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Worsening Crisis Pushes Thailand Towards Anarchy

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The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Either somebody is very good with Photoshop or they managed to find the original photos that Thaksin was allegedly pasted onto, viewer can decide which is which.

I'd say as an amateur photographer that the ones on the right are the real deal! Did I win something for that?

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The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Either somebody is very good with Photoshop or they managed to find the original photos that Thaksin was allegedly pasted onto, viewer can decide which is which.


At least the current gov't is trying to make this a thing of the past and started with holding Thaksin (once the richest man in The Kingdom) accountable but he ran away because he was scared to face the courts to defend himself. Now he runs from a 2-year sentence while at the very minimum encourages poor Thais to risk their lives for his wealth and power.

Thaksin was once the richest man in the Kingdom? LOL! Surely there are others above him, right?

Nope... according to Forbes and other media, there wasn't at one time.


BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The NATION has degenerated into a terribly sad state, and will hopefully go down the gurgler sooner rather than later.

The Nation has already axed scores of staff and they plan to axe more soon. Nobody I knows buys their paper anymore. If they want to have a laugh, they can read the cartoons online. The journalists they employ have to swear they do not have any Thaksin sympathies and they’re not allowed to wear red in the office. It just goes to show you what they’re all about.

Remember when the Yellows used to rally outside AIS? LOL! They would organize it using the AIS network and AIS technology! LOL!

Although newspapers across the globe have laid off staff (internet), do you have a link to the fact they will be laying off more staff as they did back in 2008?

Is this something you heard from your former colleagues?


Are you French by chance? You must be from somewhere civilised!

Now, who is most likely to implement such things? The Democrats? the reds? Chart Thai Pattana?

As I've stated before, I think it will take two generations to sort things out. But it is possible.

I think it is most urgent to take action to try and make elections fair:-

1) No gerrymandering

2) Voting to be entirely confidential,

3) parties MUST publish manifestos

4) Voting buying to punished by severe prison term and life long ban from being an MP.

5) Get rid of the laughable requirement for MPs to have a degree (easily obtainable in Khao San Rd I suspect)

Response from reds? What do YOU want?

I have personnally meet general Chavalit few times, I do know that in 1997 he has been trapped by his Ministry of Finances and I do know that he is a man taking on him the errors of his subordinates.

Some people from his entourage told me that my ideas were quite close from Chavalit ones.

I will add for elections; candidates must present their campaign budget which has to be limited in order to permit poor people to be elected. Also part of the budget reimbursed if the Candidate reaches 5% of votes.

Interesting! Please can you enlighten me as to Chavalit history? What is his involvement today? Thanks

I have already told you: I am not in the Chavalit entourage, I have just gotten the opportunity to meet him 2, 3 years ago before the present affairs (before Abhisit in power)

At present, I am like you I follow what he is doing through the medias. But I appreciate that as leader he always takes full responsabilities of his subordinates and also he has a vision for development of the upper Country very similar to what I have exposed. (particularly industrial hubs in Issan). I do know also that some Thai Academics are very impressed by the French policy "Town and Country Planning" and do think they would like to implement something like that in their Country.

Do a little research into Khong-Chi-Mun, Green Isaan and Greening Isaan initiatives. Chavalit had his hand everywhere in it. All marked by no research, no public participation, no transparency, environmental damage and strong opposition from the people they claimed to want to help. It all added up to nothing with profound environmental damage added to the Isaanites lot. Some people made a lot of money though.

The Nation has already axed scores of staff and they plan to axe more soon. Nobody I know buys their paper anymore. If they want to have a laugh, they can read the cartoons online. The journalists they employ have to swear they do not have any Thaksin sympathies and they're not allowed to wear red in the office.

You seem to know a lot about company policies.

Were you another one that was made redundant and let go by them?

The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

what he should do next time is hold up a copy of that day's front page of the national newspaper from where-ever he is?

lol ... good one

10,000 angry farmers with 1,000 tractors moving into Paris. Belgian PM forced to resign--Belgium in political crisis. Ukraine parliment adjourned because of smoke bombs...

Former PM of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra is suspected of orchestrating these events with payment of large bribes, to divert attention from the anarchy in Bangkok... The stupid French farmers are just there for the money... just another yellow moment...

