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Girlfriend Has A Drug Problem?


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I generally hate getting involved in this type of thread but I'm really bored - also, I kinda know more about some of this stuff than most medical 'experts'. My long term g/f back home was addicted to street meth - and my best mate as well. For many years.

First to the OP: Some great advice in this thread, amazingly so actually.

also what you have got to understand is there is probably a guy supplying her and leeching your money off her as well

Yeah I understand meth [ice] is very expensive in Bangkok. If you're not giving her money, she is sleeping with a guy to get it. It's really just that simple.

Now, if she's on yaba (which is street amphetamine (speed) mixed with all sorts of poisons by the Burmese peasant cooks - but is not meth), the good news is there is a slight possibility she's not lying on her back for it - as I understand that is very cheap in Thailand. The bad news is if she is on yaba [such as it is produced by untrained 'cooks' in non-laboratory conditions with unknown combinations of poisons, stimulants and god knows what added in]...you need to get away. Really fast. She would likely be a walking time-bomb.

So let's look at the facts:

1. Long time girlfriend

2. Went to Bangkok with some friends a week long "drug binge"

Duh! where were you, are you not her friend

3. She took "ice"

The least of your problems

4. Recently been going out and not coming home until the next afternoon

Why are you left out again?

5. I am worrying for her more than I have ever worried in my life.

Too late, you are her sad poodle..

6. I am convinced it is a drug issue and not that she is cheating on me

Why fool yourself

7. Before she was incredibly honest, told me she had cheated on me

Told you that she was a cheating b*tch, yeh sure, that makes her honest

8. A few days ago when she did not return she told me she was with her friend

And who is her real "friend"

What can I do?

No choice, you know yourself.

This is pretty much spot on - 99.9% of the time.

she was always upfront and would not lie to me about seeing another man I believe

I've backspaced over the sentence I wrote here 4 times. Just...um...dude. Come on. Snap out of it.

It is important - for so many obvious reasons. Also, the whole recovery process for addiction is a lifelong battle - there is a bit of a misconception in society that an addict can just get clean and everything is hunky-dory - all they need is help! This is more or less bullshit. An addict who desperately wants to get clean and is one of the rare 'success' stories, will still fight their addiction for many years, maybe their entire life - and the failure rate is so high it's surreal. Addiction is powerful stuff - because it's usually the result of a mass of complex variables, some of which go very deep into the person's childhood etc.

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My daughter at 16 fell in love with this lad, turned out he was a smack head, (Heroin) Long story short! Thank God she never got to using, it took a long time to get her away from him, that was 8 years ago.

Having now experienced the fall out of someone on hard drugs, my advice is to get tough, lose the emotions and get shot of her and stay shot! She will, if on hard drugs take her own mother to the cleaners and do anything to get her own way.

Look, I don't wish to be rude and I genuinely feel for you as a father of a 16 yr old girl in such a terrible position - but comparing heroin to methamphetamine is just....it's pure ignorance really. Using terms like "hard drugs" is a bit ridiculous also - there are PLENTY of licit drugs which are 'harder' than meth, hel_l there are plenty of licit drugs which are 'harder' than heroin. Alprazolam [Xanax] has ruined more lives than most people would believe - responsible psychiatrists would never prescribe it - yet it's FDA-approved. Alcohol is one of the hardest drugs in the world. It's not exactly hard to acquire.

My only word of advice is make sure you use protection for any goodbye sex... I can't believe that once stoned she would have been untouched by other men... that isn't how it works

This is some of the best advice in this thread.

If she is really hooked on drugs her conscience will not exist so you are not dealing with a rational person. Remember that.

This is a pretty gross generalisation - most addicts are nauseous at themselves, guilt-ridden and depressed. It's part of the cycle of addiction. The vast majority of drug addicts are good people - with a vicious medical problem. Society is just too ignorant about it all to deal with it properly - and the addicts are the ones who really suffer as a result [even though the friends / family of the addict might, at times, be understandably unsympathetic].

There is good hope as amphetamins do not make physically dependent!

That's a ridiculous statement - it's a medical fact that methamphetamine and amphetamine both result in physical addiction more often than not. I think you might be getting confused with MDMA [methylenedioxymethamphetamine - sold on the street in very impure form as 'ecstasy']. MDMA cannot be physically addictive.

