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Red-Shirts Must Realise Restraint Has Its Limitations


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I am posting this here because this is one of the active "revolution" news threads (as we are not allowed to start new threads ourselves these days).

There have been rumors for a long time that Thaksin has serious cancer. Yesterday, there were death rumors. While it appears the death rumors were false, this news items seems to indicate the serious cancer rumors were true. Is there more confirmation available about the state of Thaksin's health?

Thaksin: I'm Not Dead Yet

Ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra dismisses, via Twitter, the rumour that he was dead after experiencing a shock during a purported cancer treatment.

On his Twitter page, self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra rejected reports that he suffered a shock during chemotherapy.

Thaksin is reportedly battling with a third-stage prostate cancer at a hospital in Dubai.

OMG. A Rumour. :)

I am so shocked, i almost let my biscuit plump into my tea.

What comes next? Dr. Weng has flatfoot, Abhisit dandruff?

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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

Edited by Jingthing
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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

The latest thing on Thai forum is that the pictures released to show he was well were actually photoshopped and with faked date stamps. It seems fairly clear they were too. That raises the question of why photoshop?

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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

The latest thing on Thai forum is that the pictures released to show he was well were actually photoshopped and with faked date stamps. It seems fairly clear they were too. That raises the question of why photoshop?

Pretty poor photoshop job at that. Makes the Lunar landing look real. :)

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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

The latest thing on Thai forum is that the pictures released to show he was well were actually photoshopped and with faked date stamps. It seems fairly clear they were too. That raises the question of why photoshop?

:):D :D

Adding more rumors?

Who cares besides jingthing and some some of the Thaksin lovers at this board?

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here some news what goes on in Thailand and about the credibility the current government has left:

Bangkok, April 27 (ANI): At a meeting attended by governors of 61 provinces, Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has requested them to inform the residents of their constituencies of the " terrorist behaviour" of some Red Shirt leaders.


Mr Chatree Yooprasert, secretary-general of the Association of Provincial Administrative Organisations said, "What is certain is that the government is wrong. This government has long lost its legitimacy to run the country. They should either resign or dissolve the House to solve the country's crisis."

He said that the government must stop interfering with the media and allow it to function freely.He said that the Prime Minister's requests was an attempt to pressurise local bodies. (ANI)


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here some news what goes on in Thailand and about the credibility the current government has left:

Bangkok, April 27 (ANI): At a meeting attended by governors of 61 provinces, Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has requested them to inform the residents of their constituencies of the " terrorist behaviour" of some Red Shirt leaders.


Mr Chatree Yooprasert, secretary-general of the Association of Provincial Administrative Organisations said, "What is certain is that the government is wrong. This government has long lost its legitimacy to run the country. They should either resign or dissolve the House to solve the country's crisis."

He said that the government must stop interfering with the media and allow it to function freely.He said that the Prime Minister's requests was an attempt to pressurise local bodies. (ANI)


Not surprising. It's the political/business incestuousness of the provinces that is the main problem isn't it?

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Who cares about Thaksin? Are you joking?

Yes, i think Thaksins prostate concerns only people with 'special' interest and is of lesser relevance for the current situation in Thailand.

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Who cares about Thaksin? Are you joking?

Yes, i think Thaksins prostate concerns only people with 'special' interest and is of lesser relevance for the current situation in Thailand.

Bull. Thaksin has the power right now to stop civil war in Thailand with a few words. He won't utter them. Saying Thaksin (and his money and his drive to reclaim back most of his money and power) is irrelevant to the anarchy that is happening now in Thailand is ridiculous.

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Who cares about Thaksin? Are you joking?

Yes, i think Thaksins prostate concerns only people with 'special' interest and is of lesser relevance for the current situation in Thailand.

Bull. Thaksin has the power right now to stop civil war in Thailand with a few words. He won't utter them. Saying Thaksin (and his money and his drive to reclaim back most of his money and power) is irrelevant to the anarchy that is happening now in Thailand is ridiculous.

maybe he can't utter them......

my wife said to me the other day, ''how would you like to speak to Thaksin?''

i said through a spiritualist......

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here some news what goes on in Thailand and about the credibility the current government has left:

Bangkok, April 27 (ANI): At a meeting attended by governors of 61 provinces, Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has requested them to inform the residents of their constituencies of the " terrorist behaviour" of some Red Shirt leaders.


Mr Chatree Yooprasert, secretary-general of the Association of Provincial Administrative Organisations said, "What is certain is that the government is wrong. This government has long lost its legitimacy to run the country. They should either resign or dissolve the House to solve the country's crisis."

