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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base


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6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

Broken record.

Now if the government had cracked down in 1932, maybe things'd be different! :)

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6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

The yellows left on their own accord. Are the reds going to follow their lead?

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There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

why on earth ;would I ask/request you to believe me! :)

I know quite well how civilized countries solve their security-threats of such kind.

Mind you, it is a THAI-issue; we are discussing now. Take your arguments to other places if you wish.

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And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

WHO IS not in charge?

Who is HE that shouts fire?

Oppressive regimes and US sanctions a certainty says who?

The ballot box voting was one of the problems (people paid to vote) as the court ruled and banned many from running for any government post. So take it up with the judiciary. More democratic that way.

BBC sound bite of the day??

Nice organisation = who are you referring to?

Yellow shirts go on? go on what? yaba? the pay role?

What planet are you from sunshine?

I suppose you didnt realise that Thaksin resigned

Bangkok, 06 April, (Asiantribune.com): Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra resigned on Wednesday (April 5),

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Why are so men red-farangs unstable? The down and out in the west seethe with anger towards people with educations and blame everyone else for their problems. And when in Thailand they gravitate to the same ilk.

Thailand is very liberal and welcomes all sorts of people, including weirdos, psychos and people who might be in jail in another country for their public behavior. Sad, but true...

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And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

What utter Nonsense Sir.

Again more nonsense from garndpops, he never provides logic.

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I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

No way

The real truth is the Red leaders are just teaching the red shirt followers and old western game


Now some of us are going to Die, but they do so in the name of ...............

Oops sorry wrong culture

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The last time the army warned people like this, 25 died on Saturday... so of all the false warnnings I've heard - and there are a LOT... this one has some credibility.

Bets on exactly when the crackdown will be? I say sometime today or latest tomorrow morning... tomorrow is when the multi-colored shirts rally... and the army should crack down to avoid any more large emotional gatherings!!!

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There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

Good Point Jingthing, how would this be handled in let's say Holland?

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"The easiest way (to resolve the crisis) is to dissolve parliament and then we will all go home."


And all the Thai go go will give free bar fines for 6 months

Come to think of it

I think the free bar fines is more possible

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Whether the number of protesters is 5,000 or 50,000, or 500,000 it really doesn't matter... remember that horrible Mumbai terrorist event? There were only a few terrorists, but it took soooo long to dislodge them and look at all the damage they did... this portends to be catastrophic... even with a "mere" 500 terrorist protesters......

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And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

WHO IS not in charge?

Who is HE that shouts fire?

Oppressive regimes and US sanctions a certainty says who?

The ballot box voting was one of the problems (people paid to vote) as the court ruled and banned many from running for any government post. So take it up with the judiciary. More democratic that way.

BBC sound bite of the day??

Nice organisation = who are you referring to?

Yellow shirts go on? go on what? yaba? the pay role?

What planet are you from sunshine?

I suppose you didnt realise that Thaksin resigned

Bangkok, 06 April, (Asiantribune.com): Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra resigned on Wednesday (April 5),

Don't worry BJ as Grandpoops will soon go away for his afternoon nap and we will all have peace.

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was walking last night through the area and many things are strange.

I did not venture to Silom/Dala daeng area.

All the stairways to and from the Skytrain station ,at least Childlom, are not fortified or guarded.

From Soi Lang Suan to Soi Nana I did not notice a Single Soldier , just a lonely Policeman sitting in the traffic Police Booth at Nana Intersection.

However I noted a lot of the traders along Sukhumvit Road are supporter of the Red Shirt's.

The number of Red's did not seam high, however a lot of males ,mostly wearing black clothes, were near the self made barricades in front Central Childlom, preparing bamboo fences or sharpening bamboo sticks.

They seamed well organized with walkie -talkies and outlooks/guards everywhere.

Surely they will not give up without a fight.

It can't be real that a Goverment and a whole industry (Tourism) can be held ransom by such a group.

If both sides can not go for a final round of negotiation than this Government has no choice , but to disperse the crowds.

This will be bloody as the Army will settle a score.

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Another warning of a crackdown.

For God's sake.....either go in and disperse right now or shut the <deleted> up!!

No other country in the world would let a handful of rabble paralyse its commercial heart like this and the army standing by like little schoolboys.

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"The easiest way (to resolve the crisis) is to dissolve parliament and then we will all go home."


And all the Thai go go will give free bar fines for 6 months

Come to think of it

I think the free bar fines is more possible

But the Thai men prefer gentlemen's clubs with club fees, not go-go dancers with bar fines!

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The truth is of course that the time is running out for the government. although the EC commissioner who is closely related to DP faked a sickness yesterday the other 4 commissioners forwarded the case to the court which will debate about it on April 26th. This could mean that Abhisit could be history very quickly and be banned for 5 years. Given the fact that one of the cases has dragged on for 5 years also people like Chuan, Sanan (who switched parties) will face a ban. This might be the start of a fresh period in Thai politics with all old faces gone.

In the meantime the army does not leave one single thing to scare off foreigners. Heaviy armed soldiers in a red light district, horrific clips on the internet and foreign TV and the mentioning of the word terrorists in every sentence. Even a comment in the Nation, which was there yesterday makes clear that even the most hardcore yellow shirts (who call themselves suddenly multicolored) are iskc of it. and let's be fair the Nation was instrumental in the coup and is the mouthpiece of the elite.

