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Keystone Cops Strike Again


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Watching on televsion,and picking up webfact's reports, it is sad seeing the continuation of this cross between Fred Carno's circus and the Keystone Cops.

Can the authorities get nothing right ?

I agree entirely with the arrest attempt - the execution appeared to be pitiful.

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Their better off ordering Commandos to shoot him on sight. Harsh yes but result is crisis over.

The crises might be over if it happened on your planet, but I suspect that in the real world it would be catalyst for more trouble.

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The government, military and police are quickly losing credibility. There were reports of police being detained and Arisman demanding police hand over weapons? What is going on?? Perhaps dissolving the House and giving the country over to Takki and his terrorist pals is best...When they get into power the yellow shirts can do the same - 100 thousand take over and destroy Chiang Mai.

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Such incompetence is truly depressing and will only strengthen the grip of Thaksin's private army on the rest of the nation. This combined with the attempt to black out the city (was it any chance the power grid covering 11th Army base?) shows we are really descending into anarchy. It's a wonder opportunistic looters all over the city haven't strarted walking around in red shirts, such incompetents to the powers-that-be turn out to be in the face of anything red.

I had never thought about it before, but you never hear of SWAT or other special forces in the West failing so miserably to achieve their objectives. I suspect that when the dust settles, whoever is the next PM will be thinking that the huge budgets of police and military might next time be better invested in some real training rather than siphoned off for personal gain. After all, who's going to protect your ill-gotten gains if the 'professionals' are outwitted by a mob?

Truly astonishing.


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Either the Thai cops are completely useless and incapable of doing their job or they arent on the governments side. I vote for the latter.

Possibly, but reports are that at least one cop has been shot. If they were 'red inside' I'm sure these cops would have made sure they didn't get hurt in the process of pretending to carry out orders.

Another thing I can't understand is why the hel_l did the government announce what they were going to do on TV before they did it? Absolutely insane.

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It may not end the crisis but it will send on hel_l of a message ie the Govt will no longer stand by and let mobs take over the country. The Red's refuse to negotiate, what else can the Govt do?

By just taking people out would indeed send a message, a message that the government is no better than the thugs holding the country to ransom.

By all means enforce the arrest warrants, but do it properly.

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It may not end the crisis but it will send on hel_l of a message ie the Govt will no longer stand by and let mobs take over the country. The Red's refuse to negotiate, what else can the Govt do?

By just taking people out would indeed send a message, a message that the government is no better than the thugs holding the country to ransom.

By all means enforce the arrest warrants, but do it properly.

Agree 100% - but that is the issue. The authorities seem incapable of completing the tasks they embark on. It is becoming an increasing embarrassment to see these failures - and I, for one, desperately want to see an end to this debacle. Sadly, it simply sets the foundation for Mob-rule to prsoper for the forseeable future.

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IMO, i think the comments here dont really reflect the reality of the situation.

Its one thing to say the police are useless bla bla..but if theres a mob of some 500 people loitering a small area, solely for the purpose of being a hinderance to the police, then can you really expect them to be able to make the arrests?

Im not an apologist but i wouldnt envy these guys having to push through the crowds at close quaters, especially when these idiots are carrying knives and all manner of weapons.

I suspect if the police were to use stun guns,batons or tazers it would result in some small man syndrome idiot pulling an automatic weapon and going beserk

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They should either come out as traitors or do their job properly, they just seem like a bunch of buffoons.

Maybe there is something to be said for hiring mercenary armies after all, what's the phone number for Blackwater?

The only thing the government can do other than surrender is declare martial law.

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Agree with tomazbodner's post above 100%. Even as I heard about the raid on the hotel, I wondered how the hel_l they were goin go to pull it off withou lethal force. Obviously they weren't prepared to (and probably quite rightly, but I don't want to get into that issue here), which means the whole operation was ill-conceived from the outset.

Losing the element of surprise by announcing it on the news before it had happened was also about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Did these guys watch Police Academy as training movies?


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This is Sad, Sad, Sad.... The level of incompetency ceases to be a joke.. It is now at the level of Pity... Pity for the country, Pity for the economy, Pity for the Thai people.

Do none of the security forces own a Helicopter??? What 1/2 Brain thought they could arrest the leaders and take them out through the crowd?

Why doesn't the PM FIRE all these idiots, and get someone to end this Farce????


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IMO, i think the comments here dont really reflect the reality of the situation.

Its one thing to say the police are useless bla bla..but if theres a mob of some 500 people loitering a small area, solely for the purpose of being a hinderance to the police, then can you really expect them to be able to make the arrests?

Im not an apologist but i wouldnt envy these guys having to push through the crowds at close quaters, especially when these idiots are carrying knives and all manner of weapons.

I suspect if the police were to use stun guns,batons or tazers it would result in some small man syndrome idiot pulling an automatic weapon and going beserk

Simple.. land a helicopter on the roof of the hotel, and take them out by AIR!!!!

NO more mob to follow or stop them... Duh... But that's too difficult for anyone to think of????


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