It is totally possible for users of meth to not be addicted, but it's very much a rarity. There are heroin users who aren't addicted and who live very normal and successful professional lives, but again...very much an exception to the rule.

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ice actually is one of the safest of all drugs-its cause not physcial dependance, only psychological

i have friends who have been on it all their life's-living quite happily

there is such disinformation on the whole drug world, and such hypocrisy

mainly in japan, where it was tolerated , it helped them work all day, 6 days per week

my friend is 60 odd, been taking since 24, in fine health,along with his wife

he take it along with plenty of supplements

alcohol is the worst drug, so is nicotine

what is sold here, my Japanese friend tell me is not ice, it may feel and look like ice, but it most certainly is not the same, it is much worse and has a lot of shit in it-this is what cause the damage

Right, yet very wrong. Pharmaceutical methamphetamine is sold under the brand name Desoxyn, and is one of the most successful drugs to treat ADHD. Ice = street meth. Desoxyn = pharmaceutical meth. Desoxyn is banned in Thailand as in most countries of the world due to fears of abuse, which is - of course - a logic fail almost too ridiculous to comment on. Of course there is risk of abuse, as there is with all meds - banning an FDA-approved drug that ADHD-sufferers require to be functional...out of fears that non-ADHD sufferers might abuse it...is pure and simply monumental stupidity. There is no country in the world where Desoxyn is banned that isn't over-run by street meth anyway - yeah, I can't really comment much more on that particular idiocy.

Except to say that Desoxyn is completely addictive, of course. It's methamphetamine - just because it's produced in a laboratory by chemists under strict pharmaceutical regulations instead of an ex-con who didn't finish high school with non-existent ethics in his trailer...doesn't change the fact that it's methamphetamine.

I have "friends" who have been on it all their lives too, but clearly you live on a different planet where ice is a magical drug which causes no harm and just lets you work harder. Aren't you lucky.

OxfordWill [lolz]: He's almost certainly telling the unabridged truth about his friends, and you're just ignorant. I'm sorry if that offends you or your username.

A huge % of people suffer from ADHD and many go their entire lives without having it properly diagnosed. There are probably tens of thousands of people being prescribed Desoxyn or somehow getting pharmaceutical grade meth instead of impure street ice who are living full and productive lives as a result. Many of them would be less addicted than your average American housewife is to Alprazolam, Diazepam [Valium] or sleeping tablets.

If you use it once in while not much harm is done but ice is so powerful that a lot of people can't control their use and become addicted.

Once addicted it's probably the worst drug to be addicted to in the way it fvk's up your brain and deteriorates your body.

More or less true. However, you really need to understand / make the distinction between a chemical which is cooked by uneducated / untrained criminals and mixed with god knows what else...from the real thing. You're talking about the former - and you're correct. About the former.

So now you're changing your tune and saying it's not "real" ice.

If you are going to promote a drug as "one of the safest" then perhaps you should also mention that this "safe" variety of ice is not available in Thailand earlier than in a reply, to a reply, to a reply.

Secondly, your postulation that users don't know how to "properly" use it and it is somehow this ignorance on their part which makes the drug dangerous rather than the drug itself is suspicious at best. The dealers I have come across in my life have not handed out instruction manuals on safe use for their products- but again, thoughtful and considerate drug pushers who ensure their product is "the safe version" and hand out "proper use" tips'n'tricks pamphlets with each delivery may be a real part of whatever planet you live on. I only wish I was living there.

Hey guy, you really want to hush now. Educate yourself before you continue to embarass yourself.

If you can't understand that the vast majority of the negative aspects of abuse are created by Prohibition, you're really striking out on the logical front.

You know who would ensure their product is "the safe version"? And hand out "proper use" tips'n'tricks pamphlets with each delivery? Medically trained professionals like psychiatrists writing legal prescriptions.

You would be living on that planet. If you and 95% of the world who are ignorant as you...were a bit brighter.

[sorry for the grotesquely long post - I could write books about this stuff, the ignorance of the world would be shocking...had it stopped being shocking so so long ago.]

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I have no idea where you got the idea that I was talking about prohibition.

I'm quite sure you have no idea you were talking about Prohibition, but I assure you that you were.

If you are going to promote a drug as "one of the safest" then perhaps you should also mention that this "safe" variety of ice is not available in Thailand earlier than in a reply, to a reply, to a reply.

