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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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Yep! All this is just a big joke.

Army/police is characterized by a lack of discipline and poor capacity to enforce the law. Need some clean up there too! As example, few top officers should be demoted or ousted.

Its almost like a "scripted TV comedy show"

If you demote or fire some, who would replace them; more of the same?

Perhaps the reason the police were not successful in what would seem to be a "sure operation" in other nations = there's no money in it

Of course Thaksin wants to return. Wouldn't you if you had already paid for a Poseidon VIP membership??

My intent is not to criticize, but simply analyze. The bottom line is that this is simply the way things are in Thailand. Their system, their style. Actually one of the results of their system/style is the environment that attracts so many westerners to visit and/or live. If things functioned as they do in G7 countries, you wouldn't have all the "attractions" of this amazing country.

The food really is GREAT.

good on them.

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

free advertising that your hotel is a place that helps people trying to overthrow a government!!!

its not worth any money at all!!

it will make a bad name for the hotel!!!

it is worth negative money!! its bad advertising!!!

anyway,, around the world, no one even cares about the hotel name!! they just read the story.

Agreed 100% on the negative publicity.

No legitimate businessperson would touch Thaksin, even if he were their conjoined twin. Same goes for any of his cronies.

Businesspeople globally consider him & anything associated with him sub-leprotic.


The only thing is that it is the contrary: it is the yellow Thailand will be under dictatorship, the Red Thailand will have freedom of speech: just looks how this Government behaves....

Ehhh .. have you been brain-washed????

the yellow movement was started to stop Thaksin or Takki as he is known now .... yes certainly, that is what they say ... ehem Fidel said exactly the same, their banner said "a free Cuba" - what he really meant was total control by the government. The current government is not even in the slightest to be compared to a dictatorship and that is obvious by the simple fact that the red shirts are still out there - they would not be in Burma, Singapore, Cuba, any middle eastern country, and there a lots more examples in Africa and South America. This government is doing everything possible to find a peaceful solution, but the red do not want this as they clearly state when they say "No negotiations"

And by the way, looking at history, in all cases, the revolutionary leaders who won became rich and the poor who faught for them poorer and very miserable

Now please CS the lot and get rid of them

Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

cheers, Born in the wrong Country and soon living in the wrong country (The Yellow Thailand)...bye

Just a hunch Britmav, you have been blacklisted previously? :D

Me blacklisted??? More chance that commando(s) could raid a hotel with targets in their sight and actually not capture them than me being blacklisted! :D

BTW - you going to make an appearance next pissup I propose? :)

Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

cheers, Born in the wrong Country and soon living in the wrong country (The Yellow Thailand)...bye

Nonsensical post. Been living here for over a decade, but glad to see that you think that the yellows and not the reds will win the election.

BY the way as I keep stating I am for neither colour, as it is not my right, but would like to see a prosperous Thailand.

Cheers, Rick

The "Democratic revolution of the oppressed masses" propaganda is the front for the world and the dupes who believe it. It is nothing but crap. What oppression? What downtrodden masses? What Democracy? Yes the people of isan are less financially successful, some of them, than some of the people of BKK. Why? Because they work in a labour intensive low profit margin industry. But they are not slaves; any time they want they can pack up and move, try their luck somewhere else.

If every voter for PTP is now a UDD supporter, and I very much doubt it, they represent 40% of the population. I have just returned from the NE, and didn't see 1 red flag, and far less red shirts than you would normally expect as a clothing choice. Even 40%, if you are dissatisfied with the election results, gives you the right to wait until the next election, already coming a year early.

But the class war, oppressed masses, financial inequality are all smoke and mirrors. THIS IS ABOUT THAKSIN. Friends and gf's family swore to me that every household that contributed to the UDD fund would be paid B100,000 when T is re-instated. Pressure was applied to contribute, so they did. now they wait the payout. IT'S ABOUT MONEY.

A few thoughts about encouraging the mass of protesters to move out:

Make life less comfortable than it is now by sleep deprivation. fly a helicopter over drop a tear gas canister, or CS, or even a few buckets of ammonia. Keep coming back at random intervals, another drop every 3rd or 4th pass. Fire big bang skyrockets every 5 mins or so, light the place up if possible, spray water if possible, whatever you can think of.

There are hundreds of cars and pickups belonging to the protesters parked close-by. Easy to pick by the plates. Tow them away, do defect/rego checks, impose a B1000/day impound fee.

Put a bounty on red leadership. They are wanted criminals, and easily worth B1,000,000 each. See how loyal the sheep are when there's real money up for grabs.

