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While Driving, You Were Stopped By Reds To Be Searched


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An object lesson along these very lines from Charles Dickens' The Pickwick Papers, Chapter XIII:

It appears, then, that the Eatanswill people, like the people of many other small towns, considered themselves of the utmost and most mighty importance, and that every man in Eatanswill, conscious of the weight that attached to his example, felt himself bound to unite, heart and soul, with one of the two great parties that divided the town--the Blues and the Buffs. Now the Blues lost no opportunity of opposing the Buffs, and the Buffs lost no opportunity of opposing the Blues; and the consequence was, that whenever the Buffs and Blues met together at public meeting, town-hall, fair, or market, disputes and high words arose between them. With these dissensions it is almost superfluous to say that everything in Eatanswill was made a party question. If the Buffs proposed to new skylight the market-place, the Blues got up public meetings, and denounced the proceeding; if the Blues proposed the erection of an additional pump in the High Street, the Buffs rose as one man and stood aghast at the enormity. There were Blue shops and Buff shops, Blue inns and Buff inns--there was a Blue aisle and a Buff aisle in the very church itself.

Of course it was essentially and indispensably necessary that each of these powerful parties should have its chosen organ and representative: and, accordingly, there were two newspapers in the town--the Eatanswill GAZETTE and the Eatanswill INDEPENDENT; the former advocating Blue principles, and the latter conducted on grounds decidedly Buff. Fine newspapers they were. Such leading articles, and such spirited attacks!--`Our worthless contemporary, the GAZETTE`--`That disgraceful and dastardly journal, the INDEPENDENT`--`That false and scurrilous print, the INDEPENDENT`-`That vile and slanderous calumniator, the GAZETTE;` these, and other spirit-stirring denunciations, were strewn plentifully over the columns of each, in every number, and excited feelings of the most intense delight and indignation in the bosoms of the townspeople.

Mr. Pickwick, with his usual foresight and sagacity, had chosen a peculiarly desirable moment for his visit to the borough. Never was such a contest known. The Honourable Samuel Slumkey, of Slumkey Hall, was the Blue candidate; and Horatio Fizkin, Esq., of Fizkin Lodge, near Eatanswill, had been prevailed upon by his friends to stand forward on the Buff interest. The GAZETTE warned the electors of Eatanswill that the eyes not only of England, but of the whole civilised world, were upon them; and the INDEPENDENT imperatively demanded to know, whether the constituency of Eatanswill were the grand fellows they had always taken them for, or base and servile tools, undeserving alike of the name of Englishmen and the blessings of freedom. Never had such a commotion agitated the town before.

It was late in the evening when Mr. Pickwick and his companions, assisted by Sam, dismounted from the roof of the Eatanswill coach. Large blue silk flags were flying from the windows of the Town Arms Inn, and bills were posted in every sash, intimating, in gigantic letters, that the Honourable Samuel Slumkey`s committee sat there daily. A crowd of idlers were assembled in the road, looking at a hoarse man in the balcony, who was apparently talking himself very red in the face in Mr. Slumkey`s behalf; but the force and point of whose arguments were somewhat impaired by the perpetual beating of four large drums which Mr. Fizkin`s committee had stationed at the street corner. There was a busy little man beside him, though, who took off his hat at intervals and motioned to the people to cheer, which they regularly did, most enthusiastically; and as the redfaced gentleman went on talking till he was redder in the face than ever, it seemed to answer his purpose quite as well as if anybody had heard him.

The Pickwickians had no sooner dismounted than they were surrounded by a branch mob of the honest and independent, who forthwith set up three deafening cheers, which being responded to by the main body (for it`s not at all necessary for a crowd to know what they are cheering about), swelled into a tremendous roar of triumph, which stopped even the red-faced man in the balcony.

`Hurrah!` shouted the mob, in conclusion.

`One cheer more,` screamed the little fugleman in the balcony, and out shouted the mob again, as if lungs were cast-iron, with steel works.

`Slumkey for ever!` roared the honest and independent.

`Slumkey for ever!` echoed Mr. Pickwick, taking off his hat. `No Fizkin!` roared the crowd.

`Certainly not!` shouted Mr. Pickwick. `Hurrah!` And then there was another roaring, like that of a whole menagerie when the elephant has rung the bell for the cold meat.

`Who is Slumkey?`whispered Mr. Tupman.

`I don`t know,` replied Mr. Pickwick, in the same tone. `Hush. Don`t ask any questions. It`s always best on these occasions to do what the mob do.`

`But suppose there are two mobs?` suggested Mr. Snodgrass.

`Shout with the largest,` replied Mr. Pickwick.

Volumes could not have said more.

They entered the house, the crowd opening right and left to let them pass, and cheering vociferously. The first object of consideration was to secure quarters for the night.

`Can we have beds here?` inquired Mr. Pickwick, summoning the waiter.

`Don`t know, Sir,` replied the man; `afraid we`re full, sir--I`ll inquire, Sir.` Away he went for that purpose, and presently returned, to ask whether the gentleman were `Blue.`

As neither Mr. Pickwick nor his companions took any vital interest in the cause of either candidate, the question was rather a difficult one to answer. In this dilemma Mr. Pickwick bethought himself of his new friend, Mr. Perker.

