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Bangkok: Assailants Fired M-79 Grenades At Sala Daeng Skytrain Station

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So who thinks it would be a good idea to change your baht savings into your home currency at this point?

You are panicking about nothing - buy Baht now, convert everything you have into Baht and spend spend spend, everything will be fine

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Seems the reds are losing support quickly, there will always be the diehard’s and the paid troops but the average person has had a gut full.

Don’t see how the opposition can win an election now, there are certain things needed to contest an election let alone win one. First you need a viable political party, the PPP,PTP or whatever the current oppositions name is now hardly qualifies. An opposition party is not there just to oppose everything they are there to assist in the running of the country by acting as a check and balance on the ruling party. They should be sitting on committees to vet and if possible improve any legislation put forward, to put forward their own suggestions, support good legislation and oppose bad not just automatically oppose everything and walk out of the house when they look like losing a vote as seems to be the habit at present.

They need sound policies and a manifesto designed to improve the running of the country and the lot of the people as well as good honest and intelligent candidates. Can anyone say with honesty that the opposition has any of those?

But then again in this country possibly all you need is money in the right pockets.

Seems to me that PM Abhisit has in fact done quite a good job given the circumstances he has been given. First there is the less than ideal coalition partners he had to accept, the world financial situation, then all the crap with the red mob and of course a less than cooperative police force and armed forces.

To lay the blame for deaths and injuries at his door is just ridicules. Clearly if the reds had never been where they are or have been in the past none of this would have happened. If they went home peacefully today and those wanted by the law gave themselves up it would be finished. But the ring leaders have worked themselves into a position where they can’t do that and they now need to continue to provoke those around them and hope for some miracle to save them from the law.

Taksin, the one who started all of this has gone about it in completely the wrong way instead of paying disruptive mobs if he had come out and proclaimed his innocence (which he did) then said that to prove his loyalty to the country and his concern for the people he would use his own money to improve the peoples lot by for instance; building free clinics in rural areas poorly served by hospitals. The Taksin chain of free clinics around the country would have got him a lot of support and what about the Taksin free university for disadvantaged kids.

Then if he had come back to face the courts and negotiated fines for his convictions instead of jail time he would have been free to go and do as he pleased by now.

To say the only way to resolve things is to dissolve parliament is not correct, that would only leave a vacuum that would be exploited by all and sundry leading to even more trouble.

The only way out of this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

I don´t understand why the "farangs" don´t stay out of the area.

Maybe because they live there ? Sala Daeng a nice area...

Police don't enforce restricted areas like in western countries so if you get hurt don't expect any sympathy.

Alot of them are Media Photographers, but they are getting in the way and making themselves

look like they are just trying to get money for pictures or be famous on youtube. And if they get hurt they make even more money in selling their story.

Red Shirts on the other hand have been offered by Abhisit 100,000bht for each death.

Police are more interested in blocking Colored shirts than getting rid of Red Shirts.

Military seem to be on Red Shirts side so people should be angry with Military who are making things worse

rather than better. General Watermelon should step down immediately and hand over the reins to solve the situation.

Sorry for my rant. Ok Patpong back to work.

So who thinks it would be a good idea to change your baht savings into your home currency at this point?

You are panicking about nothing - buy Baht now, convert everything you have into Baht and spend spend spend, everything will be fine

Well its certainly true that the recent problems haven't seemed to weaken the baht significantly against the Aussie dollar. What exactly makes you confident in it's continued strength though? I don't know much about Thai economics myself. I assume a significant portion of their GDP comes from tourism though.

The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

are you high? seriously man, you actualy can say something like that... maybe the multi colors blew themselves up.... you should be embarrased,

This guy needs medical attention has the mentality of the reds.


THE NATION: Mall Update: Central Chidlom opens from 10-7pm.

Why would ANY business in this area encourage shoppers to visit this area after everything that's taken place. Shame on Central Management for showing NO concern for ANYTHING but profits.


Wow, I just read the news updates, and this should get the joke of the day award:

THE NATION: Nattawut: Enough death and violence. He insisted that redshirts would stay on peacefully.

