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Thailand's 'Yellow Shirts' Call For Martial Law

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Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? Butcher The 'Abraham Lincoln', Great wartime president if that's what you'relooking for the 'Elliott Ness', That's Abhisit the 'Aung San Suu Kyi' A fine symbol of democracy and peaceful resistance. If she ever came to power, probably couldn't govern Burma for 30 days .... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are missing,... the unity of purpose and vision?
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But who's the Martial?

That's a common misunderstanding. For some reason, people call it Martial Law when in reality is Martian Law. You know... the little green men. Er ... or little yellow men? :)

Since the Thai's are unwilling to enforce their laws, maybe they should hire an outside security force. Blackwater comes to mind...

Im sure they already have western mercenaries, sorry, I meant "security advisors".


This nazi ss post is totally offensive - where are the administrators -----?????????????????????///

shame on you ---- neo nazi na

Look, some of us want to go shopping. How am I supposed to order new carpets from Central World with all these riff raff in the way?

:D what we need are more guns, and a military and police force that FOLLOW ZE ORDERZ!!!


Lol :D Indeed I need to make a trip to BKK yet has to be postponed coz of the savages roaming around :)

where is the fhurer when you need him.

Now watch all the "serious" guys have a go at us.

Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

I’m not disagreeing that the current government is showing incompetency, but that is not really the full reason to this ongoing dilemma. What Thai military, law enforcement, and government have in common is a passive nature that reflects on the entire nation. Thai’s are typical passive in manner and would go to extremes to avoid a physical confrontation. As a result, protesters are allowed to carry on, push the limits and press their luck to achieve their goal. Indeed a sterner government is needed to end this conflict.

Just because you dont see or hear them do anything, nor even read much about it, does not mean that nothing is being done.

I agree. In fact I think there's an inverse correlation between the number of press releases and actual progress being made.

I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

I totally disagree with that statement. The Yellow Shirts are backed by the general population suffering from this protest. If any confrontation were to happen between the two groups, the Yellow Shirts would indeed gain support from the multi-coloured shirts along with the angry citizens that have had enough of this fiasco. In the end, the Red Shirts would be greatly outnumbered.

I agree with your statement -- the mulitcolours are the ones who have had a gut full of both sides ---- they are now the buffer zone between the two other mobs and that all they are --- i was pro red for a while till i came to my senses -- it was only a matter of time before the yellow mob came out with one of their stupid statements again -- why dont the govt let the two mobs fight it out at Lumpini park and they could even sell tickets -- just like the good old days in rome when the gladiators would fight it out - let the best man win - haaaa --- great spectator sport -

I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

Don't forget...Yellow = Military

Along with the majority of people in the south.

If all, multi/yellow act instead of just talk they can easily kick the peasants back to the paddies.

I can't believe I am seeing this type of thing written, or perhaps sadly I can having seen some of the comments on other threads.

The current problems in Thailand are very sad, the problems with some TV members is almost sadder.

Agreed mate. Writing rubbish like that only proves the immaturity and stupidity of some people….. There’s a good quote I often fall back on, especially after a round of beers with the boys…. “It’s better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool then to speak and remove all doubt”….

where is the fhurer when you need him.

Yes, the power of Mastahcard must be uphold by any means necessary! Shopping must continue! :)

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

If Abhisit was not elected, the neither were Samak nor Somchai (nor anybody ever).

Let the majority decide? The majority has decided, long time ago and the majority wanted Abhisit to be the PM. It's a small (but determined) minority, who doesn't want to accept that and doesn't want to accept real democracy.

So they went out to fight corruption and double standard. Nwo look who enjoys double standard and immunity for whatever law they break?

The problem is now that the simple Red Shirt demonstrators are afraid to return home, because they had to hand in their ID cards to the Red Shirt leaders and are now afraid to return home without ID card. The government offered to replace them, but for that they have to go to the local administration and expose their "treason" and that's what they are now afraid of. That's what I call Red Guard terror.

Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

One can't blame PM Abhisit alone

He needs the army to do the crackdown

Gen Anupong os equally soft

The UDD now know and so that the rest of the world that Thailand has a PM who is soft and the army gen is soft too

bad combination

Yes I agree 100% with you, but someone has to have absolute power in a situation like this. If the PM is too soft and the General of the Army is too soft to do their job they be removed from their positions and tried for treason for letting terrorists take control and doing nothing about it. If your not part of the solution your part of the problem right?

where is the fhurer when you need him.

Yes, the power of Mastahcard must be uphold by any means necessary! Shopping must continue! :D


It is becoming boring really. Everyday I read about, actions that will be taken yet I see very little of it.

Come on mark and Anupong just get it done and over with :)


Okay I am back.. some super speedo called mario banned me for 3 days about my comment of putting some good old fashion "fun" in the water to mellow everyone out a wee bit.. I called Micky and Donald for comment but both are known to be out to lunch with old PM who seemed to be in telecommunications. Apparently they have a new ride in Same Same land that keeps doing the same thing over and over.. and no one is really doing anything to make it work. So, I headin' further north by northwest or is it east.. dunno for certain as we all know here.. There is nothing for certain..

Joining a new group called the " New riders of the plaid skirts" who most hail from the old warriors in Epping Forest and we will be riding our Davy Harlaquians to the midnight feast with all the men who stare at goats..

Whats in a color.. cut the mustard and ketchup buy all the eggs you can and defend yourselves...

Yes I agree more guns.. but Viktor is in lock up and he also had the best deals...

Abhisit looks weaker by the day. He knows the bulk of the Army consists of men and women from the North East and North West of Thailand - are these troops really going to turn on their own people? They could be attacking their own brothers and sisters. The army commanders must realize that there's a real threat of mutiny if the troops are ordered to go in hard.

The bulk of the police similarly are from rural Thailand - red shirt country.

Abhisits announcements look increasingly hollow and desperate.

The will of the people will prevail.


Abhisits got to swallow his pride and do the right thing and dissolve the house before he does any more damage.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? Butcher The 'Abraham Lincoln', Great wartime president if that's what you'relooking for the 'Elliott Ness', That's Abhisit the 'Aung San Suu Kyi' A fine symbol of democracy and peaceful resistance. If she ever came to power, probably couldn't govern Burma for 30 days .... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are missing,... the unity of purpose and vision?

Then let me add... Gandhi... Nehru.... Martin Luther King Jr., Lech Walensa, Cezar Chavez and Nelson Mandela ???

What does it matter, as long as they are fighters against corruption and for systemic change.


where is the fhurer when you need him.

Yes, the power of Mastahcard must be uphold by any means necessary! Shopping must continue! :D


It is becoming boring really. Everyday I read about, actions that will be taken yet I see very little of it.

Come on mark and Anupong just get it done and over with :)

Do you want them to "take action", or do you want them to solve problems? If taking action doesn't solve problems and instead creates more, is it still the best course?

The problem is now that the simple Red Shirt demonstrators are afraid to return home, because they had to hand in their ID cards to the Red Shirt leaders and are now afraid to return home without ID card. The government offered to replace them, but for that they have to go to the local administration and expose their "treason" and that's what they are now afraid of. That's what I call Red Guard terror.

It is deeper than that. Those wanting to quit are being called traitors by the reds. There is evidence some are having their lives threatened for wanting to quit. It is doubtful they will be paid as promised if they quit for several weeks of so called work. When they go back to their village, if it is a red village, they will be stigmatized, or worse. Terror and intimidation from the reds, against their own as well as the entire country.

The red movement. How can anyone seriously believe this a pro democracy and pro freedom movement when they treat their OWN people with such utter thuggery?


I have just now been watching a download of the program by Loius Theroux "America's Medicated Kids"

It turns out that they can be medicated for a condition called (and I kid you not) "Oppositional Defiant Disorder"

Perhaps such medication could be sold in bulk in both Yellow and Red packaging.

