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Another activity today was sharpening spears:



Matichon News

Are the little toddlers and babies still with this crowd?

A review of last night's news and its violence disturbingly reveals that little kids are STILL a part of this gang.


SRJ :):D

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As I've noticed numerous moderator comments to use proper names for people or the post gets deleted, your apparently intentional and repeated slights of Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban (note proper spelling) falls outside that moderator-established parameter of proper names.


In al the time I have been using this website, I never imagined that there could be posters who behave in this fashion. I just saw this an am astounded.

Apologies for the wrong spelling, it will be right now. I apologised to the moderators and am not going to discuss the moderators in this thread.

Sorry that some feel the need to try and have some posts removed some posts that were well considered, but thats TV. Least we have outed you for this. I trust you will do your complaining about moderation by use of the report button next time.


As I've noticed numerous moderator comments to use proper names for people or the post gets deleted, your apparently intentional and repeated slights of Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban (note proper spelling) falls outside that moderator-established parameter of proper names.


In al the time I have been using this website, I never imagined that there could be posters who behave in this fashion. I just saw this an am astounded.

Apologies for the wrong spelling, it will be right now. I apologised to the moderators and am not going to discuss the moderators in this thread.

Sorry that some feel the need to try and have some posts removed some posts that were well considered, but thats TV. Least we have outed you for this. I trust you will do your complaining about moderation by use of the report button next time.

I think it is really dreadful that lots of Thai people are telling me that the said bum is a senior Mafia chief in Thailand! How could such a thing be possible in this country of culture....? :)


As I've noticed numerous moderator comments to use proper names for people or the post gets deleted, your apparently intentional and repeated slights of Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban (note proper spelling) falls outside that moderator-established parameter of proper names.

Apologies for the wrong spelling, it will be right now.

Thank you

veen_NT: RT @jin_nation: (translating) Two injured persons are tourists who got hit by stray sling shot. via NNA news

Thu Apr 22 2010 01:23:46 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

According to The Nation article, they were hit by pink shirts:

No, it doesn't say that at all.

The article mentions that they, aswell, used slingshots.

Not who injured the tourists, correct?

Sorry to rain on the nation bashing, but in this situation it's actually more a reflection of the disarray amongst the multiple red leaders with Jaran and Kwanchai saying they are open to discussion (in some form) on that Reuters article and Jatuporn et al saying no discussions under any situation in a bunch of other non-Nation media.

The conflicting news reports reflect conflicting messages given out by the different red leaders.

Too many chiefs for their dwindling numbers of their tribe.

One can only sympathise with the government, trying hard to keep things peaceful & negotiate with the Red-Shirt leadership, when they seem to number someone with every opinion under-the-sun, and no apparent centralised decision-making authority ! :D

Of course in reality that authority does exist, and was last heard-of in Fiji (?), but he seems only to want to sow dissent and encourage disorder in the country he once held high-authority in, so it suits him just fine, to have his subordinates in-country to look like a bunch of headless-chickens. :)

But this does sometimes have unfortunate-consequences, for both his loyal/paid rural-supporters, and the country as-a-whole. Perhaps the tribe of chiefs may eventually realise, just how ridiculous they look, and decide to sit down again soon, with the elected 'Big Chief', for a 'pow-wow' ? :D

I didn't say that it must be biased, i used the term 'yellow press' in the sense of gossip journalism, sensationalism, exaggerations of news events and not the PAD yellow.

And yes, unlike you, i can't attack and blame user ChiangMaiFun for not knowing it and i can't get much agitated about what someones son might have screamed at people in a bar in Chiang Mai or not circa a couple of years ago. And i can't see there much importance and relevance to todays problems.

So i asked you if you could explain it to me why you call it the "big story". Gave you the chance to parade and show off your voluminous knowledge.

But i see your are not capable of doing so. You hide instead behind another attack. Impressive argument for someone who claims to know all details. :)

Can you please state where i have attacked anyone? I haven't. I merely expressed surprised that CMF hadn't heard of or read of the story concerning the son of the man who leads the group to which he speaks so much about.