`Do you know a gentleman of the name of Perker?` inquired Mr. Pickwick.

`Certainly, Sir; Honourable Mr. Samuel Slumkey`s agent.`

`He is Blue, I think?`

`Oh, yes, Sir.`

`Then WE are Blue,` said Mr. Pickwick; but observing that the man looked rather doubtful at this accommodating announcement, he gave him his card, and desired him to present it to Mr. Perker forthwith, if he should happen to be in the house. The waiter retired; and reappearing almost immediately with a request that Mr. Pickwick would follow him, led the way to a large room on the first floor, where, seated at a long table covered with books and papers, was Mr. Perker.

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If you have any brain at all you carry a case of Hong Thong around in your vehicle. When a mob (or BIB) stop you, just pass a bottle out the window.

Hong Thong is as good or better than cash...and you will probably be invited to stay and have a drink with the boys....

Then again if you are an Eaton and Oxford type of guy, you can preach a sermon on the true meaning of democracy and civil rights......they love that too... :)

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There are reports in Bangkok at the red occupied zones that red guards are sometimes demanding money from foreigners passing into their zone, and also when searching STEALING things such as cash and credit cards. You want these thugs to run this country? Craziness!

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I strongly feel the reds if they take over are going to be EXTREMELY anti-foreigner. If you don't believe it, read some of the recent anti-foreign hate rhetoric from pro-red Thais posting on this very forum.

Edited by Jingthing
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I strongly feel the reds if they take over are going to be EXTREMELY anti-foreigner. If you don't believe it, read some of the recent anti-foreign hate rhetoric from pro-red Thais posting on this very forum.

Just read some of the disgusting name calling, racist BS directed at Thai people by some of the supposedly educated and civilized foreigners on this very forum.

Works both ways don't you think?

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I was stopped by redshirts at a roadblock.

What I wanted to do was have a sensible discussion with them about whether understood the Thai electoral system and that the party they wanted to reinstate had been caught cheating on video and that the current government are composed of elected MPs who represent a majority of Thais under the current system. I would have liked to ask them what ideas they had for creating a more equal Thai society, maybe they supported the idea of removing the rule that only people with degrees could become an MP so that it wasn't an exclusive club of rich boys. However, I tried that a few times at Ratchaprasong and got shouted down and threatened with violence before being manhandled out of the way.

What I actually did was to say, "Sawat dee, you like Man U? Liverpool? Wayne Rooney. Thaksin good" and I was allowed to pass unhindered. If you speak chimpanzee you can go to the chimpanzee's tea party.

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I strongly feel the reds if they take over are going to be EXTREMELY anti-foreigner. If you don't believe it, read some of the recent anti-foreign hate rhetoric from pro-red Thais posting on this very forum.

Just read some of the disgusting name calling, racist BS directed at Thai people by some of the supposedly educated and civilized foreigners on this very forum.

Works both ways don't you think?

No, I don't think it is the same thing at all. Foreigners have no power and never will here. The reds in power is a very scary prospect for both Thais and foreigners.

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I strongly feel the reds if they take over are going to be EXTREMELY anti-foreigner. If you don't believe it, read some of the recent anti-foreign hate rhetoric from pro-red Thais posting on this very forum.

Just read some of the disgusting name calling, racist BS directed at Thai people by some of the supposedly educated and civilized foreigners on this very forum.

Works both ways don't you think?

No, I don't think it is the same thing at all. Foreigners have no power and never will here. The reds in power is a very scary prospect for both Thais and foreigners.

You missed the point Jing....nothing to do with power or no power...if you were Thai, how would you feel about the crap that is posted on here...the language, the references to Thais being morons, monkeys, blah blah. I realize than most of this garbage is directed at the UDD people, (or anyone who shows the remotest sympathy towards them) but they are Thai too. Just because you disagree with people, or their cause, or their methods, does not warrant the kind of filthy name calling some our our illustrious members seem to thing is appropriate. The next two posts after mine used: scum...and Chimpanzees..when referring to these people. That kind of stuff will really raise our currency in Thailand...

Makes me wonder what kind of people we have in our ranks.....vocabulary is not their strong point obviously.

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I agree demeaning name calling is uncalled for such as those in your example. However, when people act in a thuggish way, what is wrong with calling them thugs? When people use terrorist tactics, what is wrong with calling them terrorists?

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My worst nightmare is if I am being stopped by reds with my baby daughter in the car.

How are these things actually managed? The driver is asked to leave the vehicle while they search? If I try to explain in poor thai, they will physically remove me from the car thus leaving my baby alone...? I've had several nightmares about this already and my only solution so far is to refrain from going anywhere with the family.

The question still remains, what the <deleted>** would you do if you HAD to bring your 3 week old baby in the car and you get stopped for a search...?

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In my opinion, allowing groups of people to search someone for arbitrary reasons places the country on the verge of total anarchy. Unless dealt with, this is likely to escalate to a complete breakdown of social rules and reluctance to follow laws and regulations. Give this another week and we could see this develop into looting, serious vandalism and possibly a civil war.

There are several similar situations on the historical map. I don’t want to frighten anyone, but in those cases it has ALWAYS turned out rather bad for foreigners. In some cases, many foreigners didn’t even make it out alive, but got hacked to pieces.

It is remarkable that this is not dealt with.

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