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Worsening Crisis Pushes Thailand Towards Anarchy

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The person asking about the "claimed" doctored photos. Here are links to them...

Thaksin Picture 1

Thaksin Picture 2

Thaksin Picture 3

Thaksin Picture 4

A small but very vocal online community started questioning if the photos are real. But I personally don't see anything funny accept the fact they are date and timed stamped but after looking at other photos posted on his FB page, I can see it is not uncommon for the date/time stamp to be on.

Thank you for the links. Whoever said that they are "photoshop, and a very bad one", please step forward.

I did try to examine them, and admittedly the photos are of far too low resolution to make a definitive judgement, but the lighting does match the overall photo light directions and intensity, and any shadows that could give them out aren't there. The fact that object and background are in focus could be due to large aperture (or is it small aperture? high F), which would match high lighting conditions in which sunny photos were taken.

Only one that I have some doubts about is the photo in front of temple. The photographer clearly was on his/her knees when taking that photo, trying to get the temple in. For this photo to look credible, he would have to have leaned forward, but I am not sure whether he did. Also there is some chromatic aberration on this photo, on the right side of his shirt, which is not on the other photos, but then again, it could just be cheap lens.

Said that, I don't see an evidence of "a bad photoshop job". Obviously a "good photoshop job" of someone having hundreds of photos to choose from and loads of time on his hands could have produced photos that would be indistinguishable from the real ones.

If they are not Photoshop where did the images on the right hand side of this attachment come from? Did somebody remove Thaksin by Photoshoping back in the grains of sand on the beach? Maybe they did, my photoshop skills end at save for web so I can't really judge if that is possible.

I looked before and formed an opinion, but didn't bother posting then.

But here goes anyway. These are better than typical Photoshop efforts

from a PR company pro, decent morphin between fromt an back

some efforts at matching tyhe look, but working with what was handed to him.

A REAL pro photographer and Photoshop artist would not have missed these

if given the option.

The Suva shot shows an overcast day, but he has bright reflections on his lapels...

impossible under those lighting conditions.

His lighting on the beach shot is a different chroma than the real sunlight.

Even if standing under a roof it's still way off.

The temple shot is the closest

but still shows a lower left shadow

that doesn't match any of the other shadow casting elements shadowing

And then the hood of the car he would be standing in front of

doesn't cast any low light under his chin or chest shirt wrinkles.

If this was a PRO effort at doing this, then they would have shot him

meticulously to match backing lighting, they didn't just took some

Thaksin photos and made them work for low res consumption.

The question of why to even bother... is one for the ages.

Is he that desperate to seem the globe trotter????

Or is it a short term ruse to keep his where abouts indistinct?

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Does anyone else (apart from the current governement) think that Aung San Suu Kyi is on Thaksins payroll?


Burma opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has drawn the ire of Thai politicians after claiming that the country's instability resulted from a constitution that was drawn up by the military.

She reportedly told lawyer Nyan Win that Burma "need not look very far" to see that "a new government coming to power under a constitution drawn up by the military will never be stable," according to AFP.

"We just see Thailand. [Former prime minister] Thaksin was an elected person. The military seized the power from an elected person. The constitution was drawn up by the military."

"After that, what happened with the first [government]? It was not stable," she said of the short-lived administration that followed the coup. "This was a result of the constitution being written by the military."

Suu Kyi's comments have angered the upper echelons of the Thai government, whose grip on power is now looking tenuous.

Thai news agency Matichon quoted a Thai senator as saying that he was "so very disappointed" with the comments "because Mrs Aung San Suu Kyi should understand Thailand better".

He also reportedly demanded that an "audit of the financial path" to Suu Kyi be made public to see whether she had "received support from anyone," likely a reference to Thaksin.

I guess the yellow shirt view is that Aung San Suu Kyi is on the redshirts payroll...she might have gone further and told the world that criticism of the document was made illegal before the vote....what a shame that she is undercutting the predominant yellow lie on here that Abhisit's government is legitimate...

I am keeping track of the international press and Abhisit isn't getting a good rap, and his constant talk about terrorists only draws derisory guffs as it is printed in quotation marks to highlight the nonsense that it is....the sympathies are with the ones killed by the army on April 10th and the plucky few who are prepared to put themselves in harm's way to have a chance to vote...

