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A couple of months ago I got 3 new puppies all male as we were down to the last dog and he only has 3 legs anyway.

We have 10 rai for all the chickens, ducks, fish, dogs and people so they are not herded together.

In the last 2 days 1 of the dogs has killed a chicken a day.

The other 2 dogs are into the usual things like stealing shoes and chewing things but not killing chickens and none of the other dogs we have had over the years has killed chickens.

Yesterday I chained it up in the shade and made sure that it had water and food to keep it from the chickens.

It was originally on a nylon leash but it was chewing its way out of that so I replaced it with a dog chain attached to its collar.

I let it off this morning and bugger me if not 10 minutes later it was chasing chickens again.

When I shouted at it the dog ran away and hid but later I found it lying under the washing machine in the cool and damp place.

My question is what can I do with the dog now?

If I let it off it will go and kill more chickens and I can't keep it chained up for ever. :)

I could give it away to a Thai family but most of them around here keep chickens too.


thai do attach a killed chicken to dogs head for a few days and it suppose to solve to problem out - was discussed here sometimes ago.

otherwise a chain or an enlosure, maybe somewhere by the gate or in the place, where intruders are most likely


As you know, once a animal, including a dog, develops a taste for the blood of another animal, there is little you can do.

We once had a large dog that developed a taste for killing other farm animals and that became his passion, poor Toby.

He was eventually put to sleep. He was a large St. Bernard who used to let children ride on his back at the shopping mall; but after he killed his first farm animal, he was like the terminator around other farm animals. He loved it.

thai do attach a killed chicken to dogs head for a few days and it suppose to solve to problem out - was discussed here sometimes ago.

A few hours (4-6 hrs) is enough; tie the legs together as well, otherwise the dog will try to move the chicken away from his head.

The dog will NEVER kill a chicken again...



Sorry for your troubles. But admitting that after all bad news of the last days I could laugh again.

One of my dogs hates cats. Except of one I could safe being there and telling the cats that I keep the dog and they should vanish. They understood. Do not know whether this is working with chickens.

thai do attach a killed chicken to dogs head for a few days and it suppose to solve to problem out - was discussed here sometimes ago.

A few hours (4-6 hrs) is enough; tie the legs together as well, otherwise the dog will try to move the chicken away from his head.

The dog will NEVER kill a chicken again...


same for ducks?

thai do attach a killed chicken to dogs head for a few days and it suppose to solve to problem out - was discussed here sometimes ago.

A few hours (4-6 hrs) is enough; tie the legs together as well, otherwise the dog will try to move the chicken away from his head.

The dog will NEVER kill a chicken again...


same for ducks?

Give it a go and see if it works.


I have a Bang Keow dog. He is kept in our walled yard area , in a village. When ever a chicken is foolish enough to come over the wall he kills it. We tried to dis courage this but once he killed a couple he just can't help himself.

We all cover for him and bury the chicken. He don'rt try to eat it he just likes the killing of it. I hate chickens any way so its OK as long as the neighbors don't get wind of it.

I've heard the tying of a chicken on the dog will work, by the way. Good luck


Thanks for the useful advice.

I have never heard of tying the dead chicken to the dog before.

Maybe I can tywrap it to his head or perhaps use a 6 inch nail.

The only problem is now do I let the dog free to kill another chicken or what.

Maybe I will ask my wife if we can get a fresh killed chicken rather than losing another one of ours.

Another problem is that I am 65 and the dog can run faster than me though yesterday I caught it lying in the shade under the washing machine.

I can still hang on for the terminal solution for a while.

  • 5 months later...

Thanks for the useful advice.

I have never heard of tying the dead chicken to the dog before.

Maybe I can tywrap it to his head or perhaps use a 6 inch nail.

The only problem is now do I let the dog free to kill another chicken or what.

Maybe I will ask my wife if we can get a fresh killed chicken rather than losing another one of ours.

Another problem is that I am 65 and the dog can run faster than me though yesterday I caught it lying in the shade under the washing machine.

I can still hang on for the terminal solution for a while.

I will give my own testimonial to this method. I had a German Shepherd that got the taste of chickens, and after 4 days and 4 dead chickens belonging to the neighbors (In Utah, US) I was told that they would shoot my dog the next time a chicken is killed. I got the remains of the latest kill, and duct taped it to the back of his neck. As it began to decay, he scratched, dug at the tape to no avail. 4 days of that, until there was nothing left of the chicken remains, but tape, and one fowl smelling dog, I cut the tape off, and gave him bath with disenfectant. For the rest of his life, he not only left chickens alone, if while sleeping outside, one got close to him, he would jump up and make a wide walk around it. Good luck with your dog.


He has stopped it now and we still have chickens left.

I think he was just a puppy and went for anything that moved.

We had a cat up at the shop who would catch mice and rats and play with them until the cat got bored and then it would kill it.

Edited for bad spelling before the spelling gestapo see it.

play is not spelt paly


finally, some closure...:)) good news at least.good to know results or end of problems. everyone posts problems, rarely do endings get posted

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