He said that the government must stop interfering with the media and allow it to function freely.He said that the Prime Minister's requests was an attempt to pressurise local bodies. (ANI)


Not surprising. It's the political/business incestuousness of the provinces that is the main problem isn't it?

If the provincial administration withdraw their allegiance with the government then isn't much to govern left for the government.

Maybe Abhisit can order to dissolve the people and elect himself a new fellowship that listen to him and obey his orders.

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here some news what goes on in Thailand and about the credibility the current government has left:

Bangkok, April 27 (ANI): At a meeting attended by governors of 61 provinces, Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has requested them to inform the residents of their constituencies of the " terrorist behaviour" of some Red Shirt leaders.


Mr Chatree Yooprasert, secretary-general of the Association of Provincial Administrative Organisations said, "What is certain is that the government is wrong. This government has long lost its legitimacy to run the country. They should either resign or dissolve the House to solve the country's crisis."

He said that the government must stop interfering with the media and allow it to function freely.He said that the Prime Minister's requests was an attempt to pressurise local bodies. (ANI)


Not surprising. It's the political/business incestuousness of the provinces that is the main problem isn't it?

If the provincial administration withdraw their allegiance with the government then isn't much to govern left for the government.

Maybe Abhisit can order to dissolve the people and elect himself a new fellowship that listen to him and obey his orders.

maybe he should withdraw funding from central government for those governors who do not do their jobs and feel that they have a right to second guess the guy who puts food on their families table?

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The real title is

Government and elites must realise restraint has its limitations.

The reds had been "has demonstrated extraordinary tolerance and showed restraint".

really, an average of two bombings a day since the rallys started in earnest and non have been directed at the reds

not one single red shirt hurt by a mystery bomb

now does that pose the question, who is doing the bomb throwing?

remarkable restraint?

i do not think so

Sorry, just have to pick you up on the logic of your argument.

The fact that no reds have been hurt by bombs and therefore that proves they carried out the attacks is a bit simplistic. The bombings (although I don't believe this was the case) COULD have been false flag attacks i.e one party commits an act of terror and blames it on their enemy in order to discredit them and justify action against them.

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The real title is

Government and elites must realise restraint has its limitations.

The reds had been "has demonstrated extraordinary tolerance and showed restraint".

really, an average of two bombings a day since the rallys started in earnest and non have been directed at the reds

not one single red shirt hurt by a mystery bomb

now does that pose the question, who is doing the bomb throwing?

remarkable restraint?

i do not think so

Sorry, just have to pick you up on the logic of your argument.

The fact that no reds have been hurt by bombs and therefore that proves they carried out the attacks is a bit simplistic. The bombings (although I don't believe this was the case) COULD have been false flag attacks i.e one party commits an act of terror and blames it on their enemy in order to discredit them and justify action against them.

then i need to call you out on your call

i did not say that ''that proves they carried out the attacks''

that's a conclusion you drew from my post

however, i do firmly believe that the reds are behind the grenade attacks

its too much of a coincidence that they have not been targeted.

but on the other hand i also totally agree with your false flag theories

another poster Blackman forwarded such a false flag theory immediately after the events on April 10

he made interesting reading

like him, i firmly believe that the men in black indiscriminately shot red shirt supporters to create a false flag event

if it was government snipers as many claim, then why not shoot the red shirt leaders?

one or two of those that weren't cowering in the toilets or holed up in a 5* hotel were there for target practise

so why not take them out?

the reason? they were not the targets.

they paid the men in black to shoot their own red people to stir up a media storm

Meetha the actor turned supergrass now being cold shouldered by the reds has said as much in his statements to DSI

its only a matter of time before the MIB are caught and turned and it will all be over for the reds

the government should also grab Veera, he is a weak link ready to turn

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well its about time...........

BPP policemen break through red-shirt blockade in Phitsanulok

PHITSANULOK - Border patrol policemen broke through the blockade of red-shirt protesters in this northern province at noon Monday.

The protesters tried to block the policemen from travelling to Bangkok.

After five hours of blockade, the policemen decided to break through the red-shirt protesters.

The BPP policemen armed with baton managed to push through the lines of protesters at 12:50 pm for police trucks to pass through.

Several protesters were injured during the clash.

-- The Nation 2010-04-26

Oh no - he's off again. It says so in the yellow propaganda mag otherwise known as the Nation, so it must be true!

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by the Nation and by the Governor of Bangkok

must be piffle then....