Splendid pot! Fully concur.....

Interesting and workable ideas in it too.

Sleep deprivation via random sprayings and acrid fumes,

Assorted BIG bangs from above.... nighty night kids.

and.. well general noise pollution they will never notice.

But that sonic device would be good...

some NASTY enharmonic tones swept across them all night long.

There must be some non-lethal methods to make them all

wish they were somewhere else doing anything else.

Forget the hotel. The real question is how many millions of dollars have the red leaders ALREADY been paid by puppet master Thaksin and how many more millions will they win if they manage to pull off their violent revolution, change the structure of the Thai government, pardon Thaksin, get back the legally seized money from the corrupt criminal Thaksin, etc. This isn't about hotel rooms, its about the big prize, power and money, and of course nothing to do with freedom and democracy. Remember Thaksin was a very bad PM who had a horrible record of corruption, press repression, bully behavior, mass murders of Thais, and admitted himself he didn't care about democracy.

Yes, forget the assassination attempt.

Forget that the Thai government authorised the use of live rounds in a crackdown that killed 24 and wounded over 800 people.

Forget that the nations media has been completely taken over by military censors, and that hundreds of internet sites are shut down daily.

Forget the Reds that went missing after last Songkran and were never seen again. Forget the towing of asylum seekers back out to sea in disabled boats.

Forget the corruption scandals, the links between the nations biggest businesses and government, the shady military procurements.

Forget that every one of those troops who participated the Tai Bak massacres and the drug killings have not only been not investigated, but they have been promoted.

Forget the hypocrisy of a government that came to power by a more violent version of the Reds current tactics.

Forget the coups and the overridden elections...

...Let's talk more about Thaksin! Because everyone knows that's what the protests are REALLY about.

I say too much of Thai history has been forgotten. And I hold fasicst-apologists like you personally responsible for this.

Exactly... forget democracy, forget the poor, forget elections - let's let the rich bourgeoisie from BKK have it all

bit like that pathetic rich kid who drove his Porsche into the reds – Daddy bought it for him - no doubt Daddy is a yellow and taught him these 'country folk should get no vote because they are stupid'

This will never end until elections are held (endless record - sorry I know) but you will see.

Yeah!!!! Let's have an election 'cause this will put a stop to pathetic rich kids acting stupidly!! Yeah!!! :)


A post discussing moderation has been deleted. If you wish to ask a question of the moderator then do so via PM.

Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

cheers, Born in the wrong Country and soon living in the wrong country (The Yellow Thailand)...bye

Nonsensical post. Been living here for over a decade, but glad to see that you think that the yellows and not the reds will win the election.

BY the way as I keep stating I am for neither colour, as it is not my right, but would like to see a prosperous Thailand.

Cheers, Rick

I'm guessing you're referring to ASTV, the source of all your information.

Btw. Suthep deserves a promotion


Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

cheers, Born in the wrong Country and soon living in the wrong country (The Yellow Thailand)...bye

Nonsensical post. Been living here for over a decade, but glad to see that you think that the yellows and not the reds will win the election.

BY the way as I keep stating I am for neither colour, as it is not my right, but would like to see a prosperous Thailand.

Cheers, Rick

I'm guessing you're referring to ASTV, the source of all your information.

Btw. Suthep deserves a promotion


Worst PS I've ever seen...

What I find interesting is the fact that although we are told that farang opinions don't matter, a massive influx of new Red TV members have signed up to argue their case with those whose opinions don't matter.

The international reach of the searchable web means that our poking holes in

Thaksin's Perception Management exercise is seen and considered world wide.

So he must send in 'counter-blogger teams' and try and derail our logical skewering of his plans,

using propaganda sound bite style repetition, and Ad Hominem attacks on the

more logical and clear sighted here. It's a battle for hearts and minds, and later pocketbooks.

And if the red shirts do cause and win a civil war, Thaksin needs to have

bought for himself and his puppets, some sort of widely viewed 'moral high ground position',

or the big players world wide, like energy companies, will go Burma on him

and call him Pariah and shut him out.

The more 'the truth will out' the harder it is for him to build and defend this false image.

We are countering a successful end game for his avaricious attempt to take over this lovely country.

Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

cheers, Born in the wrong Country and soon living in the wrong country (The Yellow Thailand)...bye

Nonsensical post. Been living here for over a decade, but glad to see that you think that the yellows and not the reds will win the election.

BY the way as I keep stating I am for neither colour, as it is not my right, but would like to see a prosperous Thailand.

Cheers, Rick

I'm guessing you're referring to ASTV, the source of all your information.

