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Top Army, Navy Units Readied For Red-Shirts Dispersal

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MCOT: Chavalit, Somchai announce 5 demands to end violence; urge govt to dissolve Parliament,revoke State of Emergency,stop distorting information

Soo... how does one read that? As admission that they are behind violence?

Yes, but well behind it. Men of their ''caliber" never get finger nailsl dirty...

Jaba The Hut Chavalit and Tom Thumb Somchai both work for Master Cylinder Thaksin.

Noses right up to the shoulders in his derrière, brown nosing him for fun and profit.

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He wasn't elected - go read - I can't be bothered to repeat the arguements - the red government (which was elected) was banned and MPs jumped ship - do your homework

Explain to us like we are 5 year old's. Why was he not elected? I clearly remember there was an election in the parliament for the PM to be approved.

judging by your avatar (not the James Cameron one) you ARE 5 years old. Maybe less.


'I think everyone here agrees that there must be a change in constituion. So do PM. He likes everyone in Thailand to get involved and decide in a referandum. The reds wants the 1997 constitionen back and like to change it their own way. I think Thailands need a real constitionen as a backboone and it must be careful worked out in every aspect and not be able to change by every new goverment.' (the old wolf)

In fact, the PT want to change to something, but won't say exactly what, they just want to get a mandate to do so via a general election. Basically, the 1997 constitution is part of it, but they need the kicker as well for a spot of amnesty, otherwise this entire 'fight for democracy' is a waste of time.

Hah, yes, that is a picture of my son from a couple of years ago. :D

If the red shirt can make him understand, I will be impressed...




Totally appropriate that all those police trucks are parked outside Mcdonalds............all the best "special forces" guys eat at McDonalds.... :)

I would agree with you that PPP was cheating and had it coming though i would not think that article 237 is a good thing , why not instead ban the offenders only harshly with fines or jail terms + total ban in politics, Not the whole party , else its the judicial interfering with the executive . Well arguable i guess .

What i meant is that this kind of case happens in Thailand but not in other countries .

I understand the intent...that only severe punishment will deter, but that didn't work, and instead encourages change to the constitution or lots of paper parties like PT, ready to wheel out when needed.

Personally, I think it should be the executive facing jail time, and they should be remanded in custody pending trial, with the severest consequence being a 10 year ban and some serious fines as well.

However, again, this should be a decision made by a cross section of Thai society, not by politicians alone and certainly not by a single party.

As for the BBC, 'Mr Thaksin's wealth and personal popularity gave him a far stronger hand in dealing with the godfathers than any other party in Thailand's history, so his governments were not crippled by the demands of coalition partners, as his predecessors had been. ' that's sort of true, but perhaps they should have pointed out that from 2005 onwards (when Newin defected from Chart Thai to TRT) the share of payments made to the key godfather factions was far more than had ever been previously paid; the airport fiasco being a prime example, the rubber trees and virtually every single scheme of TRT actually that I can think of being the others (yes, including 30b healthcare, where there are many allegations of involvement of senior politicians in the private hospital system e.g. PhayaThai, where monopolies were granted to specific drug suppliers some of whom were alledgedly connected to the minister of health; procurement of IT systems; etc etc). In other words, more profitable than ever to be inside, and cost of political campaigning considerably reduced, as buying vote costs shifted from costs to the party (which means a cost to each faction) to instead being the tax payer paying for winning votes.

With no oversight (media muzzled, constitution safeguard watchdogs organisations disabled, censure in the house impossible) if ever there was a government that epitomised what occurs when godfathers have complete control.....look at TRT 2005. Simply gin bahn gin muang.

But of course.....the godfathers still on the PPP/PT side...their hearts are pure now, they are 'pro democracy'. The godfathers who aren't....They are evil and elite.

Strange how easy some of the media make it to put everyone in Thailand into just two groups - red and yellow. I see a few posters here doing the same thing. Seems to be ideal for consumption by a preteen. Not quite so enticing for someone who understands more of the issues and realises that the current problems are anything but the simplistic visions presented by both reds and yellows and gobbled up effortlessly by some reporters.

