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Flying Cars Coming Soon...hopefully Thailand


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This invention will certainly will be the first big revolution of the 21st century.

Regarding economics, I suggest that Thailand should jump on the investment and research of this before the West / Big name automobile manufacturers lock down the monopoly.

It could potentially do for Thai economy what the automobile and electronics did for Japan decades ago, not to mention be one of the solutions to transportation issues in Bangkok and the entire country.

There is afterall enough capital flow in this country to get off on the right foot of this new revolution as it's years away from even hitting western markets.

How would Bangkok be with Skyways, even imaginably before Western/Japanese/Chinese cities??

We're talkin with in the next few decades. Is it possible for Thais to realize it soon?

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It says in the article 350+ mph. Dont you think Bangkok drivers are bad enough at 5mph? Imagine the carnage this will cause :o All those opportunities for taxi drivers to drive even faster than they already try to do now.

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We are talking at least fifty years before this idea is feasable.

It looks like the auto equivalent of the Wright Bros first flying contraption.

Too big, too ugly, un-affordable, how on earth could they ever make it safe?

I don't think it will happen in my lifetime, and I predict that a handful will be sold to the rich and eccentric where they can put it in their garage beside their Segway and Sinclair C5.

BTW, I saw a similar photo of the same car about eight years ago. :o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Why do you consider this :D ?

If the thread I posted on the Pattaya forum was spam this must surely be also.Have a look

or am I mistaken :D

Fair play i am now confused i wouldnt consider your post spam it was just an article maybe the moderators could explain why that was considered spam. Maybe when one of the moderators reads this they will consider it as spam as well

Edited by daleyboy
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Why do you consider this :D ?

If the thread I posted on the Pattaya forum was spam this must surely be also.Have a look

or am I mistaken :D

Fair play i am now confused i wouldnt consider your post spam it was just an article maybe the moderators could explain why that was considered spam. Maybe when one of the moderators reads this they will consider it as spam as well

Maybe, IF I knew how to contact them ,other than PM,I would ask what forum rule it broke? :blink:Need a :D or two!

Edited by roscoe
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Why do you consider this :D ?

If the thread I posted on the Pattaya forum was spam this must surely be also.Have a look

or am I mistaken :D

Fair play i am now confused i wouldnt consider your post spam it was just an article maybe the moderators could explain why that was considered spam. Maybe when one of the moderators reads this they will consider it as spam as well

Maybe, IF I knew how to contact them ,other than PM,I would ask what forum rule it broke? :blink:Need a :D or two!

I didn't just give a link to an unofficial website with a check this out linkand left it as that. This is a topic of discussion with a clearly stated argument/question. I feel so hurt that you would consider it spam. Obviously you didn't read the news/info about this topic.

As far as this crime scam you got going, did it ever make any official Thai news? If so. please pm the url. But don't take away from the topic by getting mad and labeling it without even reading or researching it..

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Why do you consider this :D ?

If the thread I posted on the Pattaya forum was spam this must surely be also.Have a look

or am I mistaken :D

Fair play i am now confused i wouldnt consider your post spam it was just an article maybe the moderators could explain why that was considered spam. Maybe when one of the moderators reads this they will consider it as spam as well

Maybe, IF I knew how to contact them ,other than PM,I would ask what forum rule it broke? :blink:Need a :D or two!

I didn't just give a link to an unofficial website with a check this out linkand left it as that. This is a topic of discussion with a clearly stated argument/question. I feel so hurt that you would consider it spam. Obviously you didn't read the news/info about this topic.

As far as this crime scam you got going, did it ever make any official Thai news? If so. please pm the url. But don't take away from the topic by getting mad and labeling it without even reading or researching it..

Easy now i didnt say it was spam i was asking why roscoe thought it was spam, and he is only saying that because he had another link closed as spam which in my opinion wasnt spam either but it was quite similar in its context to yours

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Regarding economics, I suggest that Thailand should jump on the investment and research of this before the West / Big name automobile manufacturers lock down the monopoly.

It could potentially do for Thai economy what the automobile and electronics did for Japan decades ago, not to mention be one of the solutions to transportation issues in Bangkok and the entire country.

There is afterall enough capital flow in this country to get off on the right foot of this new revolution as it's years away from even hitting western markets.

Would you really want to entrust your life to something built by the Thais? Ever bought a Thai-made iron, coffeemaker or other electronic appliance?

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We are talking at least fifty years before this idea is feasable.

It looks like the auto equivalent of the Wright Bros first flying contraption.

Too big, too ugly, un-affordable, how on earth could they ever make it safe?

I don't think it will happen in my lifetime, and I predict that a handful will be sold to the rich and eccentric where they can put it in their garage beside their Segway and Sinclair C5.