Secondly, your postulation that users don't know how to "properly" use it and it is somehow this ignorance on their part which makes the drug dangerous rather than the drug itself is suspicious at best. The dealers I have come across in my life have not handed out instruction manuals on safe use for their products- but again, thoughtful and considerate drug pushers who ensure their product is "the safe version" and hand out "proper use" tips'n'tricks pamphlets with each delivery may be a real part of whatever planet you live on. I only wish I was living there.

It's not available in Thailand because of...wait for it...Prohibition. You can Google the definition whilst wearing your Oxford blazer.

Every single word you write after that is purely and absolutely the direct result of that policy. What policy? Prohibition. The world you "wish" you lived on could exist. It's a world where drugs are regulated instead of prohibited. Where people are not ignorant - or even worse, opinionated about their ignorance. It's a world that will exist one day - but it's a long way away.

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You're picking apart my reply to someone else's points about the safety of Ice as a recreational drug. You've managed to misunderstand the original point made by him and then my reply. Well done!

I would apologise if I had done that inadvertently. But I have not.

He was correct, on almost every point - and he was initially talking about pharmaceutical use [clues: taking it whole lives, work long hours, etc]. Then he made some very correct points about the effects of Prohibition on abuse [clues: people don't know what they're buying, dealers out to make a quick buck, over-use due to ignorance, over-use due to not being able to dose correctly due to inconsistent purities, and so on]. You then attempt to make sarcastic counter-arguments without much of a clue about what you're talking about, and embarrassment for you then ensues.

Where bigjoe was mildly wrong was his opinion [no doubt based on his friends' experiences but that's a very tiny, unrepresentative data sample] that pure methamphetamine is completely safe to use. No drug in the world is completely safe to use, not even miracle drugs like Penicillin. Almost every drug has side-effects ranging from mild to...death. And this is true whether they are licit or illicit - the only key point worth making is that illicit drugs are not really what they're being sold as, and there is only one real culprit for that [governments who stupidly subscribe to Prohibition as an effective way of controlling the uncontrollable] - you can't really expect the criminals you hand the production of a drug over to with a policy of blanket Prohibition...to perform the complex production of synthetic chemicals with any degree of competence or ethics.

To then use their failures in production quality, and the subsequent abuse that results from their backyard 'laboratories'...as justification for continued Prohibition...is stupid beyond belief, criminally so.

I understood the points he made perfectly, even though I don't have a prestigious university in my online username. I'm not sure you understood the points he made, and frankly...I'm not sure you really understand what points you're trying to make. But I don't wish to get into a 'thing' with you over it - bigjoe can correct me if I have misunderstood him [but I'm going to warn you OxfordWill - sorry I crack up every time at that - he's going to confirm that I understood him more or less completely].


Back to the OP and his girl, it very much sounds like she's using street meth [perhaps even 'decent' street meth - from his comment about it affecting him more than her...that doesn't sound like yaba addiction at all to me]. The problem for him is that she's not really going to want treatment if that's the case - street meth consistently procured from a single non-terrible producer can result in quite a long period of time before things start to really fall apart.

But if he for some reason decides to stay with her, I can predict with high degree of certainty how things will develop over time. She will gradually lose motivation to do much at all, she will lose interest in activities that require organisation or high degrees of effort, she will eventually lose interest in sex, she will have bouts of sustained exhaustion and depression [depending on a lot of factors such as her eating / sleeping / drinking habits], she will have panic attacks and increased neuroses, and the cycle of shame / guilt from sustained pressure to snap into sobriety [as if it's just something you decide to do one day] will result in a predictable backlash of denial and so on. Without a doctor who regulates her dosage, or trusted medical experts to provide her with information / support...there is generally only one way this goes down for someone who isn't already wealthy...and it's generally not all that pretty.

But if it's meth it could be a long process. If it's yaba it's gonna be quite a quick one.

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At the risk of using too much common-sense, this is exactly what I've been talking about - pure idiotic stupidity [uS News Report on dangerous new 'meth'].


by Stacia Willson / KENS 5

Posted on April 23, 2010 at 7:01 PM

There is a new twist in making drugs. This time, it's shaken -- not stirred.

The new threat in South Texas is called "shake and bake." That's the new express way to make meth using a Coke bottle.

They've had problems with this before? Deputies are used to finding a meth labs in rural backwooded areas, but now they say the drug can be cooked inside of a car. That method is making it easier to transport and sell.