I would argue that they in the west don't live here and that applies mostly to the US and GB... not much to be proud of in their realms of foreign policy. They are good at starting wars, wouldn't you agree? What is news worthy in the west is a bloody body count, and not the complexity's of a developing nation. The media in the west is looking for a headline to sell papers... Got it yet?

Better wake up and get your coffee before you open your mouth... You get things really wrong. You need to face the reality in Thailand that a violent crackdown at Rajprasong WILL produce a civil war.
And what makes you think that will ever happen? Why not have a think before ranting at people?

A few thousand paid thugs does not a sizeable proportion of the country make. Could be wrong, but I can't see the vast majority of Isaan folk making a fuss and taking up arms to have a go at the middle classes because a mob from their own neighbourhood was totalled. Most of them are just ordinary folk that want to get on with things, yet some people lump them all together as if they're one entity ready to pounce.

Should there be a crackdown, the worst that'll probably happen will be groups of thugs causing strife for cash. Take away the leaders and the cash flow and it'll wither away.


Someone mentioned he lived in isaan and how hard it is to farm out there..I used to sometimes go to my girlfriends village in nakon sawan and stay in her mothers house (or rather we should say shack) for a week or so, it was typical poor rural thailand, an outhouse, no running water (water from the well), the house was wooden and we would sleep on the upper level under mosquito nets and they were poor farmers.. I have to say I have much more sympathy for the urban poor than I do the rural poor, being poor in those rurla areas you don't got no creature comforts, but at night it's really quite, and it cools off better there at night (urban areas create heat islands where the temperature is higher at night) and the mornings are very pleasant, during the days they either work the fields or kick back under the house, not alot of money but hunger is never an issue since there farmers.. I would stay there day after day and not be bothered except for getting bored, it was just like camping.. they would take me to some wilderness area when they had time, which they often had, so i woudn't get too bored..

being poor in the urban areas is worse, shantytown housing invested with rats and roaches (in rural area your not so crowded together and rats and roaches are much more urban) theres noise, its hotter, its dirtier and pollution, if your poor theres likly to be a smell of sewage or some crap like that, work long hours for little pay-i don't think i could hack that day after day;, most middle class people are making what, 10000 a month..everythings more expensive in the city.. so I tend to aggree with what your saying, these so called 'urban elites' that are attending at the multicolor are not rich and even the yellow shirts don't look rich to me.. if the large urban lower-middleclass in Thailand is squeezed we're gonna have a real economic disaster here..

These people have something to lose, as do quite a few Phuket/Samui/Bangkok farangs whose "wives" are part of the middle class that lives off of Democrat corruption.

Oh, and that justifies intimidation, violence and walking over other people's right to get on with life without fear does it?

My wife is part of this so-called corrupt middle class that is supposed to be living a life of luxury at the expense of red shirt supporters. She has studied hard for degrees in a number of fields and ends up with jobs that pay very little. We live with her family because we are trying to save enough money to buy our own house. All her family work hard at jobs that don't really pay enough. We are certainly not living off corruption and have no "contacts" to get us ahead in life.

However, the fact that people like us are horrified at the anarchy the red shirts are causing leaves us to be dismissed as "corrupt, rich, middle class or yellow shirts". Thanks for the democratic right to disagree.

Oh, and The Nation are probably pissed with Thaksin because every time they wrote a critical article of him they were sued and/or raided by the police. We know what type of democracy we get under the redshirt party, it includes the democratic right for the PM to decide who should be shot in the street by the police without trial.

Maybe Sondhi's on a yacht in the Adriatic with his long lost bum chum Thaksin. Wouldn't that be funny?! If that were true, the Reds would still have a case to fight on, but the Yellows wouldn't. But that probably won't be. And how could those gunmen have missed that final shot?

A professional assassin would only need 1 bullet to finish Sondhi off.

It could either be a complete bunch of idiots who never had firearms in their hands hired to do the job, or a part of a Theatre performance.

Theatre performance/ Complete with cranial surgery!

You guys are amazing ... this is one of those Tin-Hat things that I just don't get!

It's hard to imagine that 200+ shots at him from a couple of meters ended up with total of 1 non-lethal hit, while all around him was looking like swiss cheese.

I am not saying Sondhi put up a show. Maybe someone put up a show for him without intent to kill, but to send a message instead.

Naw.. it was a hoax.... had to be. Any arrests? Any deaths? It reminds me of the bomb that went off off on Thaksins plane while the plane was empty. Thais can be quite theatrical you know?



-- The Nation

Red shirt leaders denied on Tuesday their involvement in a campaign designed to overthrow the monarchy and threatened to sue the government for defamation.