Wow! Especially coming from him, this is the biggest laugh I've had all day. Maybe he has a bridge he'd like to sell us as well?

If they even showed some remorse, it would be better, but I remember the reports of them laughing and dancing when they heard that people died, and Jatuporn stating that it was of no concern to them...

Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

the logic of people saying that the REDS did this is just the sort of response that is to be expected and wanted by those opposed the them - just another reason to send in the army with all its might and remove them -- there are so many good stories coming from the govt side - like no live bulllets used on saturday and then 24 hours later a senior ARMY doctor stated that those killed where hit by live rounds --- just who is going to keep believing all this missinformation -

for all we know it could be a faction of the yellows just trying to accelarate the situation or even the so called peace loving pinks -- what next - maybe the rainbow warriors --- but to have everyone jumping on the anti red band wagon and point the fingerr - come on -- believe 20% of what u read -- and then divide by 2 --

the fact is that the whole truth will never come out and what ever sided did it - shame on them - but lets hold off to judge - i still for one dont thnk the reds had anything to gain apart from turning more people against them and what they really want is more support - so why the hel_l would they do this - ???? these sort of actions will turn everyone against them --

How about western eyewitness accounts? I was watching the twitter accounts of many journalists who were there on the front lines last night, here is one shortly after the first attacks at 8pm from Mark MacKinnon (East Asia correspondent for Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail.):

What I saw/heard were fireworks fired from Red side over police barricade. Not M79s, as some reporting.

Evidently there was some confusion as to whether it was m79s being fired or rockets, (I think the subsequent damage proves it was M79s), but the key part for me is "What I saw/heard were fireworks fired from Red side over police barricade." This is just one of many eyewitness accounts, (the rest are in Thai), and this one is from a foreign journalist. There are also reports of the reds cheering while firing these off. Lastly, one of the second round of attacks was at Bangkok Bank, (who else would bomb that Bank?).

To me it is pretty clear who did what. I know that the aplolgists will sing the old "It was fake reds! They didn't have authorization!", but that song is getting old and see-through.

Rockets were being fired at the same time as the grenades to cover the grenade launches, the reds are complicit with the launches, there is no other way of looking at what happened last night. The reds are in control of Lumpini and there is no other realistic launch point in the area given the built up nature of sala daeng.

The only thing I know about this mess is that I don't know anything. Too many players, too many plots.

I have reached that point as well. Logic and reasoning left the scene long ago.

I am starting to get to that point too.

I/we don't really know a lot of things.We may never know who threw the bombs. It would seem that a number of factions have reason to stoke the fire: reds, yellows,army, etc. I won't add the police to this list because they will not do anything because they don't have to. They can just sit back and when all the dust settles they just carry on autonimously making their corrupt monies.

However, I might add that I believe it was their responsibility to put a stop to all this 5-6 weeks ago and not allow it to escalate. But, it's gone far beyond that now.

I also think the PM has lost control. Or, maybe it's part of a master plan for the army to take over (temporarily maybe)...speculation.

Nevertheless, for many reasons, including business, tourism, investor confidence etc this must all stop now.It will be years before Thailand can dig itself out of the hole its dug for itself in terms of respect, prestigue and finance.

The fact is every person regardless of political affiliation or foreigner who gets injured or worse, killed, is simply one too many. But, unfortunately those fighting for control of the country and therfore the all important coffers will see all these deaths and injuries as collateral damage and nothing more....no matter what they may say in condemnation.

In the end, my money's on the ones with the most money... the elite, who will pay the army to secure power on their behalf.

I live in Phaya Thai area and I work on Silom Rd near Sala Daeng and I am a long term resident and a stake-holder in Thailand, so I have a vested interest in peace and prosperity reigning in this seemingly God forsaken country.

But, I am fully aware that I and almost everybody here on TV have no say in the matter, no matter how wise we think we are. I/we can maybe try to offer a different, out-siders perspective on the issue to the Thais aroud us who may "lend us an ear" , or I/we can either leave the country or try to avoid getting caught up in the mess.