Yes, coming from the one proud but now a yellow mouthpiece rag called the Nation, it most likely is piffle.

the Nation and the Bangkok governors confirmation came later, it was originally sourced from TAN network

did they get it wrong too?

were they all wrong?

oh sorry i forgot you are a red and i am wasting my time

quickly recite the red mantra

deny, deny, deny.......

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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

How much more of this hearsay desperation are you going to post here?

Even if Thaksin were to be struck by lightning, don't kid yourself that the problem would disappear until the Thais get their democracy back.

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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

How much more of this hearsay desperation are you going to post here?

Even if Thaksin were to be struck by lightning, don't kid yourself that the problem would disappear until the Thais get their democracy back.

The reds don't want democracy. They want power and money, for the reds. They are an overall negative movement for the entire country. They are fomenting civil war.

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by the Nation and by the Governor of Bangkok

must be piffle then....

Yes, coming from the one proud but now a yellow mouthpiece rag called the Nation, it most likely is piffle.

So, about the answer to the question about what should Abhisit be afraid of from the reds... still drafting it?

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well its about time...........

BPP policemen break through red-shirt blockade in Phitsanulok

PHITSANULOK - Border patrol policemen broke through the blockade of red-shirt protesters in this northern province at noon Monday.

The protesters tried to block the policemen from travelling to Bangkok.

After five hours of blockade, the policemen decided to break through the red-shirt protesters.

The BPP policemen armed with baton managed to push through the lines of protesters at 12:50 pm for police trucks to pass through.

Several protesters were injured during the clash.

-- The Nation 2010-04-26

Oh no - he's off again. It says so in the yellow propaganda mag otherwise known as the Nation, so it must be true!

you are right, all the major news providers have the story too but it must be wrong as you are a red and you do not like it so you simply resort to type and quickly sing the mantra..

Deny, Deny, Deny, Deny

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The "rumor" that Thaksin has advanced prostate cancer was posted in the news section here. I think it may be a little more than a rumor. In recent pictures he really does look sick and weak, like he has aged 10 years in 1.

How much more of this hearsay desperation are you going to post here?

Even if Thaksin were to be struck by lightning, don't kid yourself that the problem would disappear until the Thais get their democracy back.

according to my friend, who lives in a red village near Surin with his telak, the problem would dissappear right now if they could go home, without an outright win and still get paid their wages without any intimidation from the village mafia

the subject of democracy never came up...

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Red-Shirts Must Realise Restraint Has Its Limitations, EDITORIAL

Which begs the most obvious question "Why?"

For the average men and women, the non-use of force - the government's hallmark - does not augur well with their present frame of mind. For them, non-use of force is equivalent to ineffective use of force. They have been raised in a society where force can and should be used, especially during a state of Emergency Decree or in times of national crisis.

I didn't realise that the Nation ever pretended to speak for the "average" man. Furthermore, is he basically saying that Thai's have been brought up to believe that the inevitable response to civil protest or disobedience is a quick smack on the ass from the army? Don't complain to hard people, coz, we in Thailand are taught not to complain. Why can't you numbskulls get it, after all those years of indoctrination to defer to the pooyai and education to be mild mannered and meek.

What an amazingly condescending attitude.

It would appear that the editor of the nation is witnessing a change in Thailand that he cannot understand. How could he have missed it, having blatently trumpeted the rights of previous protesters to occupy some pretty significant parts of Bangkok in the not so distant future. Protest, be it legal or illegal is the new way forward in Thailand it appears.

More fool anyone who defended the rights of previous protests because of their perceived "moral" right. It appears that personal "moral" right now supercedes the law.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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What "community" is it that wants to see a bloodbath? What is wrong with those people that are so eager to see the army to move in and start a bloodbath?

Even last midnight there were still more than 20'000 people down at Rajparasong. Maybe there are some few black armed soldiers waiting for battle somewhere but there are still more than 20'000 unarmed peaceful human beings around

You have obviously not been down to the Red camp site lately

"20'000 unarmed peaceful human beings around"

You have go to be kidding I witnessed almost every person armed in some way be it Sharped Bamboo, Slingshots, Piles of Throwing sized bricks, Machete, to M16 and RPG's I watched dozens of Armed men donning Monks Robes to conceal their weapons as we walked through the temple inside the Red camp.

Myself and 4 staff of mine had to dodge angry people who were screaming at me and my staff trying to taunt us into a reaction so they could attack us Two of my Female staff were so frightened they burst in to tears as we made our way home.