And despite what you have said about such a story passing by intellectual high brows who read The Times (like yourself?) and insinuating things about my intellect just because i know of it, it is very clear that you yourself heard the story too, by your mention of the fact that Oak screamed at people, which is a detail i never mentioned.

As for you giving me the chance to show off my voluminous knowledge, i am fully aware that all you were doing is trying to get me involved in discussing something that is off limits, as well as having a chance to mock the validity of the story, as you obviously have rushed to the assumption that i accept it as being gospel. I don't. It's simply one of those word of mouth stories that can never be proved one way or the other.

Knowing Thaksin as i do and the character of his son, i would only say that the story is believable.

P.S. What is the meaning of the smilie you attached?

Why is the story "off limits"? In a previous entry you said it was big news and also discussed at various internet forums including this one.

The "screamed at people up here in a bar in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago " comment came from the other gossip teller jdinasia. The one that induced CMF to admit his knowledge gap and ask his question: missed that one... care to explain?

You saw that question, but did you care to explain, showed cooparation and helped out a fellow board member who asked a question? No, you kept your knowledge for yourself and chose confrontation instead, saw it as a cheap chance to score points against CMF and claimed that is hard to believe that CMF is really in Chiang Mai, because he had never heard of it and no clue what the jdinasia remark with the long line of meaningless dots "..............................." was about.

I merely stated that i can't blame CMF for his lack of knowledge of this a couple of years old gossip. And i repeated CMF request care to explain? in the hope that you or jdinasia provide some more details of the story and telling us what makes you believe the story so significant and important.

But you didn't care to explain, you just tried to make fun of me because i asked a question. Not nice.

Neither CMF nor I claimed that the story behind is not true or dismissed it as PAD propaganda or whatever. Both of us have shown their interest in the story and wanted to know more details.

It becomes more and more clear that you obviously don't know much more either. Maybe jdinasia or someone else have the details to it.

The offspring of Mr. Thaksin 'screaming something whatever at people in a bar/nightclub in Chiang Mai' is a promising teaser for a good pulp story. I want to know more.

"Knowing Thaksin as i do and the character of his son, i would only say that the story is believable."

That is the circular logic of a true believer. What you wanna believe becomes true for you and part your knowledge that you use to consider the story as believable.

Anyway, if i see in an internet forum someone asking a question and i think i can give an answer, be in the mood to reply and have the time for it, then i write down what i know.

And i see no reason to doubt if CMF is really in Chiang Mai or not or if that would be a point at all.

I have actually asked more people here but no one has heard of this story... searched Google... and nothing - I have only been here a couple of years but aksed people who have bene here ages... nothing.

So I feel sort of vindicated in my 'ignorance' of not knowing what everyone else doesn't know :D

Why is the story "off limits"? In a previous entry you said it was big news and also discussed at various internet forums including this one.

Why is it off limits? Well if you have lived in Thailand for any period of time you would know what topic it would have to be about for it to be off limits. Do you need it spelt out?

At the time it was big news and discussed on forums, especially Thai ones, but it was never a mainstream story because of its nature.

I merely stated that i can't blame CMF for his lack of knowledge of this a couple of years old gossip. And i repeated CMF request care to explain? in the hope that you or jdinasia provide some more details of the story and telling us what makes you believe the story so significant and important.

But you didn't care to explain, you just tried to make fun of me because i asked a question. Not nice.

Deary me. :) Where have i made fun of you?

"Knowing Thaksin as i do and the character of his son, i would only say that the story is believable."

That is the circular logic of a true believer. What you wanna believe becomes true for you and part your knowledge that you use to consider the story as believable.

A true believer? True believer of what exactly?

Saying that someone is believable is different from saying something is true. Can you appreciate the difference?

Anyway, if i see in an internet forum someone asking a question and i think i can give an answer,

be in the mood to reply and have the time for it, then i write down what i know.

I've already stated why in this case it is not that simple.

Sorry to rain on the nation bashing, but in this situation it's actually more a reflection of the disarray amongst the multiple red leaders with Jaran and Kwanchai saying they are open to discussion (in some form) on that Reuters article and Jatuporn et al saying no discussions under any situation in a bunch of other non-Nation media.