BREAKING NEWS! Thaksin is to bail out the country of Iceland with his secret 100 billion dollar stash he obtained from One-2-Call scratch cards. Never in the history of mankind has so much been owned by one person. Thaksin is also responsible for orchestrating the volcanic eruption using his children's funds to stop tourists being able to fly to Thailand - to get his own back on Thai Airways...

Do a little research into Khong-Chi-Mun, Green Isaan and Greening Isaan initiatives. Chavalit had his hand everywhere in it. All marked by no research, no public participation, no transparency, environmental damage and strong opposition from the people they claimed to want to help. It all added up to nothing with profound environmental damage added to the Isaanites lot. Some people made a lot of money though.

It wasnt those policies that made him popular but when he decided to give all sitting Kamnan their position for life back in the 90's. I think he was interior minister in Chuan's government at the time. Kamnan of course were and still remain very influential in recommending who would be the best candidate for the locals to vote for. Set him up for a nice albeit short and disastrous, due to selecting even more unqualified cronies rather than at least a few competents to the important positions, reward in 1997 followed by Class 5 laughing themselves senseless and offering no help as he fell. Since then a lot more local democracy has been introduced for local officials which is a good thing but it gives an idea of the kind of characters who still sadly dominate Thai politics. The time for a new generation is long long overdue

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

We could use a little Mr Chewonit to a) clear up the protest and :D fill us in on the dirt. :)

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

This is good... after all I would wager most of the 'elite' be they red or yellow... will have plenty of skeletons in the closet.

Time to blow the lid off this 'face' crap. Get it all out there. Shame those who deserve to be shamed.

Of course nobody has the balls.. because everybody is gagged, once by an elected official.. now by guns and the threat of the yellows to elevate this into civil war.

By labelling the majority of the electorate as 'sponsors of terror' or as of today, 'revolutionaries' the 'elite' have just driven a wedge deep into the population. After all, the yellow have hijacked one symbol.. now the reds have nothing, the yellows have the spotlight. The population have been steamrollered.

But again, get it out into the open... allow people to talk about the taboo... maybe some positives will come of it, in the case of the 'elite' I guess it would be a change of voting paterns come next election.

This is good... after all I would wager most of the 'elite' be they red or yellow... will have plenty of skeletons in the closet.

Time to blow the lid off this 'face' crap. Get it all out there. Shame those who deserve to be shamed.

Of course nobody had the balls.. because everybody is gagged, once by an elected official.. now by guns and the threat of the yellows to elevate this into civil war.

the threat of the Yellow shirts? .... once the red Shirts have announced they will be chasing the yellow shirts everywhere, The Yellow shirts have cancelled all movements and postponed their ultimatum to Government by another week.

The Middle Class cannot afford to meet the rural: .... Golf Club against bamboos....

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

This is good... after all I would wager most of the 'elite' be they red or yellow... will have plenty of skeletons in the closet.

Time to blow the lid off this 'face' crap. Get it all out there. Shame those who deserve to be shamed.

Of course nobody has the balls.. because everybody is gagged, once by an elected official.. now by guns and the threat of the yellows to elevate this into civil war.

By labelling the majority of the electorate as 'sponsors of terror' or as of today, 'revolutionaries' the 'elite' have just driven a wedge deep into the population. After all, the yellow have hijacked one symbol.. now the reds have nothing, the yellows have the spotlight. The population have been steamrollered.

But again, get it out into the open... allow people to talk about the taboo... maybe some positives will come of it, in the case of the 'elite' I guess it would be a change of voting paterns come next election.

Might not see eye to eye on the current conflict but Suthep needs to go. Why do the reds even need informers in the current gov't or military when they have Suthep to announce to the world any tactical moves an hour before they happen. I still cannot believe the lack of public/media flack for this blunder. I am not even sure it can be called a blunder. How do you announce the planned arrest/raid of people an hour before authorities have even moved on the suspects when you have 10,s of thousands of people near by who will obviously prevent the arrest from taking place if they get wind of it. I literally have a feeling of shock inside me when I think of this even though I know This Is Thailand.

Edit: Makes all the verbal gaffs of all US VP's put together seem intelligent.

This is good... after all I would wager most of the 'elite' be they red or yellow... will have plenty of skeletons in the closet.

Time to blow the lid off this 'face' crap. Get it all out there. Shame those who deserve to be shamed.

