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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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BANGKOK: -- Red shirts leader Arisamun Pongruengrong who escaped arrest on Tuesday morning declared war on Abhisit government.

After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds

The Nation

There the reds go again, declaring war on the legal government of the Kingdom of Thailand, yet again. In case there was any doubt. Peaceful non-violent red shirts indeed.

Elections will come... it's inevitable - so why not sooner rather than later - the government (thought legal - as was Stalins and Mugabes) is undemocratic - Abhisit has admitted as much - waiting will lead to more problems - let the people SPEAK, and of course, yellows are unlikely to be elected - but this has nothing to do with this lot clinging onto power? oh no!

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Sickening...when will the government lies and incompetence stop?

And why are we focussing so much on who killed the 5 army personnel, and not on who killed the 19 innocent unarmed demonstrators? Terrorists indeed? I'd lay money that these government sponsored agents provocateur.

Abhisit has become a dictator who will stop at nothing and tell any amount of lies to hold on to power. Where are the 'terrorists' who were at the hotel? Did they escape as well?

Why doesn't he just call an election for God's sake? The red-shirts only want an election in a reasonable timeframe...one could be put together in 2 months and all the bloodshed would stop immediately....but no, we have more lies and dissembling from the government....

"No Live rounds were fired" and "Please give us the 580 rubber bullets and 6000 rounds of live ammunition that we left behind when we fled"...didn't we hear that the army only gave a few live rounds to each soldier to defend himself...where did the 6000 come from? If it was mainly rubber bullets how come there weren't 580 live rounds and 6000 rubber bullets?

What a stinking farrago of lies and deceit by Abhisit and his shadowy masters...

Hidden in your own farrago is the usual red cheerleader dissembling.

The reds do not want an election in a reasonable timeframe.

Thaksin demands an election before the army reshuffle has been completed towards the end of the year.

That is what Thaksin is paying for.

The government has tried to negotiate an election date with the reds ahead of 2011.

But the red leaders have refused all date negotiations.

So, you slipped in a deliberate un-truth.

And the rest of the contribution is tainted.

Try again.

Thai wife just got off the phone laughing

Mother and friend had to go to Bangkok from Udon to pick up some things

They all dressed in Red shirts and drove well above the speed limit

Police just let them drive past not stopping

Arriving back in Udon they all laugh

Police scared of Red shirts, now they rule the roads

They have a speed limit in Thailand? I never hear of anyone been arrested for speeding in any kind of shirt.

good on them

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

No shame on you for supporting a system that oppresses the majority so a selected minority can have a comfortable lifestyle.

So 50.000 is a majority in a country of 60.000.000 these days??

Good grief, you can't possibly be that dense, can you?

Do you estimate the number of people who will vote for Obama or McCain by counting the number of people who attend their political rallies and assuming that is the number of people who will vote for them?


Personally I think there are three sides to this conflict the Reds, the Government and the security forces. All three sides are per suing their own personal agendas.

I personally doubt that the security forces are quite as incompetent as they seem (it would seem a pretty far fetched stretch of the imagination.)

Still as chaos and uncertainty rules it strengthens their political hand. Theoretically on one side you have a Group who want immediate elections and the other the Government that wishes to hold them after 6 months. There has to be a fair chance that the actual winner will be those who have little intention of holding an election within the next couple of years. I also suspect, in the event of a coup, the Thai security forces will prove remarkably efficient at ending all civil unrest within a few hours.

After a little thought I'm not convinced that they really wanted to arrest them. I think they may have just wanted to prove that these guys were living on the hog. I hear that Arisman is now trying to explain to his red brothers and sisters why he was staying there... He's pretty creative I'm sure he will come up with something.

First off, I am completely an objective observer in this.

And, I don't understand what point you are trying to make..

Arisman is a red leader who was staying in a red hotel (I am assuming this because, I believe, it is or was owned by Thaksin).

Even if Arisman was originally captured surrounded by weapons and whatnot - it's just part of the red fight.

So, why do you say that he needs to "explain" himself to the other reds?

What does "living on the hog" mean?

What did he do that would not be expected of him?

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts leader Arisamun Pongruengrong who escaped arrest on Tuesday morning declared war on Abhisit government.

After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds

The Nation

There the reds go again, declaring war on the legal government of the Kingdom of Thailand, yet again. In case there was any doubt. Peaceful non-violent red shirts indeed.

Elections will come... it's inevitable - so why not sooner rather than later - the government (thought legal - as was Stalins and Mugabes) is undemocratic - Abhisit has admitted as much - waiting will lead to more problems - let the people SPEAK, and of course, yellows are unlikely to be elected - but this has nothing to do with this lot clinging onto power? oh no!

Same, same.

You forgot to put in the Thaksin instruction to beat the army reshuffle deadline.

End of October is not so far away.

You know that.

Keep pushing. We know why. Even though you hide it.

How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


That looks a bit like a farang redshirt... you by any chance?

