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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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Do we have to keep having people waving the US constituion and establishment of the US around? It has nothing to do with this and if developed further could involve us going completley off topic over how ther US has not developed as the fathers would have wanted.

Anyway what does it have to do with this situation?

We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.

Magna Carta England 1215

What? The idea from America bothers you, it started of course long ago and the Americans were Brits in revolution you know. The British were fighting for these rights for a thousand years.

Would you get on your knees to another man?

Just curious.

Sounds like you are on good stuff

Just point out that international and local media are reprting explosions in Silom and that is probably of more import than bringing up other countires constittions

Plus what has the US consty got to do with going down on anohter guy? Unless you have some fetish that way and each to their own on that kind of stuff

Oh an dplease dont lower things to idiotic levels these are serious times

Storming of the Bastille

Many Parisians presumed Louis's actions to be the start of a royal coup against the Assembly and began open rebellion when they heard the news the next day. They were also afraid that arriving soldiers—mostly foreigners under French service rather than native French troops—had been summoned to shut down the National Constituent Assembly. The Assembly, meeting at Versailles, went into nonstop session to prevent eviction from their meeting place once again. Paris was soon consumed with riots, chaos, and widespread looting. The mobs soon had the support of the French Guard, including arms and trained soldiers.[24]

180px-Declaration_of_Human_Rights.jpg magnify-clip.pngThe Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the CitizenOn 14 July, the insurgents set their eyes on the large weapons and ammunition cache inside the Bastille fortress, which was also perceived to be a symbol of monarchist tyranny. After several hours of combat, the prison fell that afternoon. Despite ordering a cease fire, which prevented a mutual massacre, Governor Marquis Bernard de Launay was beaten, stabbed and decapitated; his head was placed on a pike and paraded about the city. Although the fortress had held only seven prisoners (four forgers, two noblemen kept for immoral behavior, and a murder suspect), the Bastille served as a potent symbol of everything hated under the Ancien Régime.

And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

As in every dispute, there are more sides, more visions, morefacets.

And let's face it, nowhere in the world "the people" are really running the country.

Anywhere capital is running the country.

And did you ever study the results of the last elections?

Although there was a great deasl of vot-buying by the reds, they were not able to get a majority.

NO party had a majority, so it was coalition time.

This coalition was dissolved, and a new coalition was formed; the government of the day.

Power of the people, dear sir, does not exist.

Politicians, anywhere in the world cannot be trusted.

They are in t for money, for power, or for both.

Don't even think that any politcian is in politics for you.

Hey Americans--this is yours I think.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.


It's unfortunate but telling that Thaksin and his Redshirt captains don't have anything of the sort and won't have one in the future. They're not about anything in this document, never could be.

(GenGrant you should note that the above is excerpted from the Declaration of Independence. In the US newspapers across the country publish the whole of the Declaration each July 4th.)


<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Civil Court Grants Injunction Against Using Violence to Disperse Rally

UPDATE : 22 April 2010

The Civil Court has granted an injunction which prevents Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and security officials from using force to disperse the red shirt rally. The court order indicates that officials can only disperse the protest by using softer measures, gradually moving towards stricter measures.


-- Tan Network 2010.04.22


<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

If you're in Bkk go to TNN...


TAN: "INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally"

wow, if we count into anupong's statement of today to AFP -

_whole_ system is crumbling. i don't know who is "red" or "yellow"... it's more like the iceland volcano...

compulsive forces, from deep within, erupting ... & disrupting status-quo.


wish you well thai people, nam jai dee mak :-)

And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

Don't feed the trolls...

I've seen Thaksin supporter Grandpops on before. You would think he is one of the neanderthal uneducated Reds for sure. An Anarchist & maybe a Communist like Hun Sen, Thaksin's buddy. Seems to me like the BBC & CNN have been overly favorable to the Reds. Democracy? The Reds not only can't spell it they don't know what the H--- it is. They are following those radicals paid handsomely by Thaksin. Of course they are being paid to while those working in the hotels, restaurants, etc. are off work because of the Reds blockade and are not getting paid. I cannot even imagine one of those nasty looking, loud mouthed, cowardly Reds I see on Thai TV all the time ruling this country. They don't want peace. They want war. They have been trying to incite the army for weeks. They should be arrested as terrorists for trying to overthrow the government, damage to private and public property, inciting to riot, the list can go on. However, I have never seen an Army or the Police in my lifetime watching riots in countries throughout the world over my 63 years throw their guns down and run like scalded dogs. They should be court martialed and relieved of their jobs. Also, no country in the world would have allowed rioters like the Reds to do what they have done. Even the U.S. would have moved in and cleared them out. I hope that Burma & Cambodia don't see what a weak military Thailand has and decided to take the country. Either could whip the Thai military in less than a week. These Reds need to be moved out, by violence - shooting - if necessary. Camping out like animals for five weeks is enough. Naturally the Red leaders are staying in fancy hotels, not with their troops on the streets. Thaksin is flying around the world on his private jet while paying these neanderthals to do his fighting for him - paying them good however.