Of course nobody had the balls.. because everybody is gagged, once by an elected official.. now by guns and the threat of the yellows to elevate this into civil war.

the threat of the Yellow shirts? .... once the red Shirts have announced they will be chasing the yellow shirts everywhere, The Yellow shirts have cancelled all movements and postponed their ultimatum to Government by another week.

The Middle Class cannot afford to meet the rural: .... Golf Club against bamboos....

I wouldnt underestimate the yellow shirts. They have their own violent people.

The reds threatened to follow the multicolours everywhere they went (a somewhat confrontational idea consdiering) and these people rally on a daily basis. The yellows yesterday before the red announcement today said they wouldnt rally.

Now what about the SMS supposedly from Newin

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

Jerry are you suggesting that Chuvit Kamolvisit should be the next PM? :)

This is good... after all I would wager most of the 'elite' be they red or yellow... will have plenty of skeletons in the closet.

Time to blow the lid off this 'face' crap. Get it all out there. Shame those who deserve to be shamed.

Of course nobody had the balls.. because everybody is gagged, once by an elected official.. now by guns and the threat of the yellows to elevate this into civil war.

the threat of the Yellow shirts? .... once the red Shirts have announced they will be chasing the yellow shirts everywhere, The Yellow shirts have cancelled all movements and postponed their ultimatum to Government by another week.

The Middle Class cannot afford to meet the rural: .... Golf Club against bamboos....

Is this an open admission that the reds are far more violent by nature than the PAD? If so, I am glad to see Jerry finally being more honest about the violence of the reds.

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

Jerry are you suggesting that Chuvit Kamolvisit should be the next PM? :)

Not at all,I just noticed that the arguments are more and more fallacious and forged

The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Thank you for the links. Whoever said that they are "photoshop, and a very bad one", please step forward.

I did try to examine them, and admittedly the photos are of far too low resolution to make a definitive judgement, but the lighting does match the overall photo light directions and intensity, and any shadows that could give them out aren't there. The fact that object and background are in focus could be due to large aperture (or is it small aperture? high F), which would match high lighting conditions in which sunny photos were taken.

Only one that I have some doubts about is the photo in front of temple. The photographer clearly was on his/her knees when taking that photo, trying to get the temple in. For this photo to look credible, he would have to have leaned forward, but I am not sure whether he did. Also there is some chromatic aberration on this photo, on the right side of his shirt, which is not on the other photos, but then again, it could just be cheap lens.

Said that, I don't see an evidence of "a bad photoshop job". Obviously a "good photoshop job" of someone having hundreds of photos to choose from and loads of time on his hands could have produced photos that would be indistinguishable from the real ones.

Check out post 366 - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Worsening-Cr...62#entry3544562

I think that's a fairly definitive answer - unless there's some amazing photoshopping going on there

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

And that means........ Jack Sh!t !!

The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Thank you for the links. Whoever said that they are "photoshop, and a very bad one", please step forward.

I did try to examine them, and admittedly the photos are of far too low resolution to make a definitive judgement, but the lighting does match the overall photo light directions and intensity, and any shadows that could give them out aren't there. The fact that object and background are in focus could be due to large aperture (or is it small aperture? high F), which would match high lighting conditions in which sunny photos were taken.

Only one that I have some doubts about is the photo in front of temple. The photographer clearly was on his/her knees when taking that photo, trying to get the temple in. For this photo to look credible, he would have to have leaned forward, but I am not sure whether he did. Also there is some chromatic aberration on this photo, on the right side of his shirt, which is not on the other photos, but then again, it could just be cheap lens.

Said that, I don't see an evidence of "a bad photoshop job". Obviously a "good photoshop job" of someone having hundreds of photos to choose from and loads of time on his hands could have produced photos that would be indistinguishable from the real ones.

If they are not Photoshop where did the images on the right hand side of this attachment come from? Did somebody remove Thaksin by Photoshoping back in the grains of sand on the beach? Maybe they did, my photoshop skills end at save for web so I can't really judge if that is possible.