BTW, I saw a similar photo of the same car about eight years ago. :o

With its many advantages over the helecopter, it's only years before the US military among others will be sporting it...The question is not if it will hit civilian markets, but when...and with the US Congress currently in coalition with Moller international discussing/designing the first skyways of North America, it'll surely happen this lifetime...like I said initially, a decade...maybe two at the most...(though Thailand as I worry will fall in the trend after the fact...as usual..unless we wake up)

As far as price is concerned, as soon as demand/mass production takes over within years after it's initial clearance by governments, it will cost just as much as a new BMW or other nice sports car in the range of two to three million baht (See Skycar FAQ 4.3)

Too expensive? How many multi million baht cars are in this country...I saw a lamburgini cruizin around Sapan Kwai the other day. Can't remember when the last time I saw one of them back in the states.

I think the Siamese should wake up and bring the heads together of the all the rich--- both private and public sector, investing in R&D of technological innovation such as flying cars...as to get a head start in what will surely be a revolutionary 21st and 22nd century for the planet known as Earth.

As opposed to all this investment in short term solutions---such as all these shopping malls and condos sprouting all over Bangkok, not to mention being reliant on an tourist based economy...in this light, Thailand will always be dependent on other powers, foreign money, the underdog which survival is a factor of its alliance with other powerful nations..

If Mengrai, Ramkhamhaeng, and Phya Ngam Muang Payao were alive today...I wonder how they'd feel about Thailands international position/direction into the 21st century

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This invention will certainly will be the first big revolution of the 21st century.

Regarding economics, I suggest that Thailand should jump on the investment and research of this before the West / Big name automobile manufacturers lock down the monopoly.

It could potentially do for Thai economy what the automobile and electronics did for Japan decades ago, not to mention be one of the solutions to transportation issues in Bangkok and the entire country.

There is afterall enough capital flow in this country to get off on the right foot of this new revolution as it's years away from even hitting western markets.

How would Bangkok be with Skyways, even imaginably before Western/Japanese/Chinese cities??

We're talkin with in the next few decades. Is it possible for Thais to realize it soon?

If it comes with a falling girl through the roof as in the Bruce Willis movie, forget the name, it might be a hit.

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If it comes with a falling girl through the roof as in the Bruce Willis movie, forget the name, it might be a hit.

The Fifth Element. Milla Jovovich is the chick who falls through the roof.

Great film. I believe its by the same chap who did the Big Blue with Jean Reno. Luc Besson?

On the spam topic, this reeks of the chap who was advertising the personal vehicle thingies in the joke forum a few weeks back... Talk about flogging a product!!!

Edited by SeaVisionBurma
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If it comes with a falling girl through the roof as in the Bruce Willis movie, forget the name, it might be a hit.

The Fifth Element. Milla Jovovich is the chick who falls through the roof.

Great film. I believe its by the same chap who did the Big Blue with Jean Reno. Luc Besson?

On the spam topic, this reeks of the chap who was advertising the personal vehicle thingies in the joke forum a few weeks back... Talk about flogging a product!!!

I don't make silent black and white films and I'm not floggin anything...it's just a suggestion/idea for a more general topic...investment in R&D for innovative technology as to benefit this society...and for Thailand to jump on the train before rather than wait till its coerced by the West.. to catch up.

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"On the spam topic, this reeks of the chap who was advertising the personal vehicle thingies in the joke forum a few weeks back... Talk about flogging a product!!! "

I found 18 threads that mention the Segway.

None started by the Segway Guy.

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I found 18 threads that mention the Segway.

None started by the Segway Guy.

Nowhere in my post does it say the thread was started by the segway guy- but seeing as you have brought it up, here is the particular thread I refer to:

The Segway

In 5 pages you posted 16 times, and the thread was eventually closed due to breaching forum spam rules. Fair enough?

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To get us back on topic :D

I WANT one, now!!!

This thing looks almost practical, 8 engines to give a decent degree of reliability (and vehicle parachutes when all else fails). Computer stabilised, apparently you just have speed, direction and up-down control.

Not sure about the 25 miles per gallon though, my old Beamer barely makes that :D

Most definately NOT to be allowed in the hands of a Thai :o:D

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I found 18 threads that mention the Segway.

None started by the Segway Guy.

Nowhere in my post does it say the thread was started by the segway guy- but seeing as you have brought it up, here is the particular thread I refer to:

The Segway

In 5 pages you posted 16 times, and the thread was eventually closed due to breaching forum spam rules. Fair enough?

I'd probably be spamming (and wound up pretty tight) too if I was stuck trying to sell convertible BMW's or open top Jeep Wranglers in the LOS. PLEASE buy ONE! We'll give you a free book to hold over your head as a sunshield while you drive.


