hmm, to much ifs.

The EC isn't political motivated, the court is firm and fair.

If the red leaders would it call something else than 'fair justice' they would risk up to 5 year in jail. Guess where a couple of the pending court cases coming from.

Now the Dems and some of their supporter will realize what firm and fair means. Particularly what firm means. :) A 4:1 decision wow, for the PPP was it 3:2.

In the end same same, justice will be done and the country will move forward, no question. :D

EC is not politically motivated? I think more than a few people would disagree.

Including me. So Sally, back to the Anupong/Red Shirt thing. It's hard to picture in my mind. Can you flesh it out a little? Like, where does that leave Prem and the "republicans"?



do you have a thai ORIGINAL source that stated that the democratic party has been destined to be dissolved....

i never saw that in any thai media, neither did i hear any thai news source stated that the demo has been determined to have acted illegally....

as of today which is thailand time Tuesday, 12:19 a.m.


thx much, webfact

^coup - you won't see any election if that ever happens. Not to mention not certain it would go so well like last time, judging from what happened friday.

Doubt it will stop them if they want one. And with live rounds. Some of em will be wanting a bit of revenge and for sure they'll know exactly who the black shirts are Unpredcitable times

Seems like corruption is an everyday occurence in thai politics. Even Abhisit is not squeaky clean. Is anyone?

Corruption is in every country... it is not just in Thailand.

Finally, things will be better and Thai people will have to right to elect a government (for the last two years, there was no elected government).

Truth wins at last...

Do you mean the Somchai government wasn't elected either?

Exactly how do you think the system works here?

Do you think the people elect the PM?

^coup - you won't see any election if that ever happens. Not to mention not certain it would go so well like last time, judging from what happened friday.

Doubt it will stop them if they want one. And with live rounds. Some of em will be wanting a bit of revenge and for sure they'll know exactly who the black shirts are Unpredcitable times

Dont think they will try going down KSR again - two narrow and obvious death trap. Whoever thought of that brilliant route, needs a new job.

Abhisit knows he can sit tight as the EC finding will take the rest of the year to process by the AG and if it might go to the court.

It's obvious Anupong has lost it by suggesting the parliament should dissolve.....if the parliament should dissolve, the October military list goes up into the air - which is where Anupong presently appears to be anyway. I suspect if Prem is true to form Anupong will be either physically gone very soon (illness in the family) or his authority neutered in favor of a loyalist general in the back office who doesn't yank his foot from the fire as Anupong is doing. Abhisit is displeased by his present military brass and he's not the only one up in the rarified air to be so.

The same people who want a snap election, the Reds, are the same crazies who bring violence and mayhem to everything they do, predictably and without fail.....should there be a snap election the Reds would violently demolish democratic processes and democracy itself.

The past few weeks we already are looking a "Thai-style" civil war in the face. Abhisit knows he needs to hold firm or the whole of the government will soon self destruct.

:) Need say no more.

^coup - you won't see any election if that ever happens. Not to mention not certain it would go so well like last time, judging from what happened friday.

Doubt it will stop them if they want one. And with live rounds. Some of em will be wanting a bit of revenge and for sure they'll know exactly who the black shirts are Unpredcitable times

Dont think they will try going down KSR again - two narrow and obvious death trap. Whoever thought of that brilliant route, needs a new job.

The protestors will be out in force with their (water) guns tomorrow in KSR.


All seems like some remarkable coincidence to me.

one thing, as I see it, was that the Democrats didn't want to hold and election until the constitution was changed. The current constitution was created by the military after the last coup and essentially undermines the democratic process through placing power with the judiciary and protecting the military. I don't believe any political party actually preferred it to the 1997 constitution and say the democrats only urged people to vote for it in order to get an election held.

And with it Samak is banned for having a cooking program. TRT are dissolved, 125 MPs banned for 5 years but probably the most corrupt, Newin, seems to come back to become the key power player. Now Thailand's oldest, most respectable political party is to be dissolved for some donation made 5 years ago. Democracy is not being built it is being undermined.

To me it is perfectly conceivable that the military and judiciary like the constitution just how it is. The army I am sure is not the least bit concerned about the reshuffle as they know whoever is in charge, and it may well be them, they will definitely be calling the shots.


All seems like some remarkable coincidence to me.

one thing, as I see it, was that the Democrats didn't want to hold and election until the constitution was changed. The current constitution was created by the military after the last coup and essentially undermines the democratic process through placing power with the judiciary and protecting the military. I don't believe any political party actually preferred it to the 1997 constitution and say the democrats only urged people to vote for it in order to get an election held.

And with it Samak is banned for having a cooking program. TRT are dissolved, 125 MPs banned for 5 years but probably the most corrupt, Newin, seems to come back to become the key power player. Now Thailand's oldest, most respectable political party is to be dissolved for some donation made 5 years ago. Democracy is not being built it is being undermined.

To me it is perfectly conceivable that the military and judiciary like the constitution just how it is. The army I am sure is not the least bit concerned about the reshuffle as they know whoever is in charge, and it may well be them, they will definitely be calling the shots.

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