Due to people who did only took their own interest in mind and made false, empty promises to the poor, Thailand has come to a point where something has to give. The Nation Newspaper should be the last one to point fingers. The Nation has been in the camp of coup takers and the city elite for a long long time. Instead of explaining the readers how a democracy works they encouraged the yellow shirts to take over the city. It was this mob which was called "creative" by foreign minister Kasit who encouraged the have nots to adapt to the same tactics. However, where women and children were not safe at all when the yellows were on the streets. (Never seen so many incapacitated armed guards who had completely lost it) the reds are just on the street. the very same soldiers that the Nation welcomed in order to overthrow legitimate governments are settling internal scores right now. That has nothing to do with yellow or red but with the way the army is organized and the way they pass over good people.

The Nation should set a good example and explain why Abhisit is the best man for the job. (Young, inexperienced, never seen a rice paddy, rich, spoiled, never led a village, city, province or company). The Nation should also explain why there is so much disparity in income between the rich and the poor. They should explain why the rich are hardly paying any taxes, and they should explain that Thaksin is not the only one who was not paying taxes on the sale of his imperium. Nobody does in Thailand. They should explain why it is fine for a company that filed for bankruptcy and let numerous investors and banks out there with billions of dollars in bad debt to pay the Democrat party 256 million baht.

Anarchy is the rule in Thailand for 40 years. Not one person high up feels that the laws are made for them. Politicians with murderous sons buy the judges, Politicians who occupy airports buy judges, corruption and graft is a fine art in Thailand, hardly ever committed by anyone with a red shirt, they have nothing so they get nothing and can pay or ask certainly for nothing.

On top of that the Nation should explain why they support a movement (PAD) that opposes the one man, one vote principle. The Nation is only one reason why Thailand is in a sorry state.

The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Thank you for the links. Whoever said that they are "photoshop, and a very bad one", please step forward.

I did try to examine them, and admittedly the photos are of far too low resolution to make a definitive judgement, but the lighting does match the overall photo light directions and intensity, and any shadows that could give them out aren't there. The fact that object and background are in focus could be due to large aperture (or is it small aperture? high F), which would match high lighting conditions in which sunny photos were taken.

Only one that I have some doubts about is the photo in front of temple. The photographer clearly was on his/her knees when taking that photo, trying to get the temple in. For this photo to look credible, he would have to have leaned forward, but I am not sure whether he did. Also there is some chromatic aberration on this photo, on the right side of his shirt, which is not on the other photos, but then again, it could just be cheap lens.

Said that, I don't see an evidence of "a bad photoshop job". Obviously a "good photoshop job" of someone having hundreds of photos to choose from and loads of time on his hands could have produced photos that would be indistinguishable from the real ones.

I don't want to go too off topic here but political discussions are limited to the news threads where I cannot create another new thread and even though the topic of these is pictures is just that ... it is also political.

Anyway, I am not photo expert but I did find the last one a bit off. Unless those are some incredibly huge palm trees, it would seem the sun is not close to being overhead given their shadow length. Yet, look how small Thaksin's shadow is. More interesting is if you use the brightness control and adjust up and down you will see you can make the shadows of the trees thinner and even be removed in some areas but Thaksin's shadow doesn't change at all in size.

But I really don't buy the reason for doctoring the photos. If he is dead, the news would come out. And the same is true if he is gravely ill unless he truly believes he is going to make a recovery but I could actually see using his sickness to rally ... bottom line, I am not big on conspiracy theories .

BUT I would like your experienced opinion on the photo in question. Feel free to PM me if you want.

This is good... after all I would wager most of the 'elite' be they red or yellow... will have plenty of skeletons in the closet.

Time to blow the lid off this 'face' crap. Get it all out there. Shame those who deserve to be shamed.

Of course nobody had the balls.. because everybody is gagged, once by an elected official.. now by guns and the threat of the yellows to elevate this into civil war.

the threat of the Yellow shirts? .... once the red Shirts have announced they will be chasing the yellow shirts everywhere, The Yellow shirts have cancelled all movements and postponed their ultimatum to Government by another week.

The Middle Class cannot afford to meet the rural: .... Golf Club against bamboos....

Is this an open admission that the reds are far more violent by nature than the PAD? If so, I am glad to see Jerry finally being more honest about the violence of the reds.

Farmers have a far tougher job than shopkeeper or manager, so no doubt that the class confrontation will be at the disadvantage of the Middle class.