The conflicting news reports reflect conflicting messages given out by the different red leaders.

Too many chiefs for their dwindling numbers of their tribe.

One can only sympathise with the government, trying hard to keep things peaceful & negotiate with the Red-Shirt leadership, when they seem to number someone with every opinion under-the-sun, and no apparent centralised decision-making authority ! :D

Of course in reality that authority does exist, and was last heard-of in Fiji (?), but he seems only to want to sow dissent and encourage disorder in the country he once held high-authority in, so it suits him just fine, to have his subordinates in-country to look like a bunch of headless-chickens. :)

But this does sometimes have unfortunate-consequences, for both his loyal/paid rural-supporters, and the country as-a-whole. Perhaps the tribe of chiefs may eventually realise, just how ridiculous they look, and decide to sit down again soon, with the elected 'Big Chief', for a 'pow-wow' ? :D

Yes, of course, you've hit it on the head.

Now all that needs to happen is for the nice, law-abiding Yellow Shirts, who obviously don't look ridiculous and are governed by a different 'tribe of chiefs,' to take over and maybe occupy the airports again and really get rid of the 'headless chickens.'

Do you really think all of the protesters are just paid dumb puppets?

Do you not acknowledge that many of them are sick of the outdated, corrupt, and rotten system that has for so long kept a privileged minority in power and kept them under the thumb?

Thaksin will be noted in history, IMHO, apart from being corrupt, for letting the proverbial cat out of the bag: giving hope and expectation to the labouring masses of Thailand. Once these historical forces are unleashed only savage repression will quell them.

The history of western societies is dominated by struggles of the poor against the privileged, rich minorities. This is just a nativity play compared to the French Revolution or the American Civil War or the Cuban revolution.

It's easy to ridicule the poor, however badly-led, for fighting for a better deal.


Those sharpened bamboo stakes look menacing but it seems unlikely they will get close enought to troops to use them, if there is another clash. Running towards a soldier holding one now will likely earn 100,000 bt compensation from The Boss for their families.

Those sharpened bamboo stakes look menacing but it seems unlikely they will get close enought to troops to use them, if there is another clash. Running towards a soldier holding one now will likely earn 100,000 bt compensation from The Boss for their families.

I really feel sorry for you mate.

You seem to be almost entirely cynical and negative.


I Think another turning point has been reached.

Beween out staff, wives, friends etc. there are more yellows than reds, but they do keep it civil. Espescially at work we do not rail like we do on here at each other.

Couple of the reds now are slagging Thaksin saying he should be here. I am sure this is going to be the feeling of many reds, more and more now.

Also, some on the anti taxin side are not PAD followers anymore. They were and they went to the rallys against Thaksin, but none of them identify themselves as PAD now.

It could ease the situation if Thaksin is not seen as the greater force behind this. I think he was the catylist but can't see him back now. AND AND.. IMHO that would be the best thing for Thailand now.

A National Unity Government featuring some of the current red leaders would really seal his ouster. Can the Army think like this? I'll not hold my breath.

I Think another turning point has been reached.

Beween out staff, wives, friends etc. there are more yellows than reds, but they do keep it civil. Espescially at work we do not rail like we do on here at each other.

Couple of the reds now are slagging Thaksin saying he should be here. I am sure this is going to be the feeling of many reds, more and more now.

Also, some on the anti taxin side are not PAD followers anymore. They were and they went to the rallys against Thaksin, but none of them identify themselves as PAD now.

It could ease the situation if Thaksin is not seen as the greater force behind this. I think he was the catylist but can't see him back now. AND AND.. IMHO that would be the best thing for Thailand now.

A National Unity Government featuring some of the current red leaders would really seal his ouster. Can the Army think like this? I'll not hold my breath.

Well fancy that!

The red cheerleaders clearly have done a poor job keeping Thaksin out of the equation.

Some of the current red leaders?

Now there's a little tease.

R*ts leaving the Thaksin ship.