But again, I guess that's because I am a broke Amartaya. Others are billionaire Prai living it up big time in that bastion of democracy, Fiji.

Oh yes Thaksin remains very close to some of the godfathers even now i guess . There is the public talk on one end , and the private talk on the other . When Banharn proposed to call Thaksin and have an agreement with him to stop the deadlock , a week ago or so , i thought for a secund that it might be solved .

Not sure if Thaksin could control the red shirts anymore , this thing has taken a life of its own .


Well stated, Blackman. To that, you could add some laser-targetting beams. There 's nothing like that little red dot on your chest to remind you of your mortality!

And I thought it was Acne...!!!!

Umm Errr Have an Election

*sigh* so sad when kids are left unattended after school... yes having an election as demanded by a minority of a country and having the request punctuated by threats and lies will lead to the best most fair elections possible.. good call don't know why nobody else has seen it yet.

How about having some buses nearby to enable protesters to leave is they so choose. Give them an easy way to leave. However, only put enough petrol in the buses to get them to one or another transit station where they can get buses back to the villages in the provinces. If the buses had more petrol, then they could be used as rolling bombs - as happened with the Reds at Bkk during Songkran 2009.

However, there are some potential drawbacks with supplying buses:

>>>> Drivers could be threatened or taken hostage

>>>> Buses could be used as barricades, or otherwise used for nefarious purposes.

On 2nd thought, probably better to lose the bus idea. Perhaps better to allow protesters to walk or drive out of the demonstration area, similar to how they got there. Either way, it's important to allow them a relatively painless way to leave the site - whether by choice or forced. What we don't want to see is a confined area, with mayhem and bloodshed. ....like shooting fish in a barrel.

Speak for yourself...who are "we"..???

Chavalit is as much part of the problem as anyone else and his record in the military (Ban Rhom Khlao) and poltics (1997) is worse than most. He ius Ammat at its worst. Entitled becuse of position and not ability

I'm just thinking - it was Gen. Chavalit Yongchaiyut that bought an aircraft carrier and ordered dozens of new jets for Thai airways just before the Baht meltdown in 1997.

Wonder what would happen if he came back in power.

I guess Baht would soon hit 100 to 1 USD, there would be more tourist attractions docked in Pattaya bay, and Thai tourism industry and exports would fleurish, after baht is worth less than paper it's printed on, banks write off gazillions of bad debt, IMF bails out the country and banks and foreigners own every building completed in the last 10 years.

Surely the right man for the job. Proven.

Military men have seldom been gifted in economics .

Or in rewriting a constitution it would seem .

Give K Chavalit a few top notch harvard trained advisors

and he still might pull it


As already said, there are thousands of generals to chose from - yes really



Sadly the whole world is getting a sordid close up of the true level of corruption, lack of loyalty/trust and naked self interest that characterises what we long timers have always known but was always a well kept secret carefully hidden from outside eyes.

The cat is truly out of the bag and I doubt it will ever be hidden again from world scrutiny. The damage done to the image of what was once a magical and amazing LOS is truly incalculable.

IMHO when the current gov eventually stands down for the election process - as it surely will in the near future - we will then be presented with an even greater turmoil of bent electioneering and vote rigging. The hel_l will not be over till the square head gets his way.

It is with sincere regret that I conclude (IMHO) that square head may be the only bandit with enough clout to resolve the matter - he has already shown what he can do - and dont forget that he was doing very well until he made that fatal mistake of vanity when he sold off ykw to ykw. If that does happen then all you flangs better GTF outa here because SH will come down on you lot with a white hot vengeance after the pasting he has received overseas.


Sadly his style of vanity is stroked by the hussas of a crowd, and he can manufacture that.

And his kind of hubris is only dis-proven by his fall from grace, which he seems disinclined to believe is real.

Another sign of hubris, by the way. He seems top have the clout to take revenge on the nation,

but it seems he may not have enough for the long haul.