I think that PM Abhisit is the most educated PM that Thailand will ever have. He is smooth, has a good command of English, but is too nice a guy to be PM. Thaksin, whose university degrees are in Criminal Justice knows how to take a measure of a man. He research our current PM and decided that he could be overthrown. That set the plan in place to have his supporters - Red Shirts/UDD - overthrow the present government with violence if necessary. Thaksin has the money along with other allies in the North & Northeast Thailand to sponsor a violent overthrow of the government. The people who protest, incite violence, and engage in violence, need to be paid, and the vast majority of Red Shirts are paid well. Those fiery speakers of the Red Shirts who get their minions fired up to take on the military and the police, are promised positions in a Thaksin government. Are they are so famous throughout Thailand now, that one of them will surely be selected as PM in the next election.

"emocracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. GBS

Sad that the PM did not get it over with early - enforce the law - and take the criticism from the international media which mistakenly reports this terrorist mob of Red Shirts as wanting democracy. It is all about Thaksin. The vast majority have no idea what democracy is or how to spell it but are looking for a PM to give them a handout. Too bad that Thailand will soon lose a man who is pro-West for a farang hating firebrand from Isaan. Can any of these RS speakers speak an entire sentence of English? I doubt it.

Rockets were being fired at the same time as the grenades to cover the grenade launches, the reds are complicit with the launches, there is no other way of looking at what happened last night. The reds are in control of Lumpini and there is no other realistic launch point in the area given the built up nature of sala daeng.

I was thinking the same thing. I also heard rumour of RPGs being used, and depending on the ammunition, that would also extend their range, but would be more visible, hence the rockets.

MacKinnon's tweet was soon after the blasts, so I think there was a lot of confusion in the area. It was interesting to watch things unfold over twitter last night, I think it has surpassed regular news outlets for live coverage. I watch about twenty different accounts, a mixture of western and Thai journalists, as well as regular people who are out there, (both red and not-red).

Most of these people firing the m-79 granades are none of the protesters, its other people trying to cause a bigger problem than what is happening.

These granades have been going off long time before the protesters came, not as regular but since the protesters have arrived, they thought they'd join in, whoever they are they have there own agenda.

Different sides of the same coin..... AND under the same paymaster!

It is true that we don't know who shot those grenades yet... and we may never know for sure. However, the only ones who will benefit from escalating violence are the Reds themselves. Furthermore, the grenade attacks that started during the Yellow protests and have continued to the present have always targeted people or institutions that are seen as being hostile to the Reds. While a 'false flag operation' is always possible, this would be an unusually prolonged one!

I do hope that the army does not respond rashly to this provocation. A harsh response is exactly what the more extreme Reds want. Also, it would be a huge PR boost for the Reds if the Red Guards arrested the extremists who did this and turned them over to the police.

1. How does the media know for certain that the explosions were caused by M-79 grenades? After all, they exploded and no trace remains except perhaps for fragments. The M-79 fires different types of ordinance including explosive, anti-personnel, smoke, buckshot, and illumination rounds (Source: Wikipedia). Which type was shot?

2. If they were M-79’s, then as weapons of war (fired from a launcher) they would be almost exclusively used by the military and therefore must have originated from that source. As far as I know, M-79 grenades are not available for sale in Central Department stores nor can they be imported legally by the general public. Of course, those high up in the Reds could probably obtain these weapons of the "back of a truck" but I would be surprised if they were easy to obtain.

3. Therefore, if they were M-79 grenades then the likelihood is that they were fired by military units who were in the area.

4. Given that the Reds were facing armed military and police, it is unlikely (and stupid) that they would provoke an attack. I have heard reports that some Reds had guns but I know that ALL Police had guns and probably the Military were armed accordingly with high powered assault rifles.

I hope we do not have any more incidents tonight and I offer condolences to the family of the person that was killed in the incident. I fear that this is just the beginning.


