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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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.... and further more he should have put a girdle on first...... to hide his fat a$ and stomach


Fat GUT = Corrupt person. Never done a day's work in his life, What a scared frighten asshol_e.

I would love to know who is paying the hotel bill?

All of these shots are priceless! He'll never live this down :)

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Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Exactly... forget democracy, forget the poor, forget elections - let's let the rich bourgeoisie from BKK have it all

bit like that pathetic rich kid who drove his Porsche into the reds – Daddy bought it for him - no doubt Daddy is a yellow and taught him these ‘country folk should get no vote because they are stupid’

This will never end until elections are held (endless record - sorry I know) but you will see.

Thaksin is not against the bourgeoisie.

That would be very difficult since as a capitalist he would be calling for his own expropriation.

No evidence of that. No sir!

He is only in competition with other capitalists.

Quite a different thing altogether.

On the other hand your petty-bourgeois sniping is again not based on any revolutionary perspective.

But rather a more brown-shirt feeling of spite, envy and class inadequacy.

I apologise if you are not petty-bourgeois but more lumpen proletariat.

But I doubt if you know the difference.


Here am I thinking that surround means the same thing as encircle - ie, troops at the front, back, and sides and maybe some positoned in the streets leading into and out of the local area. But no - seems as though surround in Thai means that everyone must run thru the front door, tripping over each other while the "target/s" effect a leisurely escape via the back entrance.

I effect they should have just held the front door open for them to make their escape - less chance of anyone actually getting hurt and making the overall operation much quicker .

Sickening...when will the government lies and incompetence stop?

And why are we focussing so much on who killed the 5 army personnel, and not on who killed the 19 innocent unarmed demonstrators? Terrorists indeed? I'd lay money that these government sponsored agents provocateur.

Abhisit has become a dictator who will stop at nothing and tell any amount of lies to hold on to power. Where are the 'terrorists' who were at the hotel? Did they escape as well?

Why doesn't he just call an election for God's sake? The red-shirts only want an election in a reasonable timeframe...one could be put together in 2 months and all the bloodshed would stop immediately....but no, we have more lies and dissembling from the government....

"No Live rounds were fired" and "Please give us the 580 rubber bullets and 6000 rounds of live ammunition that we left behind when we fled"...didn't we hear that the army only gave a few live rounds to each soldier to defend himself...where did the 6000 come from? If it was mainly rubber bullets how come there weren't 580 live rounds and 6000 rubber bullets?

What a stinking farrago of lies and deceit by Abhisit and his shadowy masters...

Whatever it is you're smoking i hope you're sharing it with friends! If you're not smoking anything, you should start or march yourself straight to the nuthouse and book yourself in for life!!!

As others have mentioned, Abhisit, Taksin, Red, Yellow or Pink (for all i care), no one will be allowed to run this country for the good of all until the "Puppet Masters" and power crazy (Yellow, Red and Camouflage bye the way) are shut up or shut down. Whatever your current colour perseption, those of us that have been in LOS for a long time know that this is the one and only issue that needs to be addressed to save this country. Do not blame Abhisit and/or Taksin (although i do think Mr T has lost it recently), blame those with their hidden agendas to run the country their way and screw the rest. No PM has been able to do what is right for Thailand for as long as i can remember without some dark/powerfull influence stepping in. All this Red and Yellow crap between some forum members is just fruitless bun fighting.

I am just so bitterly disappointed for the innocent people (of all colours) that have to die while the "Puppet Masters" play their games.

Letter to Anupong from the peoples group.

Gen Anupong should have realised this and must "restore his dignity as a career soldier", the letter said, adding that the people hope that they would not have to walk back empty-handed and chase the protesters away by themselves

So the peoples group are saying that if the Army do nothing they will take action to chase the reds out of Bangkok. This could force the Army leaders hand.

Cheers, Rick

You're right about that.

And you will be the first in the frontlines, I am sure! Don't forget to bring your XBOX controller so you can do some shooting!