Perhaps it comes in an aerosol form that could be used for Thailand's very own Bi-Polar disorder.

You may mock me, but it's as least as sensible as thinking the extant problems can be solved through Martial Law or a snap election.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? Butcher The 'Abraham Lincoln', Great wartime president if that's what you'relooking for the 'Elliott Ness', That's Abhisit the 'Aung San Suu Kyi' A fine symbol of democracy and peaceful resistance. If she ever came to power, probably couldn't govern Burma for 30 days .... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are missing,... the unity of purpose and vision?

Then let me add... Gandhi... Nehru.... Martin Luther King Jr., Lech Walensa, Cezar Chavez and Nelson Mandela ???

What does it matter, as long as they are fighters against corruption and for systemic change.


I like that group. :)

Yes I agree 100% with you, but someone has to have absolute power in a situation like this. If the PM is too soft and the General of the Army is too soft to do their job they be removed from their positions and tried for treason for letting terrorists take control and doing nothing about it. If your not part of the solution your part of the problem right?

Yeah, cannot be softie...that is like girlie men stuff! Must follow ze orders! Kick ass and take numbers or is it the other way around? Anyway, ready-fire-aim is one helluva tactic! :)

Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

Perhaps you should look at what the PM has done - ie. issued the order to clear the streets and is ignored by both military and police. HIs problem is they do not take his orders as they back the protestors. Enough said. Martial Law like his orders will not be initiated as they will not act - don't sweat it until the guns come out in the hands of the PAD - then it will be on for one and all.

Maybe Mark can call in the French foreign legion to sort the BKK mess out.

They for one won't be taken hostage by untrained reddies.

You are right. They won't be taken hostage cuz they'll raise the white flag and call the U.S. to get them out of the shit as usual.

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

Absolutely not... They have shown their terrorist element both on April 10 and last Thursday. The government should not even compromise to 9 months as they originally offered t- to do so would be to cave to the blood-stained demands of a terrorist group.

The UDD are the puppets of Thaksin, and that is their sole purpose to return a corrupt, blood stained dictator to power... The Abhisit government is legitimate and should never cave to the mob.

Nothing like throwing gasoline on a fire to help put it out.

Why was there no Martial Law while they had controlled the Airport?

Double standard again.How dare the reds make themselves heard!

You are not people get back in your place and how dare you to challenge the YELLOW ELITE!

There are only bad choices left. I am not clear exactly what they mean by martial law. How is that different than the state of emergency now in effect in Bangkok? Do they mean a military coup government? Although the pressure is coming from the yellows, instead of dismissing it as out of hand, what are the other reasonable alternatives? Don't say spot elections. If you think that would solve this crisis you aren't following the news.

Not everyone things a coup is undesirable....

It is the Puppet's (Abhisit) string pullers that are resisting any outcome. They know they will be ousted in any new election, then targeted, so cutting off their backhanded money supply. That was the main reason the demacraticly elected government was ousted in the first place, as the high and mighty in Bkk were having thier hidden souces of backhanders slowly being choked off.

The reds and seems the majority of Thai people have had enough of the Government sponsored rip offs.

Now see how many Flames come!

What an absolute crock ,based purely on your imagination, or are you privy to the inner workings of the countrys HI So?

Nothing like throwing gasoline on a fire to help put it out.

Why was there no Martial Law while they had controlled the Airport?

Double standard again.How dare the reds make themselves heard!

You are not people get back in your place and how dare you to challenge the YELLOW ELITE!

Can I get some of what you have been taking?


I hope they do not run out of colors. Now we got Reds-which-wear-anything-but-reds mingling with the Multicolored shirts? How do you separate Multicolor Green from Red Green? Is there some kind of secret handshake? Can you wear blue shoes with a red shirt? Or green tie with red jacket? Oh, that would be 70's! Is the color pink already taken by some United Group Against Fascism, Nazi Ponies and Evil Ghosts?

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