Narcotic investigators in Bandera County are on the lookout for a new kind of meth.

Drug dealers are taking everyday household ingredients, like Drano and batteries, and making meth in your average 2 -liter plastic bottle. Once the recipe is complete all it takes is a few shakes, and the now dangerous mixture catches fire. Even though the bottle lid is on tight, authorities says oxygen could still seep in, and lead to an explosion.

Oh really? They're making methamphetamine from Drano and batteries? That's a chemical formula that works? I would have thought they're making a Drano / battery acid shake. Apparently they're making methamphetamine because they are calling it meth. It's just that easy!

The government is going to need to ban Tylenol shortly because I'm going to grind up some glass shards, pour in some rubbing alcohol, a bit of baking soda and a tablespoon of spit...and call it paracetamol.

Christ this is a stupid world we live in.

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Just stumbled across this.....

· NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - Chiang Mai Group : **DRUG PROBLEM ? If you want to stop, maybe we can help.** Narcotics Anonymous meets at 7:00 PM, Monday, Wednesday & Friday at the Raintree Resource Center, # 3 Charoenmuang Rd. , Enter through the Rear Parking Lot , located behind the Police Box , on the Corner at the East end of Nawarat Bridge . For Information, Call us at Narcotics Anonymous 24 Hour Help line 02-231-8080 or Visit Our Website http://www.na-thailand.org/

Website states meetings in Chiang Mai are in both English and Thai. Best of luck.

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It's a very weak analogy to compare a street drug in Thailand to the "pure form" of its generally agreed chemical makeup. If that's what you believe his point was then you've only made it easier to dismiss as irrelevant.

You're clearly just looking for a fight about prohibition- but unfortunately for you I am not the least bit interested in that subject.

p.s. You do know Oxford is a City with houses, families, parks, roads, businesses and so on? People live there and love the place who have nothing to do with the university... surprised this is new info for you.

Edited by OxfordWill
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OP. You need to confront her & tell her you know she's using. Point out the signs.

Ask her if she wants help to stop. If she doesn't, you're wasting your time. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Put it to her that you you aren't prepared to hang out with an addict and she must make her decision. Drugs or you.

If you leave, i agree with others who have said slip away quietly without warning.

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The OP loves his girlfriend. Not easy to just walk away and change his phone number.

As we or most know in the long run it might be the best thing to do, but, he will not do this. If he did it would last 2 days.

Stay with her and love her. What might happen is she will love you more then drugs, or, you will get sick of all that is going on and fall out of love with her. Then

it will be easy to leave.

Stick close to her and show her you care. I wish you good luck.

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I understand all this and I am leaving. I am leaving the country for a few months in about a week, and thats when it is ending. I am looking for someone I can get her in contact with who can help her. She has basically withdrawn from her family entirely, so she doesn't really have them to fall back on. I think without some sort of support from a clinic or something she is pretty doomed, but apparently there is nothing like that. I am in the chiang mai area fwiw.

I guess this means that you have now left her. If so, well done, and hope you're feeling ok. If not, what changed your mind? There are enough posts in this thread pointing out how things are, and that your best route is to get out.

If you are still looking for help for her, and if you still think she will take any help shown to her, here's an option : http://www.thamkrabok.net/

I hope you can persuade her (from a distance) to go, but if she's currently "happy" with her lifestyle, she might not want to. So you may be on a hiding to nowhere.

And, of course, if after treatment she then goes back to the same "friends", the risk of her sliding from her rehabilitated state is higher than if she can avoid them. Could her Thai family help her at that stage?

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Sorry it's plain dangerous and destroys lives.

you should be sorry- you buy lies/hype/ blinded

take those photos- crush them up and throw them away

this is pure and utter propaganda and you have fallen for it

I can show you beautiful Japanese girls who have been taking "ice aka shabu, since they were in their teens- how do explain that?

Do you know that Japanese per capita the largest users- and yet the least to suffer from it? Why?

You cannot. Know why- because you are wrong.They know that are doing, they take supplements, get advice from doctors up there who are known to dispense of advice for this( because so many Japanese take it)

ic aka shabu hardly exists here

its is called that- but is NOT that. It is, apparently almost impossible to find here, and very, very manageable.Ice is NOT addictive.