Btw. Suthep deserves a promotion


I am referring to many media sources for my information. Some national, some international that way I can make my own assessment. You know like in a true democracy.

Cheers, Rick

What I find interesting is the fact that although we are told that farang opinions don't matter, a massive influx of new Red TV members have signed up to argue their case with those whose opinions don't matter.

The international reach of the searchable web means that our poking holes in

Thaksins Perception Management exercise is seen and considered world wide.

So he must csend in 'counter-blogger teams' and try and derail our logical skewering of his plans,

using propaganda sound bite style repetition, and ad hominum attacks on the

more logical and clear sighted here. It's a battle for hearts and minds, and later pocketbooks.

And if the red shirts do cause and win a civil war, Thaksin needs to have

bought for himself and his puppets, some sort of widely viewed moral high ground position,

or the big players world wide, like energy companies, will go Burma on him

and call him Pariah and shut him out.

The more the truth will out the hard it is for him to build and defend this false image.

We are countering a successful end game for his avaricious attempt to take over this lovely country.

Thanks, I really haven't wanted to say the words "civil war".

Freedom of speech what a load of <deleted>. Thaksin shut down the media that opposed his Government. Yep a real democracy!

Cheers, Rick

cheers, Born in the wrong Country and soon living in the wrong country (The Yellow Thailand)...bye

Nonsensical post. Been living here for over a decade, but glad to see that you think that the yellows and not the reds will win the election.

BY the way as I keep stating I am for neither colour, as it is not my right, but would like to see a prosperous Thailand.

Cheers, Rick

You have not understood: at the rythm of the current provocations by this Government, we are heading to a Civil war: there will be 2 Thailands: the Red one, and the yellow one (I wish that one limited to the 3 Southern provinces, Pattani,Yala...) taking into account that the red army will comprise the fighting soldiers and the yellow one a battalion of Generals. True the density of Mercedes is going to be the highest in the Yellow Thailand, Red one only Isuzu Pick ups


THis sort of action by the Thai "authorities" - who are clearly acting on the orders of a political party - the Democrats - just brings into the open how UNDEMOCRATIC the current order is - how can a political party order the arrest of demonstrators? - However it is presented - using terms like "terrorism" or "ill-intentioned" it does not look good to the world that those clearly involved in political protest are being pursued as criminals - this is simply not how democratic governments operate and is a paper-thin ruse.


Given the obvious divide here on TVF, amongst people that have most of the information that they need at hand, there is no chance for the Thais to ever come to some sort of compromise.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, if it's not the truth that someone wants to hear, then it's all just lies to them.

Regardless of who wins this round, the battle will continue for years to come.


^Yes those that support the red shirts should counter all rubbish posted by those detractors who are preventing the fruits of democracy from being picked. The red shirts will make thailand a more prosperous and happy place through free elections and the resignation of the current puppet regime.

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

I guess that's where you would like to see everyone from Issan - "on the floor and in the street." What do you think has caused all of the protests???? The people from Issan don't want to be "on the floor and in the street." anymore. They want the same opportunities as their southern citizens.

they have the opportunity to do exactly that

just walk into the nearest hotel in Bangkok thats actually open and book a room

staying in hotels is not exclusive to yellow shirts

if that was the case, why are there so many hotels in Isaan?

are they only for visiting HiSo to come and look at the serfs?

Elections will come... it's inevitable - so why not sooner rather than later - the government (<SNIPPED INANE REMARK>) is undemocratic - Abhisit has admitted as much - waiting will lead to more problems - let the people SPEAK, and of course, yellows are unlikely to be elected - but this has nothing to do with this lot clinging onto power? oh no!

Of course elections will come. Why not sooner rather than later? Hmm let's see if we can work that out without me resorting to drawing frickin' pictures for you with colored pencils :) ;

Here's a quick recap for the thick :D ;

Samak (who ran on the incredibly inventive "I am Thaksin's nominee" platform); who was subsequently axed for receiving money for hosting a cooking show, and then who conveniently died before his GUILTY verdict could be heard on appeal didn't have a majority when elections were held either, but he made a coalition of smaller parties to garner a majority of MP's who voted for him as PM, letting him 'run the government'.

Likewise Somchai (who replaced Samak under the equally inventive "I am Thaksin's brother-in-law" platform), didn't have a majority either. Again relying on a coalition of parties to garner a majority of MP's to vote for him as PM giving him the chance to 'run the government'.