Only hs backing off this revenge scheme will benefit the country His manaical need to regain his face

via control of the country is Machiavellian in scope and abusivness. Even if he isn't NAMED top man,

he still wants to make the country dance on his string.... This all to clearly shows a driven man, sans scruples,

and way beyond sense of remorse of actual sense of responsibility.

In essence, someone who can NEVER be allowed to run the country even as a puppet master.,

Military men have seldom been gifted in economics .

Or in rewriting a constitution it would seem .

Give K Chavalit a few top notch harvard trained advisors

and he still might pull it

Of all the corrupt idiotic politicians in THailand to choose from, why on earth would we want Chavalit again?

I'd rather have Chalerm, at least the guy has a brain.

Who would want a person perceived as a senile old twit who is everyone's friend, but actually screws up every single thing he ever touches?

As with Thaksin, the problem is not with the quality of the advisors...Rather it is that these idiots choose to go to some blind old fortune teller in Burma rather than actually listening to the Harvard educated advisors.

Ask the people who advised Thaksin after 2003.

I don't doubt though that his name is in the mix as someone who could bring the 2 sides together. Banharn would be in there too if he wasn't banned. I doubt the redshirters would accept Big Jiew; they already gave him the cold shoulder after the peaceful (with a bit of a threat to it) march through the streets when he tried to take all the credit.

I think we should have Kamnan Poh as PM, Jakapop Penkair as minister of industry (he'll knows a thing or two about defending the rear) and we can appoint the long haired lout Tongpoh from Kickboxer as minister of defense. Admittedly he isn't Thai, but he looks like he might be.

If we could line up Johnny Drama for the agriculture portfolio and the cast of Mr Show, then we'd really have something. I think an ideal minister of education would be Heidi Montag, the one with the huge boob job.

Now consider how idiotic that is....still better than Chavalit as PM. Seriously, the guy is poison for anyone or anything trying to acheive something. Unless the aim is complete and total failure, he as a good track record for acheiving that one.

Imagine Chavalit as the Hudson Hawk of politicians. The Battlefield Earth of PMs. The Gigli of past leaders of Thailand.

Seriously, you think of the worst possible PM.

and Chavalit is still worse.

He's really that useless. According to people i know. I heard that.

And i say this in the nicest possible way, as he is certainly avuncular. I should know. I once had a bad dose of Avunculars, took a few pills, cleared right up.

A group of well armed men, a few hundred up to a thousand surrounded by 100,000 people, can wreck an invading group hel_l bent on m,oving the reds.

You saw 250 Thai military shot with mainly rubber bullets last time.

If a large group were to attempt to push the reds out, the red snipers armed with machine guns and automatic rifles, would fill the streets with dead Army.

Some of you, in fact most of you, are unaware of the realities of an urban battle.

The men in black can move about easily all over Bangkok because nobody knows who they are. If you attack the maul area attempting to move them and capture them, they will drop huge numbers of the Thai army down dead. Then, if they do decide to leave, they simply will fade back into the city and start again in another location.

By huge, I mean think about it.

A few hundred special force snipers on the red side can certainly kill a few thousand Thai army should the Thai army group go close. Most of the men in black were not even used the last time and they shot 250 in a short time. The bigger the group to shoot at, and the more they will shoot.

Come in with tanks and they will shoot the tanks with bazookas and rockets.

They have them.

Friends in the Thai military, watermelons, are giving the fire power.

You make your bet and I will make mine.

I bet the Thai military does not attack the shopping mauls.

You see, they do not want to die for a cause they do not believe in.

A major meltdown in the Thai system is taking place.

Thai propaganda posters ( Paid by gov) here who are thai--good luck if your side loses.

You will need it.

And so dies the non violent red myth. RIP


As already said, there are thousands of generals to chose from - yes really



Sadly the whole world is getting a sordid close up of the true level of corruption, lack of loyalty/trust and naked self interest that characterises what we long timers have always known but was always a well kept secret carefully hidden from outside eyes.