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"The easiest way (to resolve the crisis) is to dissolve parliament and then we will all go home."


Yes, but where would this leave us?

After the next election we would be back to square one with first the yellow protesting and then again the reds.

It would not solve the problem.

Before the parliament can be dissolved the charter and relevant laws need to be changed to make sure we won't come back to the same situation we are now in.

I just wish the authorities would stop issuing their warnings "we arrest you if....." and simply go aheadt and do their job.


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There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

Good Point Jingthing, how would this be handled in let's say Holland?

It would never be necessary in Holland- people are enfranchised, well-educated, they have removed the priviledges of title and inheritance, they receive sufficient pay for their work, have more than adequate health care and welfare provision and have plenty of Heineken.

Edited by stevotoo
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I guess it will come down to a fight, not army, not police, but between protestors, pro and anti government.

It will be nasty, bloody and dirty, but my money is on the pro-government side...they're boiling over...

you should be ashamed of yourself to bet on others "nasty, bloody and dirty" grieves.

I don't think he's actually putting down a wager. I think it's just a turn of phrase Zaza.

What a ridiculous situation this all is.

People want democracy? Well then wait till the election and vote. That's democracy. Go home, raise awareness in your local community, peacefully, use intellect rather than physical means and you garner the respect and support of so many more people. Do not spit your dummy out, impose yourself on others and threaten your fellow citizens.

They should have left so much earlier. It would have been a much more powerful political statement in my opinion.

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Paint ball guns could put a swift end to this stand off. Green, yellow, blue, orange....no one will know who's who.

LOL - That would be great. The world's biggest paintball fight!

Seriously though, can somebody tell me why the army and Police can't go in with just riot gear, baton's, and shields and physically move people? Why is there the need for the soldiers to arm themselves with anything resembling a firearm, be it rubber bullets or live ammo? If they can man-handle people on to the big mobile lock-up trucks that are everywhere, then surely that would be a start, wouldn't it?

that sort of thing used to happen every saturday afternoon outside most football stadiums in the UK, but without the Army!

Welcome back to the real world

Now the first thing is open your eyes

look around and put brain into gear

There are people in the red crowds with



sharp bamboo sticks

Tear Gas

Petrol Bombs tc etc

Now read your question again

Even my Thai wife can understand

Now if I can only prove to he money not grow on tree in back garden ha ha

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I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

Gooner, I 100% agree on your statement. At least you are a front-line news reporter who is checking the situation every day on this site. These reds WANT BLOOD! Please stay tuned!

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Why are so men red-farangs unstable? The down and out in the west seethe with anger towards people with educations and blame everyone else for their problems. And when in Thailand they gravitate to the same ilk.

Yeah I guess deep down I knew that, amazing how many of the expats here whine and complain about everything but when you suggest they go back to their native countries they act like its the most stupid thing they've heard.

So I guess your explanation makes perfect sense.. have to remember when reading their posts next time that the elevator indeed does not go to the top

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The last time the army warned people like this, 25 died on Saturday... so of all the false warnnings I've heard - and there are a LOT... this one has some credibility.

Bets on exactly when the crackdown will be? I say sometime today or latest tomorrow morning... tomorrow is when the multi-colored shirts rally... and the army should crack down to avoid any more large emotional gatherings!!!

Personally I think it will be at 3:00am tomorrow morning, when the reds are off guard and with hangovers. the press is thin on the ground and the tourists and night owls have all gone home, it also gives them time to clean up before dawn. (only an educated guess) :)

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Last night there were a lot more reds in their territory and today there are more than 6,000. These numbers are laughable.

The army would be insane to attack these people, as the only results would be bloodbath, a probable fracturing of the army as some units and soldiers refused to fight, the descent on bkk of hoardes of enraged red shirts from upcountry, and the beginning of a (second) armed insurgency in thailand, this one right in the capital.

Either pariament is dissovled sooner rather than later, or we will be heading for the exits.

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The last time the army warned people like this, 25 died on Saturday... so of all the false warnnings I've heard - and there are a LOT... this one has some credibility.

Bets on exactly when the crackdown will be? I say sometime today or latest tomorrow morning... tomorrow is when the multi-colored shirts rally... and the army should crack down to avoid any more large emotional gatherings!!!

If there is no crackdown before Friday, there will never be a crackdown. Maybe playing the wait-it-out game? But with the Yellows and multi-colors soon joining the fracas and adding extra dimensions and complexity to the situation, I can't see the wait game working. Maybe Abhisit should agree to the Red's demands (as much as I am against this). Where else can all this lead? Lawlessness and chaos thoughout the country leading to civil war?

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"The easiest way (to resolve the crisis) is to dissolve parliament and then we will all go home."


And all the Thai go go will give free bar fines for 6 months

Come to think of it

I think the free bar fines is more possible

But the Thai men prefer gentlemen's clubs with club fees, not go-go dancers with bar fines!

Are you crazy

who cares what the Thai men like

This is a farang web site

:D :D :D :D :D

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Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

Dispersing them with violence and keeping them uneducated and in poverty will not end the problem. I should know - this is what the apartheid regime in South Africa tried and it failed miserably. The only long term solution is to educate them thereby improving their opportunities in life.

Unfortunately both sides' leaders are a bunch of greedy animals who don't really care about the people. Thaksin was just the smarter crook - he actually gave the people hope through better medicare, etc.

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