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Thai Government Ready For More Talks With Red Shirts

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Wonder who shopped Arisaman?

doesn't take much figuring out does it?

i predicted 5 days ago they would find a 'man in black', offer him amnesty and turn him

the red leaders already knew they had one, Nurrawat was trying to soften the blow two days ago :


''Top UDD leaders will take responsibility if it is proven that they are connected with the terrorists, said Mr Natthawut''


Did Arisman get arrested? If so, will he be let out within hours? That's what authorities did with Se Daeng and some of his granade tossing buddies - just before the rallies started 4 weeks ago.

''Top UDD leaders will take responsibility if it is proven that they are connected with the terrorists, said Mr Natthawut''

I didn't know there was a word in Thai for 'responsibility.' Anyhow, Natawut can shout whatever sounds right, but his credibility is on a level with his paymaster, Mr. T. ....in other words = zero.

""finally, they got Arisaman

like most bullies he will be crying all the way to his cell now""

Very smart,... fuelling the Fire

Wait and see next....

MCOT: Arisman narrowly escapes SC Park Hotel with help of Red Shirt protesters as police besiege hotel


Maybe they realise - and the government too for that matter - that the only way they're going to achieve their goals is through violent overthrow - as shocking as this may sound.

Its refreshing to hear a red shirt supporter being HONEST for a change. Those of us who have been paying attention have known the red shirt movement was a VIOLENT movement for a very long time now. They use the terms non-violence as they use "freedom" and democracy" purely for propaganda purposes. But the reality is that they are neither non-violent, nor are they really about freedom and democracy at all. The westerners supporting this dangerous violent movement are being duped just as effectively as most of their protesters. It is interesting to hear the government refer to their leaders as terrorists now. If they shoe fits.

I am, clearly, not against cracking down on corruption

So why do you mock and continue to joke about how ridiculous you think it was for the PPP to be disbanded? They broke the law and paid the consequences. Good.

I think if they applied the same rule in 'farangland' there would be no parties left!

I think that's nonsense. Politics in "farangland" may be a dirty game like here, but if laws exist then they must be followed, and if they aren't there are consequences.

anyway -what good does it do? they just form new parties or swap - you think that is good?

If it has no effect and does no good, why are the Democrats being put in a very tight corner right now thanks to the EC's findings? They are being put under great pressure to answer some difficult questions that previously would never have even been asked. That's what i call progress. You don't agree?

Yes the violent red thugs think that have it all won. But they are playing a dangerous game not negotiating. They demand all or nothing. That may have good odds to get all, but by not talking, they risk getting nothing. There are still powerful forces in play here not ready to cave to this red mob terror wave.

Jingthing - I don't know where you're located - but if you live in BKK - take some time out and go to Rajaprasong - any day of the week - and view all those "violent red thugs".

In fact - what you'll see are ordinary decent Thai people of all ages - tens of thousands of them - gathering as one to show their disdain and contempt for this current government. A government and PM that are nothing more than proxies for the the ruling elite and what it truly represents - repression and exploitation of the Thai people.

And as you so rightly say - they are indeed powerful forces.

Yep, totally agree with bulmercke.

I have been to their camp at Phan fa  bridge a while ago.

Most people that I have seen are the hard working farmer type that you may see all around the Isaan part of Thailand.

They surely didn't look like violent, blood thirsty mobsters as some people keep suggesting.

Put away your beer glass and go see for yourself.

Try to show respect as they are the natives and you are the guest.

About time lock these terrorists away for life

Arisman escaped with help from redshirts with a rope out of a window.

If he is innocent why is he allegedly jumping out a window?

Wonder who shopped Arisaman?

Dunno but at least 6 months overdue.

Good point he is one of the ones bringing disrepute on the reds in general.

And the one with the longest string of warrants etc.

It maybe that he has escaped too... we'll see.

Yes the violent red thugs think that have it all won. But they are playing a dangerous game not negotiating. They demand all or nothing. That may have good odds to get all, but by not talking, they risk getting nothing. There are still powerful forces in play here not ready to cave to this red mob terror wave.

Jingthing - I don't know where you're located - but if you live in BKK - take some time out and go to Rajaprasong - any day of the week - and view all those "violent red thugs".

In fact - what you'll see are ordinary decent Thai people of all ages - tens of thousands of them - gathering as one to show their disdain and contempt for this current government. A government and PM that are nothing more than proxies for the the ruling elite and what it truly represents - repression and exploitation of the Thai people.

And as you so rightly say - they are indeed powerful forces.

Yep, totally agree with bulmercke.

I have been to their camp at Phan fa  bridge a while ago.

Most people that I have seen are the hard working farmer type that you may see all around Isaan part of Thailand.

They surely didn't look like a violent, blood thirsty mobsters as some people keep suggesting.

Put away your beer glass and go see for yourself.

Try to show respect as they are the natives and you are the guest.