One the reasons why this forum is either frustrating or fun - my point was one of perception and how things can be seen differently. Your point, whilst I am sure valid, does not further the discussion on the issue raised but simply takes it down an avenue of red vs yellows, negating any attempt at a neutral discussion of the perception of the crisis today outside of taking sides. I am not saying your are wrong just seeing if there is room for a more mature debate.; Oh well, I tried :)

Can I safely assume you are NOT addressing this to me? As my reply that you quoted had nothing to do with REDS vs. Yellows...

Just to clear things up a little...

In reply to this:-

The problem here is one of perception, jingthing. As an exercise, let's assume you are right - I know I am right, I can hear you saying...but bear with me. Assuming you are right and there are many many people of the same opinion, there are equally many many of the opinion that something is rotten in the "State of Denmark" - both on a national and dare I say it, international stage. For those that do not have the unique wisdom of the posters here on this forum, the perception is that the Abhisit government has arrived at this point following a coup, international airport closures that resulted in literally tens of thousands of stranded foreigners and a few other shenanigans besides, those probably more of relevance here in Thailand, disqualifed parties, red cards, yellow cards etc etc. If I was to sit down with my father or brother or my mates from the pub and say the present government is legal, they would say "get out of here, there the ones who did this this and this......leaving my Aunt Mo not able to get back for little Johnny's christening"...So, whilst I might agree with you, it is equally good reasoning to see the other side of the coin too...

It is part of the reason why one cannot see this problem just fading away if they all packed up and went home this evening.

You wrote:-

I would ask one simple question. The TWO gov't before the current one obtained their power under the exact same rules. I did not see the REDS crying then about democracy. Did you?

Regardless of whether you believe those two were ousted via the courts or political games, it does not change that they STARTED in exactly the same way AFTER elections AFTER the coup... so why pray tell did the REDs not complain then???

and now you write:-

Can I safely assume you are NOT addressing this to me? As my reply that you quoted had nothing to do with REDS vs. Yellows...

My perception that this indeed did go down an alleyway of red vs yellows is obviously awry...mea culpa :D

in reply to danc. i'm sorry, i'm too late to reply to your original post na:

i like your post trying to differentiate between "perception of events" & so-called "true facts" (by one side or the other). i feel sad that your original approach - leaving realm of "absolute truth" for insight into human mentality, "perception", or "views" as the Buddha said - have either been ignored, neglected or mis-interpreted.

i guess/believe/think... your approach, you sharing mind, was/is one of the more sensible & constructive ones on TV. as it opens realm for negotiations. leave attachment to views behind ("they're bad, they _did_ THESE horrible things. i _can't_ stand pain to talk to ENEMY") - but open game for realizing humble self-assessment & ... realize/enjoy opponent as partner :-) as they say, "it takes 2 to tango" :-)

thank you danc

:D Whilst I can be mischievous in tagging people on their "war manoeuvres" postings (sorry blackman), I joined the recent discussions in the hope that I could find out more information beyond the heavily biased press here in country and given that ,sadly, unless there are deaths, the western media pays scant attention. I have found out that actually the forum is very much a microcosm of what we find outside - conflict and disagreement, them and us, no reason to listen to each other or change views when better informed. It is indicative of political debate across the world and here such conflict has brought Thailand to its knees and will very probably result in a civil war...I am in no way saying I am any better or above the squabbling, by the way as it is human nature but just asking that we are all aware that we are all doing it!!! :D

Hey Americans--this is yours I think.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.


It's unfortunate but telling that Thaksin and his Redshirt captains don't have anything of the sort and won't have one in the future. They're not about anything in this document, never could be.

(GenGrant you should note that the above is excerpted from the Declaration of Independence. In the US newspapers across the country publish the whole of the Declaration each July 4th.)

The shouting at the US is because they tapped Thaksin's communication links to the redshirt leaders.

In the meantine it has been reported:

Other reports suggested that they were indeed the sounds of M79 grenades being launched into the group of multi-colored shirt protesters who have come to show their displeasure with the red shirts.

We can look forward to the redshirt cheerleaders denying that it was them etc.

So, now we have lined up on the red side:

General Grant.

Clint Eastwood

and Clockwork Orange

you get the picture.....


Watching people getting blown up by grenades and whatever along silom on tv and I think I am not overstating when I say enough is fuc_king enough!

Do something besides sit around, no more press releases asking everyone to be patient.

<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Civil Court Grants Injunction Against Using Violence to Disperse Rally

UPDATE : 22 April 2010

The Civil Court has granted an injunction which prevents Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and security officials from using force to disperse the red shirt rally. The court order indicates that officials can only disperse the protest by using softer measures, gradually moving towards stricter measures.