Brilliant idea! Certainly no one would be hurt that way. What are you bringing to the front line? Bamboo spears and Molotov cocktails?

Sorry to tell you my friend

You Ferang

Even flee on family pet more important tan you

welcome to Thailand

Maybe if Thai men could do the job, treat Thai ladies properly

they would not need farangs

When I was born I had the choice of a great memory or a huge johnson

Can someone tell me what day it was yesterday, I forgot


Who was paying the Hotel Bill? Get the Keystone Cops to find that out and go and arrest them or take them out once and for all. Just like what happens back in Issan. Just go do it and keep your mouth shut!

the guy wearing the plastic britsh policemans helmet in that video, hilarious :)

Inept from top to bottom, either that or the police had no intention to arrest them and just went through the motions. Maybe the Government should recruit the yellow shirts that post on here, they seem to be the only ones with the vitriol to follow through, although they would probably not be so brave without the anonymity the computer gives them.

Watching this its like the Keystone Cops bungling fools if it was not such a serious matter it would be funny.

What country in the world would allow citizens to disrupt a country the way the Reds have done? I cannot think of one. I can think of hundreds that would have stopped this a long long time ago.

If the governments actions are all above board, if they have nothing to hide, and if the country is behind them, let there be free and fair internationally monitored elections "so the red shirts can be well and truly put in their place."

The Dems are not afraid of elections. It's basically they don't want to be bullied in to calling them right now because of the demands of an unruly and sometimes violent mob.

One member of the 'pro-democratic group a.k.a. 'Red Shirts' decided on his own (without consulting anyone, except his paymaster) to not accept a v. reasonable offer of elections in Dec of this year. By not accepting, he and his paid mob are looking at elections a year later, Dec 2011, according to the Constitution.

However, it's likely that Abhisit and crew will bend yet again, and offer elections in 3 or 6 months from now. Personally, I'd advise them to hang tough and go for 2011, but nobody in power asked me. I'd also have some stern talks with security personnel and weed out any wimps or vacilators. When the safety of a large city and its people are in jeopardy, it's not too harsh to call for tough measures.

Those who try to lay blame on Abhisit for the bloodshed of last Saturday are missing what really happened, or else they just want to justify whatever the Reds do regardless of reality. Security troops were instructed to use non-lethal means to clear out a mob. The mob preemptively fired live rounds and tossed grenades at security forces, who thereby responded with tough measures.

Thaksin is not against the bourgeoisie.

That would be very difficult since as a capitalist he would be calling for his own expropriation.

No evidence of that. No sir!

He is only in competition with other capitalists.

Quite a different thing altogether.

On the other hand your petty-bourgeois sniping is again not based on any revolutionary perspective.

But rather a more brown-shirt feeling of spite, envy and class inadequacy.

I apologise if you are not petty-bourgeois but more lumpen proletariat.

But I doubt if you know the difference.

Exactly... and the other ones do not have faces. :)


Let's not crap on about the "multi-coloured shirts."

They are the PAD and the PAD sympathisers in the Democrats. They are led by a PAD leader and member of the NPP.

But I wonder has the PAD brand become so tarnished that they cannot use the name any more? Or is their support base so small that they have to keep recycling the same members in multiple groups to give the impression of a mass movement?

Another news flash, the Democratic party is NOT "the yellows", that would actually be the PAD who have their own political party, just with no MP’s. :)

(edited for factual errorz and sa-pelling)

Wasnt one of the 5 leaders of PAD, Somkiet Pongpaibul, a Democrat MP elected under the Democrat party list?

Still don't let get facts get in the way of your posts.

If the governments actions are all above board, if they have nothing to hide, and if the country is behind them, let there be free and fair internationally monitored elections "so the red shirts can be well and truly put in their place."

The Dems are not afraid of elections. It's basically they don't want to be bullied in to calling them right now because of the demands of an unruly and sometimes violent mob.

One member of the 'pro-democratic group a.k.a. 'Red Shirts' decided on his own (without consulting anyone, except his paymaster) to not accept a v. reasonable offer of elections in Dec of this year. By not accepting, he and his paid mob are looking at elections a year later, Dec 2011, according to the Constitution.