It was the same with the yellows at Government House - decent people from Bangkok and out of town who were sick of corruption, croneyism and money politics. If you want to take aim, it's the leaders who count.


I am afraid that Nobody is reasonable.

"Arrestation of some red Shirts leaders" just adds a little more fuel in the fire...

"arrested PAR guards with weapons" shows that we are heading to more confrontation and probably at some stage directly yellows against Reds.

It is time big brasses stop the escalation, please recover your mind instead to head to the "uncontrollable".

All direct actors have to be sidelined for cooling the situation...

We are heading to the war, not to negotiations....

Yep, totally agree with bulmercke.

I have been to their camp at Phan fa bridge a while ago.

Most people that I have seen are the hard working farmer type that you may see all around the Isaan part of Thailand.

They surely didn't look like a violent, blood thirsty mobsters as some people keep suggesting.

Put away your beer glass and go see for yourself.

Try to show respect as they are the natives and you are the guest.

I agree that the vast majority of red protesters are peaceful, genuine, average Thai people. Yes many are being paid, but that doesn't mean they don't believe what they are fighting for.

My problem is not with them, it's with their leaders who are not peaceful, not genuine and not average. They are making a play for power and money and when/if they succeed in grabbing it, they will do nothing except for feathering their own nests.


They just showed on TV channel 3 a guy in a red short climbing out a window?

Anyone know who the guy in the red shirts was?

channel is in Thai and farang mai speak thai

About time lock these terrorists away for life

Arisman escaped with help from redshirts with a rope out of a window.

If he is innocent why is he allegedly jumping out a window?

And what were the leaders doing in a hotel room while their followers are camped out on a street? More classic leading from the rear, or preferably another continent, tactics by Thaksin's men.

Yes the violent red thugs think that have it all won. But they are playing a dangerous game not negotiating. They demand all or nothing. That may have good odds to get all, but by not talking, they risk getting nothing. There are still powerful forces in play here not ready to cave to this red mob terror wave.

Jingthing - I don't know where you're located - but if you live in BKK - take some time out and go to Rajaprasong - any day of the week - and view all those "violent red thugs".

In fact - what you'll see are ordinary decent Thai people of all ages - tens of thousands of them - gathering as one to show their disdain and contempt for this current government. A government and PM that are nothing more than proxies for the the ruling elite and what it truly represents - repression and exploitation of the Thai people.

And as you so rightly say - they are indeed powerful forces.

Yep, totally agree with bulmercke.

I have been to their camp at Phan fa bridge a while ago.

Most people that I have seen are the hard working farmer type that you may see all around Isaan part of Thailand.

They surely didn't look like a violent, blood thirsty mobsters as some people keep suggesting.

Put away your beer glass and go see for yourself.

Try to show respect as they are the natives and you are the guest.

It was the same with the yellows at Government House - decent people from Bangkok and out of town who were sick of corruption, croneyism and money politics. If you want to take aim, it's the leaders who count.

Exactly the leaders set the tone and make the incendiary speeches,

The rank and file wait for the keywords that motivate them and cheer on cue.

But some also listen and believe more intently and act on those words... therein lies the real problem.

"Government ready for negotiation"....just rhetoric, propaganda... Actions are demonstrating the opposite.

The government's been ready for weeks. The reds just won't come to the table.

The reds don't need to negotiate. Everyone knows what they want. They don't know what compromise means.

No one knows (even them) how they are going to help the country once they have the power that they are killing for.

Red-shirts Take High-ranking Police Officer as Hostage at SC Park

The red-shirts have taken a deputy Metropolitan Police commander and 2 other police officers as hostage at SC Park Hotel to pave the way for their escape out of the hotel.

Reports have also come in of gunfire being heard in the vicinity. ASTV has reported that 1 poice officer has been shot.

I am afraid that Nobody is reasonable.

"Arrestation of some red Shirts leaders" just adds a little more fuel in the fire...

"arrested PAR guards with weapons" shows that we are heading to more confrontation and probably at some stage directly yellows against Reds.

It is time big brasses stop the escalation, please recover your mind instead to head to the "uncontrollable".

All direct actors have to be sidelined for cooling the situation...

We are heading to the war, not to negotiations....

the reds declared war weeks even months ago, both with inflamed, violent rhetoric and violent intimidation

its took this long for the government to decide that they actually meant it

they should not shy from the task ahead, before this is resolved, there will be more lives lost on both sides, thats a fact

a fact you need to accept, the reds have gone past negotiation, they now they are on the back foot, they cannot negotiate

they are the employers of the killers that walk amongst them

the red leaders already know that their association with the murderous 'men in black' and the false flag killings of their own supporters will soon be revealed

Nuttawat has as good as admitted it already

many ground level reds said they would die for the cause, the reds took them literally and had the men in black kill them

the red movement will self destruct when this news comes out and anything the government has done already and does now, will seem like childs play compared to the treacherous and cowardly deaths, metered out on their own supporters by the red leadership in the name of political expediency.