Grey, Please don't say nobody would want to visit Isaan, my girlfriend is from Roi et and she hates these people far more than I do, she loves her country and is angry with these people for causing shame on Thailand and for claiming that all of Isaan supports them.

So who thinks it would be a good idea to change your baht savings into your home currency at this point?

You are panicking about nothing - buy Baht now, convert everything you have into Baht and spend spend spend, everything will be fine

Yesterday, I bought 20,000baht worth of shares and today (Friday), I ordered and paid a deposit for a new Honda Civic 2.0 litre.

It is true that we don't know who shot those grenades yet... and we may never know for sure. However, the only ones who will benefit from escalating violence are the Reds themselves. Furthermore, the grenade attacks that started during the Yellow protests and have continued to the present have always targeted people or institutions that are seen as being hostile to the Reds. While a 'false flag operation' is always possible, this would be an unusually prolonged one!

I do hope that the army does not respond rashly to this provocation. A harsh response is exactly what the more extreme Reds want. Also, it would be a huge PR boost for the Reds if the Red Guards arrested the extremists who did this and turned them over to the police.

1. How does the media know for certain that the explosions were caused by M-79 grenades? After all, they exploded and no trace remains except perhaps for fragments. The M-79 fires different types of ordinance including explosive, anti-personnel, smoke, buckshot, and illumination rounds (Source: Wikipedia). Which type was shot?

2. If they were M-79's, then as weapons of war (fired from a launcher) they would be almost exclusively used by the military and therefore must have originated from that source. As far as I know, M-79 grenades are not available for sale in Central Department stores nor can they be imported legally by the general public. Of course, those high up in the Reds could probably obtain these weapons of the "back of a truck" but I would be surprised if they were easy to obtain.

3. Therefore, if they were M-79 grenades then the likelihood is that they were fired by military units who were in the area.

4. Given that the Reds were facing armed military and police, it is unlikely (and stupid) that they would provoke an attack. I have heard reports that some Reds had guns but I know that ALL Police had guns and probably the Military were armed accordingly with high powered assault rifles.

I hope we do not have any more incidents tonight and I offer condolences to the family of the person that was killed in the incident. I fear that this is just the beginning.

As to the reds acquiring these arms, they have been stockpiling since this began. Major General Khattiya was using his connections to get restricted weapons long before this protest started, (look at the news articles from the latter part of 2009, you'll see what they found when they raided one of his houses), and as soon as they stood off against police, (ThaiCom), the police retreated, leaving weapons and vehicles. That was seen again on April 10th when the army retreated, also leaving weapons and vehicles.

Sorry, but your "if it was M79s it MUST be the army" argument is invalid.


I just saw AnotherPeter's post below this, and I agree. There were eyewitness accounts of things being fired off from the red camp, not from Silom. People would have been freaking out a lot more if they saw the military firing. That is part of the reason that this didn't escalate, the military didn't do anything, (again).

It is true that we don't know who shot those grenades yet... and we may never know for sure. However, the only ones who will benefit from escalating violence are the Reds themselves. Furthermore, the grenade attacks that started during the Yellow protests and have continued to the present have always targeted people or institutions that are seen as being hostile to the Reds. While a 'false flag operation' is always possible, this would be an unusually prolonged one!

I do hope that the army does not respond rashly to this provocation. A harsh response is exactly what the more extreme Reds want. Also, it would be a huge PR boost for the Reds if the Red Guards arrested the extremists who did this and turned them over to the police.

1. How does the media know for certain that the explosions were caused by M-79 grenades? After all, they exploded and no trace remains except perhaps for fragments. The M-79 fires different types of ordinance including explosive, anti-personnel, smoke, buckshot, and illumination rounds (Source: Wikipedia). Which type was shot?

2. If they were M-79's, then as weapons of war (fired from a launcher) they would be almost exclusively used by the military and therefore must have originated from that source. As far as I know, M-79 grenades are not available for sale in Central Department stores nor can they be imported legally by the general public. Of course, those high up in the Reds could probably obtain these weapons of the "back of a truck" but I would be surprised if they were easy to obtain.