Sorry to rain on the nation bashing, but in this situation it's actually more a reflection of the disarray amongst the multiple red leaders with Jaran and Kwanchai saying they are open to discussion (in some form) on that Reuters article and Jatuporn et al saying no discussions under any situation in a bunch of other non-Nation media.

The conflicting news reports reflect conflicting messages given out by the different red leaders.

Too many chiefs for their dwindling numbers of their tribe.

One can only sympathise with the government, trying hard to keep things peaceful & negotiate with the Red-Shirt leadership, when they seem to number someone with every opinion under-the-sun, and no apparent centralised decision-making authority ! :D

Of course in reality that authority does exist, and was last heard-of in Fiji (?), but he seems only to want to sow dissent and encourage disorder in the country he once held high-authority in, so it suits him just fine, to have his subordinates in-country to look like a bunch of headless-chickens. :)

But this does sometimes have unfortunate-consequences, for both his loyal/paid rural-supporters, and the country as-a-whole. Perhaps the tribe of chiefs may eventually realise, just how ridiculous they look, and decide to sit down again soon, with the elected 'Big Chief', for a 'pow-wow' ? :D

Yes, of course, you've hit it on the head.

Now all that needs to happen is for the nice, law-abiding Yellow Shirts, who obviously don't look ridiculous and are governed by a different 'tribe of chiefs,' to take over and maybe occupy the airports again and really get rid of the 'headless chickens.'

Do you really think all of the protesters are just paid dumb puppets?

Do you not acknowledge that many of them are sick of the outdated, corrupt, and rotten system that has for so long kept a privileged minority in power and kept them under the thumb?

Thaksin will be noted in history, IMHO, apart from being corrupt, for letting the proverbial cat out of the bag: giving hope and expectation to the labouring masses of Thailand. Once these historical forces are unleashed only savage repression will quell them.

The history of western societies is dominated by struggles of the poor against the privileged, rich minorities. This is just a nativity play compared to the French Revolution or the American Civil War or the Cuban revolution.

It's easy to ridicule the poor, however badly-led, for fighting for a better deal.

Apologies for posting this again, but the message has not yet got through. We are dealing with a fascist movement here based on one man's crusade.

I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now in Thailand and the pre-war period in Germany.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of his psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to as Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned as a mass, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls was another illusion. Were they all drug dealers? Some of the victims were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres, others were political opponents and (perhaps) others were chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land. For the first time Thailand has a prime minister who understands these issues - and although he may be surrounded by people who are not carved from the same stone, he's got a fighting chance to turn the nation around. The fascists know this so they had to act fast and the seizure of Thaksin's stolen assets was just the catalyst needed, not because of the event, but because psychologically it was the opportune time.

Shows the priorities again on the yellow side of the fence.

That was your retort to posts about CM51, so we can them presume that you were hurt that they where pointed out as 'bad' people and had to deflect?

Ps. I am not yellow. Not that you care. Propaganda > facts. Ds.

Sorry to rain on the nation bashing, but in this situation it's actually more a reflection of the disarray amongst the multiple red leaders with Jaran and Kwanchai saying they are open to discussion (in some form) on that Reuters article and Jatuporn et al saying no discussions under any situation in a bunch of other non-Nation media.

The conflicting news reports reflect conflicting messages given out by the different red leaders.

Too many chiefs for their dwindling numbers of their tribe.

One can only sympathise with the government, trying hard to keep things peaceful & negotiate with the Red-Shirt leadership, when they seem to number someone with every opinion under-the-sun, and no apparent centralised decision-making authority ! :D

Of course in reality that authority does exist, and was last heard-of in Fiji (?), but he seems only to want to sow dissent and encourage disorder in the country he once held high-authority in, so it suits him just fine, to have his subordinates in-country to look like a bunch of headless-chickens. :)

But this does sometimes have unfortunate-consequences, for both his loyal/paid rural-supporters, and the country as-a-whole. Perhaps the tribe of chiefs may eventually realise, just how ridiculous they look, and decide to sit down again soon, with the elected 'Big Chief', for a 'pow-wow' ? :D

Well they haven't been called anarchists yet, but that now seems rather overdue...