"Government ready for negotiation"....just rhetoric, propaganda... Actions are demonstrating the opposite.

The government's been ready for weeks. The reds just won't come to the table.

The reds don't need to negotiate. Everyone knows what they want. They don't know what compromise means.

No one knows (even them) how they are going to help the country once they have it.

They don't have it yet. Their protester numbers aren't really all that impressive now. It ain't over. The level that the government will resist these terrorists now that they have revealed themselves openly, and the level that the silent majority of Thais rises up to say no to the violent revolutionary insurgents, possibly changing the momentum, is still unknown.

"Government ready for negotiation"....just rhetoric, propaganda... Actions are demonstrating the opposite.

The government's been ready for weeks. The reds just won't come to the table.

The reds don't need to negotiate. Everyone knows what they want. They don't know what compromise means.

No one knows (even them) how they are going to help the country once they have it.

They don't have it yet. Their protester numbers aren't really all that impressive now. It ain't over. THe level that the government will resists these terrorists now that they have revealed themselves, and the level that the silent majority of Thais rises up to say no to the insurgents, possibly changing the momentum, is still unknown.

Said on Sunday

"We will carry on with appropriate measures so our (red shirts') losses will be worthwhile," Nattawut said.
About time lock these terrorists away for life

Arisman escaped with help from redshirts with a rope out of a window.

man this guy has a charmed life

its time to take off the gloves and send a stronger, more permanent message

About time lock these terrorists away for life

Arisman escaped with help from redshirts with a rope out of a window.

man this guy has a charmed life

its time to take off the gloves and send a stronger, more permanent message

You would hope (but lord only knows) that kidnapping a high ranking police officer and taking him hostage might make some police officers sympathetic to the reds think twice? I'm also under the impression this operation is by royal request also.


Look folks, even if these reds were focused on saving cute puppies, and only cute puppies, the TACTICS of the red leaders would forever tar them as violent criminals. The other posters are correct. They either go to jail correctly as violent criminals or they win and run the country, so they can't negotiate. And we still have foreigners supporting these terrorists. How can they be trusted to be responsible governers?


The rank and file wait for the keywords that motivate them and cheer on cue.

But some also listen and believe more intently and act on those words... therein lies the real problem.

it is normal that the Officers are resting better than the troops because they have to keep a fresh mind and think ahead. Basic reason in most of armies.

But today the situation is escalating... Nobody listens to each other, Proposal of negotiation are rhetoric, propaganda...no gesture for cooling down the situation on contrary...the opposite.

If there is nobody to whistle the end of the playtime between Government and Red Shirts, we are heading to the worse: this is my main concern.

The environment is there: army cracking with internal divisions, PAD guards appearing now on the scene with weapons, attempt to arrest red Shirts leaders... at the first spark the fire will extends to all Thailand. The slot is narrowing for Good Will people to bring back everybody to reason.

We have to stop discussing about what divide, we have to talk about what unite... I am afraid that the Land of Smile will become the Land of bereavements.

Our beautiful and charming Thailand is on the verge of precipice


The rank and file wait for the keywords that motivate them and cheer on cue.

But some also listen and believe more intently and act on those words... therein lies the real problem.

it is normal that the Officers are resting better than the troops because they have to keep a fresh mind and think ahead. Basic reason in most of armies.

But today the situation is escalating... Nobody listens to each other, Proposal of negotiation are rhetoric, propaganda...no gesture for cooling down the situation on contrary...the opposite.

If there is nobody to whistle the end of the playtime between Government and Red Shirts, we are heading to the worse: this is my main concern.

The environment is there: army cracking with internal divisions, PAD guards appearing now on the scene with weapons, attempt to arrest red Shirts leaders... at the first spark the fire will extends to all Thailand. The slot is narrowing for Good Will people to bring back everybody to reason.

We have to stop discussing about what divide, we have to talk about what unite... I am afraid that the Land of Smile will become the Land of bereavements.

Our beautiful and charming Thailand is on the verge of precipice

Peace what peace?

Government offered talks ... reds flatly refused

Reds hopefully get what they deserve


Just watched Arisaman's escape on TV. He managed to climb down a rope from a 3rd floor balcony, run accross the courtyard and climb over the wall.

Plenty of Red Shirts. Plenty of photgraphers and TV cameras. Not a policeman to be seen.

Surely they cannot be that inept?

"Government ready for negotiation"....just rhetoric, propaganda... Actions are demonstrating the opposite.

You will remember that the latest offer of negotiation from the government yesterday was roundly rejected. Instead the redshirt leaders sent a box lunch and nice little not to Abhisit telling him fatten up before going to prison (more or less). Moreover Nattawut stated that there would be a 'welcome surprise' waiting for security forces should they attempt to disperse the crowds from Ratchaprasong. Now what do you think he meant by that?

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