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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many of the posters here are Thai (yellow shirt) and how many are falang?

I'll give you my perspective, as an outsider: the Red Shirts have won. World public opinion is on their side. You can't take a country's democracy at the point of a gun and think no one will remember.

At a minimum, Thailand will see new elections, sooner, rather than later.

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What I find interesting is the fact that although we are told that farang opinions don't matter, a massive influx of new Red TV members have signed up to argue their case with those whose opinions don't matter.


Tourism is 4th as a percentage of GDP (6%)behind

Automobiles and Automotive parts (11%), Financial Services (9%), Electric appliances and components (8%).

However it is all intertwined. You kill tourism, investment confidence will take a massive hit, which would affect financial services, industrial investment and output, etc.

Now, let's study numbers in Thailand. I suppose some people here think that nobody is oppressed, right? Seems like I see a few people making that claim. I suppose that if they are not on chains, they are not oppressed? Growing 100KG of rice for 400baht, no oppression? Having to sell the loto to make a living, no oppressed? Going to get a higher education to get paid $10K THB a month, not oppressed? Having to send their daughters to the big city to make ends meet, not oppression? Having to see old, fat farangs with some money as 'economic opportunities', not oppression? Having to drink 10 to 20 shots a night in order to make money, no oppression? Having to work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day for 8-9K THB cleaning rooms at a 5 star hotel, no oppression? Having to pay the police in order to sell your trinkets on the street, no oppression?

Heck no, after all the government claims that Thailand has an unemployment rate of 1.5%!! That's lower than Japan, lower than any industrialized country in the world! Why are they so unhappy if they are all gainfully employed and making a good living!!! Yeah! What shallow, self serving vision of the world you must have if you think that people making LESS than 4,000 baht a month working the farm should not feel oppressed. Go read a little bit about all the class and rural upheavals in the history of the world and you will see all the same patterns.

May be I should be asking the question - what do you think is oppression to you, aside from being on chains?

Given your list no I don't think that's oppression, I think that's the way it is. Just how do you, or UDD, propose to change it. The only proposal from UDD is dissolution, and that's just a cover for "get Thaksin back". What will change?

And what sort of job do you have to drink 10-20 shots a night? do you need references?

Oz Mike,

I actually agree with Kaweeka on the part of some parts of society being explored.

But what I also wish to say is that the red mob or Thaksin won't bring any real change to this class of people. If anything, they'll discard and forget them the moment they achieve their real goal, and with financial consequences of this debacle they will live much worse than now, if that's possible.

For the amount of money that people get paid - the actual amount doesn't matter. What matters is what one can buy with that. The standard of living that they can get.

What people need is mandatory free education. This will allow them to gain more knowledge, allow them to get better paid jobs, and thus give them higher spending power and better standard of living.

But that's not what the red leaders and mastermind have in mind. As keeping status quo on education keeps vast numbers of people unable to afford it, keeping them in the classes that are easier to control and recruit for "noble" cause.

And these would accept money to assist their immediate survival rather than a plan how to raise their whole families out of poverty, as they can't afford any other way.

If they could see beyond the red facade and big words, keeping the masses together would be a very hard thing to do.

I agree with most of this post and this is the most valid point.

What people need is mandatory free education. This will allow them to gain more knowledge, allow them to get better paid jobs, and thus give them higher spending power and better standard of living.

Thaksin had every opportunity to change things regarding education during his reign, but did nothing. what makes people think that he will do upon his return? I also agree that to control the masses is more easily done when they are not educated. God forbid that they should begin to ask questions.

Cheers, Rick

Firstly learn to spell it correctly (Lumpenproletariat) and secondly your analysis never fails to set itself LOW standards then fails to achieve them - it is nothing to do with Thaksin - it goes far beyond that but I'm not sure your synaptic nerves could stretch that far...

I bet you had to Google that didn't you :):D:D

The protesters didn't know their leaders were staying at that fancy hotel,yet there are loads of them waiting downstairs to help the fat guy escape.

Did the army do a phone in last night or something?

Yes, to check if he was in the room, wy go there if he was out? :)

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

I guess that's where you would like to see everyone from Issan - "on the floor and in the street." What do you think has caused all of the protests???? The people from Issan don't want to be "on the floor and in the street." anymore. They want the same opportunities as their southern citizens.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many of the posters here are Thai (yellow shirt) and how many are falang?

I'll give you my perspective, as an outsider: the Red Shirts have won. World public opinion is on their side. You can't take a country's democracy at the point of a gun and think no one will remember.

At a minimum, Thailand will see new elections, sooner, rather than later.

You forgot to say that Thaksin is a good guy.

And your support for throwing petrol bombs.

At a minimum.





Where were these taken?

The only thing in common with The SC Park Hotel is that this room looks Takki.

Can't see any similarity to a real SC Park room.



If the governments actions are all above board, if they have nothing to hide, and if the country is behind them, let there be free and fair internationally monitored elections "so the red shirts can be well and truly put in their place."

