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A Slight Change Of Status..


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what happened to the other mods, they were beginning to grow on me.

They are all still here with the exception of that slack part time mod Crow Boy. He never really got over Geelong winning the grand final. However, did tell me the other day that he will be back soon :)

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many congrats eek .

im sure you will treat us all in chiang mai like one of these ; )

enjoy ... dave2

OMG, it's a photo of an extremely-rare 'Chiang-Mai sabre-toothed vampire kitten-cat', now if only it were 1st-April every day of the year, one might develop this theme quite amusingly. :D:D

Good Luck, eek :)

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I'm thrilled to see that you finally be part of the mods, they're a great team and so are you. We need more people like you on the forum.

Always enjoy reading your posts.....fair and well balance. I must say you have a very interesting life.

Good luck on your new adventure.

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Maejo man noticed my tattoo? :D Now ill be labelled as a hippy or a hussy..not sure which is the current phrase for women with tats. :D

UG, of course Blinkys charms work on us mere western women too. How can anyone resist that cute koala? Mind you..i dont think i recall any references to spanking on episodes of Blinky Bill. ...was there a late night version?

Again, thanks for the nice words guys. Im sure you'll all have other words for me later. :)

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Maejo man noticed my tattoo? :) Now ill be labelled as a hippy or a hussy..not sure which is the current phrase for women with tats. :D

It all depends on what part of the anatomy the tattoo is etched. :D

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Maejo man noticed my tattoo? :D Now ill be labelled as a hippy or a hussy..not sure which is the current phrase for women with tats. :D

UG, of course Blinkys charms work on us mere western women too. How can anyone resist that cute koala? Mind you..i dont think i recall any references to spanking on episodes of Blinky Bill. ...was there a late night version?

Again, thanks for the nice words guys. Im sure you'll all have other words for me later. :)

Now that you are a mod, I'm certain the references will be 'Khun' Hippy, or 'Khun' Hussy.

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And I got the first spanking..


Think I got the second!

Might have been another mod in lurk mode. no fair!

wasn't me but smart arse comments deserve more than a spanking :D

not trying to stir up trouble, but SBK your avatar does seem to imply the more than spanking type... :D

Oh and ood luck eek

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Maejo man noticed my tattoo? :D Now ill be labelled as a hippy or a hussy..not sure which is the current phrase for women with tats. :D

UG, of course Blinkys charms work on us mere western women too. How can anyone resist that cute koala? Mind you..i dont think i recall any references to spanking on episodes of Blinky Bill. ...was there a late night version?

Again, thanks for the nice words guys. Im sure you'll all have other words for me later. :)

good to have you mod us 'eek' , but once you are a mod , don't you have to use spell check anymore ???? :D

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I love my Mod, I love the day.

I love Mods and more each day.

I love my Mod; he/she is the best.

I love his Super Mod and all the rest.

I love my Avatar and its location.

I hate to have to go on vacation.

I love my laptop, drab and gray,

And the threads that pile up every day.

I love my threads in my padded cell.

There's nothing else I love so well.

I love to work among my posters.

I love their leers and jeers and sneers.

I love my computer and its software;

I hug it often though it don't care.

I love each thread and every post,

I try to understand once in a while.

I'm happy to be here, I am, I am;

I'm the happiest slave of my wonderful Mod.

I love this work; I love these chores.

I love the threads with deadly bores.

I love my Mod-I'll say it again.

I even love these friendly Mods,

These Mods who've come to cyber-visit today

In lovely white coats to suspend me today

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I think it was very classy and decent of you, eek, to introduce yourself in your new role as you did.

What are you looking for Rass? Brownie points :D

Arent gold stars the preferred method of gratification in the forum? :D


..tnx Rasseru. :)

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but judging by the posts I would say that 95% of the TV posters in Chiang Mai were men.

What is it with woman always wanting to be in control of us blokes, especially the western woman.

MCP and proud of it :)

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I think it was very classy and decent of you, eek, to introduce yourself in your new role as you did.

What are you looking for Rass? Brownie points :)

That being something like my third post in as many months . . . I hardly think so, Maejo Man. : )

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but judging by the posts I would say that 95% of the TV posters in Chiang Mai were men.

What is it with woman always wanting to be in control of us blokes, especially the western woman.

MCP and proud of it :D

Maybe because boys can't be trusted to play in the sandbox fairly :)

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I think it was very classy and decent of you, eek, to introduce yourself in your new role as you did.

What are you looking for Rass? Brownie points :D

Arent gold stars the preferred method of gratification in the forum? :D


..tnx Rasseru. :)

You are more than welcome, eek. I mean what I said and said it because I thought it. Have no more interest in gold stars than I do in brownie points. Am a little disappointed - but am used to it and not surprised - that the world seems to think everything is done to get something. : )

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I think it was very classy and decent of you, eek, to introduce yourself in your new role as you did.

What are you looking for Rass? Brownie points :D

Arent gold stars the preferred method of gratification in the forum? :D


..tnx Rasseru. :)

You are more than welcome, eek. I mean what I said and said it because I thought it. Have no more interest in gold stars than I do in brownie points. Am a little disappointed - but am used to it and not surprised - that the world seems to think everything is done to get something. : )

I know you did Rasseru. I was only teasing (and the star comment was directed at Maejo man :D ). Its normal for me to laugh off any compliments, im never sure how to take them! ..and, nice to see you around. :D

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That being something like my third post in as many months . . . I hardly think so, Maejo Man. : )

yeah I've noticed that you've been very quiet. Don't be a stranger, drop in for a beer if you are passing :)

Thanks, MM, will do. Happen to be in Bali now, as my preferred place to escape the heat of April in Chiangmai, but will be back start of May. : )

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I know you did Rasseru. I was only teasing (and the star comment was directed at Maejo man :D ). Its normal for me to laugh off any compliments, im never sure how to take them! ..and, nice to see you around. :)

Goodness gracious, eek! Let me give you a piece of advice. Never laugh off a compliment. Grab every one you are offered and stash it some place safe. They are good things, of which one can never, ever have too many, and one never knows when the supply of fresh ones might run out! : )

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I mean what I said and said it because I thought it. Have no more interest in gold stars than I do in brownie points. Am a little disappointed - but am used to it and not surprised - that the world seems to think everything is done to get something. : )

Very well said, Rasseru. Some people just don't understand that concept. Not EVERYONE is looking for something in return.

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