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King Power Again

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Someone mentioned Heathrow as expensive - Heathrow (and Gatwick) have a standing rule with retailers that all items must be priced no more expensive than their average highstreet stores - as most retailers are chain companies, this works. In the duty free sections you may end up paying as much as outside even without the tax, but still fairer than most airports I've been too - especially in Europe. In Germany once I was charged £12 for two cans of coke and a black coffee at a coffee stall (not a swanky coffee shop) - this was about 15 years ago too when the pound was worth something.

I can buy booze at my local high street shop cheaper than in the 'Duty Free' at Heathrow.

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Someone mentioned Heathrow as expensive - Heathrow (and Gatwick) have a standing rule with retailers that all items must be priced no more expensive than their average highstreet stores - as most retailers are chain companies, this works. In the duty free sections you may end up paying as much as outside even without the tax, but still fairer than most airports I've been too - especially in Europe. In Germany once I was charged £12 for two cans of coke and a black coffee at a coffee stall (not a swanky coffee shop) - this was about 15 years ago too when the pound was worth something.

I can buy booze at my local high street shop cheaper than in the 'Duty Free' at Heathrow.

Erm very likely, I doubt your corner shop could afford the rent or rates at Heathrow - however if they did, they would have to charge the same at the airport as they do in the highstreet. This was what I said, not that the retail outlets in their are not to be beaten. They have a Harrods in there; guess I can find a pair of pants cheaper in Primark though.

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Normally I don't buy anything in duty free shop are the airport anywhere in the world. Things are cheaper downtown like in Bangkok and anybody who is inform about the King Power scam that happened before should not put a step in those stores, I don't even put a foot in those King Power store.

Duty free prices are also dependent of the price of the same items in your home country that is why I buy only one thing in duty free shop and it's in London Hearthrow at World of Whiskies, Single malt whiskies are 50 % and more cheaper then in my home country because here they are putting so much taxes on booze.

You have to be crazy to shoplift in a international airport like Suvarnabhumi because you can't escape if they catch you and prisons in Canada look like a resort compare to Thai prisons.

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Sounds like it's business as usual at King Power. These staff must sit around all day waiting to pounce like perched vultures waiting for a victim.

When I feel like taking a walk on the wild side, I go into King Power duty free. But seriously, I think everyone who has trouble at these places is guilty.

The last time I was there, I tried to provoke an incident by picking up stuff and looking at it and putting it back. It didn't work, the staff just let me do whatever.

You mean king power is a regular shop like any other and not a giant conspiracy? Lets not kid ourselves!

I am convinced that king power are out to get us, when im in the airport i even avoid looking at the shop, I literally avert my eyes. I also run or sprint past their shops at the same time- better to be safe than sorry.

indeed, nobody should be worried about red shirts when King Power is right there in the airport.

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The problem as I understood it was that the open plan layout of many of the shops in King Power lead to people being accused of steeling when they are just ambling around the shop with something in their hand.

Then there was the scam where something additional was dropped in the bag on payment, the purchaser through it was a freebee, when apprehended they have no receipt for the extra item.

At the Airport with my wife (and in fact at any shop - i.e. power mall in Paragon) when we want something we ask the staff to take it to the counter so we are not walking around with it. That is quite normal here. So perhaps there is something cultural in the way that when the staff see us walking around with a bottle of perfume in our hands and go into a different area they over react, either innocently or knowingly that they might get a little kick back.

Sometimes I think I would quite enjoy the opportunity to get caught in a scam like this and see exactly how much of a stink I could cause for those involved.

That's a very good point. I've seen people - mostly Thais - give the staff the items to take to the cashier in a few shops in town (BKK) but I never gave it much thought. You might be on to something there.

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When that couple were caught and extorted by the Thai police, Sri Lankan illegal and KP security staff, a lot of other worms slipped from the can. The British press (who took up the story for obvious reasons) found people languishing in jail, and back in Blighty that had caughed up, that confirmed these scams. There were the free gift (not on the receipt) scam, the extra item in the bag scam and the wrong item rang up scam. Too many corraborative stories IMO 0 smoke and fire and all that. Of course when the video (and the strange things they did afterwards) proved them to be guilty, it killed off the whole story. I still advise people not to even browse KP at the airports. I can always find things cheaper here - even better duty free places (see above) for good whiskies etc.

Someone mentioned Heathrow as expensive - Heathrow (and Gatwick) have a standing rule with retailers that all items must be priced no more expensive than their average highstreet stores - as most retailers are chain companies, this works. In the duty free sections you may end up paying as much as outside even without the tax, but still fairer than most airports I've been too - especially in Europe. In Germany once I was charged £12 for two cans of coke and a black coffee at a coffee stall (not a swanky coffee shop) - this was about 15 years ago too when the pound was worth something.

Well, even though the video proved that those customers were in fact shop lifting- im afraid its too late for facts to be relevant in this case. King power is clearly scamming people. I advise people upon seeing a king power store 1) close eyes tightly 2) run past the store FAST. Or even better once through immigration, lock yourself in a toilet cubicle, cover your ears and say 'lalalalalala' outloud until they announce the last call for your flight, then run FAST to your gate and board the plane (avoiding eye contact with king power staff). Remember, better to be safe than sorry.

Good one... reminds me of myself when I'm at BKK airport. The only things I ever buy at airports are a few sandwiches, a cup of coffee and or a bottle of water. But after reading about the horror stories about KP I SIMPLY avoid the store completely - don't even look at it when I'm passing - I kid you not. Fair enough, the 2 last year were apparently guilty of stealing but to lock them away and demand money like that from them is simply wrong. It put me off KP for ever! Cheap or not...