Now when the banned politician and former best buddy of Thaksin; Newin Chidchob FLIPPED sides, he took with him his coalition of smaller parties to the 'other team', (which is perfectly legal in thai politics). That gave the Dems a majority of MP's to vote for Abhisit, and by rights should actually give him a chance to 'run the government' too. All this is post coup stuff, and is how things worked out.

Can you perchance post a link to where Abhisit actually "has admitted as much" in regard to the government being undemocratic? (even one in thai will do :D ) By rights barring the OAG/Constitutional Court ruling against the Demz they should be in power until the END of 2011, but Abhisit said he would be willing to hold elections early "for the good of the country".

Unfortunately for the rabid reds, the definition for "the good of the country" does not include catering to the gun-boat diplomatic demands of what is clearly a minority splinter group who cry that Abhisit must do so immediately just because they don't like (or maybe even don't understand :D ) how thai politics works.

Last time elections were held the people did speak, they voted for MP's, in the case where MP's were banned or disqualified, those people got to vote again for another MP. Now the MP's can vote and side with who they see fit (one might believe it is for the benefit of their constituents :D ).

Another news flash, the Democratic party is NOT "the yellows", that would actually be the PAD who have their own political party, just with no MP's. :D

(edited for factual errorz and sa-pelling)

A wee bit strong on the hyperbole, but nice accurate summary.

By the way, is it true that Arisman was in court only few months ago to deal with his bankruptcy - 15-17,000,000 in the Red (sic) apparently. I assume that his gymnastics this morning and intransigence always will earn him a few promissory notes however so all should be well here or in Fiji.


May I just remind all of you, that TOURISM, is the #1 industry in Thailand... responsible for more jobs than any other sector of the economy.

Killing Tourism is like Killing the Golden Goose.....



Tourism is certainly an important job provider, but Thailand is now an industrial Country, more income from automotive, electrics/electronics Industries Tourism weights now around 7% or 8% only.

Not Correct.... Better check your facts.

Tourism is Still #1... by a long shot.


THis sort of action by the Thai "authorities" - who are clearly acting on the orders of a political party - the Democrats - just brings into the open how UNDEMOCRATIC the current order is - how can a political party order the arrest of demonstrators? - However it is presented - using terms like "terrorism" or "ill-intentioned" it does not look good to the world that those clearly involved in political protest are being pursued as criminals - this is simply not how democratic governments operate and is a paper-thin ruse.

They are fully entitled to arrest protesters that are breaking the law, as in any other democratic country.

Cheers, Rick

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

I guess that's where you would like to see everyone from Issan - "on the floor and in the street." What do you think has caused all of the protests???? The people from Issan don't want to be "on the floor and in the street." anymore. They want the same opportunities as their southern citizens.

That is where they appear to like to be. When we have Issan visitors in the house they sit, eat and sleep on the floor by choice. I totally wasted money by buying furniture. The people in the NE need education and that should be made a priority of any future Government.

Cheers, Rick

i agree Rick, i could not keep my wifes father in bed if i tied him to the dam_n thing

^Yes those that support the red shirts should counter all rubbish posted by those detractors who are preventing the fruits of democracy from being picked. The red shirts will make thailand a more prosperous and happy place through free elections and the resignation of the current puppet regime.

Brit you have been here long enough to know that the elections will not be free and fair and never have been.

Cheers, Rick


May I just remind all of you, that TOURISM, is the #1 industry in Thailand... responsible for more jobs than any other sector of the economy.

Killing Tourism is like Killing the Golden Goose.....



Tourism is certainly an important job provider, but Thailand is now an industrial Country, more income from automotive, electrics/electronics Industries Tourism weights now around 7% or 8% only.

Not Correct.... Better check your facts.

Tourism is Still #1... by a long shot.


Actually, you are incorrect. Tourism is 3rd or 4th.

According to Tulsathit from the Nation, the operation that began at dawn involved plain-clothed commandos who intended to slip in, take the leaders out quietly, and slip out again. But two things foiled them-

1) They actually asked the front desk for the key, which led to the UDD being alerted to the operation

2) The untimely (or timely, whichever way you look at it) arrival of an uninvited group of noisy riot policemen which brought the media along with them

The question is was this a screw up on the part of the police force, or outside help for the UDD?

Hang on!! Didn't someone say this was an assassination attempt????

MCOT: Red Shirt activist Worawut Vichaidit faints while speaking at Ratchaprasong rally, sent to nearby Police General Hospital

He's taken to hospital where he keeps the patients awake 24/7 with his hate speeches?

One of his wind-up clockwork robot springs snapped. I'm sure whatever factory mass-produces these faceless militant drones will send a replacement soon, hopefully before the drunken baying crowd notices he's gone.

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