I did not see a Peace full protest I saw a MOB of Armed People Taunting Normal Working people into a fight.

These Reds are Ready for a fight and are gaging to draw blood.

I hope they get what they deserve or asking for in the no to distant Future

Of course then we will see them crying that they are he Victims when everyone knows that they have been warned that what they are doing is Illegal and Non Lethal force will be used to remove them if they do not disband.

Also they have been warned Lethal force will be used if the Authority are attacked when upholding the law.

This is like the putting a Sign saying dont put your hand in the lions cage then crying blood when it gets bitten off.

Are theay really that stupid or Just missinformed and Greedy?

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Little off topic but looks like most of the reds on TV are either holding a helmet or have one an arms length away ... just wonder why they don't think about their heads when riding a motor bike. The number of killed and injured in this red uprising doesn't even come close to those killed via motorcycle accidents in Thailand.

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What "community" is it that wants to see a bloodbath? What is wrong with those people that are so eager to see the army to move in and start a bloodbath?

Even last midnight there were still more than 20'000 people down at Rajparasong. Maybe there are some few black armed soldiers waiting for battle somewhere but there are still more than 20'000 unarmed peaceful human beings around

You have obviously not been down to the Red camp site lately

"20'000 unarmed peaceful human beings around"

You have go to be kidding I witnessed almost every person armed in some way be it Sharped Bamboo, Slingshots, Piles of Throwing sized bricks, Machete, to M16 and RPG's I watched dozens of Armed men donning Monks Robes to conceal their weapons as we walked through the temple inside the Red camp.

Myself and 4 staff of mine had to dodge angry people who were screaming at me and my staff trying to taunt us into a reaction so they could attack us Two of my Female staff were so frightened they burst in to tears as we made our way home.

I did not see a Peace full protest I saw a MOB of Armed People Taunting Normal Working people into a fight.

These Reds are Ready for a fight and are gaging to draw blood.

I hope they get what they deserve or asking for in the no to distant Future

Of course then we will see them crying that they are he Victims when everyone knows that they have been warned that what they are doing is Illegal and Non Lethal force will be used to remove them if they do not disband.

Also they have been warned Lethal force will be used if the Authority are attacked when upholding the law.

This is like the putting a Sign saying dont put your hand in the lions cage then crying blood when it gets bitten off.

Are theay really that stupid or Just missinformed and Greedy?

Disguising as monks to hide weapons shows something rather dark about intentions

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From the same group who have shamelessly tried to compare the red shirts to the peaceful, totally non-violent, monk protests in Burma. Sadly, they have gotten some traction with those lies in the international press, which can't grasp the complexity of the issues here.

Edited by Jingthing
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What "community" is it that wants to see a bloodbath? What is wrong with those people that are so eager to see the army to move in and start a bloodbath?

Even last midnight there were still more than 20'000 people down at Rajparasong. Maybe there are some few black armed soldiers waiting for battle somewhere but there are still more than 20'000 unarmed peaceful human beings around

You have obviously not been down to the Red camp site lately

"20'000 unarmed peaceful human beings around"

You have go to be kidding I witnessed almost every person armed in some way be it Sharped Bamboo, Slingshots, Piles of Throwing sized bricks, Machete, to M16 and RPG's I watched dozens of Armed men donning Monks Robes to conceal their weapons as we walked through the temple inside the Red camp.

Myself and 4 staff of mine had to dodge angry people who were screaming at me and my staff trying to taunt us into a reaction so they could attack us Two of my Female staff were so frightened they burst in to tears as we made our way home.

I did not see a Peace full protest I saw a MOB of Armed People Taunting Normal Working people into a fight.

These Reds are Ready for a fight and are gaging to draw blood.

I hope they get what they deserve or asking for in the no to distant Future

Of course then we will see them crying that they are he Victims when everyone knows that they have been warned that what they are doing is Illegal and Non Lethal force will be used to remove them if they do not disband.

Also they have been warned Lethal force will be used if the Authority are attacked when upholding the law.

This is like the putting a Sign saying dont put your hand in the lions cage then crying blood when it gets bitten off.

Are theay really that stupid or Just missinformed and Greedy?

Are theay really that stupid or Just missinformed and Greedy?

Thanks for sharing. I haven't been there since right before the grenade attacks but I think is more misinformed at this point while being the greed of the folks that are brainwashing them. There is also just the thug element. Living in LA during the Rodney King Riots it was clear the majority of these people burning, looting and so on were folks who simply crave violence.

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