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Duty free shops normally mean shops that are cheaper than down town.

Except Thailand.

And Heathrow.

And Singapore.

Cameras cheaper in Orchard Road than Duty Free.

And as for Bangkok - whatever the truth behind the issues - I just walk by as I don't have the time for any hassle, and I bet many other people do the same.

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The problem as I understood it was that the open plan layout of many of the shops in King Power lead to people being accused of steeling when they are just ambling around the shop with something in their hand.

Then there was the scam where something additional was dropped in the bag on payment, the purchaser through it was a freebee, when apprehended they have no receipt for the extra item.

At the Airport with my wife (and in fact at any shop - i.e. power mall in Paragon) when we want something we ask the staff to take it to the counter so we are not walking around with it. That is quite normal here. So perhaps there is something cultural in the way that when the staff see us walking around with a bottle of perfume in our hands and go into a different area they over react, either innocently or knowingly that they might get a little kick back.

Sometimes I think I would quite enjoy the opportunity to get caught in a scam like this and see exactly how much of a stink I could cause for those involved.

That's a very good point. I've seen people - mostly Thais - give the staff the items to take to the cashier in a few shops in town (BKK) but I never gave it much thought. You might be on to something there.

The staff get a commission on the sale, so even if you were to walk towards the till carrying the item yourself someone would be sure to pounce on you to help carry it.

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  • 1 month later...

Normally I don't buy anything in duty free shop are the airport anywhere in the world. Things are cheaper downtown like in Bangkok and anybody who is inform about the King Power scam that happened before should not put a step in those stores, I don't even put a foot in those King Power store.

Duty free prices are also dependent of the price of the same items in your home country that is why I buy only one thing in duty free shop and it's in London Hearthrow at World of Whiskies, Single malt whiskies are 50 % and more cheaper then in my home country because here they are putting so much taxes on booze.

You have to be crazy to shoplift in a international airport like Suvarnabhumi because you can't escape if they catch you and prisons in Canada look like a resort compare to Thai prisons.

Are the various King Power scams still going on? They havent been in the news of late . .but we are still warning every visitor ( and we see quite a few) to be very wary, to just stay out of the duty-free shops, and if they MUST buy something to check their bags and receipts VERY carefully.

We wont even go near them when we travel through there. .sticking to the middle of the hallway well away from their "invisible lines."

The extra few baht you might save are just not worth the huge risk.

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I always buy some spirit or perfume in King Power. Happy with that. Cheaper than BKK. Spirit 1 litre not 0.700 and cheaper then .700 everywhere in TH. No complaining.

Yep. Came in a week ago and bought a litre bottle of Courvosier VSOP for 1900 baht. A 700ml bottle at Rimping costs 1950 baht. Bought it at that little lashed-up King stand in the carousel area.

However, as I was groggy from the long flight, I failed to utter "Thai baht" when I handed them my credit card. So, King got some extra of my money through Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) [the rate I got was 31.152; 32.42 was the rate I could have gotten with my E*Trade credit card. According to the slip, King shares this gouge with Kasikorn Bank.]

Anyway, the saga of DCC is found in this thread:


Interestingly, the folks I had trouble with a few years back over DCC (Home Pro and Rimping) are apparently out of this business. At least I don't have to say "Thai baht" anymore to avoid getting trick-phucked.

That King Power is sticking it to us, however, comes as no real surprise........

I doubt the little girl at the King stand had the power, on her own, to reverse the DCC transaction, at least based on my experience with Home Pro....

.....even 'tho the sales slip said: "I acknowledge I have a choice to pay in THB and understand that the elected transaction currency is final." This appears after the signature line, so I guess once you've signed, they've 'gotcha.'

Tasty Cognac, however. And most of the price was quite satisfactory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm sure if he was innocent or guilty the video evidence would prove it.

The problem is having the time and balls to demand to see a video and not getting sucked into there extortion traps.


Far to much bad publicity and where there is smoke.....and they bribed them selves into the airport anyway, honest organization to deal with??????.

I wouldnt give them 1 satang.

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I recall that some years ago now, when the airport was just opened, an official responding to the question,"Why are there so few chairs for people to sit in while waiting at the airport?", answered like this; "We don't want chairs at the departure waiting area. We want them to be walking around the duty-free shops and shopping (i.e. King Power)", said our airport official.

I remember that well, and since that time I make VERY SURE that I do not, and will not ever, buy a single item from those duty-free shops (especially in the departure areas) run by King Power. They have nothing I want anyhow, and once insulted (as by that comment) I have a LONG MEMORY of the insult. For that reason H_ll will be extremely cold and frozen over before I buy any items from those duty-free shops run by King Power.

Insult me once...your blame, but insult me twice...my blame (for giving you the 2nd chance).


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"King Power are still waiting on their first delivery of Marlboro Lights....so funny they still have cards saying they have run out"

I thought they would be selling fake marlboro cigarettes by now.

counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes made in China

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Yes your,e right about the prices I priced a pair of water buffalo horns, on a wood base varnished up, @ K.P.over 2000 baht, I bought 6 pair of same thing @ hilltribe village on the way from tha-ton to chaing-rai by longtail boat for the pricely sum of 1200baht,200baht each, I give K.P. a wide berth.

regards songhklasiB)d )

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