This Is Burma.

Oh please don't be ridiculous. You just make yourself look stupid with statements like that.

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

I guess that's where you would like to see everyone from Issan - "on the floor and in the street." What do you think has caused all of the protests???? The people from Issan don't want to be "on the floor and in the street." anymore. They want the same opportunities as their southern citizens.

That is where they appear to like to be. When we have Issan visitors in the house they sit, eat and sleep on the floor by choice. I totally wasted money by buying furniture. The people in the NE need education and that should be made a priority of any future Government.

Cheers, Rick

I agree with most of this post and this is the most valid point.

What people need is mandatory free education. This will allow them to gain more knowledge, allow them to get better paid jobs, and thus give them higher spending power and better standard of living.

Thaksin had every opportunity to change things regarding education during his reign, but did nothing. what makes people think that he will do upon his return? I also agree that to control the masses is more easily done when they are not educated. God forbid that they should begin to ask questions.

Cheers, Rick

That was kind of the point - not only they had opportunity but didn't do it, but even if they take the power in their hands again, educating people will certainly NOT be on their agenda.

But then again, neither would it be on the agenda of the yellow shirts, if they ever get to power.

Is there anyone in this country that actually cares about the small man?

Prem has always had a place in his heart for the small man.

Firstly learn to spell it correctly (Lumpenproletariat) and secondly your analysis never fails to set itself LOW standards then fails to achieve them - it is nothing to do with Thaksin - it goes far beyond that but I'm not sure your synaptic nerves could stretch that far...

I bet you had to Google that didn't you :D:D:D

noooooo noooooo you mean you don't know what it is? :)

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts leader Arisamun Pongruengrong who escaped arrest on Tuesday morning declared war on Abhisit government.

After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds

The Nation

There the reds go again, declaring war on the legal government of the Kingdom of Thailand, yet again. In case there was any doubt. Peaceful non-violent red shirts indeed.

In DEEDS they are anything but peaceful.

And the disconnect of their words and faux moral stance,

from their visible actions show their words for the lies they are.

Considering the array of charges against a phalanx of red leaders

it is building to a do or die outcome for them. They would likely

spend long periods in prison, on the run or in exile to end their days,

if they can not take control of the nation in total.

No greater recipe for death and destruction could exist now.

All or nothing at all.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many of the posters here are Thai (yellow shirt) and how many are falang?

I'll give you my perspective, as an outsider: the Red Shirts have won. World public opinion is on their side. You can't take a country's democracy at the point of a gun and think no one will remember.

At a minimum, Thailand will see new elections, sooner, rather than later.

it's da Elephant in da room dude - that is the minimum and it will happen


Does not look good to me.

1. Was this mornings exercise the last bid of Suthep/Anupong (who appear to be the minimal force proponents in this) to end the democracy protests via the police arresting the leaders? The idea perhaps being that once 'leaderless' the demonstrators would drift away. Naive in my view but I could see a rationale. Therefore the humiliating failure of this morning's operation could play into the hands of the hardliners - there is no alternative but tanks?

2. The recent news - 'THE NATION: Army chief has called meeting of senior officers (ranked major general up) on Monday.' - looks ominous in this regard. Is this the meeting to send the tanks in? I cannot see how sending the tanks in against the democracy demonstrators at Rajprasong would lead to anything other than a complete massacre - with 100's dead.

What would be the result of that the next day, week, month, year - peace & goodwill across Thailand - somehow I do not see that. More likely the secession of the North & North East and a civil war. Those calling for a 'crackdown' should think through the implications, compared with that disaster an election held midway between the two opposing camps - immediate versus December - would surely be a better path, whoever won it.

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

Fidel did eat and sleep with his revolutionaries - and they pretend also to give money to the poor if they win - this is why so many people enjoyed free Cuba for such a long time

You are living in a free country right now - any Thai can travel, start a business, do pretty much whatever they want and yes, there is even freedom of speach - in a Dictatorsip as the reds like to call this government, there would be no demonstration, there would be no opposition and freedom of expression - if you do like Thaksin and the red movement so much, I can recommend a trip to the free country of Burma to get a taste of what Thailand may become - now go back to viva la revolution

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many of the posters here are Thai (yellow shirt) and how many are falang?

I'll give you my perspective, as an outsider: the Red Shirts have won. World public opinion is on their side. You can't take a country's democracy at the point of a gun and think no one will remember.

At a minimum, Thailand will see new elections, sooner, rather than later.

it's da Elephant in da room dude - that is the minimum and it will happen

And of course the elections will be free and fair as usual.

Cheers, Rick

Oh my govt again has egg on it's face. Oh the LOSS OF FACE!!!!! :)

Just a hunch Britmav, you have been blacklisted previously? :D

Re: Egg on face? Easter was two weeks ago mate. :D

Who was paying the Hotel Bill? Get the Keystone Cops to find that out and go and arrest them or take them out once and for all. Just like what happens back in Issan. Just go do it and keep your mouth shut!