However, it's likely that Abhisit and crew will bend yet again, and offer elections in 3 or 6 months from now. Personally, I'd advise them to hang tough and go for 2011, but nobody in power asked me. I'd also have some stern talks with security personnel and weed out any wimps or vacilators. When the safety of a large city and its people are in jeopardy, it's not too harsh to call for tough measures.

Those who try to lay blame on Abhisit for the bloodshed of last Saturday are missing what really happened, or else they just want to justify whatever the Reds do regardless of reality. Security troops were instructed to use non-lethal means to clear out a mob. The mob preemptively fired live rounds and tossed grenades at security forces, who thereby responded with tough measures.

Good post Brahm.

Cheers, Rick

Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Exactly... forget democracy, forget the poor, forget elections - let's let the rich bourgeoisie from BKK have it all

bit like that pathetic rich kid who drove his Porsche into the reds – Daddy bought it for him - no doubt Daddy is a yellow and taught him these ‘country folk should get no vote because they are stupid’

This will never end until elections are held (endless record - sorry I know) but you will see.

Thaksin is not against the bourgeoisie.

That would be very difficult since as a capitalist he would be calling for his own expropriation.

No evidence of that. No sir!

He is only in competition with other capitalists.

Quite a different thing altogether.

On the other hand your petty-bourgeois sniping is again not based on any revolutionary perspective.

But rather a more brown-shirt feeling of spite, envy and class inadequacy.

I apologise if you are not petty-bourgeois but more lumpen proletariat.

But I doubt if you know the difference.

2 points:

1. Continuing to impress that you must certainly be correct as evidenced by your amazing English vocabulary and certainly superior intellect continues to fail. Should the well-educated have MORE of a say in forming a government. You don't say it, but your writing style, attitude and aloof style imply it. You epitomize the arrogance and superiority complex the Reds are fighing against.

2. How often do you ever make a post without mentioning Thaksin? You just can't fathom that that Red movement has gone very far beyond to the point that if he died tomorrow and lost all his money, the movement would continue.

Sickening...when will the government lies and incompetence stop?

And why are we focussing so much on who killed the 5 army personnel, and not on who killed the 19 innocent unarmed demonstrators? Terrorists indeed? I'd lay money that these government sponsored agents provocateur.

Abhisit has become a dictator who will stop at nothing and tell any amount of lies to hold on to power. Where are the 'terrorists' who were at the hotel? Did they escape as well?

Why doesn't he just call an election for God's sake? The red-shirts only want an election in a reasonable timeframe...one could be put together in 2 months and all the bloodshed would stop immediately....but no, we have more lies and dissembling from the government....

"No Live rounds were fired" and "Please give us the 580 rubber bullets and 6000 rounds of live ammunition that we left behind when we fled"...didn't we hear that the army only gave a few live rounds to each soldier to defend himself...where did the 6000 come from? If it was mainly rubber bullets how come there weren't 580 live rounds and 6000 rubber bullets?

What a stinking farrago of lies and deceit by Abhisit and his shadowy masters...

Abhisit and Suthep have to face justice for that.

Let's hope Thailand doesn't have to suffer this Abhisit farce much longer. No one gains.

If Thaksin returns to Thailand there will be only one person that gains and that will of course be him.

Cheers, Rick

Who was paying the Hotel Bill? Get the Keystone Cops to find that out and go and arrest them or take them out once and for all. Just like what happens back in Issan. Just go do it and keep your mouth shut!

So civilized of you! I guess you have experience in this, how much did you pay? Oh, wait, that would be corrupt and unethical of you, you wouldn't!


Bid to arrest protest leaders fails: Government spokesman

BANGKOK (TNA) -- Attempts by Thai police to arrest the leaders of anti-government red-clad movement United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) "failed utterly” Friday morning, according to Panitan Wattanayagorn, deputy secretary-general to the prime minister and acting government spokesman.