Redshirt leader Natthawut Saikua said none of the reds were linked in any attempts to harm the monarchy.

He said portraying the reds as disloyal to the monarchy was just a figment of the government's and the military's imagination, adding that the reds had instructed their lawyers to initiate a defamation lawsuit.

He went on to question why the authorities were labelling the reds as terrorists when those involved in violence in the three southernmost provinces were classified as insurgents.

Redshirt leader weng Tojirakarn said the reds were struggling to achieve six goals, none of which was about overthrowing the monarchy as alleged.


There are many if not most within the red movement who wish for the unthinkable, including Thaksin, who once tried to get hold of the royal funds. Then the communists ... Plenty of proof around.

When I watched locals away from the scenes today, I figured most are really scarred now. Even many reds have changed colors because of this.


When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Naw.. it was a hoax.... had to be. Any arrests? any deaths? It reminds me of the bomb that went off off on Thaksins plane while the plane was empty. Thais can be quite theatrical you know?
There was no bomb in the plane. The explosion of the 737 was caused by running the air-con whilst on the ground causing the centre fuel tank to detonate, resulting in the death of one cabin crew member.
Naw.. it was a hoax.... had to be. Any arrests? any deaths? It reminds me of the bomb that went off off on Thaksins plane while the plane was empty. Thais can be quite theatrical you know?
There was no bomb in the plane. The explosion of the 737 was caused by running the air-con whilst on the ground causing the centre fuel tank to detonate, resulting in the death of one cabin crew member.

... just to get his 'air-force one'. It was all orchestrated.


-- The Nation

Red shirt leaders denied on Tuesday their involvement in a campaign designed to overthrow the monarchy and threatened to sue the government for defamation.

Redshirt leader Natthawut Saikua said none of the reds were linked in any attempts to harm the monarchy.

He said portraying the reds as disloyal to the monarchy was just a figment of the government's and the military's imagination, adding that the reds had instructed their lawyers to initiate a defamation lawsuit.

He went on to question why the authorities were labelling the reds as terrorists when those involved in violence in the three southernmost provinces were classified as insurgents.

Redshirt leader weng Tojirakarn said the reds were struggling to achieve six goals, none of which was about overthrowing the monarchy as alleged.


There are many if not most within the red movement who wish for the unthinkable, including Thaksin, who once tried to get hold of the royal funds. Then the communists ... Plenty of proof around.

When I watched locals away from the scenes today, I figured most are really scarred now. Even many reds have changed colors because of this.

It's a big issue and Abhisit needs to start a national dialogue on it on behalf of all Thai people. He can't start it under these conditions however and maybe that's why these conditions exist.

Better wake up and get your coffee before you open your mouth... You get things really wrong. You need to face the reality in Thailand that a violent crackdown at Rajprasong WILL produce a civil war.
And what makes you think that will ever happen? Why not have a think before ranting at people?

A few thousand paid thugs does not a sizeable proportion of the country make. Could be wrong, but I can't see the vast majority of Isaan folk making a fuss and taking up arms to have a go at the middle classes because a mob from their own neighbourhood was totalled. Most of them are just ordinary folk that want to get on with things, yet some people lump them all together as if they're one entity ready to pounce.

Should there be a crackdown, the worst that'll probably happen will be groups of thugs causing strife for cash. Take away the leaders and the cash flow and it'll wither away.

The Red shirts must be dreaming of an attempt to take them over as if the military did this the reds know that they would win. They would have worldwide support and would become martyrs in Thailand. Dont underestimate the strength of red shirt support. I see and hear it all the time in Bangkok. People have been made to realize what a controlled and unequal society this is and that knowledge wont go away.

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

yeah its falling apart fast. Only nation I can think of that would enable and allow all of this monkey business to go on.

You spend some time in a village ... you drink weekly on Saturdays ... the rest of your time is in France?

While I do find your story plausible, it is strictly anecdotal about your in-laws and only when you are there with them. The fact that there are many cases of methyl-alcohol poisonings annually and that the statistics of alcohol sales in Thailand is amongst the highest per-capita in the world certainly tells another story.

Lao Khao is CHEAP and kept that way for a reason ...... the reason is the marketplace

For your information, I have spent less than a week in France since 2002. And I have checked with my wife: in the village where we are (around 1000 houses) only drinking the Lao Khao for parties (Songkran, marriage....) The week end, with my in Laws I drink a couple of beers...and around us similar. Thailand is certainly less alcoholic than UK which has heavy drinking records.