Since there are 30 heads on this hydra all talking extemporaneously and contradicting each other,

Actual anarchy in the read non-leadership seems not illogical.

Sorry to rain on the nation bashing, but in this situation it's actually more a reflection of the disarray amongst the multiple red leaders with Jaran and Kwanchai saying they are open to discussion (in some form) on that Reuters article and Jatuporn et al saying no discussions under any situation in a bunch of other non-Nation media.

The conflicting news reports reflect conflicting messages given out by the different red leaders.

Too many chiefs for their dwindling numbers of their tribe.

One can only sympathise with the government, trying hard to keep things peaceful & negotiate with the Red-Shirt leadership, when they seem to number someone with every opinion under-the-sun, and no apparent centralised decision-making authority ! :D

Of course in reality that authority does exist, and was last heard-of in Fiji (?), but he seems only to want to sow dissent and encourage disorder in the country he once held high-authority in, so it suits him just fine, to have his subordinates in-country to look like a bunch of headless-chickens. :)

But this does sometimes have unfortunate-consequences, for both his loyal/paid rural-supporters, and the country as-a-whole. Perhaps the tribe of chiefs may eventually realise, just how ridiculous they look, and decide to sit down again soon, with the elected 'Big Chief', for a 'pow-wow' ? :D

Yes, of course, you've hit it on the head.

Now all that needs to happen is for the nice, law-abiding Yellow Shirts, who obviously don't look ridiculous and are governed by a different 'tribe of chiefs,' to take over and maybe occupy the airports again and really get rid of the 'headless chickens.'

Do you really think all of the protesters are just paid dumb puppets?

Do you not acknowledge that many of them are sick of the outdated, corrupt, and rotten system that has for so long kept a privileged minority in power and kept them under the thumb?

Thaksin will be noted in history, IMHO, apart from being corrupt, for letting the proverbial cat out of the bag: giving hope and expectation to the labouring masses of Thailand. Once these historical forces are unleashed only savage repression will quell them.

The history of western societies is dominated by struggles of the poor against the privileged, rich minorities. This is just a nativity play compared to the French Revolution or the American Civil War or the Cuban revolution.

It's easy to ridicule the poor, however badly-led, for fighting for a better deal.

Apologies for posting this again, but the message has not yet got through. We are dealing with a fascist movement here based on one man's crusade.

I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now in Thailand and the pre-war period in Germany.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of his psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to as Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned as a mass, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls was another illusion. Were they all drug dealers? Some of the victims were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres, others were political opponents and (perhaps) others were chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land. For the first time Thailand has a prime minister who understands these issues - and although he may be surrounded by people who are not carved from the same stone, he's got a fighting chance to turn the nation around. The fascists know this so they had to act fast and the seizure of Thaksin's stolen assets was just the catalyst needed, not because of the event, but because psychologically it was the opportune time.

drivel... with a DPM who was barred from being an MP and a Foreign Minister who took the stage at the yellow airport take-over this government will never win the next election - and stop saying 'facisist' - it's immature and pathetic yellow rhetoric - only the other day we have yellow apologists here saying reds were 'Maoist' now we go to 'Fascist' - get real.


Get real yourself.

Saying reds were 'Maoist' and ALSO saying some are 'Fascist'

Is right on the mark, they are STRONGLY displaying traits of both a different times.

They are so anarchic that they morph depending on which of their

hydra head speakers is at the pulpit.

This is not as organized and rational a bunch as some try to portray them as.


As I've noticed numerous moderator comments to use proper names for people or the post gets deleted, your apparently intentional and repeated slights of Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban (note proper spelling) falls outside that moderator-established parameter of proper names.

Apologies for the wrong spelling, it will be right now.

Thank you

I thought you weren't going to re-member :)

Why is the story "off limits"? In a previous entry you said it was big news and also discussed at various internet forums including this one.

Why is it off limits? Well if you have lived in Thailand for any period of time you would know what topic it would have to be about for it to be off limits. Do you need it spelt out?