-- Tan Network 2010.04.22


this is going to be a repeat of the april 10 violence..


Why is it anyone here who is farang would defend this government?

You say no government is perfect and so it is.

But you then say, therefore all are equally bad?


Obviously the government in Myanmar is not equal to the government in Thailand.

Thais have mush more freedom.

But Thailand has a long way to go.

It has not given the right to govern to the people.

It does not give elections the power to rule the nation. The over 22 coups proves that fact.

"A nation divided cannot stand." Lincoln

Thais must unite or the nation will split.

I too wonder why it is we have so many Thais here posting pretending to be farangs? Do you get paid? Give your real names and we can really talk.

AND--genaralgrant keeps asking you this.

Would you get on your knees and crawl to another man farangs?


Changes are needed.

Nuff said.

<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

If you're in Bkk go to TNN...

It means nothing once the reds use M79s , spears , and any weapons they can get there hands on .

Watching people getting blown up by grenades and whatever along silom on tv and I think I am not overstating when I say enough is fuc_king enough!

Do something besides sit around, no more press releases asking everyone to be patient.

I now share the same view about this badly played-out Thai soap opera.

It had become boring but I endorse 100% your opening sentance. Enough is enough - send in the <deleted> tanks if need be - but put an end to this charade before any more innocents get maimed.

<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

I don't know either, but it sounds ridiculous. The PM sits at the head of the table. Now, more than ever, he needs to take the bull by the horns and be the leader. He doesn't need to be stifled.

The reports of bombs going off in the past few minutes is troubling. They appear to be from the Red shirt side, and have thus far injured 4 people, two of them foreigners. No surprise really, as the Reds are doing all they can to spark confrontation. They'll get it. Let's hope that this time gov't forces have the resolve and equipment to do it right, or at least with as minimum blood as possible. It can't/won't be bloodless, because the people they're going up against are armed to the teeth.

Let the fireworks begin, and (to authorities) bring a lot of fire trucks!

Watching people getting blown up by grenades and whatever along silom on tv and I think I am not overstating when I say enough is fuc_king enough!

Do something besides sit around, no more press releases asking everyone to be patient.

I now share the same view about this badly played-out Thai soap opera.

It had become boring but I endorse 100% your opening sentance. Enough is enough - send in the <deleted> tanks if need be - but put an end to this charade before any more innocents get maimed.

The army will go in now...


I can't wait to hear the red supporting westerners justify firing 40mm grenades at bangkok citizens at silom, on the BTS pad, at women... I think that should pretty much settle this argument over what to do with the remaining barricaded thugs.

I can't wait to hear the red supporting westerners justify firing 40mm grenades at bangkok citizens at silom, on the BTS pad, at women... I think that should pretty much settle this argument over what to do with the remaining barricaded thugs.

Strikes me that the red leaders might be deliberately hoping to provoke the crackdown tonight so that they don't lose the PR war tomorrow when 100,000 anti-reds were supposed to come out. They're trying to get ahead of the game, as usual, with no concern for anyone's lives,not even their own supporters.

Hateful, rotten people.

BANGKOK: -- Bomb explosions hit the third floor of Sala Daeng skytrain station on Thursday night, injuring three.

The explosions were reportedly caused by M-79 grenades.

They're going to have to shut down the entire mass transit system until this is over. Time for the military to end this, the reds aren't going to stop trying to kill people

I can't wait to hear the red supporting westerners justify firing 40mm grenades at bangkok citizens at silom, on the BTS pad, at women... I think that should pretty much settle this argument over what to do with the remaining barricaded thugs.

There will be apologists. No doubt they were fake reds with fake bombs .......

...... and they were fake innocent victims :)

I pray humfurry is right. The time has come.

I can't wait to hear the red supporting westerners justify firing 40mm grenades at bangkok citizens at silom, on the BTS pad, at women... I think that should pretty much settle this argument over what to do with the remaining barricaded thugs.

I know that I have 6 female friends in Si lom protesting tonight against the Reds. They come form all areas of Thailand... If they are hurt...

Why is it anyone here who is farang would defend this government?

Why would they not?? you want to see the RED leaders in control? hahahaha, good one... keep em coming

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

Good Point Jingthing, how would this be handled in let's say Holland?

It would never be necessary in Holland- people are enfranchised, well-educated, they have removed the priviledges of title and inheritance, they receive sufficient pay for their work, have more than adequate health care and welfare provision and have plenty of Heineken.

I can say in the US they would simply have labeled the insurrection as terrorism and opened fire at the airport, the inner city and wherever. Anyone doubting this should not forget what happened on American campuses at an earlier time.

Too bloody right ............I remember my Korean war days , the yanks always were "trigger happy"

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