Speaking to journalists after police stormed the SC Park Hotel on Praditmanutham Road in Bangkok's Wangthonglang district in an attempt to arrest top UDD leaders with outstanding arrest warrants but the key leaders escaped, Mr Panitan said it was a failure by the police who must report their action to the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES).

CRES was set up by the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva after the State of Emergency was imposed in Bangkok and neighbouring provinces on April 7.

The centre, he said, will continue seeking the UDD leaders, and will consider options such as apprehending them directly from Bangkok’s Ratchaprasong intersection.

Mr Panitan said it is difficult to arrest UDD leaders because armed terrorists are now among the protesters and innocent people could be hurt if force is used.

Meanwhile, Prompong Nopparit, spokesman for the opposition Puea Thai Party, said he and his party’s legal team will submit a letter to the Board of Special Cases (BSC) chaired by Prime Minister Abhisit on Saturday, opposing its plan to bring last Saturday’s violence for discussion.

Mr Prompong said the protesters died “abnormally and were killed by officials who said they had to carry out orders”. He said it is necessary to conduct autopsies before the issue could enter the judicial system but the CRES opted to twist the cause of the deaths by citing that they were killed by other people by using government-controlled media saying it was within the government’s own right to take the action.

The government has said that armed terrorists who had mingled with the protesters had killed Thai Army soldiers and protesters alike on April 10. It said terrorists are still infiltrating the protesters.

As the Puea Thai Party plans to oppose the meeting, BSC members on Friday agreed that the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) should handle special cases dealing with terrorism, threats against the government and harming civilians which have occurred since late 2009, according to Tarit Pengdit, the agency's director-general.

Mr Tarit said the BSC agreed that 10 government-concerned units should work together in order to create transparency and in order to bring peace back to the country and its people. He said it is still impossible to say when the cases could be solved.

The 10 agencies include DSI, the Office of the Attorney General, the Royal Thai Army, the National Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, the Royal Thai Police's Special Branch, the Metropolitan Police Bureau, the Central Investigation Bureau, the Judge Advocate General's Department and provincial police in many regions.

Especially serious cases are expected to be handled by DSI while others will be dealt with within the regular scope of work of the Bangkok police, Mr Tarit said. (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-04-16


Another news flash, the Democratic party is NOT "the yellows", that would actually be the PAD who have their own political party, just with no MP's. :)

(edited for factual errorz and sa-pelling)

Wasnt one of the 5 leaders of PAD, Somkiet Pongpaibul, a Democrat MP elected under the Democrat party list?

Still don't let get facts get in the way of your posts.

not forgetting the current Thai Foreign Minister was on the PAD stage? forgetful are we????


Truth is often the first victim in war......Thai visa should consider this. Some of the sms messages sent are like shooting first and ask questions later and the <deleted> hits the fan and comes back to hit them in the face. Get it right or forget it I say. We all need accurate info to be able to inform business partners o/s and relying on the sms messages has become ...well less than reliable. Can someone explain to me what I am trying to say ! What day is it who am I ? waiter....another gin......

Seeing through the mist of tear gas

Giles Ji Ungpakorn

After the recent bloodshed on the streets of Bangkok, ...

Giles Ji Ungpakorn?


Sounds like a Frenchman who married a Thai and took her name.

Screed is a load of redshirt crap, like is in all the doorways at Rajaprasong.

he has some very insightful things to say - not sure your reading skills are up to it though if you have your yellow specs on

Seeing through the mist of tear gas

Giles Ji Ungpakorn

Machine guns and tanks are not brought on to the streets to cook noodles, show off to tourists or repair the roads.

TV, are you sure Gile is allowed to post here?

Don't you remember why he is not in Thailand?

However I really love Giles writing. Especially the red m... sorry cannot mention here.

Who was paying the Hotel Bill? Get the Keystone Cops to find that out and go and arrest them or take them out once and for all. Just like what happens back in Issan. Just go do it and keep your mouth shut!

So civilized of you! I guess you have experience in this, how much did you pay? Oh, wait, that would be corrupt and unethical of you, you wouldn't!