The cat is truly out of the bag and I doubt it will ever be hidden again from world scrutiny. The damage done to the image of what was once a magical and amazing LOS is truly incalculable.

IMHO when the current gov eventually stands down for the election process - as it surely will in the near future - we will then be presented with an even greater turmoil of bent electioneering and vote rigging. The hel_l will not be over till the square head gets his way.

It is with sincere regret that I conclude (IMHO) that square head may be the only bandit with enough clout to resolve the matter - he has already shown what he can do - and dont forget that he was doing very well until he made that fatal mistake of vanity when he sold off ykw to ykw. If that does happen then all you flangs better GTF outa here because SH will come down on you lot with a white hot vengeance after the pasting he has received overseas.


Sadly his style of vanity is stroked by the hussas of a crowd, and he can manufacture that.

And his kind of hubris is only dis-proven by his fall from grace, which he seems disinclined to believe is real.

Another sign of hubris, by the way. He seems top have the clout to take revenge on the nation,

but it seems he may not have enough for the long haul.

Only hs backing off this revenge scheme will benefit the country His manaical need to regain his face

via control of the country is Machiavellian in scope and abusivness. Even if he isn't NAMED top man,

he still wants to make the country dance on his string.... This all to clearly shows a driven man, sans scruples,

and way beyond sense of remorse of actual sense of responsibility.

In essence, someone who can NEVER be allowed to run the country even as a puppet master.,

He is history.

A group of well armed men, a few hundred up to a thousand surrounded by 100,000 people, can wreck an invading group hel_l bent on m,oving the reds.

You saw 250 Thai military shot with mainly rubber bullets last time.

If a large group were to attempt to push the reds out, the red snipers armed with machine guns and automatic rifles, would fill the streets with dead Army.

Some of you, in fact most of you, are unaware of the realities of an urban battle.

The men in black can move about easily all over Bangkok because nobody knows who they are. If you attack the maul area attempting to move them and capture them, they will drop huge numbers of the Thai army down dead. Then, if they do decide to leave, they simply will fade back into the city and start again in another location.

By huge, I mean think about it.

A few hundred special force snipers on the red side can certainly kill a few thousand Thai army should the Thai army group go close. Most of the men in black were not even used the last time and they shot 250 in a short time. The bigger the group to shoot at, and the more they will shoot.

Come in with tanks and they will shoot the tanks with bazookas and rockets.

They have them.

Friends in the Thai military, watermelons, are giving the fire power.

You make your bet and I will make mine.

I bet the Thai military does not attack the shopping mauls.

You see, they do not want to die for a cause they do not believe in.

A major meltdown in the Thai system is taking place.

Thai propaganda posters ( Paid by gov) here who are thai--good luck if your side loses.

You will need it.

thai military shot with rubber bullets? Are you deranged? Can you show me a picture from any source of reds using rubber bullet launchers?

where would they get them from?

The ARMY were using crowd control measures until they were ambushed, because some idiot believed the "peaceful protester" crap. If you think that that mistake will be repeated, you are WRONG! A quote for you "a rabble is no more an army than a pile of building materials is a house. " Socrates, some 3000 years ago, still true.

don't bet your bum, you'll end up a sore loser. :):D:D:D

Check amnesty international as to their view . You might learn something

Here the link


Yes- and i don't think the long term effects are something that can be predicted or solved- this story will run beyond a crackdown an election and everything else

WoW... and you really "do" think... you had us all fooled..!!

A group of well armed men, a few hundred up to a thousand surrounded by 100,000 people, can wreck an invading group hel_l bent on m,oving the reds.

You saw 250 Thai military shot with mainly rubber bullets last time.

If a large group were to attempt to push the reds out, the red snipers armed with machine guns and automatic rifles, would fill the streets with dead Army.

Some of you, in fact most of you, are unaware of the realities of an urban battle.

The men in black can move about easily all over Bangkok because nobody knows who they are. If you attack the maul area attempting to move them and capture them, they will drop huge numbers of the Thai army down dead. Then, if they do decide to leave, they simply will fade back into the city and start again in another location.

