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is Thaksin really Dead?


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Well, all you armchair investigators, get googling and see what you come up with. There is much info out there that suggests that Thaksin has died.

Here is a start.

Nation Blog

then maybe here

Siam Politics

Anybody else heard these rumours? Very strange.

The photos that recently were put on his facebook page are all rather strange. It would appear that on the 17/7 he was in Fiji and on the 21/4 he was in the seychelles. If you use photoshop to adjust the contrast and zoom in you can see where the date blocks have been erased and other dates inserted. Also on two of the photos it is pretty clear that his image has been pasted on to the background photo. This site here looks at the photos closely.

Thaksin Photos

It is interesting some of the Leaders have said to Journalists, 'stop talking about the Reds and Thaksin, don't associate the Reds with him, don't mention him, the Reds are a power on their own with new leadership'.

So the question is, is the man dead?

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I am reopening this thread, as I am receiving a few comments from members that they do wish to discuss the genuinity of the photographs and the various aspects of rumours being flown around.

however, will be keeping a close eye on the discussion. Im hoping this will not turn into yet another who is right, who is wrong, who should or should not use force

thanks for your understanding and patience.


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Thanks for reopening the thread.

If we can keep this on track, it is not a political thread, just trying to pull together all of the very different sources on the web to find out if this growing rumor has any truth in it.



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I think he may be dead as I have heard his wife and daughter are in the way to his place and the government is waiting till the family announces the death. All RED shirt will be going to Chaing Mai for the funeral ceremony and the Government can clean up. As the gesture, the government will announce earlier election than 90 days since there is no issue with Thaksin anymore. So the problem will be solved gracefully.

I also believe in tooth fairy :)

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From my previous topic (that was closed):

Recently there has been some rumors about fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra health, some say he has cancer and is dying or already dead. Thaksin has posted pictures of him at travel locations and at the beach (on either facebook or twitter, not certain) to counter these claims. There has been lots of people trying to show that these pictures are fake, you might want to see for your self




those are the websites that seem reasonable, although you need to know a little bit about photoshop editing for the last one-they are basically increasing the contrast to find the patches of editing made around thaksin's body and dates.

BTW Thanks to MiG16 for opening one of the forums for us to discuss this

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From my previous topic (that was closed):

Recently there has been some rumors about fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra health, some say he has cancer and is dying or already dead. Thaksin has posted pictures of him at travel locations and at the beach (on either facebook or twitter, not certain) to counter these claims. There has been lots of people trying to show that these pictures are fake, you might want to see for your self




those are the websites that seem reasonable, although you need to know a little bit about photoshop editing for the last one-they are basically increasing the contrast to find the patches of editing made around thaksin's body and dates.

BTW Thanks to MiG16 for opening one of the forums for us to discuss this

Thanks to you! It was your post and a comment from my wife that sparked my interest and got me sniffing around on this one. I particularly like the 3rd link you provide. Quite an eye opener. The question is why would they fake the photo's, because they do seem fake.

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From my previous topic (that was closed):

Recently there has been some rumors about fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra health, some say he has cancer and is dying or already dead. Thaksin has posted pictures of him at travel locations and at the beach (on either facebook or twitter, not certain) to counter these claims. There has been lots of people trying to show that these pictures are fake, you might want to see for your self




those are the websites that seem reasonable, although you need to know a little bit about photoshop editing for the last one-they are basically increasing the contrast to find the patches of editing made around thaksin's body and dates.

BTW Thanks to MiG16 for opening one of the forums for us to discuss this

Thanks to you! It was your post and a comment from my wife that sparked my interest and got me sniffing around on this one. I particularly like the 3rd link you provide. Quite an eye opener. The question is why would they fake the photo's, because they do seem fake.

Well people are speculating that the fake photos are to proof that he is in perfect health, even though he's not.

A scheme to cover up is health problems, but i can't prove it though, just a speculation the websites and friends.

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well somebody did crack these images and lifted Thaksin straight off them.


So he was in Saudi untill the 12th April, Fiji on the 17th and the seychelles on the 21st, and today he sends photos from Russia. Busy chap.

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A completely unverifiable Facebook source said his family had been spotted in HK wearing black funeral attire ready to board a private jet. Well imaginations are clearly out on the treadmill at the least.

It just seems bizarre they'd fake images of him, and there's many questions surrounding that AFP video released recently.

My suggestion to Tulsie for proof of life was for him to give Gordon Brown election campaign advice...

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Have also heard testicular cancer.

If dead, who stands to benefit by hiding it? It's going to come out if true so I really don't get the motivation.

There's more than just Thaksin hanging on the success of the reds, but Thaksin is the person many of the reds are fighting for. The people benefiting need to maintain this support.

I personally thought the rumours were started possibly in order to "smoke him out" - his silence could be owing to a condition of wherever he is staying. By forcing him to speak out he will then be breaking that condition thus making life difficult for him.

The lengths gone to deny it however, and the fact the pretty well-informed 2Bangkok.com site stated "reliable sources in the foreign diplomatic corps in Bangkok have circulated information on Thaksin's ongoing health problems", started to make me consider otherwise.

2Bangkok.com has update on the AFP story however saying it's pretty genuine.

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I just don't understand how nobody has got a picture of him. I guess his name is pretty much known by most journalists in the world. When guys like this arrive at an airport, people find out. Some employees at airports get very nice back handers for information on any 'celebs etc' . Thaksin was supposed to be in Fuji, not really a big place, yet no news channels or newspaper journo's and photographers get him. The same story 4 days later in the Seychelles. Journo's would love to get him to ask him some pointed questions, but nothing!

If he has croaked it the motivation for the close family not to announce is there if you think about it, as we should not discuss it.

All very curious.

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From my previous topic (that was closed):

Recently there has been some rumors about fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra health, some say he has cancer and is dying or already dead. Thaksin has posted pictures of him at travel locations and at the beach (on either facebook or twitter, not certain) to counter these claims. There has been lots of people trying to show that these pictures are fake, you might want to see for your self




those are the websites that seem reasonable, although you need to know a little bit about photoshop editing for the last one-they are basically increasing the contrast to find the patches of editing made around thaksin's body and dates.

BTW Thanks to MiG16 for opening one of the forums for us to discuss this

Thanks to you! It was your post and a comment from my wife that sparked my interest and got me sniffing around on this one. I particularly like the 3rd link you provide. Quite an eye opener. The question is why would they fake the photo's, because they do seem fake.

Last I heard he was a fugitive and being sought not to mention more then a few probably want him out of the way so it stands to reason that they could have photo shopped them to throw off any possible investigations taking place or other types of potential hazards like smart bombs ala Osama :) ....

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I just don't understand how nobody has got a picture of him. I guess his name is pretty much known by most journalists in the world. When guys like this arrive at an airport, people find out. Some employees at airports get very nice back handers for information on any 'celebs etc' . Thaksin was supposed to be in Fuji, not really a big place, yet no news channels or newspaper journo's and photographers get him. The same story 4 days later in the Seychelles. Journo's would love to get him to ask him some pointed questions, but nothing!

If he has croaked it the motivation for the close family not to announce is there if you think about it, as we should not discuss it.

All very curious.

Ever heard of misleading information? He did use to be a PM of Thailand you know? They're masters of such techniques...

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The 2Bangkok site even has a comment supposedly from the photographer who took the April Montenegro photos. Like it or not, it appears he's still amongst us.

Which should make us even more concerned as to why is wife and kids have chosen to depart the country again.

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