Go out and take some photos of some binge drinkers, smokers, the 9-5pm wrking 6 days a week crowd and you will see any photo like this

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Well until she realizes there is a problem she will not change. I suggest giving consequences to her actions such as giving her the boot. Obviously she needs new mates because these ones are only going to continue the situation or make it worse.

Personally I would send her packing -can you imagine if drugs are ever found in your place by the BIB? You realize what sort of trouble you would be in. :D

Very good advice from brit - you're on a big loser. It's very very very difficult to get someone off drugs once they're hooked, even with professional help, and she sounds like she's well and truly hooked. :)

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There is good hope as amphetamins do not make physically dependent!

It is "only" a head thing and as i know more easy to stop taking amphetamins then to stay away from alkohol.

Do may go with her / send her for some time to a other, new place. May holliday on a beach, or ....., where she has no access to the drog.

I have never seen a stronger addiction than crack or whatever you want to call it. Regardless of physical/mental reasons.

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What's the Downside?

The "benefits" of meth are more than matched by the drug's ill effects-both immediately and over time. Methamphetamine is an addictive drug that causes physical harm throughout the body. In addition to that physical damage, some people looking for temporary relief from long-term conditions like depression and AIDS-related fatigue may try meth and ignore their prescribed treatments.

After the initial rush, individuals typically experience a state of great agitation that can lead to violent behavior. As the drug leaves their systems, users can experience:

· Irritability/aggressiveness/frustration

· Anxiety

· Depression

· Fatigue

· Paranoia (sometimes extreme, leading to thoughts of homicide or suicide)

· Hallucinations or delusions (e.g., sensation of insects crawling on the skin) Intense cravings for the drug.

The pleasurable effects of the drug vanish even before it disappears in the blood. As a result, meth users often follow a "binge and crash" pattern and may continue taking the drug over several days. They may go without food and sleep and inject the drug every 2 to 3 hours to prolong the high and postpone the inevitable crash.

The crash phase, commonly referred to as "tweaking," often overwhelms the user with feelings of anxiety and emptiness. When tweaking, people can be extremely irritable and paranoid. They may exhibit unpredictable and dangerous behavior when startled, confused, or confronted. To reduce or counter withdrawal, meth users frequently resort to alcohol, heroin, or marijuana.

The length of time before long-term effects become noticeable and the severity of those effects vary from person to person. People who report control of the drug at first may lose that control over time and become addicted. Meth addiction is caused by the changes in the brain produced by the drug. People addicted to meth experience a powerful physical and emotional withdrawal. The user's lifestyle changes to focus on getting and using meth. Even after chronic use has stopped, the meth user may experience depression, anxiety, fatigue, paranoia, aggression, and an intense craving for the drug.

Damaging effects of methamphetamine include physical, emotional, and mental destruction, including:

· Memory problems

· Insomnia

· Decreased appetite and anorexia

· Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature

· Tremors or convulsions

· Breathing problems

· Lung, kidney, and liver damage

· Irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain, which can produce strokes

· Increased risk of getting or transmitting HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and other diseases for users who inject meth and share needles

Meth's effect on the brain and the brain's ability to recover are not entirely clear. However, injury to brain cells can be seen months after a person quits using meth. This damage affects the supply of chemicals important to physical and mental well-being. Whether addicted or not, meth users risk brain damage that may be permanent.

Research is continuing, but studies also have connected prolonged use of meth with symptoms similar to those experienced by people with Parkinson's disease. Another outcome may be brain damage that appears similar to that caused by Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and epilepsy.


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Yes, it is important that the OP's girlfriend gets her problem sorted. But she is one of millions. Put me on the same planet as Joe and Scooter. That is a planet where all drugs are legalized and regulated. That is a planet where drug abuse is treated as the medical problem that it is.

There's an international organization called LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Visit their website to learn more about why the prohibition that we--despite massive evidence to the contrary--look to as a solution actually intensifies the problem. (Thousands dead in Mexico because of this Drug Prohibition.)

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There is only one way this is going to go and I think in your heart of hearts you know where that is?

Where does she get the money for these 'binges'? If she is not working and your not giving it to her that only leaves one option.

Ditch 'it' el rapido

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What's the Downside?