So civilized of you! I guess you have experience in this, how much did you pay? Oh, wait, that would be corrupt and unethical of you, you wouldn't!

OK that's it I'm out of here... I've had enough... this forum is now full of red idiots who don't even understand the posts they are replying to. :)

huh?! I'd say the ration of Yellow:Red on Thai Visa is about 10:1

90 percent seem to think removal of protestors by any means necessary is just dandy (including 22 dead) and goodness knows how many more shot in the legs...

The same 90% are quite happy to accept that the last election didnt count because the wrong side won!

Regardless of who and what Thaksin is and stands for, if the majority vote for him.. they get him! It's not as if he was in charge of a nuclear button!

This mess needs to be decided pdq, because soon there will be no magic wand waver to chill this out... only men looking for a biggerslice of the pie. if the public are cut out of the deal... then there are no barriers to complete control.

Hey, i guess that just the kind of place China can work with! One that has complete control.


By the way, need some new shirts next week - has anyone got any idea which colors are still free of political statements?

red is most certainly out - yellow is taken - pink .. naa not my choice as a color - black I like but there is the political/terrorist statement again .. is white still available?

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man.

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Funny as, Jingthing. But you reinforce your ignorance every time you open your mouth.






Flash bangs followed up by a wall of fire- but Arisman was already out the window. Another Red Shirt guard is in ICU after what was clearly a failed assassination attempt. Very funny indeed.

You must be joking. Flashbangs and a wall of fire. Where is the firedamage in the room?

So you are trying to say that Thaksin invested in a hotel with the cheapest furniture in Thailand?

This looks like all bought at Winner Store for 1,200 baht at most.

So are we to believe these pictures you got oh, so quickly are from Arisman's room?

When it's finally done though, it'll be a really good material to write a book or script for a hollywood blockbuster.

A Hollywood blockbuster must have a believable plot.

This is too fanciful you just couldn't write it.




Where were these taken?

The only thing in common with The SC Park Hotel is that this room looks Takki.

Can't see any similarity to a real SC Park room.


Good spot... that looks more like a short time hotel :)

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

Fidel did eat and sleep with his revolutionaries - and they pretend also to give money to the poor if they win - this is why so many people enjoyed free Cuba for such a long time

You are living in a free country right now - any Thai can travel, start a business, do pretty much whatever they want and yes, there is even freedom of speach - in a Dictatorsip as the reds like to call this government, there would be no demonstration, there would be no opposition and freedom of expression - if you do like Thaksin and the red movement so much, I can recommend a trip to the free country of Burma to get a taste of what Thailand may become - now go back to viva la revolution

The only thing is that it is the contrary: it is the yellow Thailand will be under dictatorship, the Red Thailand will have freedom of speech: just looks how this Government behaves....

Oh my govt again has egg on it's face. Oh the LOSS OF FACE!!!!! :)

So have the Red shirt leaders for being 'caught with their pants down', by kipping in hotel rooms whilst the masses are dossing on the streets. Took quite a bit of lying away when the leaders returned to the stage. It is totally and morally wrong that they think that they are better than their supporters and make this demarcation, making them the HISO's of the Reds shirt movement. Is this not the type of thing that they are supposed to be demonstrating against.

Che Gavara would never have dreamed of doing this as he was a true freedom fighter who earned the respect of his dedicated followers. These are just fake freedom fighters who are in it for the money, by pleasing their master.

Cheers, Rick

THE NATION: Nw Arisman &other leaders have had a hard time explaining to Rajprasong reds why they stayed at the hotel in the first place.

THE NATION: One excuse by Arisman is the leaders had to be at the hotel coz they needed to "dress up" before paying visits to TV stations today.

Considering that just about everything the Nation reports as analysis is just rumors, I would not put much weight into anything they say. I am sure that most of the reds know quite well that their leaders do not sleep on the streets, certainly not every day.

I still don't even understand the point of it. I suppose everybody thinks that everybody in an organization should be the same? Did Mao sleep in the streets too? Did Stalin? Or Mussolini? Or do the Generals in the military sleep in the barracks with the rank and file? I just think it is so amazingly naive to think that the people expect them to be eating the same food and sharing the same bed with them.

How irrational can you be just because you hate the reds so much? It only makes your rants less credible and comical.

Fidel did eat and sleep with his revolutionaries - and they pretend also to give money to the poor if they win - this is why so many people enjoyed free Cuba for such a long time

You are living in a free country right now - any Thai can travel, start a business, do pretty much whatever they want and yes, there is even freedom of speach - in a Dictatorsip as the reds like to call this government, there would be no demonstration, there would be no opposition and freedom of expression - if you do like Thaksin and the red movement so much, I can recommend a trip to the free country of Burma to get a taste of what Thailand may become - now go back to viva la revolution

The only thing is that it is the contrary: it is the yellow Thailand will be under dictatorship, the Red Thailand will have freedom of speech: just looks how this Government behaves....

Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

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