3. Therefore, if they were M-79 grenades then the likelihood is that they were fired by military units who were in the area.

4. Given that the Reds were facing armed military and police, it is unlikely (and stupid) that they would provoke an attack. I have heard reports that some Reds had guns but I know that ALL Police had guns and probably the Military were armed accordingly with high powered assault rifles.

I hope we do not have any more incidents tonight and I offer condolences to the family of the person that was killed in the incident. I fear that this is just the beginning.

There were reporters and non-protesters on the Silom side of Rama IV that would have seen anyone on that side setting off these grenades.

The Saladaeng BTS station is a direct line down Silom Rd from the entrance to Lumpini Park where the reds are stationed.

There are plenty of eyewitness accounts of "firecrackers" coming from the red side. It would be easy to mistake the launch of grenades as firecrackers if you had never seen a grenade launched.

It is clear that these grenades came from the red side.

Robinson's is based out of Singapore, so clearly this is a Temasek-related Thaksin plot and the soldiers work for Lee Kuan Yew! Certainly someone must have put together this conspiracy theory by now as it's no more strained than half of what's out there (including the conflicting accounts you quoted and queried about, which I wondered about as well, heh).

As Chaimai said, "I have reached that point as well. Logic and reasoning left the scene long ago." That about sums it up. At this point all I know how to do is watch this unfold from a distance.

I don't think the Singapore Robinson & Thai Robinson are related.


Looking at the shareholding, it belong to the Central Group.

Nice try.


Intelligent, resourceful, and willing.. no eager to go completely commando under only a clear plastic sheet! :D

::::sigh::::: :D

3 attributes I wish *all* Thai girls would aspire to!

Thank goodness my own GF's quite a stunner (in clothes, or plastic), or I'd be seriously jonesing to get a look at you in your colorless outfit.. :)

Slightly back ontopic; I'd wear clear plastic all day (or mandate that anyone with a halfway decent body would have to also) if I thought it might engender an end to this current situation. Heck, I'd walk around Bangkok naked with 2 rabid monkeys chained to my balls with live wires, if I thought it would help end this childish, ancient feudal bullpoop that's now RUINING the whole country, both here on the ground, and in the eyes of the world.

Especially grenades lobbed at innocent people waiting for a train.

I'm actually starting to engineer an exit strategy for getting the life I've built in Bangkok, OUT of Bangkok, if this terrorism continues. That's horrible.

Hey. Thailand.

Yeah, you.

All 63.5 million of you.

Look.... It's 2010.


Trust me. Lots of things become more fun, when you grow up. Lots.

So who thinks it would be a good idea to change your baht savings into your home currency at this point?

You are panicking about nothing - buy Baht now, convert everything you have into Baht and spend spend spend, everything will be fine

Yesterday, I bought 20,000baht worth of shares and today (Friday), I ordered and paid a deposit for a new Honda Civic 2.0 litre.

Ok, so you are fairly confident that the current turmoil will represent a minor economic hiccup in the grand scheme of things? Sorry to reduce this all to money btw. It's just that i have a young family to worry about.

There were reporters and non-protesters on the Silom side of Rama IV that would have seen anyone on that side setting off these grenades.

The Saladaeng BTS station is a direct line down Silom Rd from the entrance to Lumpini Park where the reds are stationed.

There are plenty of eyewitness accounts of "firecrackers" coming from the red side. It would be easy to mistake the launch of grenades as firecrackers if you had never seen a grenade launched.

It is clear that these grenades came from the red side.

One thing I should know by now, is that nothing is clear.

Until I see it on video exactly how this happened, I do not believe the reds or the government about who may have perpetrated this act. Motives lie with so many people and groups, I prefer to be pleasantly surprised than awfully disappointed when the truth comes out.

It is true that we don't know who shot those grenades yet... and we may never know for sure. However, the only ones who will benefit from escalating violence are the Reds themselves. Furthermore, the grenade attacks that started during the Yellow protests and have continued to the present have always targeted people or institutions that are seen as being hostile to the Reds. While a 'false flag operation' is always possible, this would be an unusually prolonged one!

I do hope that the army does not respond rashly to this provocation. A harsh response is exactly what the more extreme Reds want. Also, it would be a huge PR boost for the Reds if the Red Guards arrested the extremists who did this and turned them over to the police.

1. How does the media know for certain that the explosions were caused by M-79 grenades? After all, they exploded and no trace remains except perhaps for fragments. The M-79 fires different types of ordinance including explosive, anti-personnel, smoke, buckshot, and illumination rounds (Source: Wikipedia). Which type was shot?

2. If they were M-79's, then as weapons of war (fired from a launcher) they would be almost exclusively used by the military and therefore must have originated from that source. As far as I know, M-79 grenades are not available for sale in Central Department stores nor can they be imported legally by the general public. Of course, those high up in the Reds could probably obtain these weapons of the "back of a truck" but I would be surprised if they were easy to obtain.

3. Therefore, if they were M-79 grenades then the likelihood is that they were fired by military units who were in the area.

4. Given that the Reds were facing armed military and police, it is unlikely (and stupid) that they would provoke an attack. I have heard reports that some Reds had guns but I know that ALL Police had guns and probably the Military were armed accordingly with high powered assault rifles.

I hope we do not have any more incidents tonight and I offer condolences to the family of the person that was killed in the incident. I fear that this is just the beginning.

I'm sure people will come out with the appropriate quotes but al lot of calls from the red stage has been just that inciting provocation with the military, saying things like they are coming soon get ready to lay your lives on the line, setting up bamboo barricades with sharpened sticks and rubber tires SOAKED in accelerant.

Yes these are the actions of someone not trying to provoke the army.

It's VERY hard to keep controlling ones emotions. I know I'm struggling daily not to just advocate a rush of force against any of these gathering groups that are trying to goad each other into a fight. And I'm back here reading this stuff second hand.


While I agree with many here that the likely source of the grenades used was the reds, we don't know that for a fact. This could also have been done by someone on the yellow/anti-red side to stir up more animosity between groups. Reports today are that the "multicolors" are going to have a large rally today, and that the attacks have only stirred up more anger and resolve of the "multicolors" to step in if the government doesn't disperse the reds.

There are also other groups who might benefit from increased tension and violence between the reds and anti-red groups.

My point here is that we don't know who is responsible, and we should all try to keep an open mind about responsibility for the attacks and be careful we don't allow ourselves to get manipulated into blaming the wrong party or encouraging "justice" against those that are innocent. (Or at least innocent of this particular atrocity)


"cheguevara", why don't you just shut up and stop spamming. It's so obvious you are posting propaganda. You even signed up to the board around the same time the reds came to bangkok.

As a previous poster reminded me of the 'ignore' function - just go to his profile, click 'options' click 'ignore' which will take you to your profile and click 'update'. Takes a minute and I feel much calmer now. But as that poster also said, please will people stop quoting the bloody imbecile. Thankyou. :)

One thing I should know by now, is that nothing is clear.

Until I see it on video exactly how this happened, I do not believe the reds or the government about who may have perpetrated this act. Motives lie with so many people and groups, I prefer to be pleasantly surprised than awfully disappointed when the truth comes out.

That is why I prefer to trust the eyewitness accounts of those who are there, as they report it live on Twitter. There is no time for spin or colour influence. It is just raw reporting of what is seen. You're not going to get video of very much, especially at night, (which is why it happens at night). Yes, there is no "concrete proof", but that is exactly the way the perpetrators want it, so you must rely on other sources.

"Let's please remember that we don't know who launched these bomb attacks. According to Channel 7, one pink shirt was seen beating up a red shirt at the SkyTrain station, who he thought was responsible for the attacks. The man is now in the hospital in serious condition."

Che please don't try to be reasonable here...only anti-red shirts know anything at all and indeed have divine knowledge of the situation and the red shirts are guilty of absolutely everything bad that has happened since WWII...

Please note that pink shirts are non violent protesters that are clearly not breaking any State of Emergency laws prohibiting the gathering of 5 or more people, so how could they have been beating up red-shirts


I find it strangely coincidental that at the main stage and rally site Rajaprasong last time; (former pop singer, and recently turned rappelling aficionado :) ) Arisman told the protestors NOT to abandon their 'kids fort' by the Rama 4 statue near Lumpini. He said, in nearly the same breath said black shirted 'helpers' would come to their aid to hold' the position. :D

Shortly after that the M79 grenade attacks began. Now either it is one hellova whacky coincidence OR it is what it appears to be; The mysterious '3rd-hand', 'ronin warriors', 'men-in-black' or (insert your catchy name here :D ) showed up, and decided to take the action to a higher level.

FWIW, (although I'm sure the well read, well researched, semi-illustrious posters of T/V know this info already);

The M79 is a short (73cm long) easily concealable weapon, (made even more concealable if the rear stock is cut off some). While the shells are 40X46mm, they are quite low in velocity. If it's used like a mini-mortar to 'lob' shots in, it can have an effective range of over 350 meters. Of the available rounds for this, only the smoke cartridge gives away the location of the shooter via trajectory trace-back, as the fusing device for the smoke charge is burning. If you’ve ever heard one fired, you immediately understand why it is called “Thumper”, as the report is one of the most characteristically individual sounds and you NEVER EVER forget it.

1. How does the media know for certain that the explosions were caused by M-79 grenades? After all, they exploded and no trace remains except perhaps for fragments. <SNIP>

2. If they were M-79’s, <SNIP> I would be surprised if they were easy to obtain.


I offer condolences to the family of the person that was killed in the incident. I fear that this is just the beginning.

I strongly disagree with the above much abbreviated quoted post. The M79 is BY FAR AND AWAY one of the easiest weapons to get in S/E asia (next to hand grenades). It is way easier to find than say an AK-47. It’s are both inexpensive and plentiful in any of the bordering countries. Almost anyone could given proper motivation acquire one quite easily. (Christ I could probably get one if I put my mind to it.)

In perusing the pics of the impact sites on the internet, it looks like standard fragmentation rounds were used. (Thank the goddess, that who ever fired the rounds didn't have flechette rounds as they chew people up BAD.) If anything good can be said from this tragedy, when the M79 uses standard fragmentation rounds; examining the impacts (especially shots made from long range) are fairly easy (sadly, after the fact) to glean (thru post blast patterning) a close estimate of both a rounds flight trajectory and possible position of the shooter when the round was fired.

Another thing, it is disheartening :D is that some posters refer to the 'multi-color' people as 'yellow shirts', although the PAD makes NO claims to them being in their cadre of supporters. For all we know they could be disenchanted or disenfranchised redz, yellowz, or they could really just be normal bangkokians who are tired of this affecting their livelihood. With the plethora of 'fake colors' out there, it is difficult to really know who is who anymore.

(I just hope no faction of the thai population decides to wear black KISS tour t-shirts or I'm out of an entire wardrobe :D )

About the only thing I wholeheartedly concur with in the quoted post is; I too offer condolences to the family of the persons who were killed and injured.


There were reporters and non-protesters on the Silom side of Rama IV that would have seen anyone on that side setting off these grenades.

The Saladaeng BTS station is a direct line down Silom Rd from the entrance to Lumpini Park where the reds are stationed.

There are plenty of eyewitness accounts of "firecrackers" coming from the red side. It would be easy to mistake the launch of grenades as firecrackers if you had never seen a grenade launched.

It is clear that these grenades came from the red side.

One thing I should know by now, is that nothing is clear.

Until I see it on video exactly how this happened, I do not believe the reds or the government about who may have perpetrated this act. Motives lie with so many people and groups, I prefer to be pleasantly surprised than awfully disappointed when the truth comes out.

+ 1, but even on video it will be hard to believe for me, as someone can edit a video and show what he wants to show


Anyone going to Royal Plaza today? Thats the multi colour shirt rally on the big parade ground outside Dusit Palace where they have all those big military parades. Assume its still on? Dig out the pink shirt (well not red or yellow or blue; oops running out of colours; even black is out now).

if some people commit an act of terrorism.. it's some people.

if some australians set off a bomb, you cannot punish all australians

if some women set off a bomb, you cannot punish all women..

if some polkadot-shirters set off a bomb, you cannot blame all polkadot-shirters.

there are individuals under the shirts..

most of whom would be non-violent and against the attack.

This is the most intelligent post I have read tonight. The usual culprits are again frothing at the mouth. Me thinks this forum has a strong yellow tinge and a great deal of the posters would not have a clue about Thailand outside the protected western shelters of Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket. Is good for a laugh though.


Our groundwater well went dry this April, just like many others in Isaan. Fortunately Mr. Thaksin installed a water tower in our village before he was ousted 4 years ago so we don't have to drink muddy buffalo piss water or wait for the government trucks to fill up the local tanks. The next village over was not so lucky and getting water has been a big problem. Thaksin had plans to give them the water tower they needed but the Thai Army had other ideas back in 2006. It's the people that got water towers, or tractor loans, or houses subsidized by Thaksin, or got a local village economy created who were among the majority that voted for Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party. Real life farmers concerned with surviving in dignity. No politician is without corruption, but give me one who improves my lifestyle, for example by making running water available in my home all year round and I'll vote for him every time. Abhisit has done nothing for my village.

Life in the countryside is about what the average farmer needs to survive one day at a time. That's why millions haven't marched on Bangkok. They're too busy fishing, catching crickets, carrying water from the local tanks or rivers, and getting ready for the rice planting season so they can feed their families. Many of them are in Bangkok already, but again, working. They cannot afford to take time off because they have to send money home to Isaan to feed wives, children and parents. It's day to day income, living paycheck to paycheck, cricket to cricket, bottle of water to bottle of water, which most people with a sizable savings account wouldn't understand. Thaksin, as corrupt as he may have been, was one of few, like the beloved King, who seemed to acknowledge the real needs of the average Thai farmer. The average farmer's mind is not concerned with Bangkok. It's in the fields.

So who thinks it would be a good idea to change your baht savings into your home currency at this point?

You are panicking about nothing - buy Baht now, convert everything you have into Baht and spend spend spend, everything will be fine

Yesterday, I bought 20,000baht worth of shares and today (Friday), I ordered and paid a deposit for a new Honda Civic 2.0 litre.

Buy a house next in a katoeys name that is sure fire road to riches, Also I know a bar in Pattaya that could be for sale at the right price

One thing I should know by now, is that nothing is clear.

Until I see it on video exactly how this happened, I do not believe the reds or the government about who may have perpetrated this act. Motives lie with so many people and groups, I prefer to be pleasantly surprised than awfully disappointed when the truth comes out.

That is why I prefer to trust the eyewitness accounts of those who are there, as they report it live on Twitter. There is no time for spin or colour influence. It is just raw reporting of what is seen. You're not going to get video of very much, especially at night, (which is why it happens at night). Yes, there is no "concrete proof", but that is exactly the way the perpetrators want it, so you must rely on other sources.

Well, there are apparently dozens and dozens of reporters down there. Presumably with dozens of cameras both still and video pointing in all sorts of directions.

Someone will have a video of something that will shed a lot of light on where and how a grenade came to land on the BTS. Presumably the BTS has cameras so where is the footage?

I am still unsure how anyone could fire from road level onto the platform accurately. They could fire onto the walkways of course. The story is that the grenades came from Lumpini and one came down through the "roof" of the BTS? Another newspaper is still claiming "unknown" areas for the launch and has a differing number for the numbers of casualties. Some say 5 grenades, some 3, some landing on the platforms, some on walkways. One says one grenade landed at the Dusit Thani, the other not. The newspapers don't even have a conclusive story, and I tell you I won't believe a word that comes out of Suthep's or the red's mouth about this type of thing.

The story is so confused, and apparently despite there being so many cameras around, as yet, very little CONCRETE evidence.

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