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I am looking for some Scotchgard fabric spray. I tried the Homepro at Future Park and they didn't have it. I know I have seen it here in the past but can't recall where. If anyone knows where I can pick pick up a few cans in the Bangkok area I would appreciate it very much, thanks!

Makro. HomePro.

Thanks! Still would appreciate anyone who can let me know about a specific location where they saw it. The Homepro up in Rangsit doesn't carrry it. I can check the Makro, but would prefer to go for a sure thing rather than waste another trip.


Was at Future again, this time checked out Homeworks at Central, Central itself, Robinson, and Topps. No go. If you are out shopping and you see Scotchgard for fabric on the shelf somewhere, please let me know store and location. Thanks.

  • 1 month later...

Still looking for some Scotchgard for upholstery and fabric. If anyone has any confirmed sitings in the Kingdom please let me know. Struck out at Home Pro Rangist, all Furture Park stores, local Carrefour, etc.

TrueValue Thailand shows it as an automotive product.

Scotchgard here 5th item down on the left side.

Brilliant, thanks so much! I will call them to see if they have it in stock. I like the price, 0 Baht!

I finally tracked down the 3M Thailand web site, which for some reason I did not find to be as easy as one would think. I wrote them as well so it will be interesting to hear what they say.


Well, that hope was short-lived. I just got off the phone with True Value. Not in stock at any branch! They did take my name and number and will notify me if they get some more. Bummer!

I know there are at least two cans out there somewhere for me here in Thailand. The trick is in finding them. If anyone else has any ideas or sightings please let me know. In the meantime I will wait to see what 3M says, if they reply that is.

P.S. In the past I would pick up a couple of cans when I visit home, but in the post 9/11 world packing aerosols is a no-no, even non-flammable.


I did an advanced Google search for Scothgard and indicated that I wanted Thai language web pages. I found a couple of sites that mentioned selling it. On one they wanted an outrageous 1400 B per can ($6.50 USA), but the site was not working. I then found an outfit called HatYai OffRoad that indicated they sell it, but no pricing. So, I called them and they say they have it in stock for 400 B per can. I ordered two with EMS shipping for 50 Baht and just transferred the money. They said they would ship today, so I should be able to let you know if I get it shortly as EMS usually only takes a day or two. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Why don't you call 3M Thailand direct and ask for a list of dealers.

Probably simpler to get a Thai speaker to do this for you.

โทรศัพท 66 (0) 2260 8577

โทรสาร 66 (0) 2261 7535


จันทร์ - ศุกร์

08:00 - 17:00 น.

Why don't you call 3M Thailand direct and ask for a list of dealers.

Probably simpler to get a Thai speaker to do this for you.

โทรศัพท 66 (0) 2260 8577

โทรสาร 66 (0) 2261 7535


จันทร์ - ศุกร์

08:00 - 17:00 น.

Thanks. I speak Thai so I will call them and see what they say. It looks like I have some coming, but I may need more.


I just called 3M Thailand. They do have an English option, which I pressed, but since they answered in Thai I ended up dealing with them in that language. For some reason their automated system was in whisper quiet mode, but the regular lines were OK. I told them what I was looking for. They asked where I lived and then gave me the name of this outfit not too far from where I live:

CJD Marketing

Sai Mai Soi 37

Tel: 02 909 8561-2

I talked to a Khun Jum.

They have 250 gram spray cans of Scotchgard for fabric/upholstery at 230 B a can. I arranged to buy 5 cans since those are pretty small, and will have a motorcycle taxi I know go fetch those this afternoon.

Doesn't look like 3M is interested in promoting this product since it is very difficult to find in most stores here nowadays.

Thanks to everyone who provided suggestions.

I just called 3M Thailand. They do have an English option, which I pressed, but since they answered in Thai I ended up dealing with them in that language. For some reason their automated system was in whisper quiet mode, but the regular lines were OK. I told them what I was looking for. They asked where I lived and then gave me the name of this outfit not too far from where I live:

CJD Marketing

Sai Mai Soi 37

Tel: 02 909 8561-2

I talked to a Khun Jum.

They have 250 gram spray cans of Scotchgard for fabric/upholstery at 230 B a can. I arranged to buy 5 cans since those are pretty small, and will have a motorcycle taxi I know go fetch those this afternoon.

Doesn't look like 3M is interested in promoting this product since it is very difficult to find in most stores here nowadays.

Thanks to everyone who provided suggestions.

Go easy with it, I read the health concerns from exposure to it are not good :)

I recall hearing about that a few years back but I believe they reformulated it. I don't plan on huffing it! :)

Just googled it. Scotchgard used to contain PFOS which was found to be not so hot for the environment, so in 2003 it was reformulated and PFOS replaced by C4, which they claim is safe. Hopefully this is not the same C4 as in explosives!


Amazed what people can be obsessed with... in LoS

Scotch Guard, Dessicated Coconut, "genuine" Franks, Corned Beef, Jerky ... amazing!

Amazed what people can be obsessed with... in LoS

Scotch Guard, Dessicated Coconut, "genuine" Franks, Corned Beef, Jerky ... amazing!

Don't Thai couches get dirty? :)


Success. Proud owner of five reasonably priced 10 oz. spray cans of Scotchgard for fabric. Not sure I would call this an obsession. We just added an enclosed porch to our house and bought some teak furniture with white cotton cushions. Scotchgard really helps protect against dirt and spills and it really makes a difference.

Thanks again to all who provided help.

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