By huge, I mean think about it.

A few hundred special force snipers on the red side can certainly kill a few thousand Thai army should the Thai army group go close. Most of the men in black were not even used the last time and they shot 250 in a short time. The bigger the group to shoot at, and the more they will shoot.

Come in with tanks and they will shoot the tanks with bazookas and rockets.

They have them.

Friends in the Thai military, watermelons, are giving the fire power.

You make your bet and I will make mine.

I bet the Thai military does not attack the shopping mauls.

You see, they do not want to die for a cause they do not believe in.

A major meltdown in the Thai system is taking place.

Thai propaganda posters ( Paid by gov) here who are thai--good luck if your side loses.

You will need it.

And so dies the non violent red myth. RIP

You can hear the red apologist brains recalibrating their positions.

The non-violence image was always just another skin to be worn and discarded at will.

Now the black-shirts are Thaksin's boys and a thousand emails denying who they were bites the dust.

Rats in a corner.

Military men have seldom been gifted in economics .

Or in rewriting a constitution it would seem .

Give K Chavalit a few top notch harvard trained advisors

and he still might pull it

Of all the corrupt idiotic politicians in THailand, why on earth would we want Chavalit again?

I'd rather have Chalerm, at least the guy has a brain.

Who would want a senile old twit who is everyone's friend, but actually screws up every single thing he ever touches?

As with Thaksin, the problem is not with the quality of the advisors...Rather it is that these idiots choose to go to some blind old fortune teller in Burma rather than actually listening to the Harvard educated advisors.

Ask the people who advised Thaksin after 2003.

Alright , yes .

Anyway Chavalit would not last long , even by thai PM standard . He is 78 i think

Well the propaganda war is in full swing.

And regardless of size and prowess if military forces, they know

a ) ringers with murderous intent are mixed into the Red rank and file

b ) these people MUST try to create a horror show, or there can be no " popular uprising"

c ) the military do NOT want to provide this, but also get thje jobn done with minimal loses.

Too late old bean. The cat is out of the bag. That was quite horrific enough. Everybody seems stunned about it up here in CM.

Even where I had breakfast, the Thai husband is red, the portly wife is yellow, he pretended to throttle his wife, except I sensed grief on her face. Glancing at the Thai papers, Mr A. is portrayed as Hitler, day after day in the cartoons.

Very bad luck for Mr A. If there is/was a splinter cell of the Army with the reds, they seem to have done what they set out to do.

One huge great spanner in the works.

The spanner was Mr A, as a nice, smart man of peace. He better do something to save face PDQ.

I liked him as PM. I dont see how he can ever win the hearts of the poor(poorer regions) now.

Yes, I was here. I remember going down to Ratchadaemnon and counting all the bullet holes.

There were thousands of wounded admitted to hospitals and only a handful of bodies. There was almost a complete black out, TV stations went off the air, newspapers were censored, the Bangkok Post printed papers full of blank empty column space rather than re-edit. There were many wild rumors about what was coming next, but I won't post them here. Some are true.

On (I think) the 4th day the TV suddenly came on and there was a view of the two opposing generals Suchinda and Prem crawling on the floor and bowing as they received the scolding of their lives, pretty much don't ever do that again, and that was it.

Rumors of where the bodies disappeared to swirled for days. The authorizes got permission to visit the military base along Phahonyothin Road only to find a large fresh excavation project. When asked what it was the military explained they were constructing a large swimming pool. For two days prior to that, I saw a steady stream of helicopters flying into and out of that base. I lived on soi Silom at the time under the flight path.

But this time the tables are turned. The egotistical self serving PM (then Suchinda) is trying to return from overseas. Mr. T has a long dirty track record of controlling the media. Abhisit is a young, educated western thinking leader who knows the game plan is to cause unrest and make it look like 1992 to unseat the government. Thankfully there has been no media crackdown except that media guilty of incitement. Abhisit knows the more visible events are, the better for the government.