In the area where we are alcohol is not in the diet. Maybe your area is different.

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

Well what would you do with a man who has ruined a country, Knight him?

Better wake up and get your coffee before you open your mouth... You get things really wrong. You need to face the reality in Thailand that a violent crackdown at Rajprasong WILL produce a civil war.
And what makes you think that will ever happen? Why not have a think before ranting at people?

A few thousand paid thugs does not a sizeable proportion of the country make. Could be wrong, but I can't see the vast majority of Isaan folk making a fuss and taking up arms to have a go at the middle classes because a mob from their own neighbourhood was totalled. Most of them are just ordinary folk that want to get on with things, yet some people lump them all together as if they're one entity ready to pounce.

Should there be a crackdown, the worst that'll probably happen will be groups of thugs causing strife for cash. Take away the leaders and the cash flow and it'll wither away.

The Red shirts must be dreaming of an attempt to take them over as if the military did this the reds know that they would win. They would have worldwide support and would become martyrs in Thailand. Dont underestimate the strength of red shirt support. I see and hear it all the time in Bangkok. People have been made to realize what a controlled and unequal society this is and that knowledge wont go away.

1- It is clear that Army is divided.

2- The Red Shirt issue happens now but socially it has to happen at some times due to the too important differences in the Thai Society. It was unavoidable...If it is postponed, the social issue will bounce back. It has to be adressed correctly.

3- Yes there are some other interests superimposed to the Red Shirts ones and which are manipulating the situation independantly of the Red Shirts. it is interesting if you have the opportunity to read some foreign sources which are censored in Thailand (like Mandala), you will discover than the situation is more complex than Red/yellow shirt conflict and you will have confirmation that we are on the verge of a Civil war, you will understand also that the Thaksin episod is far behind us since the 10th of April. The situation is quite sensitive.

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  ..oops my ass fell off   :)

Naw.. it was a hoax.... had to be. Any arrests? any deaths? It reminds me of the bomb that went off off on Thaksins plane while the plane was empty. Thais can be quite theatrical you know?
There was no bomb in the plane. The explosion of the 737 was caused by running the air-con whilst on the ground causing the centre fuel tank to detonate, resulting in the death of one cabin crew member.

Tell that to the Thais... and I'd like to hear that from Boeing...

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

Well what would you do with a man who has ruined a country, Knight him?

Cheapshot at the easiest scapegoat. I haven't seen him out there with an RPG or stacking tires on the BTS, or blocking police and disrupting life.

If anything, he's been way too nice tolerating these low lifes and their ridiculous behavior.

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

Well what would you do with a man who has ruined a country, Knight him?

Cheapshot at the easiest scapegoat. I haven't seen him out there with an RPG or stacking tires on the BTS, or blocking police and disrupting life.

If anything, he's been way too nice tolerating these low lifes and their ridiculous behavior.

Lets remember Thailand pre Abhisit and Thailand post Abhisit, go on make my day and tell me its a better place now. Remember the buck stops with the PM.

You spend some time in a village ... you drink weekly on Saturdays ... the rest of your time is in France?

While I do find your story plausible, it is strictly anecdotal about your in-laws and only when you are there with them. The fact that there are many cases of methyl-alcohol poisonings annually and that the statistics of alcohol sales in Thailand is amongst the highest per-capita in the world certainly tells another story.

Lao Khao is CHEAP and kept that way for a reason ...... the reason is the marketplace

For your information, I have spent less than a week in France since 2002. And I have checked with my wife: in the village where we are (around 1000 houses) only drinking the Lao Khao for parties (Songkran, marriage....) The week end, with my in Laws I drink a couple of beers...and around us similar. Thailand is certainly less alcoholic than UK which has heavy drinking records.

In the area where we are alcohol is not in the diet. Maybe your area is different.

Perhaps your area is not representative of Thailand then Jerry. If true it would follow that your observations and the ideas arising from those observations are suspect. Then again perhaps the areas in which I have lived are equally non-representative. Who knows?


Lots of Yellow jokers around these days. The funniest hang out and Victory Monument at 4.00pm waving the Thai flag and singing children's songs. They must think it's a game or something because the DJ just gets the crowd to repeat what he says. All as dumb as the next one if you ask of. A total waste of space. Why the rural folk have put up with these muppets ruling them for so long baffles me. For all of Thaksin's wrongdoings, I'm glad he came along.