OK that's it I'm out of here... I've had enough... this forum is now full of red idiots who don't even understand the posts they are replying to. :)

The "Democratic revolution of the oppressed masses" propaganda is the front for the world and the dupes who believe it. It is nothing but crap. What oppression? What downtrodden masses? What Democracy? Yes the people of isan are less financially successful, some of them, than some of the people of BKK. Why? Because they work in a labour intensive low profit margin industry. But they are not slaves; any time they want they can pack up and move, try their luck somewhere else.

If every voter for PTP is now a UDD supporter, and I very much doubt it, they represent 40% of the population. I have just returned from the NE, and didn't see 1 red flag, and far less red shirts than you would normally expect as a clothing choice. Even 40%, if you are dissatisfied with the election results, gives you the right to wait until the next election, already coming a year early.

But the class war, oppressed masses, financial inequality are all smoke and mirrors. THIS IS ABOUT THAKSIN. Friends and gf's family swore to me that every household that contributed to the UDD fund would be paid B100,000 when T is re-instated. Pressure was applied to contribute, so they did. now they wait the payout. IT'S ABOUT MONEY.

A few thoughts about encouraging the mass of protesters to move out:

Make life less comfortable than it is now by sleep deprivation. fly a helicopter over drop a tear gas canister, or CS, or even a few buckets of ammonia. Keep coming back at random intervals, another drop every 3rd or 4th pass. Fire big bang skyrockets every 5 mins or so, light the place up if possible, spray water if possible, whatever you can think of.

There are hundreds of cars and pickups belonging to the protesters parked close-by. Easy to pick by the plates. Tow them away, do defect/rego checks, impose a B1000/day impound fee.

Put a bounty on red leadership. They are wanted criminals, and easily worth B1,000,000 each. See how loyal the sheep are when there's real money up for grabs.

Splendid pot! Fully concur.....

2. How often do you ever make a post without mentioning Thaksin? You just can't fathom that that Red movement has gone very far beyond to the point that if he died tomorrow and lost all his money, the movement would continue.

:):D:D Sorry you made me spill my coffee.Is that a picture of you in your avatar or does it only hints the way you are thinking.You clearly have the same mentality as the red shirt leaders

2 points:

1. Continuing to impress that you must certainly be correct as evidenced by your amazing English vocabulary and certainly superior intellect continues to fail. Should the well-educated have MORE of a say in forming a government. You don't say it, but your writing style, attitude and aloof style imply it. You epitomize the arrogance and superiority complex the Reds are fighing against.

2. How often do you ever make a post without mentioning Thaksin? You just can't fathom that that Red movement has gone very far beyond to the point that if he died tomorrow and lost all his money, the movement would continue.

Nothing superior about going against the Thaksin apologists.

Just common sense.

Yes, we know you would rather not talk about Thaksin and his strategy of capturing the army reshuffle process.

And it makes you angry not being able to shift the discussion off-centre.

Hard Cheese Dude.

Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Exactly... forget democracy, forget the poor, forget elections - let's let the rich bourgeoisie from BKK have it all

bit like that pathetic rich kid who drove his Porsche into the reds – Daddy bought it for him - no doubt Daddy is a yellow and taught him these 'country folk should get no vote because they are stupid'

This will never end until elections are held (endless record - sorry I know) but you will see.

Thaksin is not against the bourgeoisie.

That would be very difficult since as a capitalist he would be calling for his own expropriation.

No evidence of that. No sir!

He is only in competition with other capitalists.

Quite a different thing altogether.

On the other hand your petty-bourgeois sniping is again not based on any revolutionary perspective.

But rather a more brown-shirt feeling of spite, envy and class inadequacy.

I apologise if you are not petty-bourgeois but more lumpen proletariat.

But I doubt if you know the difference.

Firstly learn to spell it correctly (Lumpenproletariat) and secondly your analysis never fails to set itself LOW standards then fails to achieve them - it is nothing to do with Thaksin - it goes far beyond that but I'm not sure your synaptic nerves could stretch that far...

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