The "benefits" of meth are more than matched by the drug's ill effects-both immediately and over time. Methamphetamine is an addictive drug that causes physical harm throughout the body. In addition to that physical damage, some people looking for temporary relief from long-term conditions like depression and AIDS-related fatigue may try meth and ignore their prescribed treatments.

After the initial rush, individuals typically experience a state of great agitation that can lead to violent behavior. As the drug leaves their systems, users can experience:

· Irritability/aggressiveness/frustration

· Anxiety

· Depression

· Fatigue

· Paranoia (sometimes extreme, leading to thoughts of homicide or suicide)

· Hallucinations or delusions (e.g., sensation of insects crawling on the skin) Intense cravings for the drug.

The pleasurable effects of the drug vanish even before it disappears in the blood. As a result, meth users often follow a "binge and crash" pattern and may continue taking the drug over several days. They may go without food and sleep and inject the drug every 2 to 3 hours to prolong the high and postpone the inevitable crash.

The crash phase, commonly referred to as "tweaking," often overwhelms the user with feelings of anxiety and emptiness. When tweaking, people can be extremely irritable and paranoid. They may exhibit unpredictable and dangerous behavior when startled, confused, or confronted. To reduce or counter withdrawal, meth users frequently resort to alcohol, heroin, or marijuana.

The length of time before long-term effects become noticeable and the severity of those effects vary from person to person. People who report control of the drug at first may lose that control over time and become addicted. Meth addiction is caused by the changes in the brain produced by the drug. People addicted to meth experience a powerful physical and emotional withdrawal. The user's lifestyle changes to focus on getting and using meth. Even after chronic use has stopped, the meth user may experience depression, anxiety, fatigue, paranoia, aggression, and an intense craving for the drug.

Damaging effects of methamphetamine include physical, emotional, and mental destruction, including:

· Memory problems

· Insomnia

· Decreased appetite and anorexia

· Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature

· Tremors or convulsions

· Breathing problems

· Lung, kidney, and liver damage

· Irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain, which can produce strokes

· Increased risk of getting or transmitting HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and other diseases for users who inject meth and share needles

Meth's effect on the brain and the brain's ability to recover are not entirely clear. However, injury to brain cells can be seen months after a person quits using meth. This damage affects the supply of chemicals important to physical and mental well-being. Whether addicted or not, meth users risk brain damage that may be permanent.

Research is continuing, but studies also have connected prolonged use of meth with symptoms similar to those experienced by people with Parkinson's disease. Another outcome may be brain damage that appears similar to that caused by Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and epilepsy.


what you say about other types of meth- of which i know little may be true

if its about "ice" aka "shabu" then its not so true .In facts ,its totally wrong.

There are many types of meth.

Ice is almost impossible to find/buy here according to not only my police friends, but also , my friends who use it.One poster said this already.

The dealers say it is "ice" but it is something completely different. Although it looks the same and apparently has the same initial feeling.

Ice is NOT addictive.

That does not mean i recommend taking it or say its good for you.

But if you have the money and are a person who requires to take things, at least know what you can take and do yourself the least damage. You see, regardless, people will take.

I say this after living in japan and being close to very regular users who suffered no overt negative effects, went for regular doctors check ups, took the prescribed supplements, were never depressed

or had any, not even the slightest of negative effects discussed here.

I had so many, it was so popular up there in the late 70's. Even now I am told. And my friend who took then, still take now- and are fine and well it seems.

One is a company president who turned his company into a big success.

I am sure there are many who do not have such positive tales.

All these people only drank/snorted/smoked it.As far as I know, none of them ever injected it. Maybe there's a difference.

None of these sorts of drugs can or should be considered healthy, but more damage is done by misinformation and the inability of a user ( of which there will always be) to seek the best way of doing so long as they remain illegal

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BjoE, can you explain the relevance to what you have written in relation to what has been posted?


In every discussion in which a drug is argued to be a contributing variable, those who have the intelligence to make the distinction between apples and oranges...will generally make that distinction.

Whilst it likely matters extremely little to the OP's predicament, the fact remains that - in this very thread [and tens of thousands just like it] - you have a volume of posters who rant against the negatives of apples. And they are [largely] correct to do so. Except - and this is very important - they are not correct if they continually forget they are mistaking oranges...for apples.

Apples are apples.

Oranges are oranges.

If you hate apples, that is fine. Just stop calling them oranges when you post.