Better wake up and get your coffee before you open your mouth... You get things really wrong. You need to face the reality in Thailand that a violent crackdown at Rajprasong WILL produce a civil war.
And what makes you think that will ever happen? Why not have a think before ranting at people?

A few thousand paid thugs does not a sizeable proportion of the country make. Could be wrong, but I can't see the vast majority of Isaan folk making a fuss and taking up arms to have a go at the middle classes because a mob from their own neighbourhood was totalled. Most of them are just ordinary folk that want to get on with things, yet some people lump them all together as if they're one entity ready to pounce.

Should there be a crackdown, the worst that'll probably happen will be groups of thugs causing strife for cash. Take away the leaders and the cash flow and it'll wither away.

The Red shirts must be dreaming of an attempt to take them over as if the military did this the reds know that they would win. They would have worldwide support and would become martyrs in Thailand. Dont underestimate the strength of red shirt support. I see and hear it all the time in Bangkok. People have been made to realize what a controlled and unequal society this is and that knowledge wont go away.

1- It is clear that Army is divided.

2- The Red Shirt issue happens now but socially it has to happen at some times due to the too important differences in the Thai Society. It was unavoidable...If it is postponed, the social issue will bounce back. It has to be adressed correctly.

3- Yes there are some other interests superimposed to the Red Shirts ones and which are manipulating the situation independantly of the Red Shirts. it is interesting if you have the opportunity to read some foreign sources which are censored in Thailand (like Mandala), you will discover than the situation is more complex than Red/yellow shirt conflict and you will have confirmation that we are on the verge of a Civil war, you will understand also that the Thaksin episod is far behind us since the 10th of April. The situation is quite sensitive.

Virtually everyone has been saying it is complex for ages. It is only certain low level red propagandists who use if you arent red you are yellow. Even the PAD dont claim it is all about Thaksin look at some of Sondhis stuff. This has been discussed extensively on here for months and months. As to how much Thaksin remains involved people differ and that would only be answered were the reds to win. Most external westren analysis mentions splits in the military whgich have been discussed here for years. Most western military analysis mentions a particular power broker and a force he set up as being the big worry for soldier on soldier stuff although some others have differnet theories which since the recent positioning of forces seem to have lost ground to the other theory. Janes had some stuff on this but slightly dated and Professor Balls book has been recommended for understanding. For military gossip albeit unsubstantiated Crispin is a good source in English. I note today that NM has rehashed the now minority opinion story of April 10 but in a very gossipy unsubstantiated way, which is a tad amazing consdieriung what they accuse the Nation of but it does fit with their slant so only to be expected.

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

Well what would you do with a man who has ruined a country, Knight him?

Cheapshot at the easiest scapegoat. I haven't seen him out there with an RPG or stacking tires on the BTS, or blocking police and disrupting life.

If anything, he's been way too nice tolerating these low lifes and their ridiculous behavior.

He has just given the order conducting to the 10th April bloodbath.....

When will Abhisit step down and leave the country? Abhisit has lost already and the Reds haven't even sent in their troops! Doesn't Abhisit get the message? The Reds are giving him and his government time to stop unnecessary bloodshed. From my source, the Reds have enough to hold out for months more, and they have the means to fight and win - not only in Bangkok. Why do you think the Yellows aren't protesting anymore? I even know wealthy Bangkokians who are leaving the country. They know it's the end.

Why on Earth are you saying that Abhisit should be sent into exile???

Well what would you do with a man who has ruined a country, Knight him?

Cheapshot at the easiest scapegoat. I haven't seen him out there with an RPG or stacking tires on the BTS, or blocking police and disrupting life.

If anything, he's been way too nice tolerating these low lifes and their ridiculous behavior.

These guys live in their own little universe. they've been blathering on about abhisit being finished for weeks now. abhisit is still around, unlike thousands of the red shirts, who to their credit, were probably sickened by the violent shift the movement took on. the yellow/multi color shirts decided not to go back on the street in order to avoid more violence, as the reds threatened to follow them around, inciting more fighting.

You spend some time in a village ... you drink weekly on Saturdays ... the rest of your time is in France?

While I do find your story plausible, it is strictly anecdotal about your in-laws and only when you are there with them. The fact that there are many cases of methyl-alcohol poisonings annually and that the statistics of alcohol sales in Thailand is amongst the highest per-capita in the world certainly tells another story.

