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Is everyone looking forward to Ubuntu 10.04? Has anyone tried the beta if there actually is one?

I am personally hoping that it includes a CDMA driver that I have had to rely on Windows for. Otherwise I just think it will interesting to see what's new. I've only been using it since 8.10 so will be good to see what's changed.


Tried the beta and I am very impressed by the changes they have made.

I am pretty sure you can make the CAT CDMA work on Linux with a little work.

Tried the beta and I am very impressed by the changes they have made.

I am pretty sure you can make the CAT CDMA work on Linux with a little work.

CAT CDMA works on my Ubuntu, that's why I asked about which driver.

Most CDMA devices seem to be supported.

Initially I went in to setup and told the system I was with an American Telecom supplier that issued the same CDMA device (Verizon) and used those settings and it worked 1st time. That was with version 9.04 a year ago.


Between 9.04 and 9.10 they introduced a higher integration with all communication type applications. You'll notice that your IM, Email and other communications are integrated more deeply into Gnome. While I feel this is a good direction for them to be going, I felt the new default IM application was a little rough around the edges and I switched it back to Pidgin. I think this is the right direction and they're talking about integrating more social applications into this framework in 10.04.

The biggest reason to update from 9.04 to 9.10 for me, was the faster bootimes and shutdown times. This is important to me, as I use a laptop and I'm always taking it down and back up. 10.04 completely removes HAL, which they claim will also improve boot times. Awesome. Ubuntu has also mentioned they will be redoing the 9.10 boot up process for 10.04. This is great, because while the 9.10 boot process was much faster, it didn't provide any details as to what was booting up and would make it harder to debug if you had problems.

In 10.04, they're changing the default search engine in Firefox to Yahoo! This seems kind of silly to me because who the heck uses Yahoo!, but they're doing it because Yahoo! (we assume) is providing a better revenue sharing deal than Google. Fair enough. I have never paid for Ubuntu and I feel anything that can help boost their revenue is a good thing. Here's more information on this: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/20...-with-yahoo.ars

I usually switch to the latest version of Ubuntu when it comes out. While this has been causing me less and less problems, I think as a rule of thumb to avoid trouble, wait at least 1 month after the release to do so. I'm an idiot though and will pay no attention to my own warnings and mess my machine up with the new software and probably spend 1 or 2 un-productive days, resolving the early issues and complaining in the forums.

In 10.04, they're changing the default search engine in Firefox to Yahoo!


I believe they have reversed this decision in the past week or so


Ummh...have you updated to the latest kernel on your 8.10 (which is extremely old anyways) install? I'd try that if you're happy with the OS as is rather than assuming that it will be in the latest version of Ubuntu...

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