At the time it was big news and discussed on forums, especially Thai ones, but it was never a mainstream story because of its nature.


Your story is full of holes.

So suddenly your big news was nothing more than some gossip in internet forums?

In addition a topic of a nature that makes it nearly impossible to talk about in public and of course not in the mainstream media.

Under these circumstances - how you can expect that the law-abiding CM resident CMF knew about it?

But wait, back at the time it must have been possible to talk about in the internet and also here at this board. Strange that now, in the present, you cannot provide anykind of clue of the story because of its nature.

Anyway there is always the option to hedge around a subject, speak in codes.

You could still point out the specific law that is of concern. Is the talk about it defamation and libel or unconstitutional?

And even if you cannot bring us the exact quote, it should be no problem to give us other details of the the story. Like when did it exactly happen? 'a couple of years ago' is somewhat vague.

And in what kind of situation it happen, was Oak just a normal guest of the bar at that night or was there a special event some specific meeting? Did Oak just have a bad day and misbehaved and said something dumb or was that what he had said part of a political program?

How was the story brought to the public, was there some whistle blower?

You come up with somekind of kabbalistic BS that cannot be verified with a source in written form, not even mentioned nor recite, but of course everybody with some insights knows ot already anyway.

"Knowing Thaksin as i do and the character of his son, i would only say that the story is believable."

That is the circular logic of a true believer. What you wanna believe becomes true for you and part your knowledge that you use to consider the story as believable.

A true believer? True believer of what exactly?

Saying that someone is believable is different from saying something is true. Can you appreciate the difference?

The truth only exist for those who believe and of course there is a difference between to know and to believe.

You believe that you have some 'knowledge' of a story about something that Thaksins son Oak might have said in a CM nightclub a couple of years ago. You are positive about that this 'knowledge' really exist somewhere stored in your head. When asked for some details you get not confused by the the fact that your insights are nothing more than hot air. NVM, you keep talking, believing that you know.

:):D :D


drivel... with a DPM who was barred from being an MP and a Foreign Minister who took the stage at the yellow airport take-over this government will never win the next election - and stop saying 'facisist' - it's immature and pathetic yellow rhetoric - only the other day we have yellow apologists here saying reds were 'Maoist' now we go to 'Fascist' - get real.

I'm neither yellow nor red, I'm an interested observer from Chiang Mai. I noted the parallels between what is happening now and what happened in pre-war Germany. I would be very interested in a critique that contained more balls than 'drivel'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or perhaps the intellect doesn't stretch that far?

Another activity today was sharpening spears:

Matichon News

Are the little toddlers and babies still with this crowd?

A review of last night's news and its violence disturbingly reveals that little kids are STILL a part of this gang.


These are not Thais. Never in history have Thai people put their children in the front line of a war. These are paid actors from the country next door who likes 'T' but doesn't like 'A'. They are also not at risk because the army is mostly 'watermelons' :)


The truth only exist for those who believe and of course there is a difference between to know and to believe.

You believe that you have some 'knowledge' of a story about something that Thaksins son Oak might have said in a CM nightclub a couple of years ago. You are positive about that this 'knowledge' really exist somewhere stored in your head. When asked for some details you get not confused by the the fact that your insights are nothing more than hot air. NVM, you keep talking, believing that you know.


I also sent Rixalex a PM yesterday so he could tell me, in private, where the information is - but no reply so far... I have searched Google - and NOTHING - I can find ZERO about this story - I'm am genuinely interested - I can guess at what he 'might have said' but no one knows up here that I can find - which club was it? who heard it? where is the newspaper artricle? no EVIDENCE so far, yet I am critisised for:

NOT knowing something that is not KNOWN

Anyway... moving on

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Wooohooo :)

And today they reversed that.

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Wooohooo :)

And today they reversed that.

consistant then

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Wooohooo :)

And today they reversed that.

consistant then

I think they bought into the initial argument and did an injuction immediately,

to make things stand pat; no change.

Then when the counter arguent was made they agreed with that and lifted the injunction.

AND the attack on BTS was made, a game changer certainly.


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