It is almost always the dark force that wants to turn out the lights and hide their activities. Although it has received little media attention, the attempt to blow up the main power line pylons feeding Bangkok last Saturday is one of the critical data points in understanding what is going on. Explosions were heard in the area late Saturday but the damage was not discovered until Monday. 35 kg of plastic explosives were used. It was not for show.

Whoever prepared to blow those pylons late Saturday is the party that started the shooting Saturday and wants to create chaos, and they don't give a hoot about life.

Interesting recollection on life here during that period of time. Thanks for posting it!

Even though the media censorship might be less of a problem now compared to then, surely you are INCORRECT in your assertion that "there has been no media crackdown except that media guilty of incitement". 1000s of websites have been shut down! THere is NOTHING available on Thai television other than pro-govt point-of-view channels. It's the continuing censorship that really drives home the mistrust that in turn ratchets up the Hatred even more than if they allowed the channels and websites to continue.

We know what you are looking for... its only porn web-sites that have been shut down... some people..!!!


Military men have seldom been gifted in economics .

Seems like most civilians are not much better....look how well the US, UK and EU are doing...

Give K Chavalit a few top notch harvard trained advisors

and he still might pull it

Yes a few Harvard guys will get the job done....they run America so darn well don't they?

You want your country really screwed up, leave it to the economists and Harvard "advisors"


Interesting that Mr. Chavlit's name is mentioned. Follow the Yellow brick Road. the seeds of the anger go bak to his rift with General Prem. When Mr. Thaksin "rehabilitated" Mr. Chavlit, that is when the rift really widened. I think there is such bad blood between the Prem camp and others that Mr. Chavlit would only serve to bring the Red's opponents closer together.

Military men have seldom been gifted in economics .

Or in rewriting a constitution it would seem .

Give K Chavalit a few top notch harvard trained advisors

and he still might pull it

Really? Depends on the person I think. Perhaps not in economic theories, but in fiscal common sense, the old school military guys did a decent job. Perhaps work experience, career setbacks and personal failures made them stronger with time. General Marshall became U.S. Secretary of Sate, and well you should know the rest. Europe exists as a modern state in large part because of the Marshall Plan. .Harrry S. Truman, was a Captain in WWI and was able to guide the US economy out of the financial wreck of WWII and to avoid a nuclear war. General Dwight Eisenhower went on to become a decent president and oversaw some of the USA's biggest economic advances. The greatest UK PM ever Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, well what can one say, he just totally rocks.

The Harvard educated people gave us the Wall Street meltdown of recent times, They also have given us some of the boobs that allowed deregulation to the point that excesses brought the world's economy to its knees.

This is perhaps why Abhisit just doesn't have what it takes. His education has not been "cured" by the heat of life. It is an exposure to varied experiences that bring the education to its apex.

Hey spelling teacher

I take it yu support a regime that has done over 20 coups and butchers students at Thamasat University?

You remind my of the boys in America living in the south in 1860 who were fighting for their right to own slaves.

In fact--that is exactly what the Thai regime is doing Mr Spell check.

Watch the video of the students piled up dead at Thamasat and feel proud that you support this government and regime that is its real power.

This from a guy who was earlier advocating the black shirted men killing thousands of soldiers. Sir you really are a very sad man.

Forgive me if I'm mistaken.

But I thought the whole point of Special Operations deployments was that you don't tell the other side you're coming :)

Ahh but that's what makes these Special Operations so special. You tell them you are coming, then you don't show up...very effective tactics.... :D

 Give K Chavalit a few top notch harvard trained advisors

and he still might pull it


 In my opinion he's 'pulled it' too much


Top Army, Navy Units Readied For Red-Shirts Dispersal

If this happens I fear the Red -Shirts may disperse temporarily only to regroup and then begin an all out armed insurgency. Many could die and the country be plunged into Iraq-like chaos. Why not just bring back the 1997 Constitution, hold a free and fair election and respect the outcome of that election? I fear we have only seen the tip of the iceburg of the madness that could occur.