Not I. Just wanted to show the disparity between the infamous "haves" (red leaders) and the "have-nots" (reds who aren't leaders).

To the guy who posted the pictures. You know who made the bullet holes and when, do you? Those pictures are MEANINGLESS.

Of course MEANINGLESS! how stupid of someone to take photo's of the bungled yellow cops raid - hey didn't you send someone round the back? the truth is the Police don't want to arrest them because mostly they see it as a just cause - ANOTHER bungle by Abhisit - he should have told them...

...now when you get there - some go round the back chaimai? and some go round the front chaimai? if you see anyone climbing down a rope he's not there to clean the windows chaimai?


Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Thai wife just got off the phone laughing

Mother and friend had to go to Bangkok from Udon to pick up some things

They all dressed in Red shirts and drove well above the speed limit

Police just let them drive past not stopping

Arriving back in Udon they all laugh

Police scared of Red shirts, now they rule the roads

They have a speed limit in Thailand? I never hear of anyone been arrested for speeding in any kind of shirt.

In Issan, police has few radars, being arrested a couple of times. Tariff= 100TBT/ guy.....

Should decentralised the Radars in Yellowland


Firedamage? Obviously you are not familiar with the expression "wall of fire", referring to when you use suppressing fire at a target that you can't necessarily see- like into a room before you enter it for instance.

Forget about arresting them, just snipers to take them out at this time. They are bunch of terrorist that will not respect the law. And if any case they are cornered they will flee the country any ways. They care about their own interests more than the countries interests

I've talked to many Thais (women mostly :) who work in the Chidlom and Siam area and they feel just about the same as you do.

It seems their thinking is that the Reds are killing the economy so it's OK to kill the Reds.

That's a bit drastic in my opinion... but people here are losing their patience.

I submit the people who are losing their patience are the ones that are happy with the status quo ,, have shops and businesses etc that are loosing money ,, RIGHT ??

What you and they don't get is the fact there are millions of Thais who have lost patience about the directon their lives are going in and the lack of democracy here.

Whats more important ,, keeping luxury shopping centers open for tourists and spoiled rich bangkok elites to make a profit ,,, or the overall direction of the whole country and the desires of millions of people who by the way represent the majority.

I say ,,, let the shops stay closed ,,, this is the only weapon the reds have while Abish__it's weapon is the tank and live bullets

How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


That looks a bit like a farang redshirt... you by any chance?

Not I. Just wanted to show the disparity between the infamous "haves" (red leaders) and the "have-nots" (non red leaders).

So, your hero Thaksin sleeps on the pavement does he?


I'd say he was well out of the window before the police got to the room. No doubt he had spotters on the ground, and inside the hotel.

Not an assassination attempt, a couple of pins out of stun grenades and an empty 12 gauge SG shell, pretty standard way to open doors with special forces and tac response teams - 12 gauge at the hinges and kick the door down. The shot carried through the door and hit the top of the bar fridge.

A botched operation no doubt. Maybe Abhisit should get the Brits or Aus SAS boys to show him how it's done !

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man.

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Funny as, Jingthing. But you reinforce your ignorance every time you open your mouth.






Flash bangs followed up by a wall of fire- but Arisman was already out the window. Another Red Shirt guard is in ICU after what was clearly a failed assassination attempt. Very funny indeed.

You must be joking. Flashbangs and a wall of fire. Where is the firedamage in the room?

Looks to me they shot the door open aiming downwards. Maybe he was lying on the floor behind the door?

How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


That looks a bit like a farang redshirt... you by any chance?

Not I. Just wanted to show the disparity between the infamous "haves" (red leaders) and the "have-nots" (non red leaders).

I think there is a plaque in the lobby of the hotel commemorating the fact that Mao, Stalin and Mussolini slept there. :)

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man.

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Funny as, Jingthing. But you reinforce your ignorance every time you open your mouth.






Flash bangs followed up by a wall of fire- but Arisman was already out the window. Another Red Shirt guard is in ICU after what was clearly a failed assassination attempt. Very funny indeed.

You must be joking. Flashbangs and a wall of fire. Where is the firedamage in the room?

Looks like the Reds opened fire on the police serving a lawful warrant


The reasonable civilized people of Bangkok are rising up --

The Nation

Simultaneously, Bangkok citizens submitted another letter, read by retired Gen Pathompong Kesornsuk, former chief adviser to the Supreme Command, to a number of senior government officials including Panithan Wattanayagorn, deputy secretary-general to the prime minister.

The letter said UDD protesters had abused the rights of assembly provided by the Constitution, and that they acted like terrorists and broke the law.

Red insurgents -- GO HOME!

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts leader Arisamun Pongruengrong who escaped arrest on Tuesday morning declared war on Abhisit government.

After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds

The Nation

There the reds go again, declaring war on the legal government of the Kingdom of Thailand, yet again. In case there was any doubt. Peaceful non-violent red shirts indeed.