Few years ago, we have gotten the French fishermen fighting the Anti riot force, 50% of the police force sent to hospital; police have never meet such an issue. But the french fishermen have a very tough job; Atlantic is not a sea for tourists and the working conditions quite tough. Same for the Northern Farmers, I have no doubt they will break in pieces the Middle class.

BBC's Thai correspondant has just reported, (and I hope I heard right). That the government say they have evidence of a deeper plot, to overthrow the government and undermune the monarchy.

The Suthep propaganda this morning..... Red Shirt Leaders have already sued him for developing fake informations (Webfact)

The debate is going lower and lower....soon we will have all the gossips of massage parlours and brothels.....

Jerry are you suggesting that Chuvit Kamolvisit should be the next PM? :)

Not at all,I just noticed that the arguments are more and more fallacious and forged

My side or your side? Perhaps a bit of both?

The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Thank you for the links. Whoever said that they are "photoshop, and a very bad one", please step forward.

I did try to examine them, and admittedly the photos are of far too low resolution to make a definitive judgement, but the lighting does match the overall photo light directions and intensity, and any shadows that could give them out aren't there. The fact that object and background are in focus could be due to large aperture (or is it small aperture? high F), which would match high lighting conditions in which sunny photos were taken.

Only one that I have some doubts about is the photo in front of temple. The photographer clearly was on his/her knees when taking that photo, trying to get the temple in. For this photo to look credible, he would have to have leaned forward, but I am not sure whether he did. Also there is some chromatic aberration on this photo, on the right side of his shirt, which is not on the other photos, but then again, it could just be cheap lens.

Said that, I don't see an evidence of "a bad photoshop job". Obviously a "good photoshop job" of someone having hundreds of photos to choose from and loads of time on his hands could have produced photos that would be indistinguishable from the real ones.

If they are not Photoshop where did the images on the right hand side of this attachment come from? Did somebody remove Thaksin by Photoshoping back in the grains of sand on the beach? Maybe they did, my photoshop skills end at save for web so I can't really judge if that is possible.

Any link to the higher quality images of he is here/ he is not here shots? I will say the photos he was in surely made it easy to delete him out given the backgrounds. If you look at the area of the door frame of the temple, it is just a copy and mirrored image of the other side. The road and sand certainly would make it easy to delete Thaksin our of the pics as does the his positioning of at a temple where one side is simply a mirror of the other.

Due to people who did only took their own interest in mind and made false, empty promises to the poor, Thailand has come to a point where something has to give. The Nation Newspaper should be the last one to point fingers. The Nation has been in the camp of coup takers and the city elite for a long long time. Instead of explaining the readers how a democracy works they encouraged the yellow shirts to take over the city. It was this mob which was called "creative" by foreign minister Kasit who encouraged the have nots to adapt to the same tactics. However, where women and children were not safe at all when the yellows were on the streets. (Never seen so many incapacitated armed guards who had completely lost it) the reds are just on the street. the very same soldiers that the Nation welcomed in order to overthrow legitimate governments are settling internal scores right now. That has nothing to do with yellow or red but with the way the army is organized and the way they pass over good people.

The Nation should set a good example and explain why Abhisit is the best man for the job. (Young, inexperienced, never seen a rice paddy, rich, spoiled, never led a village, city, province or company). The Nation should also explain why there is so much disparity in income between the rich and the poor. They should explain why the rich are hardly paying any taxes, and they should explain that Thaksin is not the only one who was not paying taxes on the sale of his imperium. Nobody does in Thailand. They should explain why it is fine for a company that filed for bankruptcy and let numerous investors and banks out there with billions of dollars in bad debt to pay the Democrat party 256 million baht.

Anarchy is the rule in Thailand for 40 years. Not one person high up feels that the laws are made for them. Politicians with murderous sons buy the judges, Politicians who occupy airports buy judges, corruption and graft is a fine art in Thailand, hardly ever committed by anyone with a red shirt, they have nothing so they get nothing and can pay or ask certainly for nothing.

On top of that the Nation should explain why they support a movement (PAD) that opposes the one man, one vote principle. The Nation is only one reason why Thailand is in a sorry state.

I have to agree with you, the Nation is not delivering the goods. The Bangkok Post on the other hand seems to have upped its game considerably. A LOT of excellent reporting, background stories and analysis of late. It's a shame we can't use that reference here. I hope ThaiVisa re-examines that policy.

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