Lao Khao is CHEAP and kept that way for a reason ...... the reason is the marketplace

For your information, I have spent less than a week in France since 2002. And I have checked with my wife: in the village where we are (around 1000 houses) only drinking the Lao Khao for parties (Songkran, marriage....) The week end, with my in Laws I drink a couple of beers...and around us similar. Thailand is certainly less alcoholic than UK which has heavy drinking records.

In the area where we are alcohol is not in the diet. Maybe your area is different.

So is that a Muslim village then? Or a nice middle class one? I have never ever come across a poor rural village like that and I have been in literally hundreds. I ahve also never heard of anyone else finding a poor place like that outside the deep south I would be genuinely interested to know. Of course not exact address as we haver to repsect privacy but general idea

Naw.. it was a hoax.... had to be. Any arrests? any deaths? It reminds me of the bomb that went off off on Thaksins plane while the plane was empty. Thais can be quite theatrical you know?
There was no bomb in the plane. The explosion of the 737 was caused by running the air-con whilst on the ground causing the centre fuel tank to detonate, resulting in the death of one cabin crew member.

Tell that to the Thais... and I'd like to hear that from Boeing...
How about the official NTSB Advisory? How about the 2005 press release re lack of FAA action on this at that time.




Are th bars open tonight?


All is good.


Fast way out is over the Lao border if need be farang.

Make some money, short the baht.

Good luck all

Odds for the Reds went from 10 to 1 against to near even money now in the UK.

You spend some time in a village ... you drink weekly on Saturdays ... the rest of your time is in France?

While I do find your story plausible, it is strictly anecdotal about your in-laws and only when you are there with them. The fact that there are many cases of methyl-alcohol poisonings annually and that the statistics of alcohol sales in Thailand is amongst the highest per-capita in the world certainly tells another story.

Lao Khao is CHEAP and kept that way for a reason ...... the reason is the marketplace

For your information, I have spent less than a week in France since 2002. And I have checked with my wife: in the village where we are (around 1000 houses) only drinking the Lao Khao for parties (Songkran, marriage....) The week end, with my in Laws I drink a couple of beers...and around us similar. Thailand is certainly less alcoholic than UK which has heavy drinking records.

In the area where we are alcohol is not in the diet. Maybe your area is different.

Evidently your area is not representative of Thailand then Jerry. It follows that your observations and the ideas arising from those observations are necessarily suspect.

Or maybe it is your area which is not representative.

First we have to take out from statistics Pattaya, Cowboy Stret, NanaThai, Patpong, udon Thani... because mainly Farangs are the heavy drunkers, and I will add mainly UK and Northern European ...this is to add to their National statistics and deducted from Thailand one.

Better wake up and get your coffee before you open your mouth... You get things really wrong. You need to face the reality in Thailand that a violent crackdown at Rajprasong WILL produce a civil war.
And what makes you think that will ever happen? Why not have a think before ranting at people?

A few thousand paid thugs does not a sizeable proportion of the country make. Could be wrong, but I can't see the vast majority of Isaan folk making a fuss and taking up arms to have a go at the middle classes because a mob from their own neighbourhood was totalled. Most of them are just ordinary folk that want to get on with things, yet some people lump them all together as if they're one entity ready to pounce.

Should there be a crackdown, the worst that'll probably happen will be groups of thugs causing strife for cash. Take away the leaders and the cash flow and it'll wither away.

The Red shirts must be dreaming of an attempt to take them over as if the military did this the reds know that they would win. They would have worldwide support and would become martyrs in Thailand. Dont underestimate the strength of red shirt support. I see and hear it all the time in Bangkok. People have been made to realize what a controlled and unequal society this is and that knowledge wont go away.

1- It is clear that Army is divided.

2- The Red Shirt issue happens now but socially it has to happen at some times due to the too important differences in the Thai Society. It was unavoidable...If it is postponed, the social issue will bounce back. It has to be adressed correctly.

3- Yes there are some other interests superimposed to the Red Shirts ones and which are manipulating the situation independantly of the Red Shirts. it is interesting if you have the opportunity to read some foreign sources which are censored in Thailand (like Mandala), you will discover than the situation is more complex than Red/yellow shirt conflict and you will have confirmation that we are on the verge of a Civil war, you will understand also that the Thaksin episod is far behind us since the 10th of April. The situation is quite sensitive.

I have never had an MICT notice from a Mandala article. Perhaps you are mistaken?

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