Having said that, you have to admit it looks more like a botched assassination attempt than the lawful execution of an arrest warrant.

There are also reports out there that indicate they did not have a warrant.


How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


That looks a bit like a farang redshirt... you by any chance?

Not I. Just wanted to show the disparity between the infamous "haves" (red leaders) and the "have-nots" (non red leaders).

So, your hero Thaksin sleeps on the pavement does he?

He's no hero of mine... just showing the hypocrisy of how the red leaders are sleeping and how their minions are. I'm sorry for those that were duped by the megalomaniac and feel sorry that they are sleeping in the streets.


There have been active warrants on the red leaders for several days now. The trouble is they can't get close to them because the red stinging bees surround the Queen bees, so attempting arrest in public is basically impossible.


If it was made (orchestrated) for the media by the Reds, then please explain why Suthep went on air to announce that the raid had happened? And so soon after the raid was supposed to have happened. Suthep must have known about it and was rubbing his hands expecting that it was going to be a sure success.

sounds like a PR stunt to me

Checking into any hotel with no luggage,,,,, well ok ...... but with 40 - 50 feet of rope ????

a truck waiting under with red shirts to haul him in after decending all of 2 stories into a truck who then is lowered to the ground to get into a waiting car...... to speed off...... pretty good organizing in just a matter of a couple minutes that it would take the commandos to get up 3 floors...

He said it was an electrical cord. How many rooms have you ever been in that have a 40 - 50 foot loose extension cord...


All made up for the media

.... and further more he should have put a girdle on first...... to hide his fat a$$ and stomach

Next time he should check in with an airline evacuation slide...... would be more dramatic...


I see that the Nation is now reporting that "Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong Paochinda called a meeting of Army commanders at the Army headquarters on Monday".

Wow! Now THERE"S urgent concern for ya! Wouldn't wanna hold that meeting any sooner than Monday, would we? Wouldn't want to end the holiday weekend prematurely. :)

Sickening...when will the government lies and incompetence stop?

And why are we focussing so much on who killed the 5 army personnel, and not on who killed the 19 innocent unarmed demonstrators? Terrorists indeed? I'd lay money that these government sponsored agents provocateur.

Abhisit has become a dictator who will stop at nothing and tell any amount of lies to hold on to power. Where are the 'terrorists' who were at the hotel? Did they escape as well?

Why doesn't he just call an election for God's sake? The red-shirts only want an election in a reasonable timeframe...one could be put together in 2 months and all the bloodshed would stop immediately....but no, we have more lies and dissembling from the government....

"No Live rounds were fired" and "Please give us the 580 rubber bullets and 6000 rounds of live ammunition that we left behind when we fled"...didn't we hear that the army only gave a few live rounds to each soldier to defend himself...where did the 6000 come from? If it was mainly rubber bullets how come there weren't 580 live rounds and 6000 rubber bullets?

What a stinking farrago of lies and deceit by Abhisit and his shadowy masters...

How do you know they were innocent and unarmed?

What makes you think that the Reds even care about the dissolution of the house? Because They say so? Many of the Thais I know think they want a lot more.

Why did they have to run from peaceful unarmed protesters?

for gods sake,dont bring the lord in this game,

erections now,for what,

to make the gunwielding terrorist from the south using the MK47 against all and sundry, maybe make him and his friends in arms , a M.P of the "TMP", a new Thai Murderer Party.

should read elections,not erections,

He's no hero of mine... just showing the hypocrisy of how the red leaders are sleeping and how their minions are. I'm sorry for those that were duped by the megalomaniac and feel sorry that they are sleeping in the streets.

Good for you. I feel less and less sorry for any reds left following their terrorist leaders. Adults of course anyway. If there are any kids left now, the parents ought to be ashamed of themselves to putting them into a war zone.

Forget about arresting them, just snipers to take them out at this time. They are bunch of terrorist that will not respect the law. And if any case they are cornered they will flee the country any ways. They care about their own interests more than the countries interests

I've talked to many Thais (women mostly :) who work in the Chidlom and Siam area and they feel just about the same as you do.

It seems their thinking is that the Reds are killing the economy so it's OK to kill the Reds.

That's a bit drastic in my opinion... but people here are losing their patience.

I submit the people who are losing their patience are the ones that are happy with the status quo ,, have shops and businesses etc that are loosing money ,, RIGHT ??

What you and they don't get is the fact there are millions of Thais who have lost patience about the directon their lives are going in and the lack of democracy here.

Whats more important ,, keeping luxury shopping centers open for tourists and spoiled rich bangkok elites to make a profit ,,, or the overall direction of the whole country and the desires of millions of people who by the way represent the majority.

I say ,,, let the shops stay closed ,,, this is the only weapon the reds have while Abish__it's weapon is the tank and live bullets

May I just remind all of you, that TOURISM, is the #1 industry in Thailand... responsible for more jobs than any other sector of the economy.

Killing Tourism is like Killing the Golden Goose.....



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