BjoE, whilst he is not 100% correct [methamphetamine, regardless of purity, will often present in addiction], is very much correct when he attempts to inform the misinformed who are ranting against apples...that they are really mistaken, and that they, in fact, hate oranges. And that they should have the intelligence to make the very obvious distinction between the two. To do otherwise is an insult to common-sense [which - if you are one of the rare few who are 'lucky' enough to possess it - you will already be very much aware it's a sense which isn't really all that 'common'].

Here is an apple:


And this is an orange:


If you keep talking about how much you hate apples [when you aren't bright enough to understand that you really hate oranges], you are merely advertising the fact that you are an ignorant twit - whether you are from Oxford or Isaan.

Here is methamphetamine [sold under the brand name Desoxyn - FDA-approved and stunningly successful when used in the US to treat ADHD - but banned in Thailand {and Australia and the UK and every other country in the world apart from Chile / USA} because of idiotic fears of the 'danger' it could present - I mean, it could be abused and there could be *gasp* drug problems...and Thailand / Australia / UK / Europe / etc are all IMMUNE to drug problems, as we all know...and we must ban any pharmaceutical med that could put such immunity at risk]:


And this is street 'meth' / 'ice' / 'shabu' / 'apples' / 'laxatives' / Drano / bleach / poisons / god f knows what:


No matter how ignorant or dull you are, oranges cannot ever be apples.

And no matter how ignorant or dull you are, the filthy polluted chemical cocktails sold by criminals on Bangkok's streets [and on the streets of every city...in the world] cannot ever be methamphetamine. Oh sure, if you have an incredibly ethical, brilliant, chemist who invests 6 figure sums in his illegal underground laboratory, the kind of criminal who sacrifices profits to ensure quality, the kind of genius who is able to source the correct ingredients despite most of them being illegal [yes, the irony is obvious to anyone who isn't idiotic], the type of criminal who subjects himself to rigorous self-regulation....sure, his oranges 'might' taste like apples. They might even look a bit like apples. Maybe...

But they will never be apples. No matter if he calls them apples when he's selling his product. Or if idiotic news anchors call the Drano / poison / bleach cocktail "apples" when they 'report' on the growing 'threat'.

And if you're sitting there reading this thinking: "Who f cares? I hate all fruits..." - your opinion is valid. But brutally lacking in empathy. Spare a thought for the ADHD-sufferer who is forced to step outside the boundaries of law and expose himself to the dangers of dealing with filthy criminal crack dealers and their poison cocktails...purely to obtain the meds he or she needs to function.

And then imagine yourself - or a family member / friend of yours who is taking any medication - being forced to obtain your / their meds the same way. Meds you or they need to survive / function, but meds which are outlawed by legislation written by braindead imbeciles who aren't intelligent enough to tie a pair of shoelaces. Meds you desperately require to treat your heart condition, or your hay-fever, or your period pain, or your migraines, or your depression, or your anxiety, or your....

Well, you either 'get' it by now. Or you don't.

If you don't, may God have mercy on your idiotic soul. And may you rot in the hottest places in hel_l reserved for those gutless masses who maintain their neutrality in a moral crisis and may you Burn with those imbeciles who create the moral crises with their well-intentioned but Criminal legislation - like blanket Prohibition which makes 'criminals' out of good people who foolishly suffer from a medical condition which requires treatment.

Your stupidity [and apathy] killed my best friend. And he was a better person than you could ever hope to be.

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If you are calling me an "idiot" which I actually don't think you are, thank you for the illustrations either way. I certainly am very aware of the difference between an "apple" and an "orange' - metaphorically speaking, and I am neither from Issan or Oxford. :)

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"What can I do?"

In a word, "leave". One TVer had a relationship with a drug addict. He spent months telling us about her being "unwell", how she would run away, steal money from him and his business, threaten the life of him and their child, lie cheat, and eventually destroyed the business. His posts would detail all of the rehab trips, all of the missteps, and all of the angst. Regardless, he hung in there, even getting her a credit card so she could reestablish her credit. Eventually, he took everything: all of the money, all of the possessions, and the child.

Now you know what you are in for, if you decide to stay in the relationship.

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Dosnt have to be hard drugs that destroy, take lives. Had a brotherinlaw who hung himself while full of canabas and another cousin who killed himself sniffing petrol.

All drugs are bad.

Dump the lady before you get implicated or how does time in the BKK Hilton sound

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