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Actually one can buy this car now, and use your regular drivers license for the current time being since there are no regulations in place. Once such does get negotiated by Congress or from others such as the FAA in the Government, they will definitely make it an FAA license deal, and then later on perhaps one has to have a special license to run these skycars. There is no problem smuggling this into Thailand since it flies over land and one can evade the radar itself. Also if one has one here, it will be a piece of cake going places and even doing Visa runs!!!!!!!! A very nice item to have here in Thailand. For Foreigners only.

However to many of you now on the ground, flying is completely different, and a totally different beeswax altogether. You will have to go to school to learn the instruments, and also know how to handle adverse weather and emergencies etc, cause if you don't your going to get yourselves killed!!!!!!!

Also several other considerations come into play here. Say that such is an hot item to buy, what happens to the major auto makers and especially to the Oil Industry concerning their incomes and profits etc.

Besides that, currently right now how will you regulate the skies with cars flying all over the place, besides having aircraft moving too at the same time???????? As they said, they have to get a system in place to prevent a major fiasco of needing body bags.

So for now, it will Definitely be one Demolition Derby as the result, cause we can be sitting in our own back yard, and be seeing cars cracking up in the air, and sigh, spiral down to the ground and even splat themselves right in front of your own two eyes.

Please don't and I mean please don't advocate Thai's in owning any of these cars. They have not to this day learned how to drive properly in the first place much less know how to respect the driving lanes as given now that they are in the ground and also cannot understand how to drive correctly without aggravating other drivers much less zip right by your outside mirror with only inches to spare, and they sneak on the side your turning while your head is looking the other way for oncoming traffic.

Glory be to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unable to edict the previous post for some reason so a remodified post is done here

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,,,,,,,,,I think the Siamese should wake up and bring the heads together of the all the rich--- both private and public sector, investing in R&D of technological innovation such as flying cars...as to get a head start in what will surely be a revolutionary 21st and 22nd century for the planet known as Earth......

If you want Thailand to really get ahead of the curve then maybe they should start investing in the space elevator. They could really get in on the ground floor and even the sky is not the limit!!!

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I really don't think this device is going to be available any time soon - it may bypass current regulations as nothing like this has been around before, but as soon as a commercially available model is released any government worth it's salt will regulate it...or at least I hope so.

The other side of this is that in order to fly a complex vehicle one needs to be well trained - the only way to make this a reality for the average (reasonably intelligent) man in the street is to make computers take all the complex control decisions away from the driver (pilot) and run them automatically - and as no-one in their right mind trusts a computer system 100% with their lives (aircraft still have pilots that can really fly the vehicle) then I can't see it happening for a long while.

I don't think there is any reason to fear that these things will be clogging the HITS any time soon...

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I found 18 threads that mention the Segway.

None started by the Segway Guy.

Nowhere in my post does it say the thread was started by the segway guy- but seeing as you have brought it up, here is the particular thread I refer to:

The Segway

In 5 pages you posted 16 times, and the thread was eventually closed due to breaching forum spam rules. Fair enough?

I'd probably be spamming (and wound up pretty tight) too if I was stuck trying to sell convertible BMW's or open top Jeep Wranglers in the LOS. PLEASE buy ONE! We'll give you a free book to hold over your head as a sunshield while you drive.


A guy has a little Segway rental business at the end of Soi Nana and your gonna pop a vessel?

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Also several other considerations come into play here.  Say that such is an hot item to buy, what happens to the major auto makers and especially to the Oil Industry concerning their incomes and profits etc.

Besides that,  currently right now how will you regulate the skies with cars flying all over the place, besides having aircraft moving too at the same time????????  As they said, they have to get a system in place to prevent a major fiasco of needing body bags.

Please don't and I mean please don't advocate Thai's in owning any of these cars.  They have not to this day learned how to drive properly in the first place much less know how to respect the driving lanes as given now that they are in the ground and also cannot understand how to drive correctly without aggravating other drivers much less zip right by your outside mirror with only inches to spare, and they sneak on the side your turning while your head is looking the other way for oncoming traffic.

I imagine all the automobile tycoons will just adapt their product to fit the demand. Imagine such technology installed into a Dodge Viper or Pymoth Prowler...yea... but I still haven't seen these great cars sported in Thailand.

When I think of skyway, I think of Back to the Future 2...hmmm :o

I agree, Thais were always better sailors than they were drivers. Speaking of which...an innovative Thai engineer could invent a flying ship (as in boat), then they could destroy all the roads here and bring back the klongs!

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,,,,,,,,,I think the Siamese should wake up and bring the heads together of the all the rich--- both private and public sector, investing in R&D of technological innovation such as flying cars...as to get a head start in what will surely be a revolutionary 21st and 22nd century for the planet known as Earth......

If you want Thailand to really get ahead of the curve then maybe they should start investing in the space elevator. They could really get in on the ground floor and even the sky is not the limit!!!

Call me an idiot..but, what is this space elevator you speak of? Did I miss something. Are you for real. The only thing that comes to mind is Captian Kirk saying 'beam me up scottie'

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