This is what I fear most - no matter where youre sympathises lie - we do NOT want this - if Abhisit does this he will NEVER be forgiven and it will be a temporary victory - put the country FIRST - get a MANDATE and I would support him 100%

Can I have a "W0- MANDATE ..... Soy 4 if you want a MANDATE...


quote name='ChiangMaiFun' date='2010-04-19 16:16:41' post='3519723'

quote name='noahvail' post='3519479' date='2010-04-19 14:41:14'

Why do red supporters keep coming out with "Abhisit wasn't elected"?

Can a red supporter please explain to me how their version of elections show that Abhisit wasn't elected?

Thailand is tearing itself apart because of one corrupt billionaire. And it's only because he didn't get control of the army that we are not living under the rule of his gun.


He wasn't elected - go read - I can't be bothered to repeat the arguements - the red government (which was elected) was banned and MPs jumped ship - do your homework


There's no point in arguing with a zealot - they will always say they are right, even if they are patently wrong.

As you say...no point in repeating the arguments - well, information, really. That has been done dozens of times in the past week, and the red shirt zealots - fanatics? - refuse to accept the fact that Mr Abhisit was elected by the representatives of the people, just the way a constitutional monarchy should be done. And had been done with the prior 'red' administrations. Mr Thaksin never garnered more than 40% of the popular vote, yet he led a coalition as PM. If it was right for Mr Thaksin, why would it be wrong for Mr Abhisit.

Nah, no point in using logic... and I'm going to stop repeating the information too. It seems it's just a waste of bandwidth to rationally explain things to zealots/fanatics.

The term Zealot, in Hebrew kanai (קנאי, frequently used in plural form, קנאים), means one who is zealous on behalf of God. The term derives from Greek ζηλωτής (zelotes), "emulator, zealous admirer or follower".[1

proud to be a zealot on behalf of God - thanks for the title dude - and two wriongs don't make a right - bit like you yellows keep posting 'don't mention the yellow airport takeover'.


You may have noticed that I did not capitalize the "z" - so....

<h2 class="me">zeal·ot</h2>http://' target="_blank"> –noun1.a person who shows zeal. 2.an excessively zealous person; fanatic. 3.(initial capital letterthinsp.png) a member of a radical, warlike, ardently patriotic group of Jews in Judea, particularly prominent from a.d. 69 to 81, advocating the violent overthrow of Roman rule and vigorously resisting the efforts of the Romans and their supporters to heathenize the Jews.

So you're right in what you say, but... I was not speaking of Zealots, that "radical, warlike" group.

I took the second definition...an excessively zealous person; fanatic. I see where I made my mistake. I said "zealots/fanatics" - that is a redundancy.

I find it a bit odd that you classify me as "you yellows" - without knowing my political stance. Well, I suppose that's your right, to print anything you want to. But I don't appreciate it, not one bit. Best you stick to trying to improperly correct something that was already correct to begin with.

Abhisit the stubborn mule needs to dissolve parliament before this gets nasty.

I see you've removed your red shirt (lovely display of beer guts) but your still at it with this rubbish. Talk about a :)

Grow up. You really are childish.

Ratu Epeli Ganilau says the government looks more favourably on people who can invest a large sum of money.


Fiji has the Asia-Pacific region's worst performing economy.

Thaksin coming to invest: Fiji PM

Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is coming to Fiji to look at potential investments, says Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

Bainimarama did not elaborate further when questioned by FBC NEWS on the matter, saying that was all he had to say for now.

Overseas media have been reporting Shinawatra's impending arrival to Fiji, saying the former PM may be looking to set up base in Fiji after his Thai passport was canceled.

Fiji authorities have remained tight-lipped on whether Thaksin was on his way or already in the country, but Immigration Minister Ratu Epeli Ganilau told Radio New Zealand that the billionaire would have to follow the normal application process if he chose to reside in Fiji.


The Fiji Broadcasting Corporation

Monday, April 19, 2010


Does anyone else find it ironic that Thaksin, who hates coups, is willing to deal with a leader who came to power through a coup. I think this perfectly illustrates his morals, or rather lack of. Just looking after number 1.

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