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Burmese Gf Assaulted


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hi all,

my gf was walking along a busy road, and the owner of a shop (chinese) started saying something to her. he approached and pushed her. because she is from myanmar, and couldn't quite catch what he was saying, she tried to walk past. he got extremely angry, gesturing for her to go away. the man pushed her in the shoulder, kicked her leg and poked her in the eye, then he went to pick up some rocks on the floor and threw a couple in her direction. that's when she ran away to the police box on the corner of the main road.

i was at the shopping center at the time when she called me, in tears. the two police officers came with us back to the shop. looking inside the place, it was obvious that the guy was trying to hide. when he came out he again got angry and started shouting in front of the cops. i talked with the next door neighbour, who seemed sympathetic but, as my thai is not great, i didn't really get what he was saying (the point was he talked with me, and didn't walk away as if nothing happened). the police wrote down the address on a peice of paper, gave it to us and hailed a cab for the police station.

at the police station there were a couple of cops. one wrote the report on a piece of paper and told us to go to the hospital to get a medical report. the other cops came and talked for a while, but they didn't seem at all concerned. they tried to call the guy to get him to come to the station, but the woman at the shop said he'd gone out (yeah, right). it was really annoying that the cops obviously didn't care, or want to do anything to help us.

my major concern is that my gf has applied for an australian spouse visa, and she only has about 5 weeks to go before we're able to go to oz. we told the police our concerns, which was when i also started thinking about all the horror stories about foreigners getting arrested by corrupt cops and locals out for money. the police have her passport number and addresss. i've told my gf to try and forget it, never walk on that street again, and just wait it out until we get the spouse visa. i know she did all the right things, but i don't want her to get into trouble because of the 'thai-way'.

what i'd like to know is could this turn against us - i.e. the cops turning up at our door tomorrow saying the guy assulted her, asking for money, and threatening her with jail (as they know she's a foreigner - and, even worse, burmese - with lots to lose). any thoughts?

worried... :)

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It makes me angry to read your story.

Big mistake going to the cops, you should know that their job is not to help anyone, let alone foreigners.

Just try to keep a low profile.

Disgusting behaviour by the Chinaman & the cops. :)

Good luck with your future in Aus. :D

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i understand your worries; my husband was attacked by a bunch of drunken teenagers on first day of school (theirs) while waiting for his ride to work; this was two months before we had to do our yearly visa application and i was worried about the police report since the boys are local and the police are from their families (here is similar to thailand in many many respects)... however, husband insisted, and his employer came with to help give some 'backing' for us. when we went to the yearly visa thing, we brought a copy of our police complaint with us, and i made it a point to talk about it (husband fortunately refrained from laying in on the boys as he is hot tempered and strong, and they were big and drunk) ; how he was attacked and his response etc. i was worried that the report would be 'foreign worker attacks underage boys from neighbhorhood at school' or something.... but nothing came of it either way. the kids got let off, the cops werent interested in persuing it (family of family) but didnt make trouble either.

the cops that took your report are probably genuinely not interested. just an other refugee woman and some guy. they probably wont make trouble for u (why should they, they would have to exert themselves to do that) but wont do much or anything about it.. keep a copy of the report and leave it at that.

they have bigger fish to deal with these days...

keep hospital reports etc also... but dont bother pushing for legal stuff. it wont happen.



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I don't think it is good to be known by the cops. You're both foreigners, aka shakedown targets. Get out of town. Spend the next few weeks elsewhere.

Maybe pass through one day in the future and kick the Chinaman's arse.

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thanks for those replies :) they are quite reasuring :D

we just got back from the hospital, where i got the english-speaking nurse to read out the police statement. it was pretty much exactly what we told the cop, which was a relief. she had a 5 minute medical - total cost B1400 (including medication!)! we also turned down a request for a dam_n x-ray! that was pathetic but at least, after complaining, they bought the price down, and we got the medical certificate in the end. so that means if the cops get off their fat <deleted> and try to get cash out of us, at least we have this as proof.

i'm now starting to expect that nothing will come of this afterall, but i'm also so paranoid about my gf not getting the visa. also, i think that perhaps i read tv a little too much. i know you can't be too careful, but sometimes reading the stories of people getting jail sentences when they're clearly not in the wrong is a bit depressing.

so smokie and gungadin - you're right when you say we should focus more on the future in a better country :D

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Can I be the first to put my hand up in sheer ignorance and ask why would a chinaman attack a lady from Mayanmar?

What threat does she pose? Sorry, its probably really clear to most readers but I honestly don't know about this stuff.


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thanks for those replies :) they are quite reasuring :D

we just got back from the hospital, where i got the english-speaking nurse to read out the police statement. it was pretty much exactly what we told the cop, which was a relief. she had a 5 minute medical - total cost B1400 (including medication!)! we also turned down a request for a dam_n x-ray! that was pathetic but at least, after complaining, they bought the price down, and we got the medical certificate in the end. so that means if the cops get off their fat <deleted> and try to get cash out of us, at least we have this as proof.

i'm now starting to expect that nothing will come of this afterall, but i'm also so paranoid about my gf not getting the visa. also, i think that perhaps i read tv a little too much. i know you can't be too careful, but sometimes reading the stories of people getting jail sentences when they're clearly not in the wrong is a bit depressing.

so smokie and gungadin - you're right when you say we should focus more on the future in a better country :D

Terrible story what your GF experienced.

Your mistake was going to the police box. The fact is in thailand ... not all thais and thai chinese are nice and honest like alot of people like us to believe ...

It's bad timing that you were not with your GF at the time ... If you had been I imagine then the chinese guy would not have acted the way he did.

Put it down to a bad experience and look forward to a better place for sure !


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What is it about your G/F's appearance that says she's Burmese?

I'm trying to figure out how the Chinese racist knew or guessed.

I know zero about Burmese.

hi gungadin,

i don't think race was that important to this guy. he may have seen her before, perhaps talking with her friends speaking burmese. i'm not sure. he acted a bit crazy when the police turned up, so i think his mental state may have more to do with it. otherwise, she could quite easily be mistaken for thai and when she refuses to speak thai some thais even think she is chinese or korean - they have no idea if you don't tell them.

it's scary, but i've told her to walk/run away the first sign of any trouble in the future and, as sad as this is, NEVER involve the thai police in anything. i think she understands this now.

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Something is probably missing from this story. Store owners just don't randomly go off on strangers and kick their ass. Was your girlfriend trying to shoplift something and got caught? Was the guy just mentally ill or something?

Agreed, either the guy has some kind of severe mental problem or there is something missing from this story. Seem unlike that he'd even be able to "own" a store in this kind of mental state?

I think you did the right thing by telling the police. It seems strange to me that the mentality on this message board is that someone randomly assaults you in the street and you should run away for a few days and keep a low profile...?

Just think this guy could rape or kill the next person, he could be a complete headcase who is a danger to society, you could have saved the next persons life by reporting him. At least if he attacks someone else the blood won't be on your hands.

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Perhaps the story needs to be modified to read a shopkeeper with a probable mental health problem attacked a woman walking by his store.

The man's ethnic origins and your girlfriend's ethnic origins most likely have no bearing on the attack, unless one is to believe that Thai males of Chinese descent are predisposed to mental health issues and females of Burmese descent attract Thai males of Chinese decent showing signs of a mental health issue.

Perhaps, the police are already aware of the shopkeeper and have been there before. Please understand that in Thailand, the state of mental health care is not advanced. People are left to walk around or heavily medicated (assuming they even take the meds). That is how the community copes. The police may not have shown much interest because they know the shopkeeper is a nutter. The Thai courts usually show leniency to the mentally ill unless a serious crime is involved. Yes, the assault is unacceptable and bad, but in the scheme of things, your g/f may have been #27 on his list of victims and even if the police had detained and charged the shopkeeper, it would have served no purpose, because Thailand like western countries releases such people back onto the street since there are no treatment facilities.

Count your blessings you can get a visa. Leave, and don't look back. If the g/f is a Burmese refugee, she has suffered enough in life and deserves to enjoy the rest of it in peace and happiness.

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Something is probably missing from this story. Store owners just don't randomly go off on strangers and kick their ass. Was your girlfriend trying to shoplift something and got caught? Was the guy just mentally ill or something?

Agreed, either the guy has some kind of severe mental problem or there is something missing from this story. Seem unlike that he'd even be able to "own" a store in this kind of mental state?

I think you did the right thing by telling the police. It seems strange to me that the mentality on this message board is that someone randomly assaults you in the street and you should run away for a few days and keep a low profile...?

Just think this guy could rape or kill the next person, he could be a complete headcase who is a danger to society, you could have saved the next persons life by reporting him. At least if he attacks someone else the blood won't be on your hands.

What you wrote only applies in a civilised country, you think Thailand is a civilised country???

You obviously have had little or no experience with the RTP.

Let me tell you an off topic, true story.

My house was burgled in October while I was on a visa run to Laos.

I told 2 people I was going, one was my cleaner, the other was a neighbours son.

2 days after the theft I had to report to NP police hq for a statement.

This was on a Sunday...

5 minutes after arriving home, CSI NP arrived, one officer in uniform and a camera,

the other, a female officer with a fingerprint dusting kit & a white coat.

Within 5 minutes she was offering me a piece of land she knew of for sale... 555555

The guy with a camera took numerous pics......

It was all a farce. Showtime!

Any Western child under 12, would ask why my prints and my mates prints (he discovered the burglary) were not taken to eliminate us... LOL

I had 2 obvious suspects, did the RTP want any details?


This was all a show for the Farangs, they could not care less about making any enquiries.

No money in it for them.


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This was all a show for the Farangs, they could not care less about making any enquiries.

No money in it for them.

pricks. :):D

But answer me this: how many times has your house been burgled since this incident? How many times do you think it would have been burgled if you had not reported it and just brushed it off thinking "the police will do nothing"?

The next time this guy wants to assault someone on the street he'll think twice, even if the police do nothing, no one want the police coming around their store asking questions.

Plus it gives the OP peace of mind. At least he can hold his head high that he did all he could do to stand up for his g/f.

I can't imagine trying to look my wife in the face if someone assaulted her and my response was to run away from the city for a few days.

Edited by dave111223
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This was all a show for the Farangs, they could not care less about making any enquiries.

No money in it for them.

pricks. :):D

But answer me this: how many times has your house been burgled since this incident?

How many times do you think it would have been burgled if you had not reported it and just brushed it off thinking "the police will do nothing"?


None, because it is now as secure as Levenworth Prison. Nothing to do with the RTP.

As for your 2nd question....... are you on strong medication, do you dream a lot?

I am serious because I think you are (serious) & I find that disturbing.

Where do you live in Thailand, if you do?

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But answer me this: how many times has your house been burgled since this incident?

How many times do you think it would have been burgled if you had not reported it and just brushed it off thinking "the police will do nothing"?


None, because it is now as secure as Levenworth Prison. Nothing to do with the RTP.

As for your 2nd question....... are you on strong medication, do you dream a lot?

I am serious because I think you are (serious) & I find that disturbing.

Where do you live in Thailand, if you do?

I live in Bangkok, and i'm not sure what was so bazaar about the question "How many times do you think it would have been burgled if you had not reported it and just brushed it off thinking "the police will do nothing"?" (which is a rhetorical one)

I would bet that if the burglar had seen you take no action over the burglary they would have been back for a second or third time.

Same applies to this situation, if the man had seen absolutely no consequence to his assault he would surely be more likely to do the same thing again. And yes having the police come and question you is still a consequence, even if no fines or criminal charges are brought against him.

Edited by dave111223
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Can I be the first to put my hand up in sheer ignorance and ask why would a chinaman attack a lady from Mayanmar?

What threat does she pose? Sorry, its probably really clear to most readers but I honestly don't know about this stuff.


Ask you Thai friends to tell you the stories about what the Burmese did to Ayutaya and Sukothai, the same shit they are still being taught today in the glorious land of xenophobics.

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Sorry, but this all seems a little strange.

Why would a totally unprovoked male shop owner attack an innocent female passer by for no reason?

How could he tell the woman wasn`t Thai? Thai and Burmese all look the same to me and racism in Thailand to the point where someone would get beaten for not being Thai is extrememly rare.

Is there some history between the two? That the OP has no knowledge of?

There is something amiss here.

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I had 2 obvious suspects, did the RTP want any details?


This was all a show for the Farangs, they could not care less about making any enquiries.

No money in it for them.

pricks. :):D

Well, I think the police in Thailand sometimes go about things a bit differently to in the west. It's quite possible that they made inquiries you didn't know about. I have a brother in law in the police I'm given to understand that a lot of cases which are 'solved' never go to court. As often as not the police act as enforcers for the complainant who gets compensation or restitution from the criminal. The police then get a percentage of the restitution for doing the job. It seems that's how it works. It's possible that in your case they 1) didn't think you'd understand how things work so 2) didn't think they'd get their percentage so 3) got their percentage from the cleaner or the neighbour - with a warning not to do it again. Of course in your case they might have just given up at 1) and 2) and as you say - no money = no action. It sounds like criminal behaviour on the part of the police, and I suppose by western standards it is. But bear in mind that the pay for a police sergeant with 10 years on the beat is about 12,000 baht a month. A constable with a couple of years is on about 7,000. They really have no choice but to supplement their income to make a living.

I also remember about 8 years ago when the so called 'samurai gangs' were terrorising northern Thailand. There were a number of people killed and injured by these gangs on motorcycles but, at least in the town where I live, no one was ever charged. However, the craze was stopped almost as fast as it started. One guy was executed in his back yard, and the police then went around suspects (some of them kids from good families) threatening that if anyone else was attacked they'd be next. Was justice served? Probably not - but order was restored. Like I say - they do things differently here.

Edited by retdson
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I had 2 obvious suspects, did the RTP want any details?


This was all a show for the Farangs, they could not care less about making any enquiries.

No money in it for them.

pricks. :):D

Well, I think the police in Thailand sometimes go about things a bit differently to in the west. It's quite possible that they made inquiries you didn't know about..

Not a chance........ They picked their nose & did Jack Sh...

I know who the burglar was/is.

I considered a reward but decided they would probably frame some poor Illegal from Cambodia or Burma, for the cash.

That's the way they do do things differently here!

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quote by OP in post#1

"my major concern is that my gf has applied for an australian spouse visa, and she only has about 5 weeks to go before we're able to go to oz."

Sorry about all the stuff with the shopkeeper but in my opinion you will find more trouble with Aussie immigration if you & your gf have applied for a "Spouse's" visa and are not married. If you are married, which I assume you are, then you need to start referring to your wife as exactly that and not as your gf.

People at Immigration pick up on little details like that and next thing you know she's on her way home.

Hope everything goes well for the future in Oz. By the way there are plenty of bigoted pricks here as well but hopefully they don't assault her.

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Abuse of Burmese by Thais is very common, Thais in general hate the Burmese, don’t any of you remember the 54 Burmese workers who suffocated in a truck in 2008 or the Thai army’s deportation of Rohingya refugees.

Look how the government treats Burmese refugees or how Thais exploit Burmese who have legal work permits.

I have been the victim of verbal abuse by complete strangers, my wife has also been verbally abused for marrying a falang.

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Can I be the first to put my hand up in sheer ignorance and ask why would a chinaman attack a lady from Mayanmar?

What threat does she pose? Sorry, its probably really clear to most readers but I honestly don't know about this stuff.


Ask you Thai friends to tell you the stories about what the Burmese did to Ayutaya and Sukothai, the same shit they are still being taught today in the glorious land of xenophobics.

Agree, I once asked my wife why Thais hate the burmese. She just said the attack my country. A long time to bear a grudge.

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I have to go with fake on this one.

The OP's statement turned around from his GF racially being attacked to her being attacked because the guy was just crazy while still trying to remain credible by saying that the owner might have seen her before (unlikely). It is also highly unlikely that such an event would happen on a busy street, probably during daylight too.

I have never heard of negotiating in hospitals too. Especially not on medication. Those prices are fixed. It's also strange his gf is still his gf and not his wife but she still applied for a spouse visa. Lastly the last